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Trellwands were energy weapons developed by the advanced native civilisation of the planet Ydar.

They primarily appeared as "epee-like" blades, long and flexible, but could also deliver electric shocks at short range thanks to a capacitor built into the hilt.

At some point, the Corsair acquired a Trellwand which became his weapon of choice. He kept it in a dimensionally transcendental holster on his belt, preventing it from encumbering it when he hadn't drawn it. He lost it in his fight with Miss Garglespike after stabbing her through the ribcage with it — he pinned her onto a tree and, as the blow hadn't killed her, had to break the blade off at the hilt and secure it with a holy charm in order to keep her trapped there long enough for him and Venn to escape. (PROSE: The Bloodletters)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Trellwands as illustrated in the "glossary of terms and skill" appendix of The Lords of Destiny.

Ydaran trellwands originated in The Lords of Destiny, an interactive story part of FASA's The Doctor Who Role Playing Game. The book's "glossary of terms and skills" included schematics and gave the following blurb for the weapon:

This one-meter-long metal rod with ornate hand grips fires a lightning-like bolt of electricity. Range is limited to five meters. The energy is generated by special capacitors within the rod, which require 30 seconds between shots to recharge.The Lords of Destiny