UNIT archive

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UNIT archives included the Black Archives (TV: Enemy of the Bane, The Day of the Doctor) up to Black Archive 5, (AUDIO: Armageddon) the Warehouse, (HOMEVID: Auton) and the Vault. (AUDIO: Tales from the Vault, Mastermind)

According to the UNIT archives, a Berserker pendant surfaced in a barracks in Ealing in 1940, but was lost during a German bombing raid. (TV: The Mark of the Berserker)

Jack Harkness "bequeathed" his vortex manipulator to the UNIT archive upon one of his deaths. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

Major Jenny Maguire once joked that UNIT should defrost a "squiddy thing" from the stores and release it to the press. (PROSE: Operation London)

UNIT seemed to have a "Head Archivist" as of the 2020s. In 2022, this role was filled by Joel (AUDIO: Recruits). At some point, Harriet Arbinger became Head of the Archive, and was later revealed to be the Harbinger for Sutekh. (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday)