This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name Default message text Current message text 1movedto2 (Talk) moved $1 to $2 1movedto2_redir (Talk) moved $1 to $2 over redirect ? (Talk) ? a (Talk) Answer: about (Talk) About aboutpage (Talk) Project:About aboutsite (Talk) About Tardis Wiki abtesting (Talk) A/B Testing abtesting-create-experiment-exp-name (Talk) Experiment name (this will become a varaible so make it short but descriptive) abtesting-create-experiment-heading (Talk) Create Experiment abtesting-create-experiment-submit (Talk) Create abtesting-create-experiment-treatment-groups (Talk) Treatment Groups abtesting-desc (Talk) The A/B Testing extension is used by Wikia to test what effects different features or settings have on actual users. abusefilter (Talk) Abuse filter configuration abusefilter-accountreserved (Talk) This account name is reserved for use by the abuse filter. abusefilter-action-block (Talk) Block abusefilter-action-blockautopromote (Talk) Block autopromote abusefilter-action-degroup (Talk) Remove from groups abusefilter-action-disallow (Talk) Disallow abusefilter-action-rangeblock (Talk) Range-block abusefilter-action-tag (Talk) Tag abusefilter-action-throttle (Talk) Throttle abusefilter-action-warn (Talk) Warn abusefilter-autopromote-blocked (Talk) This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and it has been disallowed. In addition, as a security measure, some privileges routinely granted to established accounts have been temporarily revoked from your account. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1 abusefilter-blocked-display (Talk) This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and you have been prevented from executing it. In addition, to protect Tardis Wiki, your user account and all associated IP addresses have been blocked from editing. If this has occurred in error, please contact an administrator. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1 abusefilter-blocker (Talk) Abuse filter abusefilter-blockreason (Talk) Automatically blocked by abuse filter. Description of matched rule: $1 abusefilter-changeslist-examine (Talk) examine abusefilter-degrouped (Talk) This action has been automatically identified as harmful. Consequently, it has been disallowed, and, since your account is suspected of being compromised, all rights have been revoked. If you believe this to have been in error, please contact a bureaucrat with an explanation of this action, and your rights may be restored. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1 abusefilter-degroupreason (Talk) Rights automatically stripped by abuse filter. Rule description: $1 abusefilter-deleted (Talk) Deleted abusefilter-desc (Talk) Applies automatic heuristics to edits abusefilter-diff-backhistory (Talk) Back to filter history abusefilter-diff-info (Talk) Basic information abusefilter-diff-invalid (Talk) Unable to fetch the requested versions abusefilter-diff-item (Talk) Item abusefilter-diff-pattern (Talk) Filter conditions abusefilter-diff-title (Talk) Differences between versions abusefilter-diff-version (Talk) Version from $1 by $2 abusefilter-disabled (Talk) Disabled abusefilter-disallowed (Talk) This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and therefore disallowed. If you believe your edit was constructive, please inform an administrator of what you were trying to do. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1 abusefilter-edit-action-block (Talk) Block the user and/or IP address from editing abusefilter-edit-action-blockautopromote (Talk) Revoke the user's autoconfirmed status abusefilter-edit-action-degroup (Talk) Remove the user from all privileged groups abusefilter-edit-action-disallow (Talk) Prevent the user from performing the action in question abusefilter-edit-action-flag (Talk) Flag the edit in the abuse log abusefilter-edit-action-rangeblock (Talk) Block the /16 range from which the user originates abusefilter-edit-action-tag (Talk) Tag the edit for further review abusefilter-edit-action-throttle (Talk) Trigger actions only if the user trips a rate limit abusefilter-edit-action-warn (Talk) Trigger these actions after giving the user a warning abusefilter-edit-bad-tags (Talk) One or more of the tags you specified is not valid. Tags should be short, and they should not contain special characters. abusefilter-edit-badfilter (Talk) The filter you specified does not exist
abusefilter-edit-badsyntax (Talk) There is a syntax error in the filter you specified. The output from the parser was:
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-ccnorm (Talk) Normalise confusable characters (ccnorm)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-contains-any (Talk) Search string for multiple substrings (contains_any)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-count (Talk) Number of times string X appears in string Y (count)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-ip_in_range (Talk) Is IP in range? (ip_in_range)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-lcase (Talk) To lower case (lcase)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-length (Talk) String length (length)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-norm (Talk) Normalise (norm)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rcount (Talk) Number of times regex X appears in string Y (rcount)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rmdoubles (Talk) Remove double-characters (rmdoubles)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rmspecials (Talk) Remove special characters (rmspecials)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rmwhitespace (Talk) Remove whitespace (rmwhitespace)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-set_var (Talk) Set variable (set_var)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-specialratio (Talk) Special characters / total characters (specialratio)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-str_replace (Talk) Replace substring with string (str_replace)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-strpos (Talk) Position of substring in string (strpos)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-substr (Talk) Substring (substr)
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-funcs (Talk) Functions
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-misc (Talk) Miscellaneous
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-arithmetic (Talk) Arithmetic operators
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-bool (Talk) Boolean operators
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-comparison (Talk) Comparison operators
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-vars (Talk) Variables
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-cond (Talk) Conditional (if X then Y else Z)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-contains (Talk) Left string contains right string (contains)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-in (Talk) contained in string (in)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-irlike (Talk) Matches regex, case insensitive (irlike)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-like (Talk) Matches pattern (like)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-rlike (Talk) Matches regex (rlike)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-stringlit (Talk) String literal ("")
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-tern (Talk) Ternary operator (X ? Y : Z)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-addition (Talk) Addition (+)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-divide (Talk) Division (/)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-modulo (Talk) Modulo (%)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-multiplication (Talk) Multiplication (*)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-pow (Talk) Power (**)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-subtraction (Talk) Subtraction (-)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-and (Talk) And (&)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-not (Talk) Not (!)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-or (Talk) Or (|)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-xor (Talk) XOR (^)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-equal (Talk) Equal to (==)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-gt (Talk) Greater than (>)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-gte (Talk) Greater than or equal to (>=)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-lt (Talk) Less than (<)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-lte (Talk) Less than or equal to (<=)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-notequal (Talk) Not equal to (!=)
abusefilter-edit-builder-select (Talk) Select an option to add it at the cursor
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-accountname (Talk) Account name (on account creation)
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-action (Talk) Action
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-added-links (Talk) All external links added in the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-addedlines (Talk) Lines added in edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-all-links (Talk) All external links in the new text
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-article-id (Talk) Page ID
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-article-ns (Talk) Page namespace
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-article-prefixedtext (Talk) Full page title
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-article-text (Talk) Page title (without namespace)
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-delta (Talk) Size change in edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-diff (Talk) Unified diff of changes made by edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-file-sha1 (Talk) SHA1 hash of file contents
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-minor-edit (Talk) Whether or not the edit is marked as minor
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-id (Talk) Page ID of move source page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-ns (Talk) Namespace of move source page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-prefixedtext (Talk) Full title of move source page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-text (Talk) Title of move source page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-id (Talk) Page ID of move destination page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-ns (Talk) Namespace of move destination page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-prefixedtext (Talk) Full title of move destination page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-text (Talk) Title of move destination page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-new-html (Talk) Parsed HTML source of the new revision
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-new-text (Talk) New page wikitext, after the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-new-text-stripped (Talk) New page text, stripped of any markup
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-newsize (Talk) New page size
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-html (Talk) Old page wikitext, parsed into HTML
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-links (Talk) Links in the page, before the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-text (Talk) Old page wikitext, before the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-text-stripped (Talk) Old page text, stripped of any markup
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-oldsize (Talk) Old page size
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-recent-contributors (Talk) Last ten users to contribute to the page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-removed-links (Talk) All external links removed in the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-removedlines (Talk) Lines removed in edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-restrictions-edit (Talk) Edit protection level of the page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-restrictions-move (Talk) Move protection level of the page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-summary (Talk) Edit summary/reason
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-timestamp (Talk) Unix timestamp of change
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-tor-exit-node (Talk) Whether or not the change was made through a tor exit node
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-age (Talk) Age of user account
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-editcount (Talk) Edit count of user
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-emailconfirm (Talk) Time email address was confirmed
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-groups (Talk) Groups (including implicit) user is in
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-name (Talk) Name of user account
abusefilter-edit-check (Talk) Check syntax
abusefilter-edit-consequences (Talk) Actions taken when matched
abusefilter-edit-deleted (Talk) Mark as deleted
abusefilter-edit-denied (Talk) You may not view details of this filter, because it is hidden from public view.
abusefilter-edit-description (Talk) Description: :(publicly viewable)
abusefilter-edit-done (Talk) You have successfully saved your changes to filter $1.
abusefilter-edit-done-subtitle (Talk) Filter edited
abusefilter-edit-enabled (Talk) Enable this filter
abusefilter-edit-export (Talk) Export this filter to another wiki
abusefilter-edit-flags (Talk) Flags:
abusefilter-edit-hidden (Talk) Hide details of this filter from public view
abusefilter-edit-history (Talk) History:
abusefilter-edit-hitcount (Talk) Filter hits:
abusefilter-edit-id (Talk) Filter ID:
abusefilter-edit-lastmod (Talk) Filter last modified:
abusefilter-edit-lastmod-text (Talk) $1 by $2
abusefilter-edit-main (Talk) Filter parameters
abusefilter-edit-new (Talk) New filter
abusefilter-edit-notallowed (Talk) You are not permitted to create or edit abuse filters
abusefilter-edit-notes (Talk) Notes: :(private)
abusefilter-edit-oldwarning (Talk) You are editing an old version of this filter. The statistics quoted are for the most recent version of the filter. If you save your changes, you will overwrite all changes since the revision you are editing. • Return to this filter's history.
abusefilter-edit-restricted (Talk) You cannot edit this filter, because it contains one or more restricted actions. Please ask a user with permission to add restricted actions to make the change for you.
abusefilter-edit-revert (Talk) Revert actions taken by this filter
abusefilter-edit-rules (Talk) Conditions:
abusefilter-edit-save (Talk) Save filter
abusefilter-edit-status (Talk) Of the last $1 actions, this filter has matched $2 ($3%). On average, its run time is $4 ms, and it consumes $5 conditions of the condition limit.
abusefilter-edit-status-label (Talk) Statistics:
abusefilter-edit-subtitle (Talk) Editing filter $1
abusefilter-edit-syntaxerr (Talk) Syntax error detected: $1
abusefilter-edit-syntaxok (Talk) No syntax errors detected.
abusefilter-edit-tag-tag (Talk) Tags to apply (one per line):
abusefilter-edit-test-link (Talk) Test this filter against recent edits
abusefilter-edit-throttle-count (Talk) Number of actions to allow:
abusefilter-edit-throttle-groups (Talk) Group throttle by: :(one per line, combine with commas)
abusefilter-edit-throttle-period (Talk) Period of time:
abusefilter-edit-throttle-seconds (Talk) $1 seconds
abusefilter-edit-throttled (Talk) Warning: This filter was automatically disabled as a safety measure. It reached the limit of matching more than $1% of actions.
abusefilter-edit-tools (Talk) Tools:
abusefilter-edit-viewhistory (Talk) View this filter's history
abusefilter-edit-warn-actions (Talk) Actions:
abusefilter-edit-warn-edit (Talk) Create/Edit selected message
abusefilter-edit-warn-message (Talk) System message to use for warning:
abusefilter-edit-warn-other (Talk) Other message
abusefilter-edit-warn-other-label (Talk) Page name of other message: :(without MediaWiki prefix)
abusefilter-edit-warn-preview (Talk) Preview selected message
abusefilter-enabled (Talk) Enabled
abusefilter-examine (Talk) Examine individual changes
abusefilter-examine-diff (Talk) Diff URL:
abusefilter-examine-incompatible (Talk) The change you requested is not supported by the Abuse Filter
abusefilter-examine-intro (Talk) This page allows you to examine the variables generated by the Abuse Filter for an individual change, and test it against filters.
abusefilter-examine-legend (Talk) Select changes
abusefilter-examine-match (Talk) The filter matched this change.
abusefilter-examine-nomatch (Talk) The filter did not match this change.
abusefilter-examine-noresults (Talk) No results were found for the search parameters you provided.
abusefilter-examine-notfound (Talk) The change you requested could not be found.
abusefilter-examine-submit (Talk) Search
abusefilter-examine-syntaxerror (Talk) The filter has invalid syntax
abusefilter-examine-test (Talk) Test this change against a filter
abusefilter-examine-test-button (Talk) Test filter
abusefilter-examine-title (Talk) Page title:
abusefilter-examine-user (Talk) User:
abusefilter-examine-vars (Talk) Variables generated for this change
abusefilter-exception-dividebyzero (Talk) Illegal attempt to divide $2 by zero at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-expectednotfound (Talk) Expected a $2 at character $1, not found (found $3 $4 instead).
abusefilter-exception-invalidoperator (Talk) Invalid operator "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-noparams (Talk) No parameters given to function "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-notenoughargs (Talk) Not enough arguments to function $2 called at character $1. Expected $3 arguments, got $4
abusefilter-exception-notlist (Talk) Requesting array item of non-array at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-outofbounds (Talk) Requesting non-existent list item $2 (list size = $3) at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-overridebuiltin (Talk) Illegal overriding of built-in variable "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-regexfailure (Talk) Error in regular expression "$3" at character $1: "$2"
abusefilter-exception-unclosedstring (Talk) Unclosed string starting at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unexpectedatend (Talk) Unexpected "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unexpectedtoken (Talk) Unexpected token "$3" (of type $2) at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedkeyword (Talk) Unrecognised keyword $2 at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedtoken (Talk) Unrecognised token "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedvar (Talk) Unrecognised variable $2 at character $1
abusefilter-filter-log (Talk) Recent filter changes
abusefilter-hidden (Talk) Private
abusefilter-history (Talk) Change history for Abuse Filter #$1
abusefilter-history-actions (Talk) Actions
abusefilter-history-backedit (Talk) Back to filter editor
abusefilter-history-comments (Talk) Comments
abusefilter-history-deleted (Talk) Deleted
abusefilter-history-diff (Talk) Changes
abusefilter-history-enabled (Talk) Enabled
abusefilter-history-error-hidden (Talk) The filter you requested is hidden, and you cannot view its history.
abusefilter-history-filter (Talk) Filter rule
abusefilter-history-filterid (Talk) Filter
abusefilter-history-flags (Talk) Flags
abusefilter-history-foruser (Talk) Changes by $1
abusefilter-history-global (Talk) Global
abusefilter-history-hidden (Talk) Hidden
abusefilter-history-public (Talk) Public filter description
abusefilter-history-select-legend (Talk) Refine search
abusefilter-history-select-submit (Talk) Refine
abusefilter-history-select-user (Talk) User:
abusefilter-history-timestamp (Talk) Time
abusefilter-history-user (Talk) User
abusefilter-hitcount (Talk) $1 hits
abusefilter-import-intro (Talk) You can use this interface to import filters from other wikis. On the source wiki, click "Export this filter to another wiki" under "⧼abusefilter-tools-subtitle⧽" on the editing interface. Copy from the textbox that appears, and paste it into this textbox, then click "Import data".
abusefilter-import-submit (Talk) Import data
abusefilter-intro (Talk) Welcome to the Abuse Filter management interface. The Abuse Filter is an automated software mechanism of applying automatic heuristics to all actions. This interface shows a list of defined filters, and allows them to be modified.
abusefilter-list (Talk) All filters
abusefilter-list-consequences (Talk) Consequences
abusefilter-list-details (Talk) Details
abusefilter-list-edit (Talk) Edit
abusefilter-list-hitcount (Talk) Hit count
abusefilter-list-id (Talk) Filter ID
abusefilter-list-lastmodified (Talk) Last modified
abusefilter-list-limit (Talk) Number per page:
abusefilter-list-options (Talk) Options
abusefilter-list-options-deleted (Talk) Deleted filters:
abusefilter-list-options-deleted-hide (Talk) Hide deleted filters
abusefilter-list-options-deleted-only (Talk) Show only deleted filters
abusefilter-list-options-deleted-show (Talk) Include deleted filters
abusefilter-list-options-disabled (Talk) Disabled filters:
abusefilter-list-options-hidedisabled (Talk) Hide disabled filters
abusefilter-list-options-submit (Talk) Update
abusefilter-list-public (Talk) Public description
abusefilter-list-status (Talk) Status
abusefilter-list-visibility (Talk) Visibility
abusefilter-log (Talk) Abuse filter log
abusefilter-log-cannot-see-details (Talk) You do not have permission to see details of this entry.
abusefilter-log-detailedentry-global (Talk) global filter $1
abusefilter-log-detailedentry-local (Talk) filter $1
abusefilter-log-detailedentry-meta (Talk) $1: $2 triggered $3, performing the action "$4" on $5. Actions taken: $6; Filter description: $7 ($8)
abusefilter-log-details-diff (Talk) Changes made in edit
abusefilter-log-details-hidden (Talk) You cannot view the details for this entry because it is hidden from public view.
abusefilter-log-details-ip (Talk) Originating IP address
abusefilter-log-details-legend (Talk) Details for log entry $1
abusefilter-log-details-private (Talk) Private data
abusefilter-log-details-val (Talk) Value
abusefilter-log-details-var (Talk) Variable
abusefilter-log-details-vars (Talk) Action parameters
abusefilter-log-detailslink (Talk) details
abusefilter-log-entry (Talk) $1: $2 triggered an abuse filter, performing the action "$3" on $4. Actions taken: $5; Filter description: $6
abusefilter-log-entry-modify (Talk) modified $1 ($2)
abusefilter-log-header (Talk) This log shows a summary of changes made to filters. For full details, see the list of recent filter changes.
abusefilter-log-hidden (Talk) (entry hidden)
abusefilter-log-hide (Talk) hide or unhide
abusefilter-log-hide-forbidden (Talk) You do not have permission to hide abuse log entries.
abusefilter-log-hide-hidden (Talk) Hide this entry from public view
abusefilter-log-hide-id (Talk) Log entry ID:
abusefilter-log-hide-legend (Talk) Hide log entry
abusefilter-log-hide-reason (Talk) Reason:
abusefilter-log-hidelink (Talk) adjust visibility
abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs (Talk) abuse log
abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs-text (Talk) Abuse log for this user
abusefilter-log-name (Talk) Abuse Filter log
abusefilter-log-noactions (Talk) none
abusefilter-log-noresults (Talk) No results
abusefilter-log-search (Talk) Search the abuse log
abusefilter-log-search-filter (Talk) Filter ID:
abusefilter-log-search-submit (Talk) Search
abusefilter-log-search-title (Talk) Title:
abusefilter-log-search-user (Talk) User:
abusefilter-log-summary (Talk) This log shows a list of all actions caught by the filters.
abusefilter-logentry-suppress (Talk) hid "$1"
abusefilter-logentry-unsuppress (Talk) unhid "$1"
abusefilter-management (Talk) Abuse filter management
abusefilter-mustbeeditor (Talk) For security reasons, only users with the right to modify abuse filters may use this interface.
abusefilter-new (Talk) Create a new filter
abusefilter-reautoconfirm-done (Talk) Account's autoconfirmed status has been restored
abusefilter-reautoconfirm-none (Talk) That user has not had their autoconfirmed status suspended.
abusefilter-reautoconfirm-notallowed (Talk) You are not allowed to restore autoconfirmed status.
abusefilter-return (Talk) Return to filter management
abusefilter-revert-confirm (Talk) Confirm
abusefilter-revert-filter (Talk) Filter:
abusefilter-revert-intro (Talk) This form allows you to revert all changes made by the abuse filter due to filter $1. Please exercise care in using this tool.
abusefilter-revert-periodend (Talk) Period end:
abusefilter-revert-periodstart (Talk) Period start:
abusefilter-revert-preview-intro (Talk) Below are the actions taken by the abuse filter that will be reverted by this action. Please check them carefully, and click "confirm" to confirm your selection.
abusefilter-revert-preview-item (Talk) $1: $2 made a $3 on $4. Actions to be reverted: $5 ($6)
abusefilter-revert-reason (Talk) Automatic revert of all actions taken by the abuse filter due to filter $1. Reason given: $2
abusefilter-revert-reasonfield (Talk) Reason for revert:
abusefilter-revert-search (Talk) Select actions
abusefilter-revert-search-legend (Talk) Select abuse filter actions to be reverted
abusefilter-revert-success (Talk) You have reverted all actions taken by the abuse filter due to filter $1.
abusefilter-revert-title (Talk) Revert all changes by filter $1
abusefilter-status (Talk) Of the last $1 actions, $2 ($3%) have reached the condition limit of $4, and $5 ($6%) have matched one of the filters currently enabled.
abusefilter-status-global (Talk) Global
abusefilter-test (Talk) Test a filter against previous edits
abusefilter-test-intro (Talk) This page allows you to check a filter entered in the box below against the last $1 changes. To load an existing filter, type its filter ID into the box below the edit textbox, and click the "Load" button.
abusefilter-test-legend (Talk) Filter testing
abusefilter-test-load (Talk) Load
abusefilter-test-load-filter (Talk) Load filter ID:
abusefilter-test-page (Talk) Changes made to page:
abusefilter-test-period-end (Talk) Changes made before:
abusefilter-test-period-start (Talk) Changes made after:
abusefilter-test-shownegative (Talk) Show changes that do not match the filter
abusefilter-test-submit (Talk) Test
abusefilter-test-syntaxerr (Talk) The filter you entered contained a syntax error. You can receive a full explanation by clicking the "Check Syntax" button.
abusefilter-test-user (Talk) Changes by user:
abusefilter-tools-expr (Talk) Expression tester
abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm (Talk) Restore autoconfirmed status
abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm-submit (Talk) Re-autoconfirm
abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm-user (Talk) User:
abusefilter-tools-submitexpr (Talk) Evaluate
abusefilter-tools-text (Talk) Here are some tools which may be useful in formulating and debugging abuse filters.
abusefilter-topnav (Talk) Abuse Filter navigation
abusefilter-topnav-examine (Talk) Examine past edits
abusefilter-topnav-home (Talk) Home
abusefilter-topnav-import (Talk) Import filter
abusefilter-topnav-log (Talk) Abuse Log
abusefilter-topnav-test (Talk) Batch testing
abusefilter-topnav-tools (Talk) Debugging tools
abusefilter-unhidden (Talk) Public
abusefilter-warning (Talk) Thanks for your edit. Please check this is what you meant to do before pressing save. Your edit will be flagged as $1
abuselog (Talk) Abuse log
accesskey-blockip-block (Talk) s
accesskey-ca-addsection (Talk) +
accesskey-ca-delete (Talk) d
accesskey-ca-edit (Talk) e
accesskey-ca-history (Talk) h
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accesskey-ca-nstab-help (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-image (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-main (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-media (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-mediawiki (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-project (Talk) a
accesskey-ca-nstab-special (Talk)
accesskey-ca-nstab-template (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-user (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-protect (Talk) =
accesskey-ca-talk (Talk) t
accesskey-ca-undelete (Talk) d
accesskey-ca-unprotect (Talk) =
accesskey-ca-unwatch (Talk) w
accesskey-ca-viewsource (Talk) e
accesskey-ca-watch (Talk) w
accesskey-compareselectedversions (Talk) v
accesskey-diff (Talk) v
accesskey-export (Talk) s
accesskey-feed-atom (Talk)
accesskey-feed-rss (Talk)
accesskey-import (Talk) s
accesskey-minoredit (Talk) i
accesskey-n-currentevents (Talk)
accesskey-n-help (Talk)
accesskey-n-mainpage (Talk) z
accesskey-n-mainpage-description (Talk) z
accesskey-n-portal (Talk)
accesskey-n-randompage (Talk) x
accesskey-n-recentchanges (Talk) r
accesskey-p-logo (Talk)
accesskey-preferences-save (Talk) s
accesskey-preview (Talk) p
accesskey-pt-anonlogin (Talk) o
accesskey-pt-anontalk (Talk) n
accesskey-pt-anonuserpage (Talk) .
accesskey-pt-login (Talk) o
accesskey-pt-logout (Talk)
accesskey-pt-mycontris (Talk) y
accesskey-pt-myhome (Talk) g
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accesskey-pt-preferences (Talk)
accesskey-pt-userpage (Talk) .
accesskey-pt-watchlist (Talk) l
accesskey-save (Talk) s
accesskey-search (Talk) f
accesskey-search-fulltext (Talk)
accesskey-search-go (Talk)
accesskey-summary (Talk) b
accesskey-t-contributions (Talk)
accesskey-t-emailuser (Talk)
accesskey-t-permalink (Talk)
accesskey-t-print (Talk) p
accesskey-t-recentchangeslinked (Talk) k
accesskey-t-specialpages (Talk) q
accesskey-t-upload (Talk) u
accesskey-t-whatlinkshere (Talk) j
accesskey-upload (Talk) s
accesskey-userrights-set (Talk) s
accesskey-watch (Talk) w
accesskey-watchlistedit-normal-submit (Talk) s
accesskey-watchlistedit-raw-submit (Talk) s
accmailtext (Talk) A randomly generated password for $1 has been sent to $2. The password for this new account can be changed on the change password page upon logging in.
accmailtitle (Talk) Password sent.
accountcreated (Talk) Account created
accountcreatedtext (Talk) The user account for $1 has been created.
acct_creation_throttle_hit (Talk) Visitors to this wiki using your IP address have created $1 accounts in the last day, which is the maximum allowed in this time period. As a result, visitors using this IP address cannot create any more accounts at the moment.
achievements-about-content (Talk) Administrators on this wiki can customize the names and pictures of the achievement badges. You can upload any .jpg or .png picture, and your picture will automatically fit inside the frame. It works best when your picture is square, and when the most important part of the picture is right in the middle. You can use rectangular pictures, but you might find that a bit gets cropped out by the frame. If you have a graphics program, then you can crop your picture to put the important part of the image in the center. If you don't have a graphics program, then just experiment with different pictures until you find the ones that work for you! If you don't like the picture that you've chosen, click "⧼achievements-revert⧽" to go back to the original graphic. You can also give the badges new names that reflect the topic of the wiki. When you've changed badge names, click "⧼achievements-save⧽" to save your changes. Have fun!
achievements-about-title (Talk) About this page...
achievements-activityfeed-info (Talk) earned the <a href="$3" class="badgeName">$1</a> badge
achievements-badge-desc-blogcomment (Talk) Awarded for writing a comment on $1 different blog posts!
achievements-badge-desc-blogpost (Talk) Awarded for writing $1 blog posts!
achievements-badge-desc-caffeinated (Talk) Awarded for making 100 edits on pages in a single day!
achievements-badge-desc-category (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 articles to categories!
achievements-badge-desc-creator (Talk) Awarded for creating the wiki!
achievements-badge-desc-edit (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits on articles!
achievements-badge-desc-edit-plus-category (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits on $2 articles!
achievements-badge-desc-introduction (Talk) Awarded for adding to your own user page!
achievements-badge-desc-love (Talk) Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for $1 days!
achievements-badge-desc-luckyedit (Talk) Awarded for making the Lucky $1th edit on the wiki!
achievements-badge-desc-picture (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 pictures to article!
achievements-badge-desc-pounce (Talk) Awarded for making edits on 100 pages within an hour of the page's creation!
achievements-badge-desc-sayhi (Talk) Awarded for leaving a message on someone else's talk page!
achievements-badge-desc-sharing (Talk) Awarded for getting $1 people to click on shared links
achievements-badge-desc-welcome (Talk) Awarded for joining the wiki!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-blogcomment (Talk) Awarded for writing a comment
on $1 different blog posts!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-blogpost (Talk) Awarded for writing $1 blog posts!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-caffeinated (Talk) Awarded for making 100 edits on articles in a single day!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-category (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 articles
to categories!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-community-platinum (Talk) This is a special Platinum badge that is only available for a limited time!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-creator (Talk) Awarded for creating the wiki!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-edit (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits
on article!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-edit-plus-category (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits
on $2 articles!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-introduction (Talk) Awarded for adding to
your own user page!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-love (Talk) Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for $1 days!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-luckyedit (Talk) Awarded for making the Lucky $1th Edit on the wiki!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-picture (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 pictures
to articles!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-pounce (Talk) Awarded for making edits on 100 articles within an hour of the page's creation!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-sayhi (Talk) Awarded for leaving a message
on someone else's talk page!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-sharing (Talk) for getting $1 people to click on shared links
achievements-badge-hover-desc-welcome (Talk) Awarded for joining the wiki!
achievements-badge-name-blogcomment-0 (Talk) Opinionator
achievements-badge-name-blogcomment-1 (Talk) And One More Thing
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-0 (Talk) Something to Say
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-1 (Talk) Five Things to Say
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-2 (Talk) Talk Show
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-3 (Talk) Life of the Party
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-4 (Talk) Public Speaker
achievements-badge-name-caffeinated (Talk) Caffeinated
achievements-badge-name-category-0 (Talk) Make a Connection
achievements-badge-name-category-1 (Talk) Trail Blazer
achievements-badge-name-category-2 (Talk) Explorer
achievements-badge-name-category-3 (Talk) Tour Guide
achievements-badge-name-category-4 (Talk) Navigator
achievements-badge-name-category-5 (Talk) Bridge Builder
achievements-badge-name-category-6 (Talk) Wiki Planner
achievements-badge-name-creator (Talk) The Creator
achievements-badge-name-edit-0 (Talk) Making a Difference
achievements-badge-name-edit-1 (Talk) Just the Beginning
achievements-badge-name-edit-2 (Talk) Making Your Mark
achievements-badge-name-edit-3 (Talk) Friend of the Wiki
achievements-badge-name-edit-4 (Talk) Collaborator
achievements-badge-name-edit-5 (Talk) Wiki Builder
achievements-badge-name-edit-6 (Talk) Wiki Leader
achievements-badge-name-edit-7 (Talk) Wiki Expert
achievements-badge-name-introduction (Talk) Introduction
achievements-badge-name-love-0 (Talk) Key to the Wiki!
achievements-badge-name-love-1 (Talk) Two Weeks on the Wiki
achievements-badge-name-love-2 (Talk) Devoted
achievements-badge-name-love-3 (Talk) Dedicated
achievements-badge-name-love-4 (Talk) Addicted
achievements-badge-name-love-5 (Talk) A Wiki Life
achievements-badge-name-love-6 (Talk) Wiki Hero!
achievements-badge-name-luckyedit (Talk) Lucky Edit
achievements-badge-name-picture-0 (Talk) Snapshot
achievements-badge-name-picture-1 (Talk) Paparazzi
achievements-badge-name-picture-2 (Talk) Illustrator
achievements-badge-name-picture-3 (Talk) Collector
achievements-badge-name-picture-4 (Talk) Art Lover
achievements-badge-name-picture-5 (Talk) Decorator
achievements-badge-name-picture-6 (Talk) Designer
achievements-badge-name-picture-7 (Talk) Curator
achievements-badge-name-pounce (Talk) Pounce!
achievements-badge-name-sayhi (Talk) Stopping By to Say Hi
achievements-badge-name-sharing-0 (Talk) Sharer
achievements-badge-name-sharing-1 (Talk) Bring it back
achievements-badge-name-sharing-2 (Talk) Speaker
achievements-badge-name-sharing-3 (Talk) Announcer
achievements-badge-name-sharing-4 (Talk) Evangelist
achievements-badge-name-welcome (Talk) Welcome to the Wiki
achievements-badge-to-get-blogcomment (Talk) write a comment on $1 different blog posts
achievements-badge-to-get-blogcomment-details (Talk) Add your two cents! Read any of the recent blog posts, and
write your thoughts in the comments box.
achievements-badge-to-get-blogpost (Talk) write $1 blog posts
achievements-badge-to-get-blogpost-details (Talk) Write your opinions and questions! Click on Recent blog posts in
the sidebar, and then the link on the left for Create a new blog post.
achievements-badge-to-get-caffeinated (Talk) make 100 edits on article pages in a single day
achievements-badge-to-get-caffeinated-details (Talk) It takes a busy day to earn this badge. Keep editing!
achievements-badge-to-get-category (Talk) add $1 articles to categories
achievements-badge-to-get-category-details (Talk) Categories are tags that help readers find similar pages.
Click the Add category button
at the bottom of an article
to list that page in a category.
achievements-badge-to-get-community-platinum-details (Talk) This is a special Platinum badge that is only available for a limited time!
achievements-badge-to-get-creator (Talk) be the creator of this wiki
achievements-badge-to-get-creator-details (Talk) This badge is given to the person who founded the wiki. Click the "⧼createwiki⧽" button at the top to start a site about whatever you like most!
achievements-badge-to-get-edit (Talk) make $1 edits on articles
achievements-badge-to-get-edit-details (Talk) Is something missing? Is there a mistake? Don't be shy.
Click the edit button and
you can add to any page!
achievements-badge-to-get-edit-plus-category (Talk) make $1 edits on $2 articles
achievements-badge-to-get-edit-plus-category-details (Talk) The $1 pages need your help! Click the "Edit" button on any page in that category to help out. Show your support for the $1 pages!
achievements-badge-to-get-introduction (Talk) add to your own user page
achievements-badge-to-get-introduction-details (Talk) Is your user page empty? Click on your user name at the top of the screen to see. Click "Edit" to add some information about yourself!
achievements-badge-to-get-love (Talk) contribute to the wiki every day for $1 days
achievements-badge-to-get-love-details (Talk) The counter resets if you miss a day, so be sure to come back
to the wiki every day!
achievements-badge-to-get-luckyedit (Talk) be lucky
achievements-badge-to-get-luckyedit-details (Talk) The Lucky Edit badge is given to the person who made the 1,000th edit on the wiki, and every 1,000 after that. To earn this badge, contribute a lot to the wiki
and hope you get lucky!
achievements-badge-to-get-picture (Talk) add $1 pictures to articles
achievements-badge-to-get-picture-details (Talk) Click the edit button, and then the Add a picture button. You can add a photo from your computer, or from another page on the wiki.
achievements-badge-to-get-pounce (Talk) be quick
achievements-badge-to-get-pounce-details (Talk) You have to be quick to earn this badge. Click the "⧼activityfeed⧽" button to see the new pages that users are creating!
achievements-badge-to-get-sayhi (Talk) leave someone a message on their talk page
achievements-badge-to-get-sayhi-details (Talk) You can leave other users messages by clicking "+" on their talk page. Ask for help, thank them for their work, or just say hi!
achievements-badge-to-get-sharing (Talk) get $1 people clicked on link you shared
achievements-badge-to-get-sharing-details (Talk) Share links and get others to click on them!
achievements-badge-to-get-welcome (Talk) join the wiki
achievements-badge-to-get-welcome-details (Talk) Click the "⧼autocreatewiki-create-account⧽" button at the top right to join the community. You can start earning your own badges!
achievements-badge-your-desc-blogcomment (Talk) Awarded for writing a comment on $1 different blog posts!
achievements-badge-your-desc-blogpost (Talk) Awarded for writing $1 blog posts!
achievements-badge-your-desc-caffeinated (Talk) Awarded for making 100 edits on pages in a single day!
achievements-badge-your-desc-category (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 articles to categories!
achievements-badge-your-desc-creator (Talk) Awarded for creating the wiki!
achievements-badge-your-desc-edit (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits on articles!
achievements-badge-your-desc-edit-plus-category (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits on $2 article!
achievements-badge-your-desc-introduction (Talk) Awarded for adding to your own user page!
achievements-badge-your-desc-love (Talk) Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for $1 days!
achievements-badge-your-desc-luckyedit (Talk) Awarded for making the Lucky $1th edit on the wiki!
achievements-badge-your-desc-picture (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 pictures to articles!
achievements-badge-your-desc-pounce (Talk) Awarded for making edits on 100 articles within an hour of the page's creation!
achievements-badge-your-desc-sayhi (Talk) Awarded for leaving a message on someone else's talk page!
achievements-badge-your-desc-sharing (Talk) Awarded for getting $1 people to click on shared links
achievements-badge-your-desc-welcome (Talk) Awarded for joining the wiki!
achievements-bronze (Talk) Bronze
achievements-bronze-points (Talk) 10
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-email-body-html (Talk) Congratulations $1!
You have just been awarded with the '$2' Platinum badge on <a href="$3">$4</a>. This adds 250 points to your score!
Check out your fancy new badge on your <a href="$5">user profile page</a>.
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-email-body-text (Talk) Congratulations $1! You have just been awarded with the '$2' Platinum badge on $4 ($3). This adds 250 points to your score! Check out your fancy new badge on your user profile page: $5
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-email-subject (Talk) You have been awarded a new Platinum badge!
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-for (Talk) Awarded for:
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-for-example (Talk) e.g. "for doing..."
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-to (Talk) Awarded to:
achievements-community-platinum-badge-image (Talk) Badge image:
achievements-community-platinum-cancel (Talk) cancel
achievements-community-platinum-create-badge (Talk) Create badge
achievements-community-platinum-current-badges (Talk) Current platinum badges
achievements-community-platinum-edit (Talk) edit
achievements-community-platinum-enabled (Talk) enabled
achievements-community-platinum-how-to-earn (Talk) How to earn:
achievements-community-platinum-how-to-earn-example (Talk) e.g. "make 3 edits..."
achievements-community-platinum-save (Talk) save
achievements-community-platinum-show-recents (Talk) show in recent badges
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-badge-click-tooltip (Talk) Click for more information
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-badge-click-url-label (Talk) Badge link (DART click command URL):
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-badge-impression-pixel-url-label (Talk) Tracking URL for badge impressions:
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-hover-content-label (Talk) Hover picture (hover minimum size: 270px x 100px):
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-hover-impression-pixel-url-label (Talk) Tracking URL for Hover impression:
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-label (Talk) Sponsored achievement
achievements-create-edit-plus-category (Talk) Create this track
achievements-create-edit-plus-category-content (Talk) You can create a new set of badges that reward users for editing pages in a particular category, to highlight a particular area of the site that users would enjoy working on. You can set up more than one category track, so try choosing two categories that would help users show off their specialty! Ignite a rivalry between the users who edit Vampires pages and the users who edit Werewolves pages, or Wizards and Muggles, or Autobots and Decepticons. To create a new "Edit in category" track, type the name of the category in the field below. The regular Edit track will still exist; this will create a separate track that you can customize separately. When the track is created, the new badges will appear in the list on the left, under the regular Edit track. Customize the names and images for the new track, so that users can see the difference! Once you have done the customization, click the "⧼achievements-enable-track⧽" checkbox to turn on the new track, and then click "⧼achievements-save⧽". Users will see the new track appear on their user profiles, and they will start earning badges when they edit pages in that category. You can also disable the track later, if you decide you do not want to highlight that category anymore. Users who have earned badges in that track will always keep their badges, even if the track is disabled. This can help to bring another level of fun to the achievements. Try it out!
achievements-create-edit-plus-category-title (Talk) Create a new Edit track
achievements-customize (Talk) Customize picture
achievements-customize-new-category-track (Talk) Create new track for category:
achievements-earned (Talk) This badge has been earned by
$1 people.
achievements-edit-plus-category-track-exists (Talk) The specified category already has an <a href="#" onclick="$(window).scrollTo('#section$1', 2500); return false;" title="Go to the track">associated track</a>.
achievements-edit-plus-category-track-name (Talk) $1 edit track
achievements-enable-track (Talk) enabled
achievements-gold (Talk) Gold
achievements-gold-points (Talk) 100
achievements-leaderboard-disclaimer (Talk) Leaderboard shows changes since yesterday
achievements-leaderboard-member-label (Talk) Member
achievements-leaderboard-most-recently-earned-label (Talk) Most recently earned
achievements-leaderboard-navigation-item (Talk) Wiki Leaderboard
achievements-leaderboard-points (Talk) points
achievements-leaderboard-points-label (Talk) Points
achievements-leaderboard-rank-label (Talk) Rank
achievements-masthead-points (Talk) $1 points
achievements-no-badges (Talk) Check out the list below to see the badges that you can earn on this wiki!
achievements-no-stub-category (Talk) Please do not create tracks for stubs.
achievements-non-existing-category (Talk) The specified category does not exist.
achievements-notification-link (Talk) Click here to see more badges you can earn!
achievements-notification-subtitle (Talk) You just earned the "$1" badge $2
achievements-notification-title (Talk) Way to go, $1!
achievements-platinum (Talk) Platinum
achievements-points (Talk) $1 points
achievements-points-with-break (Talk) $1
achievements-profile-customize (Talk) Customize Badges
achievements-profile-title (Talk) $1's $2 Earned Badges
achievements-profile-title-challenges (Talk) More Badges You Can Earn!
achievements-profile-title-no (Talk) $1's Badges
achievements-profile-title-oasis (Talk) achievement
achievements-ranked (Talk) Ranked #$1 on this wiki
achievements-ranked-oasis (Talk) $1 is Ranked #$2 on this wiki
achievements-recent-earned-badges (Talk) Recent Earned Badges
achievements-recent-info (Talk) $3
earned by <a href="$1">$2</a>
achievements-revert (Talk) Revert to default
achievements-reverted (Talk) Badge reverted to original.
achievements-save (Talk) Save changes
achievements-secret (Talk) Secret Achievements
achievements-send (Talk) Save picture
achievements-silver (Talk) Silver
achievements-silver-points (Talk) 50
achievements-special (Talk) Special Achievements
achievements-special-saved (Talk) Changes saved.
achievements-title (Talk) Achievements
achievements-toggle-hide (Talk) Hide my achievements on my profile from everybody
achievements-track-name-blogcomment (Talk) Blog Comment track
achievements-track-name-blogpost (Talk) Blog Post track
achievements-track-name-category (Talk) Category track
achievements-track-name-edit (Talk) Edit track
achievements-track-name-love (Talk) Wiki Love track
achievements-track-name-picture (Talk) Pictures track
achievements-track-name-sharing (Talk) Sharing track
achievements-upload-error (Talk) Sorry! That picture does not work. Make sure that it is a .jpg or .png file. If it still does not work, then the picture may be too big. Please try another one!
achievements-upload-not-allowed (Talk) Administrators can change the names and pictures of Achievement badges by visiting the Customize achievements page.
achievements-userprofile-no-badges-owner (Talk) Check out the list below to see the badges that you can earn on this wiki!
achievements-userprofile-no-badges-visitor (Talk) This user hasn't earned any badge yet.
achievements-userprofile-profile-score (Talk) $1 Achievement
achievements-userprofile-ranked (Talk) Ranked #$1
on this wiki
achievements-userprofile-title (Talk) $1's Earned Badges ($2)
achievements-userprofile-title-no (Talk) $1's Earned Badges
achievements-viewall (Talk) View all
achievements-viewall-oasis (Talk) See all
achievements-viewless (Talk) Close
achievements-you-must (Talk) You need to $1 to earn this badge.
achievementscustomize (Talk) Customize badges
achievementsii-desc (Talk) An achievement badges system for wiki users
action-abusefilter-log (Talk) view the abuse log
action-abusefilter-log-detail (Talk) view detailed abuse log entries
action-abusefilter-modify (Talk) modify abuse filters
action-abusefilter-modify-restricted (Talk) modify abuse filters with restricted actions
action-abusefilter-private (Talk) view private data in the abuse log
action-abusefilter-revert (Talk) revert all changes by a given abuse filter
action-abusefilter-view (Talk) view abuse filters
action-abusefilter-view-private (Talk) view abuse filters marked as private
action-autopatrol (Talk) have your edit marked as patrolled
action-block (Talk) block this user from editing
action-browsearchive (Talk) search deleted pages
action-checkuser (Talk) check user's IP addresses and other information
action-checkuser-log (Talk) view the checkuser log
action-codereview-add-tag (Talk) add new tags to revisions
action-codereview-associate (Talk) manage revision associations
action-codereview-link-user (Talk) link authors to wiki users
action-codereview-post-comment (Talk) add comments on revisions
action-codereview-remove-tag (Talk) remove tags from revisions
action-codereview-review-own (Talk) mark your own revisions as "⧼code-status-ok⧽ or "⧼code-status-resolved⧽"
action-codereview-set-status (Talk) change revisions status
action-codereview-signoff (Talk) sign off on revisions
action-codereview-use (Talk) use of Special:Code
action-createaccount (Talk) create this user account
action-createclass (Talk) create new semantic classes
action-createpage (Talk) create pages
action-createtalk (Talk) create discussion pages
action-delete (Talk) delete this page
action-deletedhistory (Talk) view this page's deleted history
action-deleterevision (Talk) delete this revision
action-edit (Talk) edit this page
action-editrestrictedfields (Talk) edit restricted form fields
action-imageservingtest (Talk) view Image Serving Test
action-import (Talk) import this page from another wiki
action-importupload (Talk) import this page from a file upload
action-mergehistory (Talk) merge the history of this page
action-messagetool (Talk) send site wide messages
action-minoredit (Talk) mark this edit as minor
action-move (Talk) move this page
action-move-rootuserpages (Talk) move root user pages
action-move-subpages (Talk) move this page, and its subpages
action-movefile (Talk) move this file
action-multidelete (Talk) delete a batch of pages
action-multilookup (Talk) look up information on users in multiple wikis
action-multiwikiedit (Talk) edit a batch of pages
action-multiwikifinder (Talk) search for a specific title across Wikia
action-nuke (Talk) nuke pages
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action-phalanx (Talk) use the Integrated Spam Defense Mechanism
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action-unwatchedpages (Talk) view the list of unwatched pages
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action-usermanagement (Talk) access user management panel
action-userrights (Talk) edit all user rights
action-userrights-interwiki (Talk) edit user rights of users on other wikis
action-viewedittab (Talk) view the "Edit" tab for pages editable by form
action-wikifactory (Talk) change internal settings for wikis
action-wikifeaturesview (Talk) view Wiki Features
action-writeapi (Talk) use the write API
actioncomplete (Talk) Action complete
actionfailed (Talk) Action failed
actions (Talk) Actions
actionthrottled (Talk) Action throttled
actionthrottledtext (Talk) You can not perform this action right now. Please try again in a few minutes, or contact Wikia if you are having difficulties.
activeusers (Talk) Active users list
activeusers-count (Talk) $1 edits in the last $3 days
activeusers-from (Talk) Display users starting at:
activeusers-hidebots (Talk) Hide bots
activeusers-hidesysops (Talk) Hide administrators
activeusers-intro (Talk) This is a list of users who had some kind of activity within the last $1 days.
activeusers-noresult (Talk) No users found.
activeusers-summary (Talk)
activityfeed (Talk) Activity feed
add_comment (Talk) Leave message
addedwatchtext (Talk) The page "$1" has been added to your watchlist.
addnewtalksection-link (Talk) Leave a new message
addsection (Talk) Leave message
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addwatch (Talk) Add to watchlist
admin_skin (Talk) Admin Options
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admindashboard-control-add-page-label (Talk) Add a Page
admindashboard-control-add-page-tooltip (Talk) Add a new page to your wiki.
admindashboard-control-add-photo-label (Talk) Add a Photo
admindashboard-control-add-photo-tooltip (Talk) Add new photos to your wiki.
admindashboard-control-admin-upload-tool-label (Talk) Promote
admindashboard-control-admin-upload-tool-tooltip (Talk) This page allows you to promote your wiki by making it eligible to appear on!
admindashboard-control-categories-list-label (Talk) All Categories
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admindashboard-control-community-corner-tooltip (Talk) Edit the Community Corner section of your wiki and notify users.
admindashboard-control-group-rights-label (Talk) Group Rights
admindashboard-control-group-rights-tooltip (Talk) Overview of rights for the different user groups.
admindashboard-control-help-label (Talk) Help
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admindashboard-control-page-layout-builder-tooltip (Talk) Page Layout Builder allows you to create page outlines for users to choose from and use to create new pages.
admindashboard-control-recent-changes-label (Talk) Recent Changes
admindashboard-control-recent-changes-tooltip (Talk) Recent Changes displays all of the changes made on your wiki in a single timeline.
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admindashboard-control-wiki-features-label (Talk) Wiki Features
admindashboard-control-wiki-features-tooltip (Talk) Wiki Features lets you enable additional features on your wiki.
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ago (Talk) $1 ago
ajaxLogin1 (Talk) To complete your log in, you must enter a new password. This will take you away from this edit page and you may lose your current edit.
ajaxLogin2 (Talk) Are you sure? You may lose your edits if you leave this page now.
ajaxpoll-closed (Talk) Poll is closed now. Enjoy the results.
ajaxpoll-error (Talk) There was a problem with processing your vote, please try again.
ajaxpoll-percentVotes (Talk) $1% of all votes
ajaxpoll-submit (Talk) Vote!
ajaxpoll-submitting (Talk) Please wait, submitting your vote...
ajaxpoll-summary (Talk) The poll was created at $1 on $2, and so far $3 people voted.
ajaxpoll-thankyou (Talk) Thank you for your vote!
all-blog-posts (Talk) all categories
all-logs-page (Talk) All public logs
all_the_wikia (Talk) All the wikia
allarticles (Talk) All pages
allinnamespace (Talk) All pages ($1 namespace)
alllogstext (Talk) Combined display of all available logs of Tardis Wiki. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive).
allmessages (Talk) System messages
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allmessagesdefault (Talk) Default message text
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allmessagesnotsupportedDB (Talk) This page cannot be used because $wgUseDatabaseMessages has been disabled.
allmessagestext (Talk) This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
allnotinnamespace (Talk) All pages (not in $1 namespace)
allowemail (Talk) Enable email from other users
allpages (Talk) All pages
allpages-bad-ns (Talk) Tardis Wiki does not have namespace "$1".
allpages-summary (Talk)
allpagesbadtitle (Talk) The given page title was invalid or had an inter-language or inter-wiki prefix. It may contain one or more characters which cannot be used in titles.
allpagesfrom (Talk) Display pages starting at:
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alphaindexline (Talk) $1 to $2
already_a_member (Talk) Already a member?
alreadyrolled (Talk) Cannot roll back edit to $1 by $2 (talk · block · contribs) because someone else has edited the page. The last revision was by $3 (talk · contribs).
ancientpages (Talk) Oldest pages
ancientpages-summary (Talk)
and (Talk) and
anoneditwarning-notice (Talk)
anonnotice (Talk) -
anononlyblock (Talk) anon. only
anonpreviewwarning (Talk) You are not logged in. Saving will record your IP address in this page's edit history.
anontalk (Talk) Talk for this IP address
anontalkpagetext (Talk)
---- {| id="anontalktext" class="plainlinks noeditsection" style="font-size:90%; border: 1px solid #B8B8B8; margin:1em 1em 0em 1em; padding:0.25em 1em 0.25em 1em; clear: both;" | This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it, identified by the user's numerical IP address. Some IP addresses change periodically, and may be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user, you may create an account or log in to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users. Registering also hides your IP address. Help: Why create an account? • How to create an account • WHOIS |}
anonuser (Talk) Tardis Wiki anonymous user $1
anonusers (Talk) Tardis Wiki anonymous users $1
anonymous (Talk) Anonymous users of Tardis Wiki
anonymous_edit_points (Talk) $1 helpers
answer_this (Talk) <a class="huge_button huge_button_green hbg_white" href="$1" style="font-size:200%;">
Answer this question</a>
answer_this_question (Talk) Answer this question: answer_title (Talk) Answer answered_by (Talk) Answered by answered_category (Talk) Answered questions
answering_tips (Talk)
Tips for answering:
When contributing an answer, try to be as accurate as you can. If you're getting information from another source such as Wikipedia, put a link to this in the text. And thank you for contributing to Tardis Wiki!
answers-bluebell (Talk) Bluebell
answers-carbon (Talk) Carbon
answers-carnation (Talk) Carnation
answers-category-count-answered (Talk) Here are $1 answered questions.
answers-category-count-unanswered (Talk) Here are $1 unanswered questions.
answers-custom (Talk) Custom
answers-forest (Talk) Forest
answers-leaf (Talk) Leaf
answers-moonlight (Talk) Moonlight
answers-obsession (Talk) Obsession
answers-sky (Talk) Sky
answers-spring (Talk) Spring
answers_skins (Talk) Answers
answers_toolbox (Talk) Tardis Wiki toolbox
answers_widget_admin_note (Talk) Ask anything about Doctor Who at <a href="" target="_blank">Doctor Who Answers</a>!
answers_widget_anon_note (Talk) Ask anything about Doctor Who at <a href="" target="_blank">Doctor Who Answers</a>!
answers_widget_no_questions (Talk) Help us create the best answer to any question!
answers_widget_no_questions_askabout (Talk)
answers_widget_user_note (Talk) Ask a question on <a href="">Wikianswers</a> or <a href="">start your own answers site</a>.
antibot-desc (Talk) Simple framework for spambot checks and trigger payloads
antispam_label (Talk) This field is a spam trap. DO NOT fill it in!
antispoof-badtype (Talk) Bad data type
antispoof-blacklisted (Talk) Contains blacklisted character
antispoof-combining (Talk) Begins with combining mark
antispoof-conflict-bottom (Talk) Please choose another name.
antispoof-conflict-item (Talk) $1
antispoof-conflict-top (Talk) The name "$1" is too similar to the following $2 accounts:
antispoof-desc (Talk) Blocks the creation of accounts with mixed-script, confusing and similar usernames
antispoof-empty (Talk) Empty string
antispoof-ignore (Talk) Ignore spoofing checks
antispoof-mixedscripts (Talk) Contains incompatible mixed scripts
antispoof-name-illegal (Talk) The name "$1" is not allowed to prevent confusing or spoofed usernames: $2. Please choose another name.
antispoof-noletters (Talk) Does not contain any letters
antispoof-tooshort (Talk) Canonicalized name too short
antispoof-unassigned (Talk) Contains unassigned or deprecated character
anwb-choose-logo (Talk) Choose your logo
anwb-fp-example (Talk) Example
For a pet care answers site:
- Should I buy cat litter?
- What's the best breed of dog?
- What's the best way to train a cat?
For a health care answers site:
- What are the health benefits of exercise?
- How can I find a good doctor in my area?
- How can I lose weight easily?
anwb-fp-headline (Talk) Create some questions!
anwb-fp-text (Talk) Add a list of questions here. Later, you can add answers in for the ones you know. It's important to get some useful information on the site, so people can find it and ask and answer even more questions.
anwb-logo-preview (Talk) Here's a preview of your logo
anwb-save-tagline (Talk) Save tagline
anwb-step1-example (Talk) Answers for all your wildlife questions!
anwb-step1-headline (Talk) What's your wiki about?
anwb-step1-text (Talk) Your Wikianswers site needs a tagline.
Your tagline will help people find your site from search engines, so try to be clear about what your site is about.
anwb-step2-example (Talk) This would be a good logo for a skateboarding answers site.
anwb-step2-text (Talk) Next, choose a logo for Tardis Wiki. It's best to upload a picture that you think represents your Answers site.
You can skip this step if you don't want to do it right now.
anwb-thatisall-text (Talk) Now it's time to start writing more questions and answers, so that your site can be found more easily in search engines, and people can find you.
The list of questions added in the last step has been put into your site, so head in to answer your questions, and start your own answers community!
api-error-badaccess-groups (Talk) You are not permitted to upload files to this wiki.
api-error-badtoken (Talk) Internal error: Bad token.
api-error-copyuploaddisabled (Talk) Uploading by URL is disabled on this server.
api-error-duplicate (Talk) There are [$2 some other files] already on the site with the same content.
api-error-duplicate-archive (Talk) There were [$2 some other files] already on the site with the same content, but they were deleted.
api-error-duplicate-archive-popup-title (Talk) Duplicate files that have already been deleted.
api-error-duplicate-popup-title (Talk) Duplicate files.
api-error-empty-file (Talk) The file you submitted was empty.
api-error-emptypage (Talk) Creating new, empty pages is not allowed.
api-error-fetchfileerror (Talk) Internal error: Something went wrong while fetching the file.
api-error-file-too-large (Talk) The file you submitted was too large.
api-error-filename-tooshort (Talk) The filename is too short.
api-error-filetype-banned (Talk) This type of file is banned.
api-error-filetype-missing (Talk) The filename is missing an extension.
api-error-hookaborted (Talk) The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension.
api-error-http (Talk) Internal error: Unable to connect to server.
api-error-illegal-filename (Talk) The filename is not allowed.
api-error-internal-error (Talk) Internal error: Something went wrong with processing your upload on the wiki.
api-error-invalid-file-key (Talk) Internal error: File was not found in temporary storage.
api-error-missingparam (Talk) Internal error: Missing parameters on request.
api-error-missingresult (Talk) Internal error: Could not determine if the copy succeeded.
api-error-mustbeloggedin (Talk) You must be logged in to upload files.
api-error-mustbeposted (Talk) Internal error: Request requires HTTP POST.
api-error-noimageinfo (Talk) The upload succeeded, but the server did not give us any information about the file.
api-error-nomodule (Talk) Internal error: No upload module set.
api-error-ok-but-empty (Talk) Internal error: No response from server.
api-error-overwrite (Talk) Overwriting an existing file is not allowed.
api-error-stashfailed (Talk) Internal error: Server failed to store temporary file.
api-error-timeout (Talk) The server did not respond within the expected time.
api-error-unclassified (Talk) An unknown error occurred.
api-error-unknown-code (Talk) Unknown error: "$1".
api-error-unknown-error (Talk) Internal error: Something went wrong when trying to upload your file.
api-error-unknown-warning (Talk) Unknown warning: "$1".
api-error-unknownerror (Talk) Unknown error: "$1".
api-error-uploaddisabled (Talk) Uploading is disabled on this wiki.
api-error-verification-error (Talk) This file might be corrupt, or have the wrong extension.
apiexplorer (Talk) API Explorer
apiexplorer-desc (Talk) Page for interactively exploring the documentation of the MediaWiki API
apiexplorer-intro (Talk) This page shows documentation for the current wiki's API. Please click on a function below to see more info about what parameters can be used in each call. Also see the general MediaWiki API documentation.
apiexplorer-loading (Talk) Loading functions...
apigate (Talk) API Gate
apigate-adminlinks-header (Talk) Administrator Links
apigate-adminlinks-viewaggregate (Talk) View aggregate stats
apigate-adminlinks-viewkeys (Talk) View table of each individual key
apigate-backtomain (Talk) < Back to API Control Panel
apigate-chart-empty (Talk) We're currently working on retrieving stats for you. Please hang tight and check back later.
apigate-chart-metric-requests (Talk) Requests
apigate-chart-name-daily (Talk) Requests - Daily
apigate-chart-name-hourly (Talk) Requests - Hourly
apigate-chart-name-monthly (Talk) Requests - Monthly
apigate-chart-name-weekly (Talk) Requests - Weekly
apigate-checkkey-forbidden (Talk) Forbidden. Your API key is not authorized to make this request.
apigate-checkkey-invalid-apikey (Talk) Unauthorized: Invalid API key. The API key found was: \"$1\" but that is invalid. Please provide a valid API key.
apigate-checkkey-limit-exceeded (Talk) This API key has been disabled because the request-rate was too high. Please contact support for more information or to re-enable.
apigate-checkkey-no-apikey-found (Talk) Unauthorized: No API key was found. Please provide an API key to use this API.\n
apigate-checkkey-ok (Talk) OK
apigate-desc (Talk) API Gate is an Open Source API Key Management system that is being used to manage access to the Wikia API.
apigate-error-admins-only (Talk) Sorry, only API administrators are authorized to view this data.
apigate-error-email-doesnt-match (Talk) Email addresses entered do not match.
apigate-error-invalid-email (Talk) Please enter a valid email address.
apigate-error-keyaccess-denied (Talk) Either the API key \"$1\" could not be found in the database or you do not have access to view this key's profile information and statistics.
apigate-h1 (Talk) API Control Panel
apigate-hourly-admin-only (Talk)
apigate-intro (Talk) You will always be able to access this page by logging into your Wikia account and selecting "API Control Panel" in the user drop-down menu on the top, right corner of any page on Wikia or by going to
apigate-intro-header (Talk) Welcome to the API Control Panel, $1!
apigate-keyinfo-apiKey (Talk) API Key: $1
apigate-keyinfo-banlog-empty (Talk) No records found in banlog.
apigate-keyinfo-banlog-heading (Talk) Ban log:
apigate-keyinfo-email (Talk) Email
apigate-keyinfo-err-email-mismatch (Talk) Email addresses entered did not match each other.
apigate-keyinfo-hint-nickname (Talk) Name of application
apigate-keyinfo-name (Talk) Name
apigate-keyinfo-nickname (Talk) Key Nickname
apigate-keyinfo-no-reason-found (Talk) [no reason recorded]
apigate-keyinfo-reason-disabled (Talk) Reason disabled: $1
apigate-keyinfo-status (Talk) Status: $1
apigate-keyinfo-status-disabled (Talk) Disabled
apigate-keyinfo-status-enabled (Talk) Active
apigate-keyinfo-status-reasonforchange (Talk) Reason for change: $1
apigate-keyinfo-submit (Talk) Update
apigate-listkeys-th-apikey (Talk) API Key
apigate-listkeys-th-disabled (Talk) Disabled
apigate-listkeys-th-keyname (Talk) Key Nickname
apigate-listkeys-th-username (Talk) Username
apigate-login-button (Talk) Log in
apigate-mysql-error (Talk) There was a db error with query
Error was: \"$2\"
apigate-nologin (Talk) Please Log in
apigate-nologintext (Talk) In order to get an API key, you must log in to a Wikia account. After login, you will be able to track the API keys for all of your applications in one place - the API Control Panel.
apigate-register-email (Talk) Email*
apigate-register-error-mysql_error (Talk) Error trying to save new API key to the database.
apigate-register-error-noname (Talk) Please enter your name.
apigate-register-heading (Talk) Get an API Key
apigate-register-hint-confirm-email (Talk) Confirm email
apigate-register-hint-email (Talk) Email address
apigate-register-hint-firstname (Talk) First
apigate-register-hint-lastname (Talk) Last
apigate-register-implicit-agreement (Talk) By clicking the button, you agree to the Terms of Service.
apigate-register-name (Talk) Name*
apigate-register-submit (Talk) Submit
apigate-register-success (Talk) Your new API key is '$1'
You can see the key at any time by coming back to Special:ApiGate (there is a link in the User menu on the top-right of the page).
apigate-register-success-heading (Talk) Registration successful!
apigate-register-success-return (Talk) Return to the API Gate landing page to see your new dashboard.
apigate-register-title (Talk) Get an API Key
apigate-tab-keyinfo (Talk) Key Info
apigate-tab-keystats (Talk) Usage Stats
apigate-userkeys-disabled (Talk) disabled
apigate-userkeys-footer (Talk) If you need another key and want to track it in this account, please <a href="$1">create another key</a> while you are logged in to this account.
If you have any questions regarding our APIs, please contact us at $2. We would be happy to help out.
apigate-userkeys-intro (Talk) Click on your keys below to view usage statistics for each key or edit your contact information (in case something goes wrong).
apigate-userlink (Talk) API Control Panel
apr (Talk) Apr
april (Talk) April
april-gen (Talk) April
arrays-desc (Talk) Store and compute named arrays
article (Talk) Content page
article-comments-anonymous (Talk) Anonymous user
article-comments-cancel (Talk) Cancel
article-comments-comment-cannot-add (Talk) You cannot add a comment to the article.
article-comments-comments (Talk) Comments ($1)
article-comments-delete (Talk) delete
article-comments-delete-reason (Talk) The parent article / parent comment has been deleted.
article-comments-edit (Talk) edit
article-comments-empty-comment (Talk) You can't post an empty comment. <a href='$1'>Delete it instead?</a>
article-comments-error (Talk) Comment could not be saved
article-comments-fbconnect (Talk) Please <a href="$1">connect this account with Facebook</a> to comment!
article-comments-fblogin (Talk) Please <a href="$1" rel="nofollow">log in and connect with Facebook</a> to post a comment on this wiki!
article-comments-history (Talk) history
article-comments-login (Talk) Please <a href="$1">log in</a> to post a comment on this wiki.
article-comments-next-page (Talk) Next
article-comments-page-spacer (Talk)  ... 
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article-comments-prev-page (Talk) Prev
article-comments-rc-blog-comment (Talk) Blog comment ([$1 $2])
article-comments-rc-blog-comments (Talk) Blog comments ($1)
article-comments-rc-comment (Talk) Article comment ([$1 $2])
article-comments-rc-comments (Talk) Article comments ($1)
article-comments-reply (Talk) Reply
article-comments-show-all (Talk) Show all comments
article-comments-toc-item (Talk) Comments
article-comments-undeleted-comment (Talk) Undeleted comment for blog page $1
article-comments-vote (Talk) Vote up
articleexists (Talk) The page could not be moved: a page of that name already exists, or the name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name, or ask an administrator to help you with the move.
Please do not manually move the article by copying and pasting it; the page history must be moved along with the article text.
articlepage (Talk) View content page
artistredirects (Talk) Artist Redirects
ascending_abbrev (Talk) asc
ask (Talk) Semantic search
ask_a_question (Talk) Welcome to Tardis Wiki. What would you like to know?
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ask_button (Talk) Ask
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ask_friends_on_twitter (Talk) Ask Friends on <a href="$1" $2>Twitter</a>
ask_thanks (Talk) Thanks for the rockin' question!
atom (Talk) Atom
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august (Talk) August
august-gen (Talk) August
auto_friend_request_body (Talk) Will you add me as a friend?
autoblock_whitelist (Talk) AOL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
autoblockedtext (Talk) Your IP address has been automatically blocked because it was used by another user, who was blocked by $1. The reason given is this: :$2 * Start of block: $8 * Expiry of block: $6 * Intended blockee: $7 You may contact $1 or one of the other administrators to discuss the block. Note that you may not use the "e-mail this user" feature unless you have a valid e-mail address registered in your user preferences and you have not been blocked from using it. Your current IP address is $3, and the block ID is #$5. Please include all above details in any queries you make.
autoblocker (Talk) Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by "$1". The reason given for $1's block is: "$2"
autoblockid (Talk) Autoblock #$1
autocomment-prefix (Talk) -
autocreatewiki (Talk) Create a new wiki
autocreatewiki-bad-name (Talk) The name cannot contain special characters (like $ or @) and must be a single lower-case word without spaces.
autocreatewiki-birthdate (Talk) Birth date:
autocreatewiki-blocked-username (Talk) You cannot create account.
autocreatewiki-blurry-word (Talk) Blurry word:
autocreatewiki-busy-username (Talk) This username is already taken.
autocreatewiki-category-label (Talk) Category:
autocreatewiki-category-other (Talk) Other
autocreatewiki-category-select (Talk) Select one
autocreatewiki-chooseone (Talk) Choose one
autocreatewiki-congratulation (Talk) Congratulations!
autocreatewiki-create-account (Talk) Create an account
autocreatewiki-desc (Talk) Create wiki in WikiFactory by user requests
autocreatewiki-done (Talk) done
autocreatewiki-empty-category (Talk) Please select a category.
autocreatewiki-empty-field (Talk) Please complete this field.
autocreatewiki-empty-language (Talk) Please select the language for the wiki.
autocreatewiki-empty-password (Talk) Password cannot be empty.
autocreatewiki-empty-retype-password (Talk) Retype password cannot be empty.
autocreatewiki-empty-username (Talk) Username cannot be empty.
autocreatewiki-empty-wikiname (Talk) The name of the wiki cannot be empty.
autocreatewiki-error (Talk) There has been an error, please try again.
autocreatewiki-errordefault (Talk) Process was not finished ...
autocreatewiki-haveaccount-question (Talk) Do you already have a Wikia account?
autocreatewiki-info-birthdate (Talk) Wikia requires all users to provide their real date of birth as both a safety precaution and as a means of preserving the integrity of the site while complying with federal regulations.
autocreatewiki-info-blurry-word (Talk) To help protect against automated account creation, please type the blurry word that you see into this field.
autocreatewiki-info-category-answers (Talk) This will help visitors find your Answers site.
autocreatewiki-info-category-default (Talk) This will help visitors find your wiki.
autocreatewiki-info-domain (Talk) It's best to use a word likely to be a search keyword for your topic.
autocreatewiki-info-email-address (Talk) Your email address is never shown to anyone on Wikia.
autocreatewiki-info-language (Talk) This will be the default language for visitors to your wiki.
autocreatewiki-info-realname (Talk) If you choose to provide it, this will be used for giving you attribution for your work.
autocreatewiki-info-staff-username (Talk) Staff only: The specified user will be listed as the founder.
autocreatewiki-info-terms-agree (Talk) By creating a wiki and a user account, you agree to the <a href="">Wikia's Terms of Use</a>
autocreatewiki-info-topic (Talk) Add a short description such as "Star Wars" or "TV shows".
autocreatewiki-invalid-birthday (Talk) Invalid birth date
autocreatewiki-invalid-category (Talk) Invalid value of category. Please select proper from dropdown list.
autocreatewiki-invalid-language (Talk) Invalid value of language. Please select proper from dropdown list.
autocreatewiki-invalid-retype-passwd (Talk) Please retype the same password as above
autocreatewiki-invalid-username (Talk) This username is invalid.
autocreatewiki-invalid-wikiname (Talk) The name cannot contain special characters (like $ or @) and cannot be empty
autocreatewiki-language-all (Talk) All languages
autocreatewiki-language-top (Talk) Top $1 languages
autocreatewiki-language-top-list (Talk) de,en,es,fr,it,ja,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-br,ru,zh
autocreatewiki-limit-birthday (Talk) Unable to create registration.
autocreatewiki-limit-creation (Talk) You have exceeded the maximum number of wiki creation in 24 hours ($1).
autocreatewiki-limit-day (Talk) Wikia has exceeded the maximum number of wiki creations today ($1).
autocreatewiki-log-title (Talk) Your wiki is being created
autocreatewiki-name-taken (Talk) There’s already a wiki with this address. Start editing at <a href="http://$">http://$</a> or choose another address.
autocreatewiki-name-too-long (Talk) This address is too long. Please choose an address with maximum 50 characters.
autocreatewiki-name-too-short (Talk) This address is too short, choose an address with at least 3 characters.
autocreatewiki-page-title-answers (Talk) Create a new Answers site
autocreatewiki-page-title-default (Talk) Create a new wiki
autocreatewiki-protect-reason (Talk) Part of the official interface
autocreatewiki-redirect (Talk) Redirecting to new wiki: $1 ...
autocreatewiki-regex-error-comment (Talk) used in wiki $1 (whole text: $2)
autocreatewiki-remember (Talk) Remember me
autocreatewiki-reminder-body (Talk) Dear $1: Congratulations on starting your new wiki, Tardis Wiki! You can come back and add more to your wiki by visiting $2. This is a brand-new project, so please write to us if you have any questions! -- Wikia Community Team
autocreatewiki-reminder-body-HTML (Talk)
Dear $1:
Congratulations on starting your new wiki, Tardis Wiki! You can come back and add more to your wiki by visiting <a href="$2">$2</a>.
This is a brand-new project, so please write to us if you have any questions!
-- Wikia Community Team
autocreatewiki-reminder-subject (Talk) Tardis Wiki autocreatewiki-required (Talk) $1 = required autocreatewiki-set-username (Talk) Set username first. autocreatewiki-similar-wikis (Talk) Below are the wikis already created on this topic. We suggest editing one of them. autocreatewiki-step0 (Talk) Initializing process ... autocreatewiki-step1 (Talk) Creating images folder ... autocreatewiki-step10 (Talk) Setting pages on central wiki ... autocreatewiki-step11 (Talk) Sending email to user ... autocreatewiki-step2 (Talk) Creating database ... autocreatewiki-step2-error (Talk) There was an issue creating the database. Please contact Wikia Staff for assistance. autocreatewiki-step3 (Talk) Setting default information in database ... autocreatewiki-step3-error (Talk) Cannot set default information in database! autocreatewiki-step4 (Talk) Copying default images and logo ... autocreatewiki-step5 (Talk) Setting default variables in database ... autocreatewiki-step6 (Talk) Setting default tables in database ... autocreatewiki-step6-error (Talk) Cannot set default tables in database. autocreatewiki-step7 (Talk) Setting language starter ... autocreatewiki-step7-error (Talk) Cannot copy starter database for language. autocreatewiki-step8 (Talk) Setting user groups and categories ... autocreatewiki-step9 (Talk) Setting variables for new wiki ... autocreatewiki-stepdefault (Talk) Process is running, please wait ... autocreatewiki-subname-answers (Talk) Answers autocreatewiki-success-get-started (Talk) Get Started autocreatewiki-success-has-been-created (Talk) has been created! autocreatewiki-success-subtitle (Talk) You can now begin working on your wiki by visiting: autocreatewiki-success-title-answers (Talk) Your answers site has been created! autocreatewiki-success-title-default (Talk) Your wiki has been created! autocreatewiki-tagline (Talk) autocreatewiki-title-template (Talk) $1 Wiki autocreatewiki-user-notloggedin (Talk) Your account was created but not logged in! autocreatewiki-violate-policy (Talk) This wiki name contains a word that violates our naming policy autocreatewiki-web-address (Talk) Web address: autocreatewiki-welcomebody (Talk) Hello $2! Your wiki has been created! Take a look: <$1> Ready to get started? We’ve added some links to your talk page (<$5>) to help you get started and to encourage you to explore the many helpful areas around Wikia. If you have any questions or feel a bit lost, reply to this email or check out our Help pages <>. You can also check out the Founder & Admin blog <> and the Wikia Staff blog <> where you’ll find tips and tricks, info about new features and new things happening at Wikia. Happy editing! $3 Wikia Community Support <$4> ___________________________________________ * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here: autocreatewiki-welcomesubject (Talk) $1 has been created!
autocreatewiki-welcometalk (Talk) ==Welcome!==
autocreatewiki-welcometalk-log (Talk) Welcome Message
autoredircomment (Talk) Redirected page to $1
autosumm-blank (Talk) Removing all content from page
autosumm-new (Talk) Created page with "$1"
autosumm-replace (Talk) Replaced content with "$1"
awc-metrics-active (Talk) active
awc-metrics-all (Talk) all Wikis
awc-metrics-all-languages (Talk) all languages
awc-metrics-all-users (Talk) Reg.
awc-metrics-all-users-edit-main-ns (Talk) Reg. users
(Content NS)
awc-metrics-article-avg-size (Talk) Avg. art.
awc-metrics-articles (Talk) Articles
awc-metrics-articles-per-day (Talk) Articles
(avg. per day)
awc-metrics-by-dbname (Talk) where DB names contain:
awc-metrics-by-domains (Talk) and domains contain:
awc-metrics-by-email (Talk) or (user email):
awc-metrics-by-language (Talk) by language:
awc-metrics-by-title (Talk) and titles starting at:
awc-metrics-by-user (Talk) found by (user name):
awc-metrics-category (Talk) and category:
awc-metrics-close (Talk) Close
awc-metrics-close-action (Talk) close
awc-metrics-close-checked (Talk) Close checked
awc-metrics-close-listed (Talk) Close all listed
awc-metrics-closed (Talk) closed
awc-metrics-created-between (Talk) created between $1 (YYYY/MM/DD) and $2 (YYYY/MM/DD)
awc-metrics-db-size (Talk) DB size
awc-metrics-edits (Talk) Edits
awc-metrics-edits-label (Talk) $1 edits in $2,
awc-metrics-exact-match (Talk) exact match
awc-metrics-fewer-than (Talk) that has fewer than $1 articles,
awc-metrics-half-year (Talk) created < 6 months ago
awc-metrics-hubs (Talk) New wikis (monthly)
awc-metrics-images (Talk) Images
awc-metrics-language-top-list (Talk) de,en,es,fr,it,ja,pl,pt,pt-br,zh
awc-metrics-last-month (Talk) the last $1 months
awc-metrics-nbr-result (Talk) Results:
awc-metrics-news-day (Talk) New wikis (daily)
awc-metrics-not-found (Talk) No Wikis found
awc-metrics-one-months (Talk) created < 1 month ago
awc-metrics-one-week (Talk) created < 1 week ago
awc-metrics-pageviews (Talk) Page
awc-metrics-pageviews-label (Talk) and $1 pageviews in the last $2 days
awc-metrics-recordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records
awc-metrics-redirected (Talk) closed and redirected
awc-metrics-removed (Talk) removed
awc-metrics-revisions-per-page (Talk) Revisions
(avg. per page)
awc-metrics-search (Talk) Search options:
awc-metrics-select (Talk) Show Wikis:
awc-metrics-statistics (Talk) Statistics (average for all months)
awc-metrics-sum-day (Talk) Count (per day)
awc-metrics-sum-month (Talk) Count (per month)
awc-metrics-this-month (Talk) this month
awc-metrics-three-months (Talk) created < 3 months ago
awc-metrics-three-weeks (Talk) created < 3 weeks ago
awc-metrics-two-months (Talk) created < 2 months ago
awc-metrics-two-weeks (Talk) created < 2 weeks ago
awc-metrics-wikians (Talk) Wikians
(>10 edits)
awc-metrics-wikis (Talk) Display Wikis
back (Talk) Back
backend-fail-alreadyexists (Talk) The file $1 already exists.
backend-fail-backup (Talk) Could not backup file $1.
backend-fail-batchsize (Talk) Storage backend given a batch of $1 file operations; the limit is $2 operations.
backend-fail-closetemp (Talk) Could not close temporary file.
backend-fail-connect (Talk) Could not connect to storage backend "$1".
backend-fail-contenttype (Talk) Could not determine the content type of the file to store at "$1".
backend-fail-copy (Talk) Could not copy file $1 to $2.
backend-fail-create (Talk) Could not create file $1.
backend-fail-delete (Talk) Could not delete file $1.
backend-fail-hashes (Talk) Could not get file hashes for comparison.
backend-fail-internal (Talk) An unknown error occurred in storage backend "$1".
backend-fail-invalidpath (Talk) $1 is not a valid storage path.
backend-fail-move (Talk) Could not move file $1 to $2.
backend-fail-notexists (Talk) The file $1 does not exist.
backend-fail-notsame (Talk) A non-identical file already exists at $1.
backend-fail-opentemp (Talk) Could not open temporary file.
backend-fail-read (Talk) Could not read file $1.
backend-fail-readonly (Talk) The storage backend "$1" is currently read-only. The reason given was: "$2"
backend-fail-store (Talk) Could not store file $1 at $2.
backend-fail-stream (Talk) Could not stream file $1.
backend-fail-synced (Talk) The file "$1" is in an inconsistent state within the internal storage backends
backend-fail-writetemp (Talk) Could not write to temporary file.
background_color (Talk) Background color
backlinksubtitle (Talk) ← $1
badWords (Talk) arse arsehole ass assbag assbandit assbanger assbite assclown asscock asscracker asses assface assfuck assfucker assgoblin asshat asshead asshole asshopper assjacker asslick asslicker assmunch assmuncher asspirate assshole asswipe bampot bastard beaner bitch bitchass bitchtits bitchy blow job blowjob boner brotherfucker bullshit bumblefuck butt plug butt-pirate buttfucka buttfucker camel toe carpetmuncher chinc choad chode clitface clitfuck cockbite cockface cockfucker cockknoker cockmaster cockmongler cockmongruel cockmonkey cockmuncher cockshit cocksmith cocksmoker cocksucker coochie coochy coon cooter cum cumbubble cumjockey cumtart cunt cunthole deggo dickbag dickbeaters dickface dickfuck dickhead dickhole dickmonger dickweasel dickweed dickwod dipshit dookie douche-fag douchebag douchewaffle dumass dumb ass dumbass dumbfuck dumbshit dumshit fagbag fagfucker faggit faggot fagtard fatass fellatio feltch flamer fuck fuckass fuckbrain fuckbutt fucked fucker fuckface fuckhead fuckhole fuckin fucking fucknut fucks fuckstick fucktard fuckup fuckwad fuckwit fuckwitt fudgepacker gaybob gaydo gayfuck gayfuckist gaytard gaywad goddamn goddamnit gooch gook gringo guido handjob heeb homo homodumbshit honkey humping jackass jap jerk off jigaboo jizz jungle bunny junglebunny kike kooch kootch kyke lesbo lezzie mcfagget minge mothafucka motherfucker motherfucking muff muffdiver munging negro nigga nigger niglet nut sack nutsack paki panooch pecker peckerhead penisfucker piss poon poonani poonany porch monkey porchmonkey punanny punta pussylicking puto queef queer queerbait queerhole renob rimjob ruski sand nigger sandnigger schlong scrote shit shitbagger shitcunt shitdick shitface shitfaced shithead shithole shithouse shitspitter shitstain shitter shittiest shitting shitty shiz shiznit skank skeet skullfuck slut slutbag snatch spic spick splooge tard thundercunt tit titfuck tits tittyfuck twat twatlips twats twatwaffle va-j-j vag vjayjay wank wetback whore whorebag wop хуя
bad_image_list (Talk) The format is as follows: Only list items (lines starting with *) are considered. The first link on a line must be a link to a bad file. Any subsequent links on the same line are considered to be exceptions, i.e. pages where the file may occur inline.
badaccess (Talk) Permission error
badaccess-group0 (Talk) You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested.
badaccess-groups (Talk) The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups: $1.
badarticleerror (Talk) This action cannot be performed on this page. This page may have been deleted since your request was submitted.
badfilename (Talk) Filename has been changed to "$1".
badipaddress (Talk) Invalid IP address
badretype (Talk) The passwords you entered do not match.
badsig (Talk) Invalid raw signature. Check HTML tags.
badsiglength (Talk) Your signature is too long. It must not be more than $1 characters long.
badtitle (Talk) Bad title
badtitletext (Talk) The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title. It may contain one or more characters that can't be used in titles.
batchmove (Talk) Batch Move Pages
batchmove-complete (Talk) Batch move complete
batchmove-confirm (Talk) Confirm
batchmove-confirm-msg (Talk) Are you sure you want to move "$1":* to "$2":*? This can possible be a large operation and will be difficult to reverse.
batchmove-description (Talk) This allows moving all pages with a specific prefix to a different prefix. Doing this manually is a herculean task, so this facility has provided.
batchmove-failed (Talk) Failed to move $1 to $2, This page most likely needs to be merged manually
batchmove-from (Talk) From
batchmove-header (Talk) Move from $1:* to $2:*
batchmove-marked (Talk) The page $1 already exists, marked for manual merge.
batchmove-preview (Talk) Preview
batchmove-preview-header (Talk) This is only a preview, no action has been taken yet.
batchmove-reason (Talk) Reason
batchmove-skip (Talk) Skipping page $1.
batchmove-success (Talk) Moved $1 to $2
batchmove-title (Talk) Batch Move Pages
batchmove-to (Talk) To
batchuserrights (Talk) Batch user rights
batchuserrights-add-groups (Talk) Adding $1 users to the following groups: $3.
batchuserrights-desc (Talk) Allows adding one or more users to a group in one action
batchuserrights-intro (Talk) This page will let you add a group to multiple users at once. For security reasons, the list of addable groups is set in the extension configuration and cannot be changed from within the wiki. Please ask a system administrator if you need to allow batch-adding of other groups.
batchuserrights-names (Talk) Usernames to add this group to (one per line):
batchuserrights-no-groups (Talk) You did not choose any groups. This will not accomplish anything. The rest of the page will be allowed to run just so that you can easily see if any of the usernames could not be loaded.
batchuserrights-single-progress-update (Talk) Added groups to $2.
batchuserrights-userload-error (Talk) Could not load the user "$1".
bitrate-bits (Talk) $1bps
bitrate-exabits (Talk) $1Ebps
bitrate-gigabits (Talk) $1Gbps
bitrate-kilobits (Talk) $1kbps
bitrate-megabits (Talk) $1Mbps
bitrate-petabits (Talk) $1Pbps
bitrate-terabits (Talk) $1Tbps
bitrate-yottabits (Talk) $1Ybps
bitrate-zetabits (Talk) $1Zbps
blanknamespace (Talk) (Main)
blankpage (Talk) Blank page
block (Talk) Block user
block-log-flags-angry-autoblock (Talk) enhanced autoblock enabled
block-log-flags-anononly (Talk) anonymous users only
block-log-flags-hiddenname (Talk) username hidden
block-log-flags-noautoblock (Talk) autoblock disabled
block-log-flags-nocreate (Talk) account creation disabled
block-log-flags-noemail (Talk) e-mail blocked
block-log-flags-nousertalk (Talk) cannot edit own talk page
blocked-mailpassword (Talk) Your IP address is blocked from editing, and so is not allowed to use the password recovery function to prevent abuse.
blocked-notice-logextract (Talk) This user is currently blocked. The latest block log entry is provided below for reference:
blockednoreason (Talk) no reason given
blockedtext (Talk) Your user name or IP address has been blocked.
You can contact $1 or another Administrator to discuss the block. Please include all details in the above box in any queries you make.
blockedtitle (Talk) User is blocked
blockip (Talk) Block user
blockip-legend (Talk) Block user
blockip-title (Talk) Block user
blockipsuccesssub (Talk) Block succeeded
blockipsuccesstext (Talk) $1 has been blocked.
See IP block list to review blocks.
blockiptext (Talk) Use the form below to block editing access from a specific IP address or username. See also Help:Blocking.
blocklink (Talk) block
blocklist (Talk) Blocked users
blocklist-addressblocks (Talk) Hide single IP blocks
blocklist-by (Talk) Blocking admin
blocklist-expiry (Talk) Expires
blocklist-nousertalk (Talk) cannot edit own talk page
blocklist-params (Talk) Block parameters
blocklist-rangeblocks (Talk) Hide range blocks
blocklist-reason (Talk) Reason
blocklist-summary (Talk)
blocklist-target (Talk) Target
blocklist-tempblocks (Talk) Hide temporary blocks
blocklist-timestamp (Talk) Timestamp
blocklist-userblocks (Talk) Hide account blocks
blocklog-showlog (Talk) This user has been blocked previously. The block log is provided below for reference:
blocklog-showsuppresslog (Talk) This user has been blocked and hidden previously. The suppress log is provided below for reference:
blocklogentry (Talk) blocked $1 with an expiry time of $2 $3
blocklogpage (Talk) Block log
blocklogtext (Talk) This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not listed. See the IP block list for the list of currently operational bans and blocks.
blockme (Talk) Block me
blog-added (Talk) added
blog-avatar-alt (Talk) Logs of useravatar additions or removals
blog-avatar-changed-log (Talk) User avatar added or updated
blog-avatar-defaults (Talk) Avatar.jpg Avatar2.jpg Avatar3.jpg Avatar4.jpg Avatar5.jpg Avatar6.jpg
blog-avatar-preferences-title (Talk) Avatar
blog-avatar-removed-log (Talk) Removed $1's avatars
blog-by (Talk) $1 by $2
blog-comment-cannot-add (Talk) You cannot add comment to blog.
blog-comment-delete (Talk) delete
blog-comment-edit (Talk) edit
blog-comment-error (Talk) Comment could not be saved
blog-comment-hide (Talk) hide
blog-comment-history (Talk) history
blog-comment-post (Talk) Post comment
blog-comment-sending (Talk) Sending...
blog-comment-unhide (Talk) unhide
blog-comments (Talk) Comments
blog-comments-anonymous (Talk) Anonymous user
blog-comments-asc (Talk) Newest last
blog-comments-dsc (Talk) Newest first
blog-comments-info (Talk) This box uses wikitext-style input
blog-comments-label (Talk) Commenting
blog-comments-login (Talk) <a href="$1" rel="nofollow">Log in</a> to comment
blog-comments-new (Talk) New comment in blog
blog-comments-save (Talk) Save comment in blog
blog-continuereading (Talk) Continue reading »
blog-create-label (Talk) Create blog article
blog-create-listing-label (Talk) Create blog listing
blog-create-next-label (Talk) Create new blog article
blog-create-post-label (Talk) Create blog post
blog-defaulttitle (Talk) Blogs
blog-desc (Talk) Blog articles
blog-edited (Talk) edited
blog-empty-user-blog (Talk)
No recent blog posts. Write one now! What are Wikia Blogs? Wikia community blogs allow you to contribute a blog post to any wiki's [[MediaWiki:Blogs-recent-url|Community Blog]]. Blogs are used by wiki communities for fan fiction or original work, news and announcements, questions or recommendations to the community, or reviews or op-eds. Check out Fallout Wiki's News Blog and Lostpedia's Theories Blog to see two examples.
blog-emptyparam (Talk) Name of parameter cannot be empty
blog-fromsitename (Talk) From $1
blog-header (Talk) Blog articles in category "$1"
blog-invalidparam (Talk) Unknown parameter '$1' is ignored. Please use one of available parameters: $2
blog-last-edited (Talk) Last edited: $1
blog-listing-created (Talk) Blog listing page created
blog-listing-zero-other (Talk) This user has not written any blog posts yet!
blog-listing-zero-self (Talk)
blog-movepage-badtitle (Talk) Invalid blog post title.
blog-nbrcomments (Talk) $1 comments
blog-newerposts (Talk) Newer posts
blog-nopostfound (Talk) No posts found.
blog-olderposts (Talk) Older posts
blog-page (Talk) Blog
blog-page-rate (Talk) Rate this article:
blog-posts-from-listing (Talk) from listing: $1
blog-rc-comments (Talk) Blog comments
blog-readfullpost (Talk) Read more
blog-refresh-label (Talk) Refresh
blog-subheader (Talk) The following $1 blog articles are in this category.
blog-subheader-all (Talk) The following $1 blog articles are in this category, out of $2 total.
blog-userblog (Talk) $1's blog
blog-voting-label (Talk) Voting
blog-widgets-label (Talk) Widget dashboard
blog-writeone (Talk) Write one!
blog-zero-comments (Talk) No comments yet!
blogs-comment-hidden (Talk) Comment hidden.
blogs-recent-url (Talk) Blog:Recent_posts
blogs-recent-url-text (Talk) Recent blog posts
blogs-reportproblem (Talk) Report problem
blogs-searchprofile (Talk) Blogs
blogs-searchprofile-tooltip (Talk) Search in Blog Articles and Blog Listings
blogs-undeleted-comment (Talk) Undeleted comment for blog page $1
blug-cut-sign (Talk) …
bold_sample (Talk) Bold text
bold_tip (Talk) Bold text
booksources (Talk) Book sources
booksources-go (Talk) Go
booksources-invalid-isbn (Talk) The given ISBN does not appear to be valid; check for errors copying from the original source.
booksources-isbn (Talk) ISBN:
booksources-search-legend (Talk) Search for book sources
booksources-summary (Talk)
booksources-text (Talk) Below is a list of links to other sites that sell new and used books, and may also have further information about books you are looking for:
boteditletter (Talk) b
broken-file-category (Talk) Pages with broken file links
brokenredirects (Talk) Broken redirects
brokenredirects-delete (Talk) delete
brokenredirects-edit (Talk) edit
brokenredirects-summary (Talk)
brokenredirectstext (Talk) The following redirects link to non-existent pages:
browse (Talk) Browse wiki
browsedata (Talk) Browse data
button-createpage (Talk) Add a Page
bydate (Talk) by date
cancel (Talk) Cancel
cannotchangeemail (Talk) Account e-mail addresses cannot be changed on this wiki.
cannotdelete (Talk) The page or file "$1" could not be deleted. It may have already been deleted by someone else.
cannotdelete-title (Talk) Cannot delete page "$1"
cannotundelete (Talk) Undelete failed; someone else may have undeleted the page first.
cant-block-while-blocked (Talk) You cannot block other users while you are blocked.
cant-move-to-user-page (Talk) You do not have permission to move a page to a user page (except to a user subpage).
cant-move-user-page (Talk) You do not have permission to move user pages (apart from subpages).
cant-see-hidden-user (Talk) The user you are trying to block has already been blocked and hidden. Since you do not have the hideuser right, you cannot see or edit the user's block.
cantcreateaccount-text (Talk) Account creation from this IP address ($1) has been blocked by $3. The reason given by $3 is $2
cantcreateaccounttitle (Talk) Cannot create account
cantmove-titleprotected (Talk) You cannot move a page to this location, because the new title has been protected from creation
cantrollback (Talk) Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this page.
captcha-addurl (Talk) Your edit includes new external links. To help protect against automated spam, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info):
captcha-addurl-whitelist (Talk) #
# Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs #
captcha-badlogin (Talk) To help protect against automated password cracking, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info): captcha-create (Talk) To create the page, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info): captcha-createaccount (Talk) To help protect against automated account creation, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info): captcha-createaccount-fail (Talk) Incorrect or missing confirmation code. captcha-desc (Talk) Provides CAPTCHA techniques to protect against spam and password-guessing captcha-disabledinapi (Talk) This action requires a captcha, so it cannot be performed through the API. captcha-edit (Talk) To edit this page, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info): captcha-input-placeholder (Talk) Enter text here captcha-sendemail (Talk) To help protect against automated spamming, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info): captcha-sendemail-fail (Talk) Incorrect or missing confirmation code. captchahelp-cookies-needed (Talk) You will need to have cookies enabled in your browser for this to work. captchahelp-text (Talk) This is used to protect the site from spam. If you have limited vision or are using a browser that can't show the image please contact Wikia for assistance. captchahelp-title (Talk) CAPTCHA help cascadeprotected (Talk) This page has been protected from editing, because it is included in the following pages, which are protected with the "cascading" option turned on: $2 cascadeprotectedwarning (Talk) Warning: This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can edit it, because it is included in the following cascade-protected pages: categories (Talk) Categories list categories-summary (Talk) categoriesfrom (Talk) Display categories starting at:
categoriespagetext (Talk)
categorize (Talk) Categorize
categorize_help (Talk) One category per line
category (Talk) Category Name
category-article-count (Talk) The following $1 pages are in this category, out of $2 total.
category-article-count-limited (Talk) The following $1 pages are in the current category.
category-empty (Talk) This category currently contains no pages or media.
category-exhibition-alphabetical (Talk) Alphabetical
category-exhibition-blogs-header (Talk) Blog posts
category-exhibition-display-new (Talk) Category Exhibition view
category-exhibition-display-old (Talk) Category List view
category-exhibition-media-header (Talk) Media in category "$1"
category-exhibition-mostvisited (Talk) Most visited
category-exhibition-page-header (Talk) Pages in category "$1"
category-exhibition-recentedits (Talk) Recently edited
category-exhibition-sorttype (Talk) Sorting type:
category-exhibition-subcategories-header (Talk) Subcategories
category-file-count (Talk) The following $1 files are in this category, out of $2 total.
category-file-count-limited (Talk) The following $1 files are in the current category.
category-media-header (Talk) Media in category "$1"
category-subcat-count (Talk) This category has the following $1 subcategories, out of $2 total.
category-subcat-count-limited (Talk) This category has the following $1 subcategories.
category_header (Talk) Pages in category "$1"
categoryblacklist (Talk) * stub
categorygalleries-desc (Talk) Shows a pages gallery on category pages
categoryintersection (Talk) Category Intersection API demonstration
categoryintersection-and (Talk) - and -
categoryintersection-desc (Talk) A front-end for the "categoryintersection" API function to show what it can use and assist in understanding it for actual use via the MediaWiki API
categoryintersection-docs-linktext (Talk) Category Intersection MediaWiki API documentation
categoryintersection-footer-body (Talk) Here are some example queries, just to show a few of the types of things that can be done with this API. There are numerous other cool possibilies though... Be creative!
The default examples are for LyricWiki. Please edit MediaWiki:categoryintersection-footer-examples to make examples for this wiki.
categoryintersection-footer-examples (Talk) Category:Artists_S Category:Hometown/Sweden/Stockholm Category:Artist Category:Hometown/United_States/Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh Category:Hometown/Germany/North_Rhine-Westphalia Category:Genre/Rock Category:Artists_S Category:Genre/Rock Category:Hometown/United_States/California Category:Album Category:Genre/Nerdcore_Hip_Hop Category:Language/Simlish Category:Label/Ultra_Records Category:Hometown/Canada Category:Genre/Hip_Hop Category:Hometown/United_States/California
categoryintersection-footer-title (Talk) Examples
categoryintersection-form-submit (Talk) Find matches
categoryintersection-form-title (Talk) Try it out
categoryintersection-header-body (Talk) This page is designed to show the types of things that the CategoryIntersection API function can do and make it easy to learn how to use it. For more information please see: $1
categoryintersection-header-title (Talk) About
categoryintersection-instructions (Talk) Type in two categories (including the "Category:" part at the beginning) to see all articles which are in BOTH of those categories and to see an example URL of how that was obtained using the API.
categoryintersection-instructions-title (Talk) Instructions
categoryintersection-limit (Talk) Limit
categoryintersection-noresults (Talk) No results. Please check that the category names are correct if you think there should be results.
categoryintersection-query-used (Talk) API query used:
categoryintersection-results-title (Talk) API Results
categoryintersection-summary (Talk) Searched for categories: $1; limit: $2; number of results returned: $3
categorypage (Talk) View category page
categoryselect-addcategory-button (Talk) Add category
categoryselect-addcategory-edit (Talk) Add a category
categoryselect-button-cancel (Talk) Cancel
categoryselect-button-save (Talk) Save
categoryselect-code-view (Talk) Code view
categoryselect-code-view-placeholder (Talk) Add categories here, e.g. categoryselect-desc (Talk) Provides an interface for managing categories in article without editing whole article
categoryselect-edit-abort (Talk) The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension hook
categoryselect-edit-summary (Talk) Adding categories
categoryselect-empty-name (Talk) Provide category name (part before |)
categoryselect-error-db-locked (Talk) Database is locked.
categoryselect-error-not-exist (Talk) Article [id=$1] does not exist.
categoryselect-error-user-rights (Talk) You do not have the permission to add categories to this page.
categoryselect-infobox-caption (Talk) Category options
categoryselect-infobox-category (Talk) Provide the name of the category:
categoryselect-infobox-sortkey (Talk) Alphabetize this article on the "$1" category page under the name: (optional)
categoryselect-suggest-hint (Talk) Press Enter when done
categoryselect-tooltip (Talk) Category tagging toolbar. Try it out or see help to learn more.
categoryselect-unhandled-syntax (Talk) Unhandled syntax detected - switching back to visual mode impossible.
categoryselect-visual-view (Talk) Visual view
categorytree (Talk) Category tree
categorytree-category (Talk) Category:
categorytree-collapse (Talk) collapse
categorytree-collapse-bullet (Talk) [−]
categorytree-desc (Talk) Dynamically navigate the category structure
categorytree-empty-bullet (Talk) [×]
categorytree-error (Talk) Problem loading data.
categorytree-expand (Talk) expand
categorytree-expand-bullet (Talk) [+]
categorytree-go (Talk) Show tree
categorytree-header (Talk) Enter a category name to see its contents as a tree structure.
categorytree-legend (Talk) Show category tree
categorytree-load (Talk) load
categorytree-loading (Talk) loading…
categorytree-member-counts (Talk) Contains $1 subcategories, $2 pages, and $3 files
categorytree-member-num (Talk) ($5)
categorytree-mode-all (Talk) all pages
categorytree-mode-categories (Talk) categories only
categorytree-mode-pages (Talk) pages except files
categorytree-no-pages (Talk) no pages or subcategories
categorytree-no-parent-categories (Talk) no parent categories
categorytree-no-subcategories (Talk) no subcategories
categorytree-not-found (Talk) Category $1 not found
categorytree-nothing-found (Talk) nothing found
categorytree-num-categories (Talk) $1 C
categorytree-num-empty (Talk) empty
categorytree-num-files (Talk) $1 F
categorytree-num-pages (Talk) $1 P
categorytree-page-bullet (Talk)
categorytree-parents (Talk) Parents
categorytree-portlet (Talk) Categories
categorytree-retry (Talk) Please wait a moment and try again.
centralhelpsearch-desc (Talk) Allow inclusion of a form to search Community Central Help
centralhelpsearch-placeholder (Talk) Search Help...
change-blocklink (Talk) change block
changed (Talk) changed
changeemail (Talk) Change e-mail address
changeemail-cancel (Talk) Cancel
changeemail-header (Talk) Change account e-mail address
changeemail-newemail (Talk) New e-mail address:
changeemail-no-info (Talk) You must be logged in to access this page directly.
changeemail-none (Talk) (none)
changeemail-oldemail (Talk) Current e-mail address:
changeemail-submit (Talk) Change e-mail
changeemail-text (Talk) Complete this form to change your e-mail address. You will need to enter your password to confirm this change.
changepassword (Talk) Change password
charinsert-desc (Talk) Allows creation of JavaScript box for inserting non-standard characters
chat (Talk) Chat
chat-ban-already-banned (Talk) $1 is already banned from chat on this wiki.
chat-ban-cannt-undo (Talk) Ban has already been undone
chat-ban-cant-ban-moderator (Talk) You cannot kick/ban another Chat Moderator.
chat-ban-contributions-heading (Talk) Ban from chat
chat-ban-log-change-ban-link (Talk) change ban
chat-ban-modal-button-cancel (Talk) Cancel
chat-ban-modal-button-change-ban (Talk) Change Ban
chat-ban-modal-button-ok (Talk) Ban this user
chat-ban-modal-change-ban-heading (Talk) Change this user's chat ban
chat-ban-modal-change-ban-label (Talk) Change to
chat-ban-modal-end-ban (Talk) End Ban
chat-ban-modal-heading (Talk) Ban this user from chat
chat-ban-modal-label-expires (Talk) Expires
chat-ban-modal-label-reason (Talk) Reason
chat-ban-option-list (Talk) 2 hours:2 hours,1 day:1 day,3 days:3 days,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year,infinite:infinite
chat-ban-undolink (Talk) undo
chat-ban-you-need-permission (Talk) You do not have the $1 permission which is required to kick/ban a user.
chat-browser-is-notsupported (Talk) Your browser is not supported. For the best experience, use a <a href="">newer browser</a>.
chat-chatban-log (Talk) Chat ban log
chat-chatbanadd-log-entry (Talk) banned $1 from chat with an expiry time of $2, ends $3
chat-chatbanchange-log-entry (Talk) changed ban settings for $1 with an expiry time of $2, ends $3
chat-chatbanremove-log-entry (Talk) unbanned $1 from chat
chat-chatconnect-log (Talk) Chat connection log
chat-chatconnect-log-entry (Talk) connected to $1 from address $2
chat-checkuser-join-action (Talk) Joined Chat
chat-contributions-ban-notice (Talk) This user is currently banned from chat. The latest chat ban log entry is provided below for reference:
chat-default-topic (Talk) Welcome to the $1 chat
chat-desc (Talk) Live chat
chat-edit-count (Talk) $1 edits
chat-err-already-chatmod (Talk) Error: "$1" is already in the "$2" group.
chat-err-communicating-with-mediawiki (Talk) Error communicating with MediaWiki server.
chat-err-connected-from-another-browser (Talk) You have connected from another browser. This connection will be closed.
chat-err-invalid-username-chatmod (Talk) Error: Couldn't find user "$1"
chat-err-no-permission-to-add-chatmod (Talk) Error: You do not have permission to add the "$1" group to this user.
chat-great-youre-logged-in (Talk) Great! You're logged in.
chat-inlinealert-a-made-b-chatmod (Talk) $1 has made $2 a chat moderator.
chat-join-the-chat (Talk) Join the Chat
chat-kick-cant-kick-moderator (Talk) You cannot kick another Chat Moderator.
chat-kick-log-reason (Talk) Kick/banned from the chat for this wiki by $1. Please contact them for more info.
chat-kick-you-need-permission (Talk) You do not have permissions to kick a user.
chat-live2 (Talk) Live! Chat
chat-log-reason-banadd (Talk) Misbehaving in chat
chat-log-reason-banchange (Talk) No reason given
chat-log-reason-banremove (Talk) No reason given
chat-log-reason-undo (Talk) undo
chat-member-since (Talk) Member since $1
chat-missing-required-parameter (Talk) '$1' is required but was not found in the request.
chat-no-login (Talk) You must be logged in to chat.
chat-no-login-text (Talk) Please login, and then open chat again.
chat-private-headline (Talk) Private chat with $1
chat-private-messages (Talk) Private Messages
chat-read-only (Talk) Chat is temporarily unavailable while wiki is in read-only mode.
chat-room-is-not-on-this-wiki (Talk) The chat room you are attempting to enter does not appear to exist on this wiki.
chat-start-a-chat (Talk) Start a Chat
chat-status-away (Talk) Away
chat-user-allow (Talk) $1 has allowed $2.
chat-user-blocked (Talk) $1 has blocked $2.
chat-user-joined (Talk) $1 has joined the chat.
chat-user-menu-ban (Talk) Ban
chat-user-menu-contribs (Talk) Contributions
chat-user-menu-give-chat-mod (Talk) Give ChatMod Status
chat-user-menu-kick (Talk) Kick
chat-user-menu-message-wall (Talk) Message Wall
chat-user-menu-private (Talk) Private Message
chat-user-menu-private-allow (Talk) Allow Private Messages
chat-user-menu-private-block (Talk) Block Private Messages
chat-user-menu-private-close (Talk) Close Private Room
chat-user-menu-talk-page (Talk) Talk Page
chat-user-parted (Talk) $1 has left the chat.
chat-user-permanently-disconnected (Talk) You have been disconnected, check your Internet connection and refresh browser window
chat-user-was-banned (Talk) $1 has been banned by $2 $3.
chat-user-was-kicked (Talk) $1 has been kicked by $2.
chat-user-was-unbanned (Talk) $2 has ended the Chat ban for $1.
chat-userrightslog-a-made-b-chatmod (Talk) $1 promoted $2 to be a chat moderator on this wiki.
chat-welcome-message (Talk) Welcome to the $1 chat
chat-you-are-banned (Talk) Permissions error.
chat-you-are-banned-text (Talk) Sorry, you do not have permission to chat on this wiki. If you think this was a mistake or would like to be reconsidered, please contact an administrator.
chat-you-were-banned (Talk) You have been banned by $1.
chat-you-were-kicked (Talk) You have been kicked by $1.
checkuser (Talk) Check user
checkuser-accounts (Talk) $1 new accounts
checkuser-all (Talk) all
checkuser-autocreate-action (Talk) was automatically created
checkuser-block-failure (Talk) No users blocked.
checkuser-block-limit (Talk) Too many users selected.
checkuser-block-noreason (Talk) You must give a reason for the blocks.
checkuser-block-success (Talk) The users $1 are now blocked.
checkuser-blocked (Talk) Blocked
checkuser-blocktag (Talk) Replace user pages with:
checkuser-blocktag-talk (Talk) Replace talk pages with:
checkuser-check (Talk) Check
checkuser-cidr-label (Talk) Find common range and affected IP addresses for a list of IP addresses
checkuser-cidr-res (Talk) Common CIDR:
checkuser-contribs (Talk) check user IP addresses
checkuser-create-action (Talk) was created
checkuser-desc (Talk) Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information
checkuser-edits (Talk) Get edits
checkuser-email-action (Talk) sent an email to user "$1"
checkuser-empty (Talk) The log contains no items.
checkuser-gblocked (Talk) Blocked globally
checkuser-ipeditcount (Talk) ~$1 from all users
checkuser-ips (Talk) Get IP addresses
checkuser-limited (Talk) These results have been truncated for performance reasons.
checkuser-localonly (Talk) Not unified
checkuser-locked (Talk) Locked
checkuser-log-fail (Talk) Unable to add log entry
checkuser-log-ipedits (Talk) $1 got edits for XFF <a href="$2">$2</a>
checkuser-log-ipedits-xff (Talk) $1 got edits for XFF <a href="$2">$2</a>
checkuser-log-ipusers (Talk) $1 got users for <a href="$2">$2</a>
checkuser-log-ipusers-xff (Talk) $1 got users for XFF <a href="$2">$2</a>
checkuser-log-return (Talk) Switch to CheckUser main form
checkuser-log-useredits (Talk) $1 got edits for $2
checkuser-log-userips (Talk) $1 got IP addresses for $2
checkuser-logcase (Talk) The log search is case sensitive.
checkuser-massblock (Talk) Block selected users
checkuser-massblock-commit (Talk) Block selected users
checkuser-massblock-text (Talk) Selected accounts will be blocked indefinitely, with autoblocking of IP addresses enabled and account creation disabled. IP addresses will be blocked for one week for anonymous users only and account creation will be disabled.
checkuser-month (Talk) last 30 days
checkuser-nolog (Talk) No log file found.
checkuser-nomatch (Talk) No matches found.
checkuser-nomatch-edits (Talk) No matches found. Last edit was on $1 at $2.
checkuser-noreason (Talk) You must give a reason for this query.
checkuser-period (Talk) Duration:
checkuser-query (Talk) Query recent changes
checkuser-reason (Talk) Reason:
checkuser-reason-api (Talk) API: $1
checkuser-reset-action (Talk) reset password for user "$1"
checkuser-search (Talk) Search
checkuser-search-form (Talk) Find log entries where the $1 is $2
checkuser-search-initiator (Talk) initiator
checkuser-search-submit (Talk) Search
checkuser-search-target (Talk) target
checkuser-showlog (Talk) Show log
checkuser-summary (Talk) This tool scans recent changes to retrieve the IP addresses used by a user or show the edit/user data for an IP address. Users and edits by a client IP address can be retrieved via XFF headers by appending the IP address with "/xff". IPv4 (CIDR 16-32) and IPv6 (CIDR 64-128) are supported. No more than 5,000 edits will be returned for performance reasons. Use this in accordance with policy.
checkuser-target (Talk) IP address or username:
checkuser-too-many (Talk) Too many results (according to query estimate), please narrow down the CIDR. Here are the IPs used (5000 max, sorted by address):
checkuser-toollinks (Talk) [[[Special:Contributions/$1|contribs]] · WHOIS · rDNS · Traceroute · Geolocate · Proxy check · Tor check · Google · uTrace · MultiLookup · MWF · MWF-Wall · Global Block]
checkuser-user-nonexistent (Talk) The specified user does not exist.
checkuser-users (Talk) Get users
checkuser-wasblocked (Talk) Previously blocked
checkuser-week-1 (Talk) last week
checkuser-week-2 (Talk) last two weeks
checkuserlog (Talk) Check user log
chick.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect users of the Chick skin */
chick.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for users using the Chick skin */
choose_reason (Talk) Choose reason
cite-desc (Talk) Adds <ref[ name=id]> and <references/> tags, for citations
cite_croak (Talk) Cite died; $1: $2
cite_error (Talk) Cite error: $1
cite_error_empty_references_define (Talk) [1] missing for Cite error: Closing
missing for <ref>
tag</charinsert> {{Reflist}} <references/> <includeonly></includeonly> <noinclude></noinclude> {{DEFAULTSORT:}} + <!-- --> <span class="plainlinks"></span>
Symbols: ~
¶ #
∞ ‘
«» ¤
¥ ♠
edittools-upload (Talk) -
edittoplist (Talk) Edit Top 10 list
editundo (Talk) undo
editusergroup (Talk) Edit user groups
ellipsis (Talk) ...
email (Talk) Email
email-address-validity-invalid (Talk) Enter a valid e-mail address
email-address-validity-valid (Talk) E-mail address appears valid
email-legend (Talk) Send an e-mail to another Tardis Wiki user
emailauthenticated (Talk) Your email address was authenticated on $2 at $3.
emailblock (Talk) e-mail blocked
emailccme (Talk) E-mail me a copy of my message.
emailccsubject (Talk) Copy of your message to $1: $2
emailconfirmlink (Talk) Confirm your e-mail address
emailfrom (Talk) From
emaillink (Talk) send e-mail
emailmessage (Talk) Message
emailnotarget (Talk) Non-existent or invalid username for recipient.
emailnotauthenticated (Talk) Your email address is not yet authenticated. No email will be sent for any of the following features.
emailpage (Talk) E-mail user
emailpagetext (Talk) You can use the form below to send an e-mail message to this user. The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear as the "From" address of the e-mail, so the recipient will be able to reply directly to you.
emailsend (Talk) Send
emailsent (Talk) E-mail sent
emailsenttext (Talk) Your e-mail message has been sent.
emailsstorage (Talk) E-mails storage
emailsstorage-button-export (Talk) Export to CSV
emailsstorage-desc (Talk) Provides storage for user emails for various engagement projects
emailsstorage-source-quiz (Talk) Quiz
emailsstorage-source-scavenger-hunt (Talk) Scavenger Hunt
emailsubject (Talk) Subject
emailtarget (Talk) Enter username of recipient
emailto (Talk) To
emailuser (Talk) E-mail this user
emailuserfooter (Talk) This email was sent to you by $1, using the "Email user" function at Tardis Wiki ( - Wikia Community Support ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
emailusername (Talk) Username:
emailusernamesubmit (Talk) Submit
emoticons (Talk) * ** (angry) ** >:O ** >:-O * ** (argh) * ** (ba) ** (mrt) * ** (batman) * ** (blush) ** :] ** :-] * ** (books) * ** (confused) ** :S ** :-S * ** (content) * ** (cool) ** B) ** B-) * ** (crying) ** ;-( ** ;( ** :\'( * ** (fingers crossed) ** (yn) * ** (frustrated) ** >:-/ ** >:/ * ** (ghost) ** (swayze) * ** (happy) ** :-) ** :) * ** (heart) ** (h) ** <3 * ** (hmm) * ** (indifferent) ** :/ ** :-/ * ** (laughing) ** :D ** :-D * ** (mario) * ** (moon) * ** (ninja) * ** (nintendo) * ** (no) ** (n) * ** (owl) * ** (pacmen) ** (pacman) ** (redghost) * ** (peace) * ** (pirate) ** (arr) * ** (sad) ** :( ** :-( * ** (silly) ** :P ** :-P * ** (stop) * ** (unamused) ** :| ** :-| * ** (heidy) ** (squirrel) * ** (wink) ** ;) ** ;-) * ** (yes) ** (y)
empty-file (Talk) The file you submitted was empty.
emptyfile (Talk) The file you uploaded seems to be empty. This might be due to a typo in the filename. Please check whether you really want to upload this file.
enablerichtexteditor (Talk) Enable visual editor (where available)
enablespellchecker (Talk) Enable spellchecker in visual mode
enotif_anon_editor (Talk) a user
enotif_body (Talk) Hi $WATCHINGUSERNAME, One of the pages you're following, $PAGETITLE on Tardis Wiki, has been edited by $PAGEEDITOR. Interested in seeing what's changed? See "$PAGETITLE_URL" for the current version. $NEWPAGE $PAGESUMMARY - Wikia Community Support ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
enotif_body_article_comment (Talk) Hi $WATCHINGUSERNAME, There's a new comment at $PAGETITLE on Tardis Wiki. Use this link to see all of the comments: $PAGETITLE_URL#WikiaArticleComments - Wikia Community Support ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
enotif_body_article_comment-HTML (Talk) Hi $WATCHINGUSERNAME,
There's a new comment at $PAGETITLE on Tardis Wiki. Use this link to see all of the comments: <a href="$PAGETITLE_URL#WikiaArticleComments">$PAGETITLE</a>
- Wikia Community Support
- Find help and advice on <a href="">Community Central</a>.
- Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences <a href="">here</a>.
enotif_body_blogpost (Talk) Hi $WATCHINGUSERNAME, A new blog post has been added to $BLOGLISTING on Tardis Wiki. Go to "$PAGETITLE_URL" to read the new post. - Wikia Community Team ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
enotif_body_blogpost-HTML (Talk) Hi $WATCHINGUSERNAME,
A new blog post has been added to <a href="$BLOGLISTING_URL">$BLOGLISTING</a> on Tardis Wiki.
Go to <a href="$PAGETITLE_URL">$PAGETITLE</a> to read the new post.
- Wikia Community Support
- Find help and advice on <a href="">Community Central</a>.
- Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences <a href="">here</a>.
enotif_body_categoryadd (Talk) Hi $WATCHINGUSERNAME, A page has been added to a category you're following, $CATEGORY, on Tardis Wiki. See "$PAGETITLE_URL" for the new page. - Wikia Community Support ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
enotif_body_categoryadd-HTML (Talk) Hi $WATCHINGUSERNAME,
A page has been added to a category you're following, <a href="$CATEGORY_URL">$CATEGORY</a>, on Tardis Wiki.
See <a href="$PAGETITLE_URL">$PAGETITLE</a> for the new page.
- Wikia Community Support
- Find help and advice on <a href="">Community Central</a>.
- Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences <a href="">here</a>.
enotif_impersonal_salutation (Talk) Tardis Wiki user
enotif_lastdiff (Talk) See $1 to view this change.
enotif_lastvisited (Talk) To see all changes to this page since your last visit, click here: $1
enotif_mailer (Talk) Tardis Wiki notification mailer
enotif_newpagetext (Talk) This is a new page.
enotif_no_summary (Talk) No edit summary was given
enotif_reset (Talk) Mark all pages visited
enotif_subject (Talk) See the latest changes made to $PAGETITLE on Tardis Wiki by $PAGEEDITOR
enotif_subject_article_comment (Talk) Read the latest comments on the $PAGETITLE page on Tardis Wiki
enotif_subject_blogpost (Talk) A new blog post, $PAGETITLE, has been added to $BLOGLISTING on Tardis Wiki by $PAGEEDITOR
enotif_subject_categoryadd (Talk) The $PAGETITLE page on Tardis Wiki has been added to $CATEGORY by $PAGEEDITOR
enotif_summary (Talk) The summary of the edit is:
enterconfirmcode (Talk) Enter code
enterlockreason (Talk) Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate of when the lock will be released
error (Talk) Error
error-no-article (Talk) Error: No "article" param passed
errorpagetitle (Talk) Error
exbeforeblank (Talk) content before blanking was: "$1"
exblank (Talk) page was empty
excontent (Talk) content was: "$1"
excontentauthor (Talk) content was: "$1" (and the only contributor was "$2")
exif-aperturevalue (Talk) APEX aperture
exif-artist (Talk) Author
exif-attributionurl (Talk) When re-using this work, please link to
exif-bitspersample (Talk) Bits per component
exif-brightnessvalue (Talk) APEX brightness
exif-cameraownername (Talk) Owner of camera
exif-citycreated (Talk) City that the picture was taken in
exif-citydest (Talk) City shown
exif-colorspace (Talk) Color space
exif-colorspace-1 (Talk) sRGB
exif-colorspace-65535 (Talk) Uncalibrated
exif-componentsconfiguration (Talk) Meaning of each component
exif-componentsconfiguration-0 (Talk) does not exist
exif-componentsconfiguration-1 (Talk) Y
exif-componentsconfiguration-2 (Talk) Cb
exif-componentsconfiguration-3 (Talk) Cr
exif-componentsconfiguration-4 (Talk) R
exif-componentsconfiguration-5 (Talk) G
exif-componentsconfiguration-6 (Talk) B
exif-compressedbitsperpixel (Talk) Image compression mode
exif-compression (Talk) Compression scheme
exif-compression-1 (Talk) Uncompressed
exif-compression-2 (Talk) CCITT Group 3 1-Dimensional Modified Huffman run length encoding
exif-compression-3 (Talk) CCITT Group 3 fax encoding
exif-compression-32773 (Talk) PackBits (Macintosh RLE)
exif-compression-32946 (Talk) Deflate (PKZIP)
exif-compression-34712 (Talk) JPEG2000
exif-compression-4 (Talk) CCITT Group 4 fax encoding
exif-compression-5 (Talk) LZW
exif-compression-6 (Talk) JPEG (old)
exif-compression-7 (Talk) JPEG
exif-compression-8 (Talk) Deflate (Adobe)
exif-contact (Talk) Contact information
exif-contact-value (Talk) $1 $2
$3 $4, $5, $6 $7
exif-contentwarning (Talk) Content warning
exif-contrast (Talk) Contrast
exif-contrast-0 (Talk) Normal
exif-contrast-1 (Talk) Soft
exif-contrast-2 (Talk) Hard
exif-coordinate-format (Talk) $1° $2′ $3″ $4
exif-copyright (Talk) Copyright holder
exif-copyrighted (Talk) Copyright status
exif-copyrighted-false (Talk) Public domain
exif-copyrighted-true (Talk) Copyrighted
exif-copyrightowner (Talk) Copyright owner
exif-countrycodecreated (Talk) Code for the country that the picture was taken in
exif-countrycodedest (Talk) Code for country shown
exif-countrycreated (Talk) Country that the picture was taken in
exif-countrydest (Talk) Country shown
exif-credit (Talk) Credit/Provider
exif-customrendered (Talk) Custom image processing
exif-customrendered-0 (Talk) Normal process
exif-customrendered-1 (Talk) Custom process
exif-datetime (Talk) File change date and time
exif-datetimedigitized (Talk) Date and time of digitizing
exif-datetimeexpires (Talk) Do not use after
exif-datetimemetadata (Talk) Date metadata was last modified
exif-datetimeoriginal (Talk) Date and time of data generation
exif-datetimereleased (Talk) Released on
exif-dc-contributor (Talk) Contributors
exif-dc-coverage (Talk) Spatial or temporal scope of media
exif-dc-date (Talk) Date(s)
exif-dc-publisher (Talk) Publisher
exif-dc-relation (Talk) Related media
exif-dc-rights (Talk) Rights
exif-dc-source (Talk) Source media
exif-dc-type (Talk) Type of media
exif-devicesettingdescription (Talk) Device settings description
exif-digitalzoomratio (Talk) Digital zoom ratio
exif-disclaimer (Talk) Disclaimer
exif-editstatus (Talk) Editorial status of image
exif-event (Talk) Event depicted
exif-exifversion (Talk) Exif version
exif-exposurebiasvalue (Talk) APEX exposure bias
exif-exposureindex (Talk) Exposure index
exif-exposuremode (Talk) Exposure mode
exif-exposuremode-0 (Talk) Auto exposure
exif-exposuremode-1 (Talk) Manual exposure
exif-exposuremode-2 (Talk) Auto bracket
exif-exposureprogram (Talk) Exposure Program
exif-exposureprogram-0 (Talk) Not defined
exif-exposureprogram-1 (Talk) Manual
exif-exposureprogram-2 (Talk) Normal program
exif-exposureprogram-3 (Talk) Aperture priority
exif-exposureprogram-4 (Talk) Shutter priority
exif-exposureprogram-5 (Talk) Creative program (biased toward depth of field)
exif-exposureprogram-6 (Talk) Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)
exif-exposureprogram-7 (Talk) Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)
exif-exposureprogram-8 (Talk) Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)
exif-exposuretime (Talk) Exposure time
exif-exposuretime-format (Talk) $1 sec ($2)
exif-filesource (Talk) File source
exif-filesource-3 (Talk) Digital still camera
exif-fixtureidentifier (Talk) Fixture name
exif-flash (Talk) Flash
exif-flash-fired-0 (Talk) Flash did not fire
exif-flash-fired-1 (Talk) Flash fired
exif-flash-function-1 (Talk) No flash function
exif-flash-mode-1 (Talk) compulsory flash firing
exif-flash-mode-2 (Talk) compulsory flash suppression
exif-flash-mode-3 (Talk) auto mode
exif-flash-redeye-1 (Talk) red-eye reduction mode
exif-flash-return-0 (Talk) no strobe return detection function
exif-flash-return-2 (Talk) strobe return light not detected
exif-flash-return-3 (Talk) strobe return light detected
exif-flashenergy (Talk) Flash energy
exif-flashpixversion (Talk) Supported Flashpix version
exif-fnumber (Talk) F Number
exif-fnumber-format (Talk) f/$1
exif-focallength (Talk) Lens focal length
exif-focallength-format (Talk) $1 mm
exif-focallengthin35mmfilm (Talk) Focal length in 35 mm film
exif-focalplaneresolutionunit (Talk) Focal plane resolution unit
exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2 (Talk) inches
exif-focalplanexresolution (Talk) Focal plane X resolution
exif-focalplaneyresolution (Talk) Focal plane Y resolution
exif-gaincontrol (Talk) Scene control
exif-gaincontrol-0 (Talk) None
exif-gaincontrol-1 (Talk) Low gain up
exif-gaincontrol-2 (Talk) High gain up
exif-gaincontrol-3 (Talk) Low gain down
exif-gaincontrol-4 (Talk) High gain down
exif-giffilecomment (Talk) GIF file comment
exif-gpsaltitude (Talk) Altitude
exif-gpsaltitude-above-sealevel (Talk) $1 meters above sea level
exif-gpsaltitude-below-sealevel (Talk) $1 meters below sea level
exif-gpsaltituderef (Talk) Altitude reference
exif-gpsareainformation (Talk) Name of GPS area
exif-gpsdatestamp (Talk) GPS date
exif-gpsdestbearing (Talk) Bearing of destination
exif-gpsdestbearingref (Talk) Reference for bearing of destination
exif-gpsdestdistance (Talk) Distance to destination
exif-gpsdestdistance-k (Talk) Kilometers
exif-gpsdestdistance-m (Talk) Miles
exif-gpsdestdistance-n (Talk) Nautical miles
exif-gpsdestdistanceref (Talk) Reference for distance to destination
exif-gpsdestlatitude (Talk) Latitude destination
exif-gpsdestlatituderef (Talk) Reference for latitude of destination
exif-gpsdestlongitude (Talk) Longitude of destination
exif-gpsdestlongituderef (Talk) Reference for longitude of destination
exif-gpsdifferential (Talk) GPS differential correction
exif-gpsdirection-m (Talk) Magnetic direction
exif-gpsdirection-t (Talk) True direction
exif-gpsdop (Talk) Measurement precision
exif-gpsdop-excellent (Talk) Excellent ($1)
exif-gpsdop-fair (Talk) Fair ($1)
exif-gpsdop-good (Talk) Good ($1)
exif-gpsdop-moderate (Talk) Moderate ($1)
exif-gpsdop-poor (Talk) Poor ($1)
exif-gpsimgdirection (Talk) Direction of image
exif-gpsimgdirectionref (Talk) Reference for direction of image
exif-gpslatitude (Talk) Latitude
exif-gpslatitude-n (Talk) North latitude
exif-gpslatitude-s (Talk) South latitude
exif-gpslatituderef (Talk) North or south latitude
exif-gpslongitude (Talk) Longitude
exif-gpslongitude-e (Talk) East longitude
exif-gpslongitude-w (Talk) West longitude
exif-gpslongituderef (Talk) East or west longitude
exif-gpsmapdatum (Talk) Geodetic survey data used
exif-gpsmeasuremode (Talk) Measurement mode
exif-gpsmeasuremode-2 (Talk) 2-dimensional measurement
exif-gpsmeasuremode-3 (Talk) 3-dimensional measurement
exif-gpsprocessingmethod (Talk) Name of GPS processing method
exif-gpssatellites (Talk) Satellites used for measurement
exif-gpsspeed (Talk) Speed of GPS receiver
exif-gpsspeed-k (Talk) Kilometers per hour
exif-gpsspeed-m (Talk) Miles per hour
exif-gpsspeed-n (Talk) Knots
exif-gpsspeedref (Talk) Speed unit
exif-gpsstatus (Talk) Receiver status
exif-gpsstatus-a (Talk) Measurement in progress
exif-gpsstatus-v (Talk) Measurement interoperability
exif-gpstimestamp (Talk) GPS time (atomic clock)
exif-gpstrack (Talk) Direction of movement
exif-gpstrackref (Talk) Reference for direction of movement
exif-gpsversionid (Talk) GPS tag version
exif-headline (Talk) Headline
exif-identifier (Talk) Identifier
exif-iimcategory (Talk) Category
exif-iimcategory-ace (Talk) Arts, culture and entertainment
exif-iimcategory-clj (Talk) Crime and law
exif-iimcategory-dis (Talk) Disasters and accidents
exif-iimcategory-edu (Talk) Education
exif-iimcategory-evn (Talk) Environment
exif-iimcategory-fin (Talk) Economy and business
exif-iimcategory-hth (Talk) Health
exif-iimcategory-hum (Talk) Human interest
exif-iimcategory-lab (Talk) Labour
exif-iimcategory-lif (Talk) Lifestyle and leisure
exif-iimcategory-pol (Talk) Politics
exif-iimcategory-rel (Talk) Religion and belief
exif-iimcategory-sci (Talk) Science and technology
exif-iimcategory-soi (Talk) Social issues
exif-iimcategory-spo (Talk) Sports
exif-iimcategory-war (Talk) War, conflict and unrest
exif-iimcategory-wea (Talk) Weather
exif-iimsupplementalcategory (Talk) Supplemental categories
exif-iimversion (Talk) IIM version
exif-imagedescription (Talk) Image title
exif-imagelength (Talk) Height
exif-imageuniqueid (Talk) Unique image ID
exif-imagewidth (Talk) Width
exif-intellectualgenre (Talk) Type of item
exif-isospeedratings (Talk) ISO speed rating
exif-isospeedratings-overflow (Talk) Greater than 65535
exif-jpegfilecomment (Talk) JPEG file comment
exif-jpeginterchangeformat (Talk) Offset to JPEG SOI
exif-jpeginterchangeformatlength (Talk) Bytes of JPEG data
exif-keywords (Talk) Keywords
exif-label (Talk) Label
exif-languagecode (Talk) Language
exif-lens (Talk) Lens used
exif-licenseurl (Talk) URL for copyright license
exif-lightsource (Talk) Light source
exif-lightsource-0 (Talk) Unknown
exif-lightsource-1 (Talk) Daylight
exif-lightsource-10 (Talk) Cloudy weather
exif-lightsource-11 (Talk) Shade
exif-lightsource-12 (Talk) Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 – 7100K)
exif-lightsource-13 (Talk) Day white fluorescent (N 4600 – 5400K)
exif-lightsource-14 (Talk) Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 – 4500K)
exif-lightsource-15 (Talk) White fluorescent (WW 3200 – 3700K)
exif-lightsource-17 (Talk) Standard light A
exif-lightsource-18 (Talk) Standard light B
exif-lightsource-19 (Talk) Standard light C
exif-lightsource-2 (Talk) Fluorescent
exif-lightsource-20 (Talk) D55
exif-lightsource-21 (Talk) D65
exif-lightsource-22 (Talk) D75
exif-lightsource-23 (Talk) D50
exif-lightsource-24 (Talk) ISO studio tungsten
exif-lightsource-255 (Talk) Other light source
exif-lightsource-3 (Talk) Tungsten (incandescent light)
exif-lightsource-4 (Talk) Flash
exif-lightsource-9 (Talk) Fine weather
exif-locationdest (Talk) Location depicted
exif-locationdestcode (Talk) Code of location depicted
exif-make (Talk) Camera manufacturer
exif-make-value (Talk) $1
exif-maxaperturevalue (Talk) Maximum land aperture
exif-maxaperturevalue-value (Talk) $1 APEX (f/$2)
exif-meteringmode (Talk) Metering mode
exif-meteringmode-0 (Talk) Unknown
exif-meteringmode-1 (Talk) Average
exif-meteringmode-2 (Talk) Center weighted average
exif-meteringmode-255 (Talk) Other
exif-meteringmode-3 (Talk) Spot
exif-meteringmode-4 (Talk) Multi-Spot
exif-meteringmode-5 (Talk) Pattern
exif-meteringmode-6 (Talk) Partial
exif-model (Talk) Camera model
exif-model-value (Talk) $1
exif-morepermissionsurl (Talk) Alternative licensing information
exif-nickname (Talk) Informal name of image
exif-objectcycle (Talk) Time of day that media is intended for
exif-objectcycle-a (Talk) Morning only
exif-objectcycle-b (Talk) Both morning and evening
exif-objectcycle-p (Talk) Evening only
exif-objectname (Talk) Short title
exif-organisationinimage (Talk) Organization depicted
exif-orientation (Talk) Orientation
exif-orientation-1 (Talk) Normal
exif-orientation-2 (Talk) Flipped horizontally
exif-orientation-3 (Talk) Rotated 180°
exif-orientation-4 (Talk) Flipped vertically
exif-orientation-5 (Talk) Rotated 90° CCW and flipped vertically
exif-orientation-6 (Talk) Rotated 90° CCW
exif-orientation-7 (Talk) Rotated 90° CW and flipped vertically
exif-orientation-8 (Talk) Rotated 90° CW
exif-originaldocumentid (Talk) Unique ID of original document
exif-originalimageheight (Talk) Height of image before it was cropped
exif-originalimagewidth (Talk) Width of image before it was cropped
exif-originaltransmissionref (Talk) Original transmission location code
exif-personinimage (Talk) Person depicted
exif-photometricinterpretation (Talk) Pixel composition
exif-photometricinterpretation-2 (Talk) RGB
exif-photometricinterpretation-6 (Talk) YCbCr
exif-pixelxdimension (Talk) Image height
exif-pixelydimension (Talk) Image width
exif-planarconfiguration (Talk) Data arrangement
exif-planarconfiguration-1 (Talk) chunky format
exif-planarconfiguration-2 (Talk) planar format
exif-pngfilecomment (Talk) PNG file comment
exif-preferredattributionname (Talk) When re-using this work, please credit
exif-primarychromaticities (Talk) Chromaticities of primarities
exif-provinceorstatecreated (Talk) Province or state that the picture was taken in
exif-provinceorstatedest (Talk) Province or state shown
exif-rating (Talk) Rating (out of 5)
exif-rating-rejected (Talk) Rejected
exif-referenceblackwhite (Talk) Pair of black and white reference values
exif-relatedsoundfile (Talk) Related audio file
exif-rightscertificate (Talk) Rights management certificate
exif-rowsperstrip (Talk) Number of rows per strip
exif-samplesperpixel (Talk) Number of components
exif-saturation (Talk) Saturation
exif-saturation-0 (Talk) Normal
exif-saturation-1 (Talk) Low saturation
exif-saturation-2 (Talk) High saturation
exif-scenecapturetype (Talk) Scene capture type
exif-scenecapturetype-0 (Talk) Standard
exif-scenecapturetype-1 (Talk) Landscape
exif-scenecapturetype-2 (Talk) Portrait
exif-scenecapturetype-3 (Talk) Night scene
exif-scenecode (Talk) IPTC scene code
exif-scenetype (Talk) Scene type
exif-scenetype-1 (Talk) A directly photographed image
exif-sensingmethod (Talk) Sensing method
exif-sensingmethod-1 (Talk) Undefined
exif-sensingmethod-2 (Talk) One-chip color area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-3 (Talk) Two-chip color area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-4 (Talk) Three-chip color area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-5 (Talk) Color sequential area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-7 (Talk) Trilinear sensor
exif-sensingmethod-8 (Talk) Color sequential linear sensor
exif-serialnumber (Talk) Serial number of camera
exif-sharpness (Talk) Sharpness
exif-sharpness-0 (Talk) Normal
exif-sharpness-1 (Talk) Soft
exif-sharpness-2 (Talk) Hard
exif-shutterspeedvalue (Talk) APEX shutter speed
exif-software (Talk) Software used
exif-software-value (Talk) $1
exif-software-version-value (Talk) $1 (Version $2)
exif-source (Talk) Source
exif-specialinstructions (Talk) Special instructions
exif-spectralsensitivity (Talk) Spectral sensitivity
exif-stripbytecounts (Talk) Bytes per compressed strip
exif-stripoffsets (Talk) Image data location
exif-subjectarea (Talk) Subject area
exif-subjectdistance (Talk) Subject distance
exif-subjectdistance-value (Talk) $1 meters
exif-subjectdistancerange (Talk) Subject distance range
exif-subjectdistancerange-0 (Talk) Unknown
exif-subjectdistancerange-1 (Talk) Macro
exif-subjectdistancerange-2 (Talk) Close view
exif-subjectdistancerange-3 (Talk) Distant view
exif-subjectlocation (Talk) Subject location
exif-subjectnewscode (Talk) Subject code
exif-subjectnewscode-value (Talk) $2 ($1)
exif-sublocationcreated (Talk) Sublocation of the city that the picture was taken in
exif-sublocationdest (Talk) Sublocation of city shown
exif-subsectime (Talk) DateTime subseconds
exif-subsectimedigitized (Talk) DateTimeDigitized subseconds
exif-subsectimeoriginal (Talk) DateTimeOriginal subseconds
exif-unknowndate (Talk) Unknown date
exif-urgency (Talk) Urgency
exif-urgency-high (Talk) High ($1)
exif-urgency-low (Talk) Low ($1)
exif-urgency-normal (Talk) Normal ($1)
exif-urgency-other (Talk) User-defined priority ($1)
exif-usageterms (Talk) Usage terms
exif-usercomment (Talk) User comments
exif-webstatement (Talk) Online copyright statement
exif-whitebalance (Talk) White balance
exif-whitebalance-0 (Talk) Auto white balance
exif-whitebalance-1 (Talk) Manual white balance
exif-whitepoint (Talk) White point chromaticity
exif-worldregioncreated (Talk) World region that the picture was taken in
exif-worldregiondest (Talk) World region shown
exif-writer (Talk) Writer
exif-xresolution (Talk) Horizontal resolution
exif-xyresolution-c (Talk) $1 dpc
exif-xyresolution-i (Talk) $1 dpi
exif-ycbcrcoefficients (Talk) Color space transformation matrix coefficients
exif-ycbcrpositioning (Talk) Y and C positioning
exif-ycbcrpositioning-1 (Talk) Centered
exif-ycbcrpositioning-2 (Talk) Co-sited
exif-ycbcrsubsampling (Talk) Subsampling ratio of Y to C
exif-yresolution (Talk) Vertical resolution
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See gsw. am, # አማርኛ - Amharic an, # Aragonés - Aragonese ang, # Anglo-Saxon - Old English ar, ar_AR # العربية - Arabic arc, # ܐܪܡܝܐ - Aramaic arn, # Mapudungun - Mapuche, Mapudungu, Araucanian (Araucano) arz, # مصرى - Egyptian Spoken Arabic as, # অসমীয়া - Assamese ast, # Asturianu - Asturian av, # Авар - Avar avk, # Kotava - Kotava ay, ay_BO # Aymar aru - Aymara az, # Azərbaycan - Azerbaijani ba, # Башҡорт - Bashkir bar, # Boarisch - Bavarian (Austro-Bavarian and South Tyrolean) bat-smg, # Žemaitėška - Samogitian bcc, # بلوچی مکرانی - Southern Balochi bcl, # Bikol Central - Bikol: Central Bicolano language be, be_BY # Беларуская - Belarusian normative be-tarask, be_BY # Беларуская (тарашкевіца) - Belarusian in Taraskievica orthography be-x-old, be_BY # Беларуская (тарашкевіца) - Belarusian in Taraskievica orthography; compat link bg, bg_BG # Български - Bulgarian bh, # भोजपुरी - Bhojpuri bi, # Bislama - Bislama bm, # Bamanankan - Bambara bn, bn_IN # বাংলা - Bengali bo, # བོད་ཡིག - Tibetan bpy, # ইমার ঠার/বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী - Bishnupriya Manipuri bqi, # بختياري - Bakthiari br, # Brezhoneg - Breton bs, bs_BA # Bosanski - Bosnian bto, # Iriga Bicolano - Iriga Bicolano/Rinconada Bikol bug, # ᨅᨔ ᨕᨘᨁᨗ - Bugis bxr, # Буряад - Buryat (Russia) ca, ca_ES # Català - Catalan cbk-zam, # Chavacano de Zamboanga - Zamboanga Chavacano cdo, # Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄ - Min Dong ce, # Нохчийн - Chechen ceb, # Cebuano - Cebuano ch, # Chamoru - Chamorro cho, # Choctaw - Choctaw chr, ck_US # ᏣᎳᎩ - Cherokee chy, # Tsetsêhestâhese - Cheyenne co, # Corsu - Corsican cr, # Nēhiyawēwin / ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ - Cree crh, # Qırımtatarca - Crimean Tatar crh-latn, # "Qırımtatarca (Latin)" - Crimean Tatar (Latin) crh-cyrl, # "Къырымтатарджа (Кирилл)" - Crimean Tatar (Cyrillic) cs, cs_CZ # Česky - Czech csb, # Kaszëbsczi - Cassubian cu, # Словѣ́ньскъ / ⰔⰎⰑⰂⰡⰐⰠⰔⰍⰟ - Old Church Slavonic (ancient language) cv, # Чăвашла - Chuvash cy, cy_GB # Cymraeg - Welsh da, da_DK # Dansk - Danish de, de_DE # Deutsch - German ("Du") de-at, # Österreichisches Deutsch - Austrian German de-ch, # Schweizer Hochdeutsch - Swiss Standard German de-formal, # Deutsch (Sie-Form) - German - formal address ("Sie") de-weigsbrag, # Deutsch (Weigsbrag) - German - ("Weigsbrag") diq, # Zazaki - Zazaki dk, # Dansk (deprecated:da) - Unused code currently falls back to Danish, 'da' is correct for the language dsb, # Dolnoserbski - Lower Sorbian dv, # ދިވެހިބަސް - Dhivehi dz, # ཇོང་ཁ - Bhutani ee, # Eʋegbe - Éwé el, el_GR # Ελληνικά - Greek eml, # Emiliàn e rumagnòl - Emiliano-Romagnolo / Sammarinese en, en_US # English - English en-gb, en_GB # British English - British English eo, eo_EO # Esperanto - Esperanto es, es_ES # Español - Spanish et, et_EE # Eesti - Estonian eu, eu_ES # Euskara - Basque ext, # Estremeñu - Extremaduran fa, fa_IR # فارسی - Persian ff, # Fulfulde - Fulfulde, Maasina fi, fi_FI # Suomi - Finnish fiu-vro, # Võro - Võro (deprecated code, 'vro' in ISO 639-3 since 2009-01-16) fj, # Na Vosa Vakaviti - Fijian fo, fo_FO # Føroyskt - Faroese fr, fr_FR # Français - French frc, # Français cadien - Cajun French frp, # Arpetan - Franco-Provençal/Arpitan fur, # Furlan - Friulian fy, # Frysk - Frisian ga, ga_IE # Gaeilge - Irish gag, # Gagauz - Gagauz gan, # 贛語 - Gan-hant gan-hans, # 赣语(简体) - Gan-hans gan-hant, # 贛語(繁體) - Gan-hant gd, # Gàidhlig - Scots Gaelic gl, gl_ES # Galego - Galician glk, # گیلکی - Gilaki gn, gn_PY # Avañe\'ẽ - Guaraní, Paraguayan got, # 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺 - Gothic grc, # Ἀρχαία ἑλληνικὴ - Ancient Greek gsw, # Alemannisch - Alemannic gu, gu_IN # ગુજરાતી - Gujarati gv, # Gaelg - Manx ha, # هَوُسَ - Hausa hak, # Hak-kâ-fa - Hakka haw, # Hawai`i - Hawaiian he, he_IL # עברית - Hebrew hi, hi_IN # हिन्दी - Hindi hif, # Fiji Hindi - Fijian Hindi (falls back to hif-latn) hif-deva, # फ़ीजी हिन्दी - Fiji Hindi (devangari) hif-latn, # Fiji Hindi - Fiji Hindi (latin) hil, # Ilonggo - Hiligaynon ho, # Hiri Motu - Hiri Motu hr, hr_HR # Hrvatski - Croatian hsb, # Hornjoserbsce - Upper Sorbian ht, # Kreyòl ayisyen - Haitian Creole French hu, hu_HU # Magyar - Hungarian hy, hy_AM # Հայերեն - Armenian hz, # Otsiherero - Herero ia, # Interlingua - Interlingua (IALA) id, id_ID # Bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian ie, # Interlingue - Interlingue (Occidental) ig, # Igbo - Igbo ii, # ꆇꉙ - Sichuan Yi ik, # Iñupiak - Inupiak (Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska / Inupiatun, North Alaskan) ike-cans, # ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ - Inuktitut, Eastern Canadian/Eastern Canadian "Eskimo"/"Eastern Arctic Eskimo"/Inuit (Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics) ike-latn, # inuktitut - Inuktitut, Eastern Canadian (Latin script) ilo, # Ilokano - Ilokano inh, # ГІалгІай Ğalğaj - Ingush io, # Ido - Ido is, is_IS # Íslenska - Icelandic it, it_IT # Italiano - Italian iu, # ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ/inuktitut - Inuktitut (macro language - do no localise, see ike/ikt - falls back to ike-cans) ja, ja_JP # 日本語 - Japanese jbo, # Lojban - Lojban jut, # Jysk - Jutish / Jutlandic jv, jv_ID # Basa Jawa - Javanese ka, ka_GE # ქართული - Georgian kaa, # Qaraqalpaqsha - Karakalpak kab, # Taqbaylit - Kabyle kg, # Kongo - Kongo, (FIXME!) should probaly be KiKongo or KiKoongo ki, # Gĩkũyũ - Gikuyu kj, # Kwanyama - Kwanyama kk, kk_KZ # Қазақша - Kazakh kk-arab, # "قازاقشا (تٴوتە)" - Kazakh Arabic kk-cyrl, # "Қазақша (кирил)" - Kazakh Cyrillic kk-latn, # "Qazaqşa (latın)" - Kazakh Latin kk-cn, # "قازاقشا (جۇنگو)" - Kazakh (China) kk-kz, # "Қазақша (Қазақстан)" - Kazakh (Kazakhstan) kk-tr, # "Qazaqşa (Türkïya)" - Kazakh (Turkey) kl, # Kalaallisut - Inuktitut, Greenlandic/Greenlandic/Kalaallisut (kal) km, km_KH # ភាសាខ្មែរ - Khmer, Central kn, kn_IN # ಕನ್ನಡ - Kannada ko, ko_KR # 한국어 - Korean kr, # Kanuri - Kanuri, Central kri, # Krio - Krio krj, # Kinaray-a - Kinaray-a ks, # कश्मीरी - (كشميري) - Kashmiri ksh, # Ripoarisch - Ripuarian ku, ku_TR # Kurdî / كوردی - Kurdish ku-latn, # "Kurdî (latînî)" - Northern Kurdish Latin script ku-arab, # "كوردي (عەرەبی)" - Northern Kurdish Arabic script kv, # Коми - Komi-Zyrian, cyrillic is common script but also written in latin script kw, # Kernewek - Cornish ky, # Кыргызча - Kirghiz la, la_VA # Latina - Latin lad, # Ladino - Ladino lb, # Lëtzebuergesch - Luxemburguish lbe, # Лакку - Lak lez, # Лезги - Lezgi lfn, # Lingua Franca Nova - Lingua Franca Nova lg, # Luganda - Ganda li, li_NL # Limburgs - Limburgian lij, # Líguru - Ligurian lld, # Ladin - Ladin lmo, # Lumbaart - Lombard ln, # Lingála - Lingala lo, # ລາວ',# Laotian loz, # Silozi - Lozi lt, lt_LT # Lietuvių - Lithuanian lv, lv_LV # Latviešu - Latvian lzh, # 文言 - Literary Chinese -- (bug 8217) lzh instead of zh-classical, lzz, # Lazuri Nena - Laz mai, # मैथिली - Maithili map-bms, # Basa Banyumasan - Banyumasan mdf, # Мокшень - Moksha mg, mg_MG # Malagasy - Malagasy mh, # Ebon - Marshallese mhr, # Олык Марий - Eastern Mari mi, # Māori - Maori mk, mk_MK # Македонски - Macedonian ml, ml_IN # മലയാളം - Malayalam mn, mn_MN # Монгол - Halh Mongolian (Cyrillic) (ISO 639-3: khk) mo, # Молдовеняскэ - Moldovan mr, mr_IN # मराठी - Marathi ms, ms_MY # Bahasa Melayu - Malay mt, mt_MT # Malti - Maltese mus, # Mvskoke - Muskogee/Creek mwl, # Mirandés - Mirandese my, # Myanmasa - Burmese myv, # Эрзянь - Erzya mzn, # مَزِروني - Mazanderani na, # Dorerin Naoero - Nauruan nah, # Nāhuatl - Nahuatl, en:Wikipedia writes Nahuatlahtolli, while another form is Náhuatl nan, # Bân-lâm-gú - Min-nan -- (bug 8217) nan instead of zh-min-nan, nap, # Nnapulitano - Neapolitan nb, nb_NO # "Norsk (bokmål)" - Norwegian (Bokmal) nds, # Plattdüütsch - Low German or Low Saxon nds-nl, # Nedersaksisch - Dutch Low Saxon ne, ne_NP # नेपाली - Nepali new, # नेपाल भाषा - Newar / Nepal Bhasa ng, # Oshiwambo - Ndonga niu, # Niuē - Niuean nl, nl_NL # Nederlands - Dutch nn, nn_NO # "Norsk (nynorsk)" - Norwegian (Nynorsk) no, nb_NO # "Norsk (bokmål)" - Norwegian nov, # Novial - Novial nrm, # Nouormand - Norman nso, # Sesotho sa Leboa - Northern Sotho nv, # Diné bizaad - Navajo ny, # Chi-Chewa - Chichewa oc, # Occitan - Occitan om, # Oromoo - Oromo or, # ଓଡ଼ିଆ - Oriya os, # Иронау - Ossetic pa, pa_IN # ਪੰਜਾਬੀ - Eastern Punjabi (pan) pag, # Pangasinan - Pangasinan pam, # Kapampangan - Pampanga pap, # Papiamentu - Papiamentu pdc, # Deitsch - Pennsylvania German pdt, # Plautdietsch - Plautdietsch/Mennonite Low German pfl, # Pfälzisch - Palatinate German pi, # पािऴ - Pali pih, # Norfuk / Pitkern - Norfuk/Pitcairn/Norfolk pl, pl_PL # Polski - Polish plm, # Palembang - Palembang pms, # Piemontèis - Piedmontese pnb, # پنجابی - Western Punjabi pnt, # Ποντιακά - Pontic/Pontic Greek ps, ps_AF # پښتو - Pashto, Northern/Paktu/Pakhtu/Pakhtoo/Afghan/Pakhto/Pashtu/Pushto/Yusufzai Pashto pt, pt_PT # Português - Portuguese pt-br, pt_BR # Português do Brasil - Brazilian Portuguese qu, qu_PE # Runa Simi - Quechua rif, # Tarifit - Tarifit rm, # Rumantsch - Raeto-Romance rmy, # Romani - Vlax Romany rn, # Kirundi - Rundi/Kirundi/Urundi ro, ro_RO # Română - Romanian roa-rup, # Armãneashce - Aromanian roa-tara, # Tarandíne - Tarantino ru, ru_RU # Русский - Russian ruq, # Vlăheşte - Megleno-Romanian (falls back to ruq-latn) ruq-cyrl, # Влахесте - Megleno-Romanian (Cyrillic script) ruq-grek, # Βλαεστε - Megleno-Romanian (Greek script) ruq-latn, # Vlăheşte - Megleno-Romanian (Latin script) rw, # Kinyarwanda - Kinyarwanda, should possibly be Kinyarwandi sa, sa_IN # संस्कृत - Sanskrit sah, # Саха тыла - Sakha sc, # Sardu - Sardinian scn, # Sicilianu - Sicilian sco, # Scots - Scots sd, # سنڌي - Sindhi sdc, # Sassaresu - Sassarese se, se_NO # Sámegiella - Northern Sami sei, # Cmique Itom - Seri sg, # Sängö - Sango/Sangho sh, # Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски - Serbocroatian shi, # Tašlḥiyt - Tachelhit si, # සිංහල - Sinhalese simple, # Simple English - Simple English sk, sk_SK # Slovenčina - Slovak sl, sl_SI # Slovenščina - Slovenian sm, # Gagana Samoa - Samoan sma, # Åarjelsaemien - Southern Sami sn, # chiShona - Shona so, so_SO # Soomaaliga - Somali sq, sq_AL # Shqip - Albanian sr, sr_RS # Српски / Srpski - Serbian sr-ec, # ћирилица - Serbian cyrillic ekavian sr-el, # latinica - Serbian latin ekavian srn, # Sranantongo - Sranan Tongo ss, # SiSwati - Swati st, # Sesotho - Southern Sotho stq, # Seeltersk - Saterland Frisian su, # Basa Sunda - Sundanese sv, sv_SE # Svenska - Swedish sw, sw_KE # Kiswahili - Swahili szl, # Ślůnski - Silesian ta, ta_IN # தமிழ் - Tamil tcy, # ತುಳು - Tulu te, te_IN # తెలుగు - Telugu tet, # Tetun - Tetun tg, tg_TJ # Тоҷикӣ - Tajiki (falls back to tg-cyrl) tg-cyrl, # Тоҷикӣ - Tajiki (Cyrllic script) (default) tg-latn, # tojikī - Tajiki (Latin script) th, th_TH # ไทย - Thai ti, # ትግርኛ - Tigrinya tk, # Türkmençe - Turkmen tl, tl_PH # Tagalog - Tagalog #tlh, tl_ST # - tlhIngan-Hol - Klingon - no interlanguage links allowed tn, # Setswana - Setswana to, # lea faka-Tonga - Tonga (Tonga Islands) tokipona, # Toki Pona - Toki Pona tp, # Toki Pona (deprecated:tokipona) - Toki Pona - non-standard language code tpi, # Tok Pisin - Tok Pisin tr, tr_TR # Türkçe - Turkish ts, # Xitsonga - Tsonga tt, tt_RU # Tatarça/Татарча - Tatar (multiple scripts - defaults to Latin) tt-cyrl, # Татарча - Tatar (Cyrillic script) tt-latn, # Tatarça - Tatar (Latin script) tum, # chiTumbuka - Tumbuka tw, # Twi - Twi, (FIXME!) ty, # Reo Mā`ohi - Tahitian tyv, # Тыва дыл - Tyvan tzm, # ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - (Central Morocco) Tamazight udm, # Удмурт - Udmurt ug, # Uyghurche / ئۇيغۇرچە - Uyghur (multiple scripts - defaults to Latin) #'ug-arab, # ئۇيغۇرچە - Uyghur (Arabic script). Disabled until sufficient localisation can be committed ug-latn, # Uyghurche - Uyghur (Latin script - default) uk, uk_UA # Українська - Ukrainian ur, ur_PK # اردو - Urdu uz, uz_UZ # O\'zbek - Uzbek val, # Valencià - Valencian ve, # Tshivenda - Venda vec, # Vèneto - Venetian vep, # Vepsan kel\' - Veps vi, vi_VN # Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese vls, # West-Vlams - West Flemish vo, # Volapük - Volapük vro, # Võro - Võro wa, # Walon - Walloon war, # Winaray - Waray-Waray wo, # Wolof - Wolof wuu, # 吴语 - Wu Chinese xal, # Хальмг - Kalmyk-Oirat (Kalmuk, Kalmuck, Kalmack, Qalmaq, Kalmytskii Jazyk, Khal:mag, Oirat, Volga Oirat, European Oirat, Western Mongolian) xh, xh_ZA # isiXhosa - Xhosan xmf, # მარგალური - Mingrelian ydd, # מיזרח־ייִדיש - Eastern Yiddish yi, yi_DE # ייִדיש - Yiddish yo, # Yorùbá - Yoruba yue, # 粵語 - Cantonese -- (bug 8217) yue instead of zh-yue, za, # Sawcuengh - Zhuang zea, # Zeêuws - Zeeuws/Zeaws zh, # 中文 - (Zhōng Wén) - Chinese zh-classical, # 文言 - Classical Chinese/Literary Chinese -- (see bug 8217) zh-cn, # "中文(中国大陆)" - Chinese (PRC) zh-hans, zh_CN # "中文(简体)" - Chinese written using the Simplified Chinese script zh-hant, # "中文(繁體)" - Chinese written using the Traditional Chinese script zh-hk, zh_HK # "中文(香港)" - Chinese (Hong Kong) zh-min-nan, # Bân-lâm-gú - Min-nan -- (see bug 8217) zh-mo, # "中文(澳門)" - Chinese (Macau) zh-my, # "中文(马来西亚)" - Chinese (Malaysia) zh-sg, # "中文(新加坡)" - Chinese (Singapore) zh-tw, zh_TW # "中文(台灣)" - Chinese (Taiwan) zh-yue, # 粵語 - Cantonese -- (see bug 8217) zu, zu_ZA # isiZulu - Zulu # Custom 'languages' for various wikis, each with ticket reference kh, # Kingdom Hearts - Kingdom Hearts for de.finalfantasy, trac #2968 kp, # Kamelopedia - Kamelopedia for de.uncyclopedia, trec #801 mu, # Mirror Universe - Mirror Universe for Memory-Alpha, trac #2788
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file-anchor-link (Talk) File
file-deleted-duplicate (Talk) A file identical to this file ($1) has previously been deleted. You should check that file's deletion history before proceeding to re-upload it.
file-exists-duplicate (Talk) This file is a duplicate of the following files:
file-exists-sharedrepo (Talk) The filename chosen is already in use on a shared repository. Please choose another name.
file-info (Talk) file size: $1, MIME type: $2
file-info-gif-frames (Talk) $1 frames
file-info-gif-looped (Talk) looped
file-info-png-frames (Talk) $1 frames
file-info-png-looped (Talk) looped
file-info-png-repeat (Talk) played $1 times
file-info-size (Talk) $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3, MIME type: $4
file-info-size-pages (Talk) $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3, MIME type: $4, $5 pages
file-nohires (Talk) No higher resolution available.
file-thumbnail-no (Talk) The filename begins with $1. It seems to be an image of reduced size (thumbnail). If you have this image in full resolution upload this one, otherwise change the filename please.
file-too-large (Talk) The file you submitted was too large.
fileappenderror (Talk) Could not append "$1" to "$2".
fileappenderrorread (Talk) Could not read "$1" during append.
filecopyerror (Talk) Could not copy file "$1" to "$2".
filedelete (Talk) Delete $1
filedelete-archive-read-only (Talk) The archive directory "$1" is not writable by the webserver.
filedelete-comment (Talk) Reason:
filedelete-current-unregistered (Talk) The specified file "$1" is not in the database.
filedelete-edit-reasonlist (Talk) Edit delete reasons
filedelete-intro (Talk) You are about to delete the file $1 along with all of its history.
filedelete-intro-old (Talk) You are deleting the version of $1 as of [$4 $3, $2].
filedelete-legend (Talk) Delete file
filedelete-maintenance (Talk) Deletion and restoration of files temporarily disabled during maintenance.
filedelete-maintenance-title (Talk) Cannot delete file
filedelete-missing (Talk) The file "$1" cannot be deleted, because it does not exist.
filedelete-nofile (Talk) $1 does not exist.
filedelete-nofile-old (Talk) There is no archived version of $1 with the specified attributes.
filedelete-old-unregistered (Talk) The specified file revision "$1" is not in the database.
filedelete-otherreason (Talk) Other/additional reason:
filedelete-reason-dropdown (Talk) *Vandalism and problems ** Copyright violation ** Spam/vandalism *Maintenance ** Author request ** Housekeeping ** Duplicated/superseded file ** Misnamed file
filedelete-reason-otherlist (Talk) Other reason
filedelete-submit (Talk) Delete
filedelete-success (Talk) $1 has been deleted.
filedelete-success-old (Talk) The version of $1 as of $3, $2 has been deleted.
filedeleteerror (Talk) Could not delete file "$1".
filedeleteerror-long (Talk) Errors were encountered while deleting the file: $1
filedeleteerror-short (Talk) Error deleting file: $1
filedesc (Talk) Summary
fileduplicatesearch (Talk) Duplicate photos search
fileduplicatesearch-filename (Talk) Filename:
fileduplicatesearch-info (Talk) $1 × $2 pixel
File size: $3
MIME type: $4
fileduplicatesearch-legend (Talk) Search for a duplicate
fileduplicatesearch-noresults (Talk) No file named "$1" found.
fileduplicatesearch-result-1 (Talk) The file "$1" has no identical duplication.
fileduplicatesearch-result-n (Talk) The file "$1" has $2 identical duplications.
fileduplicatesearch-submit (Talk) Search
fileduplicatesearch-summary (Talk) Search for duplicate files based on hash values.
fileexists (Talk) A photo with this name has already been uploaded to the wiki. Please check $1 if you're not sure if you want to change it. Once uploaded, this photo may take up to 2 minutes to be visible.
fileexists-extension (Talk) A file with a similar name exists: thumb * Name of the uploading file: $1 * Name of the existing file: $2 Please choose a different name.
fileexists-forbidden (Talk) A file with this name already exists, and cannot be overwritten. If you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name.
fileexists-shared-forbidden (Talk) A file with this name exists already in the shared file repository. If you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name.
fileexists-thumbnail-yes (Talk) The file seems to be an image of reduced size (thumbnail). thumb Please check the file $1. If the checked file is the same image of original size it is not necessary to upload an extra thumbnail.
fileexistserror (Talk) Unable to write to file "$1": File exists.
filehist (Talk) File history
filehist-comment (Talk) Comment
filehist-current (Talk) current
filehist-datetime (Talk) Date/Time
filehist-deleteall (Talk) delete all
filehist-deleteone (Talk) delete
filehist-dimensions (Talk) Dimensions
filehist-filesize (Talk) File size
filehist-help (Talk) Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
filehist-missing (Talk) File missing
filehist-nothumb (Talk) No thumbnail
filehist-revert (Talk) revert
filehist-thumb (Talk) Thumbnail
filehist-thumbtext (Talk) Thumbnail for version as of $1
filehist-user (Talk) User
filemissing (Talk) File missing
filename (Talk) Filename
filename-bad-prefix (Talk) The name of the file you are uploading begins with "$1", which is a non-descriptive name typically assigned automatically by digital cameras. Please choose a more descriptive name for your file.
filename-prefix-blacklist (Talk) #
# Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a prefix for typical filenames assigned automatically by digital cameras CIMG # Casio DSC_ # Nikon DSCF # Fuji DSCN # Nikon DUW # some mobile phones IMG # generic JD # Jenoptik MGP # Pentax PICT # misc. #
filename-toolong (Talk) Filenames may not be longer than 240 bytes.
filename-tooshort (Talk) The filename is too short.
filenotfound (Talk) Could not find file "$1".
filepage-nofile (Talk) No file by this name exists.
filepage-nofile-link (Talk) No file by this name exists, but you can [$1 upload it].
filepage.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here is included on the file description page, also included on foreign client wikis */
filepageexists (Talk) The description page for this file has already been created at $1, but no file with this name currently exists. The summary you enter will not appear on the description page. To make your summary appear there, you will need to manually edit it. thumb
filepath (Talk) File path
filepath-page (Talk) File:
filepath-submit (Talk) Go
filepath-summary (Talk) This special page returns the complete path for a file. Images are shown in full resolution, other file types are started with their associated program directly.
filerenameerror (Talk) Could not rename file "$1" to "$2".
filereuploadsummary (Talk) File changes:
filerevert (Talk) Revert $1
filerevert-badversion (Talk) There is no previous local version of this file with the provided timestamp.
filerevert-comment (Talk) Reason:
filerevert-defaultcomment (Talk) Reverted to version as of $2, $1
filerevert-intro (Talk) You are about to revert the file $1 to the [$4 version as of $3, $2].
filerevert-legend (Talk) Revert file
filerevert-submit (Talk) Revert
filerevert-success (Talk) $1 has been reverted to the [$4 version as of $3, $2].
filesource (Talk) Source:
filestatus (Talk) Copyright status:
filetype-bad-ie-mime (Talk) Cannot upload this file because Internet Explorer would detect it as "$1", which is a disallowed and potentially dangerous file type.
filetype-badmime (Talk) Files of the MIME type "$1" are not allowed to be uploaded.
filetype-banned (Talk) This type of file is banned.
filetype-banned-type (Talk) ".$1" are not permitted file types. Permitted file types are $2.
filetype-mime-mismatch (Talk) File extension ".$1" does not match the detected MIME type of the file ($2).
filetype-missing (Talk) The file has no extension (for example, ".jpg"). Please check the file and upload again.
filetype-unwanted-type (Talk) ".$1" is an unwanted file type. Preferred file types are $2.
fileuploadsummary (Talk) Summary:
filewasdeleted (Talk) A file of this name has been previously uploaded and subsequently deleted. You should check the $1 before proceeding to upload it again.
filters (Talk) Filters
fix-double-redirects (Talk) Automatically fix the redirects
follow-bloglisting-summary (Talk) Blog posted on blog page
follow-categoryadd-summary (Talk) Page added to category
follow-desc (Talk) Improvements for the watchlist functionality
footer_1 (Talk) Improve $1 by
footer_1.5 (Talk) editing this page
footer_10 (Talk) Share with $1
footer_2 (Talk) Discuss this page
footer_5 (Talk) $1 made an edit on $2
footer_6 (Talk) View random page
footer_7 (Talk) Email this page
footer_8 (Talk) Share this page
footer_9 (Talk) Rate this page
footer_About_Wikia (Talk) About Wikia
footer_Advertise_on_Wikia (Talk) Advertise on Wikia
footer_Contact_Wikia (Talk) Contact Wikia
footer_License (Talk) GFDL
footer_MediaWiki (Talk) MediaWiki
footer_Terms_of_use (Talk) Terms of use
formedit (Talk) Edit with form
formerror (Talk) Error: Could not submit form.
forms (Talk) Forms
formstart (Talk) Start of form
forum (Talk) Forum
forum-active-threads (Talk) $1 Active Discussions
forum-active-threads-on-topic (Talk) $1 Active Discussions about: $2
forum-activity-module-heading (Talk) Forum Activity
forum-activity-module-posted (Talk) $1 posted a reply $2
forum-activity-module-started (Talk) $1 started a discussion $2
forum-board-new-message-heading (Talk) Start a Discussion
forum-board-thread-follow (Talk) Follow
forum-board-thread-following (Talk) Following
forum-board-thread-kudos (Talk) $1 Kudos
forum-board-thread-replies (Talk) $1 Replies
forum-board-thread-unfollow (Talk) Unfollow
forum-board-title (Talk) $1 board
forum-board-topics (Talk) Topics
forum-contributions-line (Talk) $5 ($6 | $7) $8 <a href="$1">$2</a> on the <a href="$3">$4 board</a>
forum-discussion-highlight (Talk) Highlight this discussion
forum-discussion-placeholder-message (Talk) Post a new message to the $1 board
forum-discussion-placeholder-title (Talk) What do you want to talk about?
forum-discussion-post (Talk) Post
forum-forum-title (Talk) Forum
forum-header-active-threads (Talk) $1Active
forum-header-total-threads (Talk) $1Threads
in this Forum
forum-mail-notification-body (Talk) Hi $WATCHER, $SUBJECT $METATITLE $MESSAGE_NO_HTML -- $AUTHOR See the conversation($MESSAGE_LINK) The Wikia Team ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
forum-mail-notification-body-HTML (Talk) Hi $WATCHER,
<a style="padding: 4px 10px;background-color: #006CB0; color: #FFF !important;text-decoration: none;" href="$MESSAGE_LINK">See the conversation</a>
The Wikia Team
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forum-mail-notification-html-button (Talk) See the conversation
forum-mail-notification-html-greeting (Talk) Hi $1,
forum-mail-notification-new-someone (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME wrote a new thread on $WIKI's $BOARDNAME board.
forum-mail-notification-new-your (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME wrote a new thread on $WIKI's $BOARDNAME board.
forum-mail-notification-reply-someone (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied on $WIKI's $BOARDNAME board
forum-mail-notification-reply-your (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied to your thread on $WIKI's $BOARDNAME board
forum-mail-notification-subject (Talk) $1 -- $2
forum-notification-newmsg-on-followed-wall (Talk) $1 left a new message on the $2 board
forum-notification-user1-reply-to-someone (Talk) $1 replied on the $3 board
forum-notification-user1-reply-to-your (Talk) $1 replied to your thread on the $3 board
forum-notification-user2-reply-to-someone (Talk) $1 and $2 replied on the $3 board
forum-notification-user2-reply-to-your (Talk) $1 and $2 replied to your thread on the $3 board
forum-notification-user3-reply-to-someone (Talk) $1 and others replied on the $3 board
forum-notification-user3-reply-to-your (Talk) $1 and others replied to your thread the $3 board
forum-participation-module-heading (Talk) Who's Here
forum-participation-module-kudos (Talk) gave kudos $2
forum-participation-module-posted (Talk) posted a <a href="$1">reply</a> $2
forum-participation-module-started (Talk) started a <a href="$1">discussion</a> $2
forum-recentchanges-closed-thread (Talk) closed thread "$2" from $4
forum-recentchanges-deleted-reply (Talk) deleted reply from "$2" from the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-deleted-reply-title (Talk) A post
forum-recentchanges-deleted-thread (Talk) deleted thread "$2" from the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-edit (Talk) (edited message)
forum-recentchanges-history-link (Talk) board history
forum-recentchanges-namespace-selector-message-wall (Talk) Forum Board
forum-recentchanges-new-message (Talk) on the <a href="$1">$2 Board</a>
forum-recentchanges-removed-reply (Talk) removed reply from "$2" from the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-removed-thread (Talk) removed thread "$2" from the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-reopened-thread (Talk) reopened thread "$2" from $4
forum-recentchanges-restored-reply (Talk) restored reply on "$2" to the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-restored-thread (Talk) restored thread "$2" to the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-thread-group (Talk) $1 on the <a href="$2">$3 Board</a>
forum-recentchanges-thread-history-link (Talk) thread history
forum-related-module-heading (Talk) Related Threads
forum-sorting-option-most-replies (Talk) Most Active in 7 Days
forum-sorting-option-newest-replies (Talk) Most Recent
forum-sorting-option-popular-threads (Talk) Most Popular
forum-specialpage-blurb (Talk) This is an early demo of Wikia's new Forum feature. If you've got ideas or questions about the feature, please start a thread on the General Discussion board. Have fun!
forum-specialpage-blurb-heading (Talk) Welcome to Tardis Wiki Forum!
forum-specialpage-board-lastpostby (Talk) Last post by
forum-specialpage-board-posts (Talk) $1 posts
forum-specialpage-board-threads (Talk) $1 threads
forum-thread-reply-placeholder (Talk) Post a reply
forum-thread-reply-post (Talk) Reply
forum-thread-title (Talk) $1 board
forum-total-threads (Talk) $1 Threads in this Discussions
forum-url (Talk) Forum:Index
forum-wiki-activity-msg (Talk) on the $1
forum-wiki-activity-msg-name (Talk) $1 board
founderemails-answers-email-0-days-passed-body (Talk) Congratulations on creating $WIKINAME - you're now part of the Wikia community! -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-0-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Congratulations on creating $WIKINAME - you're now part of the Wikia community!
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-0-days-passed-subject (Talk) Welcome to QA Wikia!
founderemails-answers-email-10-days-passed-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It's been a little while since you started a wiki on Wikia - we hope it's going great! We wanted to share a few final tidbits to help make your wiki more like home. -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-10-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It's been a little while since you started a wiki on Wikia - we hope it's going great! We wanted to share a few final tidbits to help make your wiki more like home.
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-10-days-passed-subject (Talk) How are things going on your wiki?
founderemails-answers-email-3-days-passed-body (Talk) Hey there $USERNAME, Now that you're a few days into your wiki, we thought you might want to check out a few other things you can do. -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-3-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Hey there $USERNAME,
Now that you're a few days into your wiki, we thought you might want to check out a few other things you can do.
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-3-days-passed-subject (Talk) Checking in
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-anon-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It looks like someone has edited your wiki! Why don't you check it out $MYHOMEURL to see what changed? -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-anon-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like someone has edited your wiki! Why don't you <a href="$MYHOMEURL">check it out</a> to see what changed?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-anon-subject (Talk) Someone changed your site!
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki! Why don't you drop by their talkpage ($EDITORTALKPAGEURL) to say hello? -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki for the first time! Why don't you drop by their talkpage ($EDITORTALKPAGEURL) to say hello? -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki for the first time! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-subject (Talk) Registered user changed your site for the first time!
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-subject (Talk) Registered user changed your site!
founderemails-answers-email-user-registered-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It looks like $EDITORNAME has registered on your wiki! Why don't you drop by their talkpage $EDITORTALKPAGEURL to say hello? -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-user-registered-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like $EDITORNAME has registered on your wiki! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-user-registered-subject (Talk) Someone registered an account on your QA wiki!
founderemails-desc (Talk) Helps informing founders about changes on their wiki
founderemails-email-0-day-addpages-button (Talk) Add a Page
founderemails-email-0-day-addpages-content (Talk) A wiki is all about sharing information about your unique topic. Create pages by clicking on <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="$ADDAPAGEURL">"Add a Page"</a> and fill out more specific information about your topic.
founderemails-email-0-day-addpages-heading (Talk) Add pages.
founderemails-email-0-day-addphotos-button (Talk) Add a Photo
founderemails-email-0-day-addphotos-content (Talk) Pages are always better when they have visuals! Add photos to your pages and to your main page. You can click <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="$ADDAPHOTOURL">"Add a Photo"</a> to add a photo, a photo gallery, or a slideshow.
founderemails-email-0-day-addphotos-heading (Talk) Add photos.
founderemails-email-0-day-congratulations (Talk) Congratulations on creating $HDWIKINAME!
founderemails-email-0-day-customizetheme-button (Talk) Customize
founderemails-email-0-day-customizetheme-content (Talk) Customize your wiki's theme and wordmark to make your wiki stand out! Use the <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="$CUSTOMIZETHEMEURL">Theme Designer</a> to add custom colors to your wiki and make it unique to your topic.
founderemails-email-0-day-customizetheme-heading (Talk) Customize your theme.
founderemails-email-0-day-heading (Talk) Nice to meet you $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-0-day-tips-heading (Talk) Here are a few helpful tips to get you started:
founderemails-email-0-day-wikiahelps-signature (Talk) Happy wiki building!
The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-0-day-wikiahelps-text (Talk) We won't leave you out in the cold. We're here to help you make $WIKINAME successful every step of the way. Visit <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a> for forums, advice, and help, or to <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="">email us</a> your questions!
founderemails-email-0-days-passed-body (Talk) Nice to meet you $USERNAME, Congratulations on creating $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. Here are a few helpful tips to get you started: Add pages. A wiki is all about sharing information about your unique topic. Add photos. Pages are always better when they have visuals! Add photos to your pages and to your main page. Customize your theme. Customize your wiki’s theme and wordmark to make your wiki stand out! Use the Theme Designer to add custom colors to your wiki and make it unique to your topic. We won’t leave you out in the cold. We’re here to help you make $WIKINAME successful every step of the way. Visit for forums, advice and help, or to email us your questions! Happy wiki building! The Wikia Team ___________________________________________ To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit Want to control which emails you receive? Go to: Click the following link to unsubscribe from all Wikia emails: $UNSUBSCRIBEURL
founderemails-email-0-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Congratulations on creating $WIKINAME - you're now part of the Wikia community!
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-0-days-passed-subject (Talk) Welcome to Wikia!
founderemails-email-10-day-congratulations (Talk) Whoa, time flies! It's already been 10 days since you started $HDWIKINAME.
founderemails-email-10-day-email-content (Talk) Email others you know who are interested in your topic or interested in helping you, like a friend from school or a co-worker. You can also email specific photos from your wiki using the email button
founderemails-email-10-day-email-heading (Talk) Harness the power of email.
founderemails-email-10-day-heading (Talk) How's it going $USERNAME?
founderemails-email-10-day-join-content (Talk) Ask people on other forums or websites that are about your topic for help by posting in their forums or comments. If possible, contact the administrator and see if they're interested in link-sharing — they'll put your wiki link on their website if you put their link on your wiki.
founderemails-email-10-day-join-heading (Talk) Join up with similar websites.
founderemails-email-10-day-share-content (Talk) Use the Share button on your wiki's main page, article pages and photos to show them off to your friends and followers on Facebook.
founderemails-email-10-day-share-heading (Talk) Didn't your mother tell you to Share?
founderemails-email-10-day-tips-heading (Talk) Get others involved in your project and show off all the awesome work you've been doing! Here are some ways to spread the word:
founderemails-email-10-day-wikiahelps-signature (Talk) Keep up the good work!
The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-10-day-wikiahelps-text (Talk) You can also ask other Wikians to help out on your wiki by posting in the forums on <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a>.
founderemails-email-10-days-passed-body (Talk) How's it going $USERNAME? Whoa, time flies! It's already been 10 days since you started $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. Get others involved in your project and show off all the awesome work you've been doing! Here are some ways to spread the word: Didn't your mother tell you to Share? Use the Share button on your wiki's main page, article pages and photos to show them off to your friends and Followers on Facebook, Twitter or other popular sites. Harness the power of email. Email others you know who are interested in your topic or interested in helping you, like a friend from school or a co-worker. You can also email specific photos from your wiki using the email button. Join up with similar websites. Ask people on other forums or websites that are about your topic for help by posting in their forums or comments. If possible, contact the administrator and see if they're interested in link-sharing — they'll put your wiki link on their website if you put their link on your wiki. You can also ask other Wikians to help out on your wiki by posting in the forums on Keep up the good work! The Wikia Team ___________________________________________ To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit Want to control which emails you receive? Go to: Click the following link to unsubscribe from all Wikia emails: $UNSUBSCRIBEURL
founderemails-email-10-days-passed-subject (Talk) Happy 10 day anniversary!
founderemails-email-3-day-addphotos-button (Talk) Add Photos
founderemails-email-3-day-addphotos-content (Talk) One of the best ways to make your pages snap, crackle, and pop is to <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="$ADDAPHOTOURL">"add some photos"</a>.
founderemails-email-3-day-addphotos-heading (Talk) Add even more photos.
founderemails-email-3-day-congratulations (Talk) We wanted to check in and see how things are going at $HDWIKINAME.
founderemails-email-3-day-editmainpage-button (Talk) Spruce It Up
founderemails-email-3-day-editmainpage-content (Talk) The main page is one of the first things people see when they visit <a href="$WIKIURL" style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;">$WIKINAME</a>. Make a good first impression by writing a detailed summary of what your topic is about and adding a slideshow, gallery, or photo slider.
founderemails-email-3-day-editmainpage-heading (Talk) Spruce up your main page.
founderemails-email-3-day-explore-button (Talk) Explore
founderemails-email-3-day-explore-content (Talk) Don't be afraid to check out other wikis to see how they've worked out their main page, articles pages and more. Here are some of our favorites: <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="">Muppet Wiki</a>, <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="">Pop Tarts Wiki</a>, <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="">Monster High Wiki</a>.
founderemails-email-3-day-explore-heading (Talk) Find inspiration.
founderemails-email-3-day-heading (Talk) Hi there $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-3-day-tips-heading (Talk) It's been 3 days since you started and we thought we'd drop by to offer some more tips on building your wiki:
founderemails-email-3-day-wikiahelps-signature (Talk) Keep up the great work!
The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-3-day-wikiahelps-text (Talk) Need help figuring out how something works? We're always here for you! Come ask us for help and advice at <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a>.
founderemails-email-3-days-passed-body (Talk) Hi there $USERNAME, We wanted to check in and see how things are going at $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. It's been 3 days since you started and we thought we'd drop by to offer some more tips on building your wiki: Spruce up your main page. The main page is one of the first things people see when they visit $WIKINAME. Make a good first impression by writing a detailed summary of what your topic is about and adding a slideshow, gallery, or photo slider. Add even more photos. One of the best ways to make your pages snap, crackle, and pop is to "add some photos". Find inspiration. Don't be afraid to check out other wikis to see how they've worked out their main page, articles pages and more. Here are some of our favorites: Muppet Wiki, Pop Tarts Wiki, Monster High Wiki. Need help figuring out how something works? We're always here for you! Come ask us for help and advice at Keep up the great work! The Wikia Team To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit Want to control which emails you receive? Go to your
founderemails-email-3-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Hey there $USERNAME,
Now that you're a few days into your wiki, we thought you might want to check out a few other things you can do.
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-3-days-passed-subject (Talk) How’s it going on your wiki?
founderemails-email-anon-edit-button (Talk) Check it out!
founderemails-email-anon-edit-content (Talk) Wikia Contributors are people who make edits without logging in to a Wikia account. Go see what this mysterious friend added!
founderemails-email-anon-edit-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-anon-edit-headline (Talk) A Wikia Contributor has just made an edit to $PAGETITLE on $WIKINAME.
founderemails-email-anon-edit-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-complete-digest-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, It's time for your daily dose of activity from $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. $1 people viewed your wiki. Keep up the great work adding interesting content for people to read! $2 edits were made. Happy editors make happy wikis. Make sure to thank your editors and check in with them from time to time. $3 people joined your wiki. Welcome new people to your wiki with a talk page message. You can always head over to wiki activity to view all of the exciting changes being made on $WIKINAME. Check in often, as the founder your community looks to you to help guide and run the wiki. The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-complete-digest-button (Talk) Go to wiki activity
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content-heading1 (Talk) $1 people viewed your wiki.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content-heading2 (Talk) $1 edits were made.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content-heading3 (Talk) $1 people joined your wiki.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content1 (Talk) Keep up the great work adding interesting content for people to read!
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content2 (Talk) Happy editors make happy wikis. Make sure to thank your editors and check in with them from time to time.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content3 (Talk) Welcome new people to your wiki with a talk page message.
You can always head over to wiki activity to view all of the exciting changes being made on $WIKINAME. Check in often, as the founder your community looks to you to help guide and run the wiki.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-complete-digest-headline (Talk) It's time for your daily dose of activity from $WIKINAME.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-complete-digest-subject (Talk) The latest activity on $WIKINAME
founderemails-email-first-edit-button (Talk) Check it out!
founderemails-email-first-edit-content (Talk) Head over to $PAGETITLE to check out what they added.
founderemails-email-first-edit-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-first-edit-headline (Talk) All right! $EDITORNAME has just made their very first edit on $WIKINAME.
founderemails-email-first-edit-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-footer-line1 (Talk) To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a>
founderemails-email-footer-line2 (Talk) Want to control which emails you receive? Go to your <a href="" style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;">Preferences</a>
founderemails-email-footer-line3 (Talk) <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="twitter" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="facebook" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="youtube" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="wikia" src="" style="border:none"> </a>
founderemails-email-general-edit-button (Talk) Check it out!
founderemails-email-general-edit-content (Talk) Head over to $PAGETITLE to check out what they added.
founderemails-email-general-edit-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-general-edit-headline (Talk) $EDITORNAME just made another edit to the $WIKINAME on $PAGETITLE.
founderemails-email-general-edit-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-lot-happening-button (Talk) See Activities
founderemails-email-lot-happening-content (Talk) If you haven't already, you can go to Wiki Activity and see all of the great work that's been happening. Since there's so much going on, you might also want to change your email preferences to digest mode. With digest mode on you'll receive one email that lists all of the activity on your wiki each day.
founderemails-email-lot-happening-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-lot-happening-headline (Talk) Congratulations there's a lot going on at $WIKINAME today!
founderemails-email-lot-happening-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-anon-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, A Wikia Contributor has just made an edit to $PAGETITLE on $WIKINAME. Wikia Contributors are people who make edits without logging in to a Wikia account. Go see what this mysterious friend added! $PAGEURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-anon-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like someone has edited your wiki! Why don't you <a href="$MYHOMEURL">check it out</a> to see what changed?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-anon-subject (Talk) A mysterious friend edited $WIKINAME
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, $EDITORNAME just made another edit to the $WIKINAME on $PAGETITLE. Head over to $PAGETITLE to see what they've changed. $PAGEURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, All right! $EDITORNAME has just made their very first edit on $WIKINAME. Head over to $PAGETITLE to check out what they added. $PAGEURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki for the first time! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-subject (Talk) $WIKINAME has a new edit!
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-subject (Talk) New edit on $WIKINAME!
founderemails-email-user-registered-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, Congratulations! $EDITORNAME has just joined $WIKINAME. Take this opportunity to welcome them to your wiki and encourage them to help edit. The more the merrier, and the faster your wiki will grow. $EDITORPAGEURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-user-registered-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like $EDITORNAME has registered on your wiki! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-user-registered-button (Talk) Welcome Them
founderemails-email-user-registered-content (Talk) Take this opportunity to welcome them to your wiki and encourage them to help edit. The more the merrier, and the faster your wiki will grow.
founderemails-email-user-registered-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-user-registered-headline (Talk) Congratulations! $EDITORNAME has just joined $WIKINAME.
founderemails-email-user-registered-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-user-registered-subject (Talk) Someone new joined $WIKINAME
founderemails-email-views-digest-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, Today $WIKINAME was viewed by $1 people. Keep adding new content and promoting your wiki to encourage more people to read, edit and spread the word. $WIKIURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-views-digest-button (Talk) Add more pages
founderemails-email-views-digest-content (Talk) Keep adding new content and promoting your wiki to encourage more people to read, edit and spread the word.
founderemails-email-views-digest-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-views-digest-headline (Talk) Today $WIKINAME was viewed by $1 people.
founderemails-email-views-digest-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-views-digest-subject (Talk) Today's views on $WIKINAME
founderemails-lot-happening-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, Congratulations there's a lot going on at $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. If you haven't already, you can go to Wiki Activity and see all of the great work that's been happening. Since there's so much going on, you might also want to change your email preferences to digest mode. With digest mode on you'll receive one email that lists all of the activity on your wiki each day. The Wikia Team
founderemails-lot-happening-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
There's a lot happening on your wiki today! Drop by $MYHOMEURL to see what's been going on.
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-lot-happening-subject (Talk) $WIKINAME is heating up!
founderemails-pref-complete-digest (Talk) Send me a daily digest of activity on $1
founderemails-pref-complete-digest-v2 (Talk) ...a Daily Digest of joins, edits, and views is ready
founderemails-pref-edits (Talk) Email me when someone edits $1
founderemails-pref-edits-v2 (Talk) ...someone edits
founderemails-pref-joins (Talk) Email me when someone joins $1
founderemails-pref-joins-v2 (Talk) ...someone joins
founderemails-pref-views-digest (Talk) Send me a daily email telling me how many times $1 was viewed
founderemails-pref-views-digest-v2 (Talk) ...a daily summary of total views is ready
founderprogressbar-blogpost-add-action (Talk) Go to your blog page
founderprogressbar-blogpost-add-description (Talk) Blog posts on your wiki are a good tool to make announcements, detail what help you need on the wiki, write more opinion based pages and encourage other people to write their own blog posts, too. Try it out!
founderprogressbar-blogpost-add-label (Talk) Write a blog post
founderprogressbar-bonus-edit50-action (Talk) Go to Special:WikiActivity
founderprogressbar-bonus-edit50-description (Talk) Shoot for the stars and get 50 more edits than you already have to complete this bonus task.
founderprogressbar-bonus-edit50-label (Talk) Edit $1 more pages
founderprogressbar-bonus-page-add5-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-bonus-page-add5-description (Talk) What wiki doesn't benefit from more content? Add five more pages to earn credit for one bonus task.
founderprogressbar-bonus-page-add5-label (Talk) Add $1 more pages
founderprogressbar-bonus-photo-add10-action (Talk) Add a photo
founderprogressbar-bonus-photo-add10-description (Talk) Adding more photos is always a great way to enhance your wiki. Add ten more to earn credit for one bonus task.
founderprogressbar-bonus-photo-add10-label (Talk) Add $1 more photos
founderprogressbar-bonus-task-notice (Talk) Note: Each bonus task can be completed more than once. Complete as many as you need to get to 100%
founderprogressbar-browse-page-name (Talk) Browse
founderprogressbar-category-add3-action (Talk) Add a category
founderprogressbar-category-add3-description (Talk) Categories are one of the best ways to organize your wiki and help people find the pages they're looking for. Keep it simple though, too many categories can make things confusing.
founderprogressbar-category-add3-label (Talk) Reach $1 Categories
founderprogressbar-category-add5-action (Talk) Add a category
founderprogressbar-category-add5-description (Talk) Now that you've added more pages to your wiki, you'll probably need more categories to keep it all organized.
founderprogressbar-category-add5-label (Talk) Reach $1 Categories
founderprogressbar-category-edit-action (Talk) Go to Categories
founderprogressbar-category-edit-description (Talk) Categories don't only display links to all the pages in the category, you can also edit them to tell people what the category is about, and let them know what types of pages should be put there. Plus, editing the category page will turn it from a red link into a more active looking blue link.
founderprogressbar-category-edit-label (Talk) Edit a category page
founderprogressbar-commcentral-visit-action (Talk) Go to Founder & Admin Central
founderprogressbar-commcentral-visit-description (Talk) You're not alone! Founder & Admin Central is where the Wikia admin community gets together to share advice and tips, you'll also find help pages, guides and ways to contact Wikia staff here.
founderprogressbar-commcentral-visit-label (Talk) Visit Founder & Admin Central
founderprogressbar-commcentral-visit-url (Talk)
founderprogressbar-commcorner-edit-action (Talk) Go to Community Corner
founderprogressbar-commcorner-edit-description (Talk) Editing the Community Corner will generate a notification for people who visit your wiki. It's a great place to let people know what type of community you are, how they can help, and to make announcements.
founderprogressbar-commcorner-edit-label (Talk) Edit Community Corner
founderprogressbar-completion-message (Talk) Congratulations! You've done an amazing job and completed all of the tasks to 100%. Your wiki is well on its way to success, or even already there. Keep up the awesome work!
founderprogressbar-credits (Talk) A task hub and guide for new wiki founders
founderprogressbar-fb-connect-action (Talk) Facebook Connect
founderprogressbar-fb-connect-description (Talk) Share all the work you're doing! Facebook Connect allows you to share actions you take on your wiki with your Facebook friends. You can customize which actions you'd like to post to Facebook. Only one admin needs to turn this on to complete the task.
founderprogressbar-fb-connect-label (Talk) Facebook Connect
founderprogressbar-fb-likes3-action (Talk) Go to Main Page
founderprogressbar-fb-likes3-description (Talk) Sharing is caring, and it can really help get word about your wiki out to the rest of the world. Encourage your members and readers to "like" your wiki's main page on Facebook to spread the word.
founderprogressbar-fb-likes3-label (Talk) Reach $1 Facebook Likes
founderprogressbar-gallery-add-action (Talk) Go to Help Page
founderprogressbar-gallery-add-description (Talk) Photo galleries are a great way to showcase multiple photos in one area of a page. Plus it's fun to mix up the way you display photos on your wiki to keep it interesting for people who visit.
founderprogressbar-gallery-add-label (Talk) Add a photo gallery
founderprogressbar-gallery-add-url (Talk)
founderprogressbar-list-bonus-task-desc (Talk) Complete the tasks list to unlock bonus tasks
founderprogressbar-list-bonus-task-label (Talk) Bonus Tasks
founderprogressbar-list-description1 (Talk) Ready to propel your wiki on it's way to success? Complete all of the tasks listed below to get your progress bar to 100%! Anyone on your wiki can help and any of their contributions will be counted towards the tasks on this list.
founderprogressbar-list-description2 (Talk) The tasks area lists all of the tasks you need to complete. If you skip a task it will move into the Skipped Tasks section and remain available for you to complete at any time. Is there a task on the list that you don't feel will ever be right for your wiki? Don't worry -- when only Skipped Tasks remain to be completed we'll unlock your Bonus Tasks. Complete bonus tasks to make up the percentage points for tasks you're going to skip forever and reach the coveted 100%.
founderprogressbar-list-label (Talk) Tardis Wiki's Tasks
founderprogressbar-list-skipped-task-desc (Talk) You can complete these at any time.
founderprogressbar-list-skipped-task-label (Talk) Skipped Tasks
founderprogressbar-list-task-label (Talk) Tasks
founderprogressbar-mainpage-addslider-action (Talk) Edit Main Page
founderprogressbar-mainpage-addslider-description (Talk) The main page slider is a beautiful way to make your main page look professional and add some great looking photos. Each of the photos can link out to a page so it's also a great way to highlight the wiki pages you're most proud of. Check out <a href="">Susan Taylor's blog post</a> if you need help resizing images for the slider.
founderprogressbar-mainpage-addslider-label (Talk) Add a main page slider
founderprogressbar-mainpage-edit-action (Talk) Edit main page
founderprogressbar-mainpage-edit-description (Talk) When people visit your wiki the main page is the first thing they'll see. Make sure it tells them what your wiki is about, how they can help edit the wiki, and highlight some of the wiki's best content.
founderprogressbar-mainpage-edit-label (Talk) Fill out your main page
founderprogressbar-mostvisited-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:MostVisitedPages
founderprogressbar-mostvisited-visit-description (Talk) Once your wiki is really cooking it's helpful to see what the most popular pages are so you can improve them and add more links to some less trafficked pages. View your most visited pages to get a sense of what works best on your wiki so you can make similar improvements on other pages!
founderprogressbar-mostvisited-visit-label (Talk) See your most visited pages
founderprogressbar-page-add10-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-page-add10-description (Talk) The best way to jump start your wiki is to start adding pages with information on your topic. The best pages have at least a paragraph or two, and might link to other pages.
founderprogressbar-page-add10-label (Talk) Reach $1 pages
founderprogressbar-page-add20-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-page-add20-description (Talk) Keep working to make your wiki a comprehensive resource on your topic. Remember, don't just create the pages -- make sure they've got some good content in them, too.
founderprogressbar-page-add20-label (Talk) Reach $1 pages
founderprogressbar-photo-add10-action (Talk) Add a photo
founderprogressbar-photo-add10-description (Talk) Photos help illustrate what your wiki is about and research shows that people are drawn to visuals. We recommend at least one photo on every page, more if you've got them!
founderprogressbar-photo-add10-label (Talk) Reach $1 Photos
founderprogressbar-photo-add20-action (Talk) Add a photo
founderprogressbar-photo-add20-description (Talk) Have you been adding at least one photo to every page? People love photos, they really help make your wiki pop!
founderprogressbar-photo-add20-label (Talk) Reach $1 Photos
founderprogressbar-profile-edit-action (Talk) Go to your profile page
founderprogressbar-profile-edit-description (Talk) Profile pages tell people who come to the wiki more about you and help build a feeling of community.
founderprogressbar-profile-edit-label (Talk) Fill out your Profile Page
founderprogressbar-progress-hide-full-list (Talk) Hide full list
founderprogressbar-progress-label (Talk) Accomplished tasks
founderprogressbar-progress-see-full-list (Talk) See full list
founderprogressbar-recentchanges-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:RecentChanges
founderprogressbar-recentchanges-visit-description (Talk) Recent Changes is a more advanced version of wiki activity. You can see "diffs" which detail the exact change that was made to a page, make reversions to changes, and see more detail than you can see on wiki activity. It's a great management tool when you need more information.
founderprogressbar-recentchanges-visit-label (Talk) Visit Recent Changes
founderprogressbar-skip-for-now (Talk) Skip for now
founderprogressbar-task-call-to-action (Talk) Go to task
founderprogressbar-task-completed (Talk) Completed
founderprogressbar-themedesigner-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:ThemeDesigner
founderprogressbar-themedesigner-visit-description (Talk) Theme Designer lets you pick a theme for your wiki, or create your own theme with our simple tools. A custom theme really makes your wiki unique.
founderprogressbar-themedesigner-visit-label (Talk) Customize your theme
founderprogressbar-topnav-edit-action (Talk) Edit Navigation
founderprogressbar-topnav-edit-description (Talk) The dropdown menus next to your wiki's wordmark are your wiki's navigation. You can put links to pages here to help people find pages, categories, blogs and more easily on your wiki. Visit the Community Central if you need help editing the navigation.
founderprogressbar-topnav-edit-label (Talk) Customize your navigation
founderprogressbar-toptenlist-add-action (Talk) Add a top ten list
founderprogressbar-toptenlist-add-description (Talk) Top ten lists encourage visitors who might be shy to edit to participate on your wiki. It's a great community builder and it's easy for people to vote items up and down and add to the lists.
founderprogressbar-toptenlist-add-label (Talk) Add a top ten list
founderprogressbar-total-edit300-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-total-edit300-description (Talk) $1 edits is an awesome milestone, and with that many changes being made and content being added your wiki will be well on the way to achieving success!
founderprogressbar-total-edit300-label (Talk) Reach $1 edits
founderprogressbar-total-edit75-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-total-edit75-description (Talk) Once you reach 75 edits, you've probably got a good amount of content on your wiki. Awesome! This is just one milestone on the way to wiki greatness.
founderprogressbar-total-edit75-label (Talk) Reach 75 Edits
founderprogressbar-uncategorized-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:UncategorizedPages
founderprogressbar-uncategorized-visit-description (Talk) When your wiki has more content it can be easy to lose track of organization. Stay on top of it by tracking pages that don't have categories, and adding categories to those pages to keep them accessible and organized.
founderprogressbar-uncategorized-visit-label (Talk) See uncategorized pages
founderprogressbar-user-add5-action (Talk) Go to Help Page
founderprogressbar-user-add5-description (Talk) A great wiki is backed up by a great community. The best wikis have lots of people editing them, getting 5 people to edit on your wiki is an awesome start!
founderprogressbar-user-add5-label (Talk) Reach 5 user profiles
founderprogressbar-user-add5-url (Talk)
founderprogressbar-video-add-action (Talk) Add a video
founderprogressbar-video-add-description (Talk) Video is another popular media type that will help engage people on your wiki. You can find great videos on YouTube, Hulu and more. Add one using the Features and Media button in the editor.
founderprogressbar-video-add-label (Talk) Add a video
founderprogressbar-widget-label (Talk) Tardis Wiki's Progress
founderprogressbar-wikiactivity-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:WikiActivity
founderprogressbar-wikiactivity-visit-description (Talk) Wiki Activity allows you to see everything that's been happening on your wiki. It shows you which users have made edits and lets you easily get to the pages that have been changed.
founderprogressbar-wikiactivity-visit-label (Talk) Visit Wiki Activity
founderprogressbar-wikialabs-visit-action (Talk) Go to Wikia Labs
founderprogressbar-wikialabs-visit-description (Talk) Wikia Labs allows you to turn on the newest features from Wikia on your wiki. These features are all in beta, but it's a good way to see what's coming up from Wikia and try it out yourself.
founderprogressbar-wikialabs-visit-label (Talk) Visit Wikia Labs
founderprogressbar-wordmark-edit-action (Talk) Go to Special:ThemeDesigner
founderprogressbar-wordmark-edit-description (Talk) Your wiki's wordmark is a flagship feature of your wiki, it's visible on every page and can really help users get a sense of your topic and add some flair. Uploading your own graphic wordmark is a great way to make your wiki's brand stand out even more.
founderprogressbar-wordmark-edit-label (Talk) Upload a wordmark
fri (Talk) Fri
friday (Talk) Friday
gadgets (Talk) Gadgets
gadgets-default (Talk) Enabled for everyone by default.
gadgets-definition (Talk)
gadgets-desc (Talk) Lets users select custom CSS and JavaScript gadgets in their preferences
gadgets-export (Talk) Export
gadgets-export-download (Talk) Download
gadgets-export-text (Talk) To export the $1 gadget, click on "Download" button, save the downloaded file, go to Special:Import on destination wiki and upload it. Then add the following to MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition page:
You must have appropriate permissions on destination wiki (including the right to edit system messages) and import from file uploads must be enabled.
gadgets-export-title (Talk) Gadget export
gadgets-not-found (Talk) Gadget "$1" not found.
gadgets-pagetext (Talk) Below is a list of special gadgets users can enable on their preferences page, as defined by the definitions. This overview provides easy access to the system message pages that define each gadget's description and code.
gadgets-prefstext (Talk) Below is a list of special gadgets you can enable for your account. These gadgets are mostly based on JavaScript, so JavaScript has to be enabled in your browser for them to work. Note that these gadgets will have no effect on this preferences page. Also note that these special gadgets are not part of the MediaWiki software, and are usually developed and maintained by users on your local wiki. Local administrators can edit the definitions and descriptions of available gadgets.
gadgets-required-rights (Talk) Requires the following rights: $1
gadgets-required-skins (Talk) Available on the following skins: $1.
gadgets-title (Talk) Gadgets
gadgets-uses (Talk) Uses
galery-slider-read-more (Talk) Read more >
gamingcalendar-addtitle (Talk) Add title
gamingcalendar-cancel (Talk) Cancel
gamingcalendar-create-entries-for-date (Talk) Create/Edit calendar entries for
gamingcalendar-description (Talk) Description
gamingcalendar-error-missing-type (Talk) Specify a type
gamingcalendar-heading (Talk) $1 calendar
gamingcalendar-image (Talk) Image
gamingcalendar-moreinfourl (Talk) URL for more info
gamingcalendar-no-entries (Talk) No entries for selected date range
gamingcalendar-preorderurl (Talk) URL to order
gamingcalendar-publish (Talk) Publish
gamingcalendar-rating (Talk) Rating
gamingcalendar-subtitle (Talk) Subtitle
gamingcalendar-systems (Talk) Systems/Platforms (separated by comma)
gamingcalendar-title (Talk) Title
gamingcalendar-today (Talk) Today
gender-female (Talk) Female
gender-male (Talk) Male
gender-unknown (Talk) Undisclosed
geshi.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will be applied to GeSHi syntax highlighting */
get_code (Talk) Grab Code
get_widget_title (Talk) Add Questions to your site
globalwatchlist-blog-page-title-comment (Talk) $1 ($2 comments)
globalwatchlist-desc (Talk) Sends weekly digest e-mails with watchlisted pages on all wikis
globalwatchlist-digest-email-body (Talk) Dear $1, Since your last visit, Wikia community members have made improvements to pages that you follow: $2 Below is a list of blog pages on your Followed pages list that have been edited or commented since your last visit: $3 Thanks for your participation on Wikia! - Wikia Community Support ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
globalwatchlist-digest-email-subject (Talk) Weekly Update from Wikia - Changes to your favorite pages
globalwatchlist-no-blog-page-found (Talk) No blog page found.
globalwatchlist-no-page-found (Talk) No page found.
globalwatchlist-see-more (Talk) Please check your local watchlists for more changes
go (Talk) Go
googlesearch (Talk) <form method="get" action="//" id="googlesearch"> <input type="hidden" name="domains" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="num" value="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="$2" /> <input type="hidden" name="oe" value="$2" /> <input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="$1" /> <input type="submit" name="btnG" value="$3" />
<input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gwiki" value="" checked="checked" /><label for="gwiki">Tardis Wiki</label> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gWWW" value="" /><label for="gWWW">WWW</label>
gotaccount (Talk) Already have an account? $1.
gotaccountlink (Talk) Log in
group (Talk) Group:
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group-bot (Talk) Bots
group-bot-member (Talk) bot
group-bot.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect bots only */
group-bot.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for bots only */
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group-bureaucrat-member (Talk) bureaucrat
group-bureaucrat.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect bureaucrats only */
group-bureaucrat.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for bureaucrats only */
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group-checkuser (Talk) Check users
group-checkuser-member (Talk) check user
group-fb-admin (Talk) Group admins
group-fb-admin-member (Talk) Group administrator
group-fb-groupie (Talk) Group members
group-fb-groupie-member (Talk) Group member
group-fb-officer (Talk) Group officers
group-fb-officer-member (Talk) Group officer
group-fb-user (Talk) Facebook Connect users
group-fb-user-member (Talk) Facebook Connect user
group-helper (Talk) Wikia Helpers
group-helper-member (Talk) Wikia Helper
group-oversight (Talk) Oversighters
group-oversight-member (Talk) Oversight
group-reviewer (Talk) Image Reviewers
group-reviewer-member (Talk) Image Reviewer
group-staff (Talk) Wikia Staff
group-staff-member (Talk) Wikia Staff
group-suppress (Talk) Oversights
group-suppress-member (Talk) oversight
group-svnadmins (Talk) SVN admins
group-svnadmins-member (Talk) SVN admin
group-sysop (Talk) Administrators
group-sysop-member (Talk) administrator
group-sysop.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect sysops only */
group-sysop.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for sysops only */
group-upwizcampeditors (Talk) Upload Wizard campaign editors
group-upwizcampeditors-member (Talk) Upload Wizard campaign editor
group-user (Talk) Users
group-user-member (Talk) user
group-util (Talk) Wikia Utilities
group-util-member (Talk) Wikia Utilities
group-vstf (Talk) VSTF
group-vstf-member (Talk) VSTF
grouppage-autoconfirmed (Talk) Tardis:Autoconfirmed users
grouppage-bannedfromchat (Talk) w:c:community:Help:Chat
grouppage-bot (Talk) Help:Bots
grouppage-bureaucrat (Talk) Tardis:Bureaucrats
grouppage-chatmoderator (Talk) w:c:community:Help:Chat
grouppage-checkuser (Talk) w:c:help:Help:CheckUser
grouppage-fb-admin (Talk) Tardis:Group admins
grouppage-fb-groupie (Talk) Tardis:Group members
grouppage-fb-officer (Talk) Tardis:Group officers
grouppage-fb-user (Talk) Help:Facebook_Connect
grouppage-helper (Talk) Help:Helper Group
grouppage-oversight (Talk) Tardis:Oversight
grouppage-reviewer (Talk) wikia:Community_Central:Image_review
grouppage-staff (Talk) wikia:Community_Central:Staff
grouppage-suppress (Talk) Tardis:Oversight
grouppage-svnadmins (Talk) Tardis:SVN admins
grouppage-sysop (Talk) Tardis:Administrators
grouppage-upwizcampeditors (Talk) Tardis:Upload Wizard campaign editors
grouppage-user (Talk) Tardis:Users
grouppage-util (Talk) wikia:Community_Central:Staff
grouppage-vstf (Talk) w:Wikia:SpamTaskForce
guesstimezone (Talk) Fill in from browser
handheld.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect handheld devices based on the skin configured in $wgHandheldStyle */
hawelcomeedit (Talk) HAWelcomeEdit
header_questionmark_post (Talk) ?
header_questionmark_pre (Talk)
headline_sample (Talk) Headline text
headline_tip (Talk) Level 2 headline
hebrew-calendar-m1 (Talk) Tishrei
hebrew-calendar-m1-gen (Talk) Tishrei
hebrew-calendar-m10 (Talk) Tamuz
hebrew-calendar-m10-gen (Talk) Tamuz
hebrew-calendar-m11 (Talk) Av
hebrew-calendar-m11-gen (Talk) Av
hebrew-calendar-m12 (Talk) Elul
hebrew-calendar-m12-gen (Talk) Elul
hebrew-calendar-m2 (Talk) Cheshvan
hebrew-calendar-m2-gen (Talk) Cheshvan
hebrew-calendar-m3 (Talk) Kislev
hebrew-calendar-m3-gen (Talk) Kislev
hebrew-calendar-m4 (Talk) Tevet
hebrew-calendar-m4-gen (Talk) Tevet
hebrew-calendar-m5 (Talk) Shevat
hebrew-calendar-m5-gen (Talk) Shevat
hebrew-calendar-m6 (Talk) Adar
hebrew-calendar-m6-gen (Talk) Adar
hebrew-calendar-m6a (Talk) Adar I
hebrew-calendar-m6a-gen (Talk) Adar I
hebrew-calendar-m6b (Talk) Adar II
hebrew-calendar-m6b-gen (Talk) Adar II
hebrew-calendar-m7 (Talk) Nisan
hebrew-calendar-m7-gen (Talk) Nisan
hebrew-calendar-m8 (Talk) Iyar
hebrew-calendar-m8-gen (Talk) Iyar
hebrew-calendar-m9 (Talk) Sivan
hebrew-calendar-m9-gen (Talk) Sivan
help (Talk) Help
helpfaq (Talk) Help & FAQ
helppage (Talk) Help:Contents
hidden-categories (Talk) Hidden categories
hidden-category-category (Talk) Hidden categories
hiddencategories (Talk) This page is a member of $1 hidden categories:
hide (Talk) Hide
hidebots (Talk) Hide bots
hiderevision (Talk) Permanently hide revisions
hiderevision-archive-status (Talk) Deleted revision from $1: $2
hiderevision-continue (Talk) Continue
hiderevision-desc (Talk) Hide individual revisions from all users for legal reasons, etc.
hiderevision-error-current (Talk) Cannot delete the latest edit to a page. Revert this change first.
hiderevision-error-delete (Talk) Could not archive; was it previously deleted?
hiderevision-error-missing (Talk) Not found in database.
hiderevision-noreason (Talk) You must decribe the reason for this removal.
hiderevision-norevisions (Talk) No revisions specified to delete.
hiderevision-prompt (Talk) Revision number to remove:
hiderevision-reason (Talk) Reason (will be logged privately):
hiderevision-status (Talk) Revision $1: $2
hiderevision-submit (Talk) Hide this data permanently
hiderevision-success (Talk) Archived and deleted successfully.
hiderevision-tab (Talk) Hide revision
hiderevision-text (Talk) This should only be used for the following cases: * Inappropriate personal information *: home addresses and telephone numbers, social security numbers, etc Abuse of this system will result in loss of privileges. Removed items will not be visible to anyone through the web site, but the deletions are logged and can be restored manually by a database administrator if you make a mistake.
hidesome (Talk) Hide Some
hidetoc (Talk) hide
hieroglyphs (Talk) Try hieroglyph markup
highest_ratings (Talk) Highest voted
hijri-calendar-m1 (Talk) Muharram
hijri-calendar-m10 (Talk) Shawwal
hijri-calendar-m11 (Talk) Dhu al-Qi'dah
hijri-calendar-m12 (Talk) Dhu al-Hijjah
hijri-calendar-m2 (Talk) Safar
hijri-calendar-m3 (Talk) Rabi' al-awwal
hijri-calendar-m4 (Talk) Rabi' al-thani
hijri-calendar-m5 (Talk) Jumada al-awwal
hijri-calendar-m6 (Talk) Jumada al-thani
hijri-calendar-m7 (Talk) Rajab
hijri-calendar-m8 (Talk) Sha'aban
hijri-calendar-m9 (Talk) Ramadan
hist (Talk) hist
histfirst (Talk) Earliest
histlast (Talk) Latest
histlegend (Talk) For any version listed below, click on its date to view it. For more help, see Help:Page history.
(cur) = difference from current version, (last) = difference from preceding version, m = minor edit, → = section edit, ← = automatic edit summary
history (Talk) Page history
history-feed-description (Talk) Revision history for this page on the wiki
history-feed-empty (Talk) The requested page does not exist. It may have been deleted from the wiki, or renamed. Try searching on the wiki for relevant new pages.
history-feed-item-nocomment (Talk) $1 at $2
history-feed-title (Talk) Revision history
history-fieldset-title (Talk) Browse history
history-show-deleted (Talk) Deleted only
history-title (Talk) Revision history of "$1"
history_copyright (Talk) -
history_short (Talk) History
historyempty (Talk) (empty)
historysize (Talk) ($1 bytes)
historywarning (Talk)
home (Talk) Home
hookaborted (Talk) The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension.
hours (Talk) $1 hours
hours-abbrev (Talk) $1h
hr_tip (Talk) Horizontal line (use sparingly)
htmlform-float-invalid (Talk) The value you specified is not a number.
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htmlform-invalid-input (Talk) There are problems with some of your input
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htmlform-reset (Talk) Undo changes
htmlform-select-badoption (Talk) The value you specified is not a valid option.
htmlform-selectorother-other (Talk) Other
htmlform-submit (Talk) Submit
http-bad-status (Talk) There was a problem during the HTTP request: $1 $2
http-curl-error (Talk) Error fetching URL: $1
http-host-unreachable (Talk) Could not reach URL.
http-invalid-scheme (Talk) URLs with the "$1" scheme are not supported.
http-invalid-url (Talk) Invalid URL: $1
http-read-error (Talk) HTTP read error.
http-request-error (Talk) HTTP request failed due to unknown error.
http-timed-out (Talk) HTTP request timed out.
hub-Entertainment (Talk) Entertainment
hub-Food_and_Drink (Talk) Food and Drink
hub-Gaming (Talk) Video Games
hub-Lifestyle (Talk) Lifestyle
hub-Video_Games (Talk) Video Games
hub-Videospiele (Talk) Videospiele
hub-Wikia (Talk) Wikia
hub-blog-comments (Talk) $1 comments
hub-blog-continue (Talk) Continue reading
hub-blog-header (Talk) Top $1 Posts
hub-blog-showarticle (Talk) Show page
hub-contributors-info (Talk) These are the top users this week, ranked by most edits.
hub-editors (Talk) $1editors
hub-featured (Talk) Top $1 wikis
hub-header (Talk) $1 Wikis
hub-hide-feed (Talk) Hide feed
hub-hot-news (Talk) What's Hot
hub-hot-news-post-details (Talk) By $1 on $2 $3
hub-hotspot-from (Talk) from
hub-hotspot-header (Talk) Hot Spots
hub-hotspot-info (Talk) These are the hottest pages this week, ranked by most editors.
hub-show-feed (Talk) Show Feed
hub-topusers-editpoints (Talk) $1edit points
hub-topusers-editpoints-nonformatted (Talk) $1 edit points
hub-topusers-header (Talk) Top Editor this week on $1 Wikis
hubs (Talk) Hubs
ifunc_error (Talk) Error
ignorewarning (Talk) Ignore warning and save file anyway
ignorewarnings (Talk) Ignore any warnings
illegal-filename (Talk) The filename is not allowed.
illegalfilename (Talk) The filename "$1" contains characters that are not allowed in page titles. Please rename the file and try uploading it again.
ilsubmit (Talk) Search
image_sample (Talk) Example.jpg
image_tip (Talk) Embedded file
imageinvalidfilename (Talk) The target filename is invalid
imagelinks (Talk) File usage
imagelisttext (Talk)
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imagemaxsize (Talk) Image size limit: (for file description pages)
imagenocrossnamespace (Talk) Cannot move file to non-file namespace
imagepage (Talk) View photo details
imagereverted (Talk) Revert to earlier version was successful. This change may take up to 2 minutes to be visible.
imagereview-header (Talk) Images awaiting review
imagereview-header-questionable (Talk) Questionable images awaiting staff review
imagereview-header-rejected (Talk) Rejected images awaiting staff review
imagereview-noresults (Talk) No images found.
imagereview-reason (Talk) Violation of Wikia's Terms of Use
imageseo-featured-more (Talk) more...
imageseo-featured-on (Talk) Featured on:
imageserving-desc (Talk) Selects images from a specified array of pages based on visual requirements
imageserving-option1 (Talk) 1. Oasis related pages: 200 2:1
imageserving-option2 (Talk) 2. Spotlights: 270 3:1
imageserving-option3 (Talk) 3. Image OneBox for Search 100 1:1
imageserving-showall (Talk) (show all)
imageservingtest (Talk) ImageServingTest
imagetypemismatch (Talk) The new file extension does not match its type
img-auth-accessdenied (Talk) Access denied
img-auth-badtitle (Talk) Unable to construct a valid title from "$1".
img-auth-isdir (Talk) You are trying to access a directory "$1". Only file access is allowed.
img-auth-nofile (Talk) File "$1" does not exist.
img-auth-nologinnWL (Talk) You are not logged in and "$1" is not in the whitelist.
img-auth-nopathinfo (Talk) Missing PATH_INFO. Your server is not set up to pass this information. It may be CGI-based and cannot support img_auth. See
img-auth-noread (Talk) User does not have access to read "$1".
img-auth-notindir (Talk) Requested path is not in the configured upload directory.
img-auth-public (Talk) The function of img_auth.php is to output files from a private wiki. This wiki is configured as a public wiki. For optimal security, img_auth.php is disabled.
img-auth-streaming (Talk) Streaming "$1".
imgfile (Talk) file
imgmultigo (Talk) Go!
imgmultigoto (Talk) Go to page $1
imgmultipagenext (Talk) next page →
imgmultipageprev (Talk) ← previous page
imgplc-create (Talk) Add a photo
imgplc-image (Talk) Image
imgplc-notinhistory (Talk) You cannot add a picture in history mode.
imgplc-placeholder (Talk) Placeholder
immobile-source-namespace (Talk) Cannot move pages in namespace "$1"
immobile-source-page (Talk) This page is not movable.
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immobile-target-namespace-iw (Talk) Interwiki link is not a valid target for page move.
immobile-target-page (Talk) Cannot move to that destination title.
import (Talk) Import pages
import-comment (Talk) Comment:
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import-error-special (Talk) Page "$1" is not imported because it belongs to a special namespace that does not allow pages.
import-interwiki-history (Talk) Copy all history revisions for this page
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import-interwiki-source (Talk) Source wiki/page:
import-interwiki-submit (Talk) Import
import-interwiki-templates (Talk) Include all templates
import-interwiki-text (Talk) Select a wiki and page title to import. Revision dates and editors' names will be preserved. All transwiki import actions are logged at the import log.
import-invalid-interwiki (Talk) Cannot import from the specified wiki.
import-logentry-interwiki (Talk) transwikied $1
import-logentry-interwiki-detail (Talk) $1 revisions from $2
import-logentry-upload (Talk) imported $1 by file upload
import-logentry-upload-detail (Talk) $1 revisions
import-noarticle (Talk) No page to import!
import-nonewrevisions (Talk) All revisions were previously imported.
import-parse-failure (Talk) XML import parse failure
import-revision-count (Talk) $1 revisions
import-token-mismatch (Talk) Loss of session data. Please try again.
import-upload (Talk) Upload XML data
import-upload-filename (Talk) Filename:
importbadinterwiki (Talk) Bad interwiki link
importcantopen (Talk) Could not open import file
imported-log-entries (Talk) Imported $1 log entries.
importfailed (Talk) Import failed: $1
importfreeimages (Talk) Import free images
importfreeimages-desc (Talk) Provides a way of importing properly licensed photos from flickr
importfreeimages_description (Talk) This page allows you to search properly licensed photos from flickr and import them into your wiki.
importfreeimages_importthis (Talk) import this
importfreeimages_next (Talk) Next $1
importfreeimages_nophotosfound (Talk) No photos were found for your search criteria '$1', please try again.
importfreeimages_owner (Talk) Author
importfreeimages_size_large (Talk) Large
importfreeimages_size_medium (Talk) Medium
importfreeimages_size_original (Talk) Original
importfreeimages_size_small (Talk) Small
importfreeimages_size_square (Talk) Square
importfreeimages_size_thumbnail (Talk) Thumbnail
importhistoryconflict (Talk) Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before)
importinterwiki (Talk) Transwiki import
importlogpage (Talk) Import log
importlogpagetext (Talk) Administrative imports of pages with edit history from other wikis.
importnofile (Talk) No import file was uploaded.
importnopages (Talk) No pages to import.
importnosources (Talk) No transwiki import sources have been defined and direct history uploads are disabled.
importnotext (Talk) Empty or no text
importstart (Talk) Importing pages...
importsuccess (Talk) Import finished!
importtext (Talk) Please export the file from the source wiki using the export utility. Save it to your computer and upload it here.
importunknownsource (Talk) Unknown import source type
importuploaderrorpartial (Talk) Upload of import file failed. The file was only partially uploaded.
importuploaderrorsize (Talk) Upload of import file failed. The file is bigger than the allowed upload size.
importuploaderrortemp (Talk) Upload of import file failed. A temporary folder is missing.
improve_this_answer (Talk) Improve this answer
in_category (Talk) category
index-category (Talk) Indexed pages
infiniteblock (Talk) infinite
ingredient-menus (Talk) * Ingredient ** Fruits and Vegetables ** Meat ** Dairy ** Legumes and Nuts ** Sweets ** Grains ** Spices
inline-register-title (Talk) Notify me when my question is answered!
inline-welcome (Talk) Welcome to Wikianswers
inputbox-desc (Talk) Allow inclusion of predefined HTML forms
inputbox-error-bad-type (Talk) Input box type "$1" not recognised. Please specify "create", "comment", "search", "search2" or "fulltext".
inputbox-error-no-type (Talk) You have not specified the type of input box to create.
inputbox-ns-main (Talk) Main
insertimage (Talk) Insert photo
intentionallyblankpage (Talk) This page is intentionally left blank.
internalerror (Talk) Internal error
internalerror_info (Talk) Internal error: $1
intersection-desc (Talk) Outputs a bulleted list of the most recent items residing in a category, or an intersection of several categories
intersection_noincludecats (Talk) Error: You need to include at least one category, or specify a namespace!
intersection_noresults (Talk) Error: No results!
intersection_toofewcats (Talk) Error: Too few categories!
intersection_toomanycats (Talk) Error: Too many categories!
interstitial-already-logged-in-no-link (Talk) You are already logged in and there is no destination set.
interstitial-default-campaign-code (Talk) Wikia Loves You!
interstitial-disabled-no-link (Talk) There is no destination set and interstitials are not enabled on this wiki.
interstitial-link-away (Talk) There is nothing to see here!
Would you like to go to the Main Page or perhaps a random page?
interstitial-skip-ad (Talk) Skip this ad
interwikidispatcher (Talk) Interwiki dispatcher
interwikidispatcher-desc (Talk) Solves interwiki links to reduce Apache redirects
invalid-chunk-offset (Talk) Invalid chunk offset
invalidateemail (Talk) Cancel e-mail confirmation
invalidemailaddress (Talk) Please enter a valid e-mail address.
invert (Talk) Exclude namespace
ip_range_invalid (Talk) Invalid IP range.
ip_range_toolarge (Talk) Range blocks larger than /$1 are not allowed.
ipadressorusername (Talk) IP address or username:
ipb-blockingself (Talk) You are about to block yourself! Are you sure you want to do that?
ipb-blocklist (Talk) View existing blocks
ipb-blocklist-contribs (Talk) Contributions for $1
ipb-change-block (Talk) Re-block the user with these settings
ipb-confirm (Talk) Confirm block
ipb-confirmhideuser (Talk) You are about to block a user with "hide user" enabled. This will suppress the user's name in all lists and log entries. Are you sure you want to do that?
ipb-disableusertalk (Talk) Prevent this user from editing their own talk page while blocked
ipb-edit-dropdown (Talk) Edit block reasons
ipb-hardblock (Talk) Prevent logged-in users from editing from this IP address
ipb-needreblock (Talk) $1 is already blocked. Do you want to change the settings?
ipb-otherblocks-header (Talk) Other blocks
ipb-unblock (Talk) Unblock a username or IP address
ipb-unblock-addr (Talk) Unblock $1
ipb_already_blocked (Talk) "$1" is already blocked
ipb_blocked_as_range (Talk) Error: The IP address $1 is not blocked directly and cannot be unblocked. It is, however, blocked as part of the range $2, which can be unblocked.
ipb_cant_unblock (Talk) Error: Block ID $1 not found. It may have been unblocked already.
ipb_expiry_invalid (Talk) Expiry time invalid.
ipb_expiry_temp (Talk) Hidden username blocks must be permanent.
ipb_hide_invalid (Talk) Unable to suppress this account; it may have too many edits.
ipbblocked (Talk) You cannot block or unblock other users, because you are yourself blocked
ipbcreateaccount (Talk) Prevent account creation
ipbemailban (Talk) Prevent user from sending e-mail
ipbenableautoblock (Talk) Automatically block the last IP address used by this user, and any subsequent IP addresses they try to edit from
ipbexpiry (Talk) Expiry:
ipbhidename (Talk) Hide username from edits and lists
ipblocklist (Talk) Blocked users
ipblocklist-empty (Talk) The blocklist is empty.
ipblocklist-legend (Talk) Find a blocked user
ipblocklist-localblock (Talk) Local block
ipblocklist-no-results (Talk) The requested IP address or username is not blocked.
ipblocklist-otherblocks (Talk) Other blocks
ipblocklist-submit (Talk) Search
ipbnounblockself (Talk) You are not allowed to unblock yourself
ipboptions (Talk) 2 hours:2 hours,1 day:1 day,3 days:3 days,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year
ipbother (Talk) Other time:
ipbotheroption (Talk) other
ipbotherreason (Talk) Other/additional reason:
ipbreason (Talk) Reason:
ipbreason-dropdown (Talk) *Common block reasons ** Inserting false information ** Removing content from pages ** Spamming links to external sites ** Inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages ** Intimidating behaviour/harassment ** Abusing multiple accounts ** Unacceptable username
ipbreasonotherlist (Talk) Other reason
ipbsubmit (Talk) Block this user
ipbwatchuser (Talk) Watch this user's user and talk pages
ipusubmit (Talk) Remove this block
iranian-calendar-m1 (Talk) Farvardin
iranian-calendar-m10 (Talk) Dey
iranian-calendar-m11 (Talk) Bahman
iranian-calendar-m12 (Talk) Esfand
iranian-calendar-m2 (Talk) Ordibehesht
iranian-calendar-m3 (Talk) Khordad
iranian-calendar-m4 (Talk) Tir
iranian-calendar-m5 (Talk) Mordad
iranian-calendar-m6 (Talk) Shahrivar
iranian-calendar-m7 (Talk) Mehr
iranian-calendar-m8 (Talk) Aban
iranian-calendar-m9 (Talk) Azar
irc (Talk) Live wiki help
irc-url (Talk)
ircgate-channel (Talk) Channel:
ircgate-channellist (Talk) * ##wikia *group: International * #wikia-de * #wikia-es * #wikia-fi * #wikia-ja * #wikia-pl * #wikia-pt * #wikia-ru *group-end
ircgate-username (Talk) Username:
isimage (Talk) file link
isredirect (Talk) redirect page
istemplate (Talk) transclusion
italic_sample (Talk) Italic text
italic_tip (Talk) Italic text
iteminvalidname (Talk) Problem with item '$1', invalid name...
its_easy (Talk)'s easy and free
jan (Talk) Jan
january (Talk) January
january-gen (Talk) January
javascripttest (Talk) JavaScript testing
javascripttest-backlink (Talk) < $1
javascripttest-disabled (Talk) This function is disabled.
javascripttest-pagetext-frameworks (Talk) Please choose one of the following testing frameworks: $1
javascripttest-pagetext-noframework (Talk) This page is reserved for running JavaScript tests.
javascripttest-pagetext-skins (Talk) Choose a skin to run the tests with:
javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework (Talk) Unknown testing framework "$1".
javascripttest-qunit-heading (Talk) MediaWiki JavaScript QUnit test suite
javascripttest-qunit-intro (Talk) See [$1 testing documentation] on
javascripttest-qunit-name (Talk) QUnit
javascripttest-title (Talk) Running $1 tests
joinnow (Talk) join now
jul (Talk) Jul
july (Talk) July
july-gen (Talk) July
jumpto (Talk) Jump to:
jumptonavigation (Talk) navigation
jumptosearch (Talk) search
jun (Talk) Jun
june (Talk) June
june-gen (Talk) June
jwplayer-ad-message (Talk) Your video will play in XX seconds
jwplayer-agegate-message (Talk) You do not meet the age criteria for this content
lag-warn-high (Talk) Due to high database server lag, changes newer than $1 seconds may not be shown in this list.
lag-warn-normal (Talk) Changes newer than $1 seconds may not be shown in this list.
laggedslavemode (Talk) Warning: Page may not contain recent updates.
landingpage (Talk) Welcome to Wikia
landingpage-buttons-about-wikia-url (Talk)
landingpage-buttons-learn-more (Talk) Learn more >
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landingpage-twitter-url (Talk)
landingpage-wikia-blog-url (Talk)
language-converter-depth-warning (Talk) Language converter depth limit exceeded ($1)
large-file (Talk) It is recommended that files are no larger than $1; this file is $2.
largefileserver (Talk) This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.
last (Talk) prev
lastmodifiedat (Talk) This page was last modified on $1, at $2.
lastmodifiedatby (Talk) This page was last modified $2, $1 by $3.
latest-questions-header (Talk) Recent Questions
leaderboard (Talk) Achievements Leaderboard
leaderboard-button (Talk) Achievements Leaderboard
leaderboard-intro (Talk) You can earn badges on this wiki by editing pages, uploading photos and leaving comments. Each badge earns you points - the more points you get, the higher up the leaderboard you go! You'll find the badges you've earned on your user profile page. What are badges worth?
leaderboard-intro-headline (Talk) What are Achievements?
leaderboard-intro-hide (Talk) hide
leaderboard-intro-open (Talk) open
leaderboard-title (Talk) Leaderboard
license (Talk) Licensing
license-header (Talk) Licensing
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licenses (Talk) * Unknown: ** No license|I don't know the license * Own photo: ** Self|I took this photo myself * Wikimedia: ** From Wikimedia|I got this from Wikipedia or another Wikimedia project * Free licenses: ** CC-BY-SA|This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License ** Other free|This is licensed under another free license * Other ** PD|This is in the public domain ** Fairuse|This will be used in a way that qualifies as fair use under US law ** Permission|This is copyrighted, but use is permitted by the copyright holder
lightbox-blog-link (Talk) Blog link
lightbox-carousel-more-items (Talk) $1 more items on this wiki
lightbox-carousel-progress (Talk) $1-$2 of $3
lightbox-email-form-header (Talk) Email
lightbox-email-label (Talk) Email this to a friend
lightbox-email-placeholder (Talk) Your friend's email
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lightbox-embed-url (Talk) Embed URL
lightbox-file-page-url (Talk) File Page URL
lightbox-forum (Talk) Forum
lightbox-header-added-by (Talk) Added by $1
lightbox-header-more-info-button (Talk) More Info
lightbox-header-posted-in (Talk) Posted in $1
lightbox-header-see-full-size-image (Talk) See full size image
lightbox-header-share-button (Talk) Share
lightbox-more-info-back-button (Talk) Back
lightbox-more-info-caption-heading (Talk) Caption:
lightbox-more-info-description-heading (Talk) Description:
lightbox-more-info-filelinks-heading (Talk) File Links:
lightbox-no-media-error (Talk) The item that was shared with you is no longer available. But now that you're here, check out this article page!
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lightbox-no-media-error-header (Talk) Oops.
lightbox-pin-carousel-tooltip (Talk) Pin top and bottom bars in place
lightbox-send (Talk) Send
lightbox-share-button-email (Talk) Email
lightbox-share-button-embed (Talk) Embed
lightbox-share-button-www (Talk) Share
lightbox-share-description (Talk) Photo in $1 on $2
lightbox-share-email-body (Talk) Hi, Someone wanted to show you a photo on Wikia. Check it out: $1 - The Wikia team ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
lightbox-share-email-error-caption (Talk) Error
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lightbox-share-email-error-noaddress (Talk) No addresses have been specified.
lightbox-share-email-label (Talk) Email this image to a friend
lightbox-share-email-ok-caption (Talk) Confirmation
lightbox-share-email-ok-content (Talk) Emails have been sent.
lightbox-share-email-page-label (Talk) Email this page to a friend
lightbox-share-email-page-label-address (Talk) Email address
lightbox-share-email-subject (Talk) $1 has sent you a photo on Wikia
lightbox-standard-link (Talk) Standard link
lightbox-unpin-carousel-tooltip (Talk) Unpin top and bottom bars
lightbox-urls-form-header (Talk) URLs
lightbox-video-views (Talk) $1 views
lightbox-visit-the-wiki (Talk) Visit the wiki:
lightbox_details_tooltip (Talk) View photo details
limit (Talk) Limit
limitall (Talk) 5000
lineno (Talk) Line $1:
link_color (Talk) Question Link Color
link_sample (Talk) Link title
link_tip (Talk) Internal link
linkprefix (Talk) /^(.*?)([a-zA-Z\x80-\xff]+)$/sD
linksearch (Talk) External links search
linksearch-error (Talk) Wildcards may appear only at the start of the hostname.
linksearch-line (Talk) $1 is linked from $2
linksearch-ns (Talk) Namespace:
linksearch-ok (Talk) Search
linksearch-pat (Talk) Search pattern:
linksearch-text (Talk) Wildcards such as "*" may be used. Needs at least a top-level domain, for example "*.org".
Supported protocols: $1 (do not add any of these in your search).
linkshere (Talk) The following pages link to $1:
linkstoimage (Talk) The following $1 pages use this photo:
linkstoimage-more (Talk) More than $1 pages use this photo. The following list shows the first $1 page that uses this photo. A full list is available.
linkstoimage-redirect (Talk) $1 (file redirect) $2
linkstoredirects (Talk) Links To Redirects
listfiles (Talk) File list
listfiles-summary (Talk) This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.
listfiles_count (Talk) Versions
listfiles_date (Talk) Date
listfiles_description (Talk) Description
listfiles_name (Talk) Name
listfiles_search_for (Talk) Search for media name:
listfiles_size (Talk) Size
listfiles_thumb (Talk) Thumbnail
listfiles_user (Talk) User
listgrouprights (Talk) User group rights
listgrouprights-addgroup (Talk) Add groups: $1
listgrouprights-addgroup-all (Talk) Add all groups
listgrouprights-addgroup-self (Talk) Add groups to own account: $1
listgrouprights-addgroup-self-all (Talk) Add all groups to own account
listgrouprights-group (Talk) Group
listgrouprights-helppage (Talk) Help:Group rights
listgrouprights-key (Talk) * Granted right * Revoked right
listgrouprights-members (Talk) (list of members)
listgrouprights-removegroup (Talk) Remove groups: $1
listgrouprights-removegroup-all (Talk) Remove all groups
listgrouprights-removegroup-self (Talk) Remove groups from own account: $1
listgrouprights-removegroup-self-all (Talk) Remove all groups from own account
listgrouprights-right-display (Talk) $1 ($2)
listgrouprights-right-revoked (Talk) $1 ($2)
listgrouprights-rights (Talk) Rights
listgrouprights-summary (Talk) The following is a list of user groups defined on this wiki, with their associated access rights. There may be additional information about individual rights.
listingcontinuesabbrev (Talk) cont.
listredirects (Talk) Redirects list
listredirects-summary (Talk)
listusers (Talk) Users list
listusers-100contributions (Talk) 100 times or more
listusers-10contributions (Talk) 10 times or more
listusers-1contribution (Talk) 1 time or more
listusers-20contributions (Talk) 20 times or more
listusers-50contributions (Talk) 50 times or more
listusers-5contributions (Talk) 5 times or more
listusers-blocked (Talk) Blocked
listusers-creationsort (Talk) Sort by creation date
listusers-edited (Talk) Last edited
listusers-editsonly (Talk) Show only users with edits
listusers-groups (Talk) Groups
listusers-loggedin (Talk) Last logged in
listusers-nonegroup (Talk) none
listusers-noresult (Talk) No user found.
listusers-options (Talk) Options
listusers-results (Talk) Results
listusers-submit (Talk) Show
listusers-summary (Talk)
listusers-username (Talk) User name
listusersallusers (Talk) all users
listusersblock (Talk) Block
listuserscontribs (Talk) Contribs
listuserscontributed (Talk) Contributed:
listuserscount (Talk) $1 users
listusersdetails (Talk) Show
listusersedits (Talk) Edit stats
listusersfound (Talk) Found $1 users
listusersfrom (Talk) Display users starting at:
listusersnbrresult (Talk) Number of results:
listusersnext (Talk) next
listusersnodata (Talk) No users found!
listusersnogroup (Talk) No group
listusersoptions (Talk) Options
listusersprevious (Talk) previous
listusersrecordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records
listusersrev-cnt (Talk) Edits
listusersrights (Talk) Rights
listusersstartingtext (Talk) Display users starting at:
listuserstitle (Talk) Local list users
livepreview-error (Talk) Failed to connect: $1 "$2". Try normal preview.
livepreview-failed (Talk) Live preview failed! Try normal preview.
livepreview-loading (Talk) Loading...
livepreview-ready (Talk) Loading... Ready!
localtime (Talk) Local time:
lockbtn (Talk) Lock database
lockconfirm (Talk) Yes, I really want to lock the database.
lockdb (Talk) Lock database
lockdb-wikifactory-error (Talk) An error occurred. Failed to save or clear cache. The database might not be locked. Please try again or contact the TechTeam.
lockdbsuccesssub (Talk) Database lock succeeded
lockdbsuccesstext (Talk) The database has been locked.
Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete.
lockdbtext (Talk) Locking the database will suspend the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will unlock the database when your maintenance is done.
locked (Talk) locked
lockedbyandtime (Talk) (by $1 on $2 at $3)
lockfilenotwritable (Talk) The database lock file is not writable. To lock or unlock the database, this needs to be writable by the web server.
lockmanager-fail-acquirelock (Talk) Could not acquire lock for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-closelock (Talk) Could not close lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-db-bucket (Talk) Could not contact enough lock databases in bucket $1.
lockmanager-fail-db-release (Talk) Could not release locks on database $1.
lockmanager-fail-deletelock (Talk) Could not delete lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-openlock (Talk) Could not open lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-releaselock (Talk) Could not release lock for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-svr-release (Talk) Could not release locks on server $1.
lockmanager-notlocked (Talk) Could not unlock "$1"; it is not locked.
locknoconfirm (Talk) You did not check the confirmation box.
log (Talk) Logs
log-description-piggyback (Talk) This log is a record of account piggybacks.
log-fulllog (Talk) View full log
log-in-new (Talk) Already have an Account? Log In
log-name-piggyback (Talk) Piggyback log
log-show-hide-patrol (Talk) $1 patrol log
log-title-wildcard (Talk) Search titles starting with this text
log_in (Talk) Log in
logdelete-failure (Talk) Log visibility could not be set: $1
logdelete-log-message (Talk) $1 for $2 events
logdelete-logentry (Talk) changed event visibility of "$1"
logdelete-selected (Talk) Selected log events:
logdelete-success (Talk) Log visibility successfully set.
logempty (Talk) No matching items in log.
logentry-delete-delete (Talk) $1 deleted page $3
logentry-delete-event (Talk) $1 changed visibility of $5 log events on $3: $4
logentry-delete-event-legacy (Talk) $1 changed visibility of log events on $3
logentry-delete-restore (Talk) $1 restored page $3
logentry-delete-revision (Talk) $1 changed visibility of $5 revisions on page $3: $4
logentry-delete-revision-legacy (Talk) $1 changed visibility of revisions on page $3
logentry-move-move (Talk) $1 moved page $3 to $4
logentry-move-move-noredirect (Talk) $1 moved page $3 to $4 without leaving a redirect
logentry-move-move_redir (Talk) $1 moved page $3 to $4 over redirect
logentry-move-move_redir-noredirect (Talk) $1 moved page $3 to $4 over a redirect without leaving a redirect
logentry-newusers-autocreate (Talk) Account $1 was created automatically
logentry-newusers-create (Talk) $1 created a user account
logentry-newusers-create2 (Talk) $1 created a user account $3
logentry-newusers-newusers (Talk) $1 created a user account
logentry-patrol-patrol (Talk) $1 marked revision $4 of page $3 patrolled
logentry-patrol-patrol-auto (Talk) $1 automatically marked revision $4 of page $3 patrolled
logentry-suppress-delete (Talk) $1 suppressed page $3
logentry-suppress-event (Talk) $1 secretly changed visibility of $5 log events on $3: $4
logentry-suppress-event-legacy (Talk) $1 secretly changed visibility of log events on $3
logentry-suppress-revision (Talk) $1 secretly changed visibility of $5 revisions on page $3: $4
logentry-suppress-revision-legacy (Talk) $1 secretly changed visibility of revisions on page $3
login (Talk) Log in
login-abort-generic (Talk) Your login was unsuccessful - Aborted
login-abort-readonly (Talk) Site is currently in read-only mode. Users can not log in while the site is in read-only mode.
login-throttled (Talk) You have made too many recent login attempts. Please wait before trying again.
login-userblocked (Talk) This user is blocked. Login not allowed.
login_as_another (Talk) Login as another user
login_greeting (Talk) Welcome $1!
loginend (Talk)
loginend-https (Talk)
loginerror (Talk) Login error
loginlanguagelabel (Talk) Language: $1
loginlanguagelinks (Talk) * English|en * Deutsch|de * Español|es * Français|fr * Italiano|it * 中文|zh * 日本語|ja * Nederlands|nl
loginprompt (Talk) You must have cookies enabled to log in to Tardis Wiki.
loginreqlink (Talk) log in
loginreqpagetext (Talk) You must $1 to view other pages.
loginreqtitle (Talk) Login required
loginstart (Talk)
loginsuccess (Talk) You are now logged in to Tardis Wiki as "$1".
loginsuccesstitle (Talk) Login successful
logout (Talk) Log out
logouttext (Talk) You are now logged out. You can continue to use Tardis Wiki anonymously, or you can log in again as the same or as a different user. Note that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache.
lonelypages (Talk) Orphaned pages
lonelypages-summary (Talk)
lonelypagestext (Talk) The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in Tardis Wiki.
longpage-hint (Talk) -
longpageerror (Talk) Error: The text you have submitted is $1 kilobytes long, which is longer than the maximum of $2 kilobytes. It cannot be saved.
longpages (Talk) Long pages
longpages-summary (Talk)
longpagewarning-notice (Talk)
lookupcontribs (Talk) Lookup Contribs
lookupcontribsall (Talk) all
lookupcontribscontent (Talk) content
lookupcontribscontribs (Talk) contribs
lookupcontribscontribslink (Talk) Contribs link
lookupcontribscontribtitleforuser (Talk) Contributions for user:
lookupcontribsdetails (Talk) See details for:
lookupcontribsdiff (Talk) diff
lookupcontribsdisplaymode (Talk) Display mode:
lookupcontribsfinal (Talk) final
lookupcontribsfinalcontributions (Talk) Final contributions for $1
lookupcontribsfullurls (Talk) full URLs
lookupcontribsgo (Talk) Go
lookupcontribshelp (Talk) This special page can be used to display user's contributions on multiple Wikias. For displaying the list, give username below.
lookupcontribshist (Talk) hist
lookupcontribsinvalidmode (Talk)
"$1" is not a valid mode.
lookupcontribsinvalidresults (Talk) Invalid results!
lookupcontribsinvaliduser (Talk)
User "$1" does not exist. Check given username for possible typos.
lookupcontribsinvalidviewmode (Talk)
"$1" is not a valid view mode.
lookupcontribslastedited (Talk) Last edited
lookupcontribslinks (Talk) contribs links
lookupcontribslistwikiainfo (Talk) List of wikis where articles were edited by $1
lookupcontribslog (Talk) log
lookupcontribsnbrresult (Talk) Number of result:
lookupcontribsnext (Talk) next
lookupcontribsnoresultfound (Talk) No result found!
lookupcontribsnormal (Talk) recent
lookupcontribspageremoved (Talk) Removed:
lookupcontribsprevious (Talk) previous
lookupcontribsrecentcontributions (Talk) Recent contributions for $1
lookupcontribsrecordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records.
lookupcontribsrestore (Talk) restore
lookupcontribsselectfor (Talk) Select for:
lookupcontribsselectmodeall (Talk) all contributions for that user
lookupcontribsselectmodefinal (Talk) final contributions for that user
lookupcontribsselectmodenormal (Talk) recent contributions for that user
lookupcontribsselectuser (Talk) Select user:
lookupcontribsselectwikis (Talk) Select wikis:
lookupcontribsshowpages (Talk) All pages ($1 namespaces)
lookupcontribstitle (Talk) Lookup Contribs
lookupcontribswiki (Talk) Wiki
lookupcontribswikidbname (Talk) DB name
lookupcontribswikioptions (Talk) Options
lookupcontribswikititle (Talk) Title
lookupcontribswikiurl (Talk) URL
lookupcontribusernotspecify (Talk) You haven't specified a user yet
lookupuser (Talk) Look up user info
lookupuser-account-status (Talk) Account Status:
lookupuser-account-status-realuser (Talk) Real User
lookupuser-account-status-tempuser (Talk) Temp User
lookupuser-admin (Talk) Admin
lookupuser-authenticated (Talk) authenticated on $1
lookupuser-bureaucrat (Talk) Bureaucrat
lookupuser-chatmoderator (Talk) Chat moderator
lookupuser-desc (Talk) Retrieve information about a user such as e-mail address and ID
lookupuser-email (Talk) E-mail: $1
lookupuser-founder (Talk) Founder
lookupuser-foundmoreusers (Talk) Found more than one's user
lookupuser-id (Talk) User ID: #$1
lookupuser-info-authenticated (Talk) E-mail authentication: $1
lookupuser-intro (Talk) Enter a username to view the preferences of that user.
lookupuser-no-email (Talk) not provided
lookupuser-no-registration (Talk) not recorded
lookupuser-nonexistent (Talk) Error: User does not exist
lookupuser-nonexistent-id (Talk) Error: User with ID #$1 does not exist
lookupuser-not-authenticated (Talk) not authenticated
lookupuser-realname (Talk) Real name: $1
lookupuser-registration (Talk) Registration date: $1
lookupuser-table-blocked (Talk) Blocked
lookupuser-table-cannot-be-displayed (Talk) The contribution table cannot be displayed -- its extension seems to be disabled.
lookupuser-table-contribs (Talk) contribs
lookupuser-table-editcount (Talk) Edits
lookupuser-table-lastedited (Talk) Last edited
lookupuser-table-recordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records.
lookupuser-table-title (Talk) Title
lookupuser-table-url (Talk) URL
lookupuser-table-userrights (Talk) User rights
lookupuser-toollinks (Talk) LookupContribs | PhalanxBlock | EditAccount | Piggyback | Wikis by this user
lookupuser-touched (Talk) User record last touched: $1
lookupuser-username-blocked-globally (Talk) This username is blocked globally.
lookupuser-username-not-blocked-globally (Talk) This username is not blocked globally.
lookupuser-useroptions (Talk) User options:
loops-desc (Talk) Parser functions for performing loops
loops_max (Talk) Maximum number of loops have been performed
magic_answer_credit (Talk) Provided by Yahoo Answers
magic_answer_headline (Talk) Does this answer your question?
magic_answer_no (Talk) No, don't use this
magic_answer_yes (Talk) Yes, use this as a starting point
magicfooterlinks (Talk) Featured pages
mail-notification-body (Talk) Hi $WATCHER, $SUBJECT $METATITLE $MESSAGE_NO_HTML -- $AUTHOR See the conversation: ($MESSAGE_LINK) The Wikia Team ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
mail-notification-body-HTML (Talk) Hi $WATCHER,
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The Wikia Team
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mail-notification-html-button (Talk) See the conversation
mail-notification-html-footer-line1 (Talk) To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a>
mail-notification-html-footer-line2 (Talk) Want to control which emails you receive? Go to your <a href="" style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;">Preferences</a>
mail-notification-html-footer-line3 (Talk) <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="twitter" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="facebook" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="youtube" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="wikia" src="" style="border:none"> </a>
mail-notification-html-greeting (Talk) Hi $1,
mail-notification-new-someone (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME wrote a new message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-new-your (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME left you a new message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-reply-his (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied to a message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-reply-someone (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied to $PARENT_AUTHOR_NAME's message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-reply-your (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied to your message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-subject (Talk) $1 -- $2
mailerror (Talk) Error sending mail: $1
mailmypassword (Talk) E-mail new password
mailnologin (Talk) No send address
mailnologintext (Talk) You must be logged in and have a valid e-mail address in your preferences to send e-mail to other users.
mainpage (Talk) Main Page
Are You Being Served? Wiki
mainpage-description (Talk) Main page
mainpage-nstab (Talk)
manage-wikia-home-change-button (Talk) Change
manage-wikia-home-error-exceeded-total-no-of-slots (Talk) Invalid slots amount for new and hot wikis. Please make sure neither hot nor new slots exceed total amount of slots ($1).
manage-wikia-home-error-invalid-total-no-of-slots (Talk) Invalid slots amount in total ($1). Please make sure sum of each hub's slots equals total amount of slots ($2).
manage-wikia-home-error-negative-slots-number-not-allowed (Talk) Negative number of slots is not allowed
manage-wikia-home-error-wikifactory-failure (Talk) Something wrong happened during saving the variables all of them wasn't saved or they were saved partly. Try again.
manage-wikia-home-hot-new-numbers (Talk) Number of hot/new wikis in WV
manage-wikia-home-modal-button-no (Talk) No
manage-wikia-home-modal-button-yes (Talk) Yes
manage-wikia-home-modal-content-blocked (Talk) Do you want to include this wiki in the wiki visualization?
manage-wikia-home-modal-content-demoted (Talk) Do you want to demote this wiki in the wiki visualization?
manage-wikia-home-modal-content-promoted (Talk) Do you want to promote this wiki in the wiki visualization?
manage-wikia-home-modal-content-unblocked (Talk) Do you want to exclude this wiki from appearing in the wiki visualization?
manage-wikia-home-modal-title (Talk) Change wiki status
manage-wikia-home-slot-type-hot-wikis (Talk) Number of Hot wikis
manage-wikia-home-slot-type-new-wikis (Talk) Number of New wikis
manage-wikia-home-verticals-proportions (Talk) Number of wikis for each vertical in WV
manage-wikia-home-visualization-wikis (Talk) Corporate wikis with visualization:
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-blocked (Talk) Blocked
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-blocked-no (Talk) No
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-blocked-yes (Talk) Yes
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-headline (Talk) Headline
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-id (Talk) Id
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-promoted (Talk) Promoted
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-vertical (Talk) Vertical
manage-wikia-home-wiki-name-filter (Talk) Start typing wiki name and the list will get shorter:
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-slots-change-reason (Talk) Wikia Home Page Staff Tool change
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-slots-heading (Talk) Slots setup
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-slots-success (Talk) Numbers slots has been changed.
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-slots-total (Talk) Total amount of slots:
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-visualization-heading (Talk) List of wikis in visualization
manage-wikia-home-wrong-rights (Talk) You are probably logged-out or you don't have permissions to use this special page.
manage_widgets (Talk) Manage widgets
managewikiahome (Talk) Manage Wikia Home
mar (Talk) Mar
march (Talk) March
march-gen (Talk) March
markaspatrolleddiff (Talk) Mark as patrolled
markaspatrolledlink (Talk) [$1]
markaspatrolledtext (Talk) Mark this page as patrolled
markedaspatrolled (Talk) Marked as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror (Talk) Cannot mark as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol (Talk) You are not allowed to mark your own changes as patrolled.
markedaspatrollederrortext (Talk) You need to specify a revision to mark as patrolled.
markedaspatrolledtext (Talk) The selected revision of $1 has been marked as patrolled.
masthead-anonymous-user (Talk) A Wikia contributor
math-desc (Talk) Render mathematical formulas between
math_bad_output (Talk) Cannot write to or create math output directory
math_bad_tmpdir (Talk) Cannot write to or create math temp directory
math_failure (Talk) Failed to parse
math_image_error (Talk) PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex and dvipng (or dvips + gs + convert)
math_lexing_error (Talk) lexing error
math_notexvc (Talk) Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.
math_sample (Talk) Insert formula here
math_syntax_error (Talk) syntax error
math_tip (Talk) Mathematical formula (LaTeX)
math_unknown_error (Talk) unknown error
math_unknown_function (Talk) unknown function
maximum-size (Talk) Max size:
may (Talk) May
may-gen (Talk) May
may_long (Talk) May
media_sample (Talk) Example.ogg
media_tip (Talk) File link
mediawarning (Talk) Warning: This file type may contain malicious code. By executing it, your system may be compromised.
mediawikipage (Talk) View message page
mergehistory (Talk) Merge page histories
mergehistory-autocomment (Talk) Merged $1 into $2
mergehistory-box (Talk) Merge revisions of two pages:
mergehistory-comment (Talk) Merged $1 into $2: $3
mergehistory-empty (Talk) No revisions can be merged.
mergehistory-fail (Talk) Unable to perform history merge, please recheck the page and time parameters.
mergehistory-from (Talk) Source page:
mergehistory-go (Talk) Show mergeable edits
mergehistory-header (Talk) This page lets you merge revisions of the history of one source page into a newer page. Make sure that this change will maintain historical page continuity.
mergehistory-into (Talk) Destination page:
mergehistory-invalid-destination (Talk) Destination page must be a valid title.
mergehistory-invalid-source (Talk) Source page must be a valid title.
mergehistory-list (Talk) Mergeable edit history
mergehistory-merge (Talk) The following revisions of $1 can be merged into $2. Use the radio button column to merge in only the revisions created at and before the specified time. Note that using the navigation links will reset this column.
mergehistory-no-destination (Talk) Destination page $1 does not exist.
mergehistory-no-source (Talk) Source page $1 does not exist.
mergehistory-reason (Talk) Reason:
mergehistory-same-destination (Talk) Source and destination pages cannot be the same
mergehistory-submit (Talk) Merge revisions
mergehistory-success (Talk) $3 revisions of $1 successfully merged into $2.
mergelog (Talk) Merge log
mergelogpagetext (Talk) Below is a list of the most recent merges of one page history into another.
message404 (Talk) We're really sorry, but for some reason the page you've asked for doesn't exist. Article $1 could not be found. * You can try article $2 * You can use the search box on the left side of the page * To go on to the main page of this site, click the link: Tardis Wiki
messagebar_mess (Talk) Did you know you can <a href="$1">edit this page</a> or <a href="$2">create a new one</a>? <a href="$3">Find out how</a> this works.
metadata (Talk) Metadata
metadata-collapse (Talk) Hide extended details
metadata-expand (Talk) Show extended details
metadata-fields (Talk) Image metadata fields listed in this message will be included on image page display when the metadata table is collapsed. Others will be hidden by default. * make * model * datetimeoriginal * exposuretime * fnumber * isospeedratings * focallength * artist * copyright * imagedescription * gpslatitude * gpslongitude * gpsaltitude
metadata-help (Talk) This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details may not fully reflect the modified file.
metadata-langitem (Talk) $2: $1
metadata-langitem-default (Talk) $1
mimesearch (Talk) MIME search
mimesearch-summary (Talk) This page enables the filtering of files for their MIME type. Input: contenttype/subtype, e.g. image/jpeg.
mimetype (Talk) MIME type:
minieditor-message-edit (Talk) This is an existing message
minieditor-new-heading (Talk) Create a new message
minieditor-placeholder-new (Talk) Enter your message here
minieditor-placeholder-reply (Talk) Reply to the message here
minieditor-reply (Talk) Reply
minieditor-specialpage-title (Talk) MiniEditor Demo Page
minimum-size (Talk) Min size
minlength1 (Talk) Filenames must be at least one letter.
minoredit (Talk) Minor edit
minoreditletter (Talk) m
minutes (Talk) $1 minutes
minutes-abbrev (Talk) $1m
missing-article (Talk) The database did not find the text of a page that it should have found, named "$1" $2. This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a page that has been deleted. If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software. Please report this to Wikia staff, making note of the URL.
missingarticle-diff (Talk) (Diff: $1, $2)
missingarticle-rev (Talk) (revision#: $1)
missingcommentheader (Talk) Reminder: You have not provided a subject/headline for this comment. If you click "Save page" again, your edit will be saved without one.
missingcommenttext (Talk) Please enter a comment below.
missingsummary (Talk) Reminder: You have not provided an edit summary. If you click Publish again, your edit will be published without one.
mobile-full-site (Talk) Full site
mobile-hide (Talk) Hide
mobile-show (Talk) Show
mobilesearches (Talk) Mobile Searches
mobilesearches-artist (Talk) Artist:
mobilesearches-fixed (Talk) Fixed
mobilesearches-header-artist (Talk) Artist
mobilesearches-header-fixed (Talk) Fixed
mobilesearches-header-looked-for (Talk) Titles looked for
mobilesearches-header-requests (Talk) Requests
mobilesearches-header-song (Talk) Song
mobilesearches-intro (Talk) Once you have created a missing page, made a redirect for it, or otherwise fixed it so that it should no longer be a failed request... type the artist and song name into the form at the top of the page and click the "Fixed" button and the SOAP webservice will test the song again. If the song is then retrieved successfully, it will be removed from the failures list and the cache will be cleared so that you can see the updated list right away.
This page differs from Special:Soapfailures primarily in that it only shows the requests that came from the <a href=''>LyricWiki Android app</a> and the LyricWiki iPhone app (once there is one).
Discuss the SOAP webservice.
mobilesearches-mark-as-fixed (Talk) Mark a song as fixed (does a test first):
mobilesearches-song (Talk) Song:
mobilesearches-stats-header (Talk) Please note that since successful responses get cached by Varnish, these numbers will show a high skew towards "not-found".
mobilesearches-stats-numfound (Talk) Num found
mobilesearches-stats-numnotfound (Talk) Not found
mobilesearches-stats-period-thismonth (Talk) This month
mobilesearches-stats-period-thisweek (Talk) This week
mobilesearches-stats-period-today (Talk) Today
mobilesearches-stats-timeperiod (Talk) Time period
modern.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect users of the Modern skin */
modern.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for users using the Modern skin */
modifiedarticleprotection (Talk) changed protection level for "$1"
mon (Talk) Mon
monaco-sidebar (Talk) *mainpage|Tardis Wiki *randompage-url|randompage *mainpage|TopContent **#visited#|most_visited **#newlychanged#|newly_changed * newfiles-url|NewPictures *blogs-recent-url|blogs-recent-url-text *#category1# *#category2# *portal-url|community **portal-url|portal **forum-url|forum
monday (Talk) Monday
monobook.css (Talk) /***** Edit this file to customize the Monobook skin for the entire site. Please ensure you do not violate Wikia's Terms of Use by obscuring or removing the advertising. *****/ /* See also: MediaWiki:Common.css */ /*** Bold 'edit this page' link to encourage newcomers ***/ #ca-edit a { font-weight: bold !important; }
monobook.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for users using the MonoBook skin */
month (Talk) From month (and earlier):
monthsall (Talk) all
moredotdotdot (Talk) More...
morelinkstoimage (Talk) View more links to this photo.
most_emailed (Talk) Most emailed
most_popular (Talk) Editor's pick
most_popular_articles (Talk) Wikia:Community Portal|Community Portal Special:CreateWiki|Start a new Wikia Hub:Big_wikis|Big wikis Gaming Entertainment Blog:Wikia_Staff_Blog|Staff Blogs Forum:Help_desk|User Support Forums
most_visited (Talk) Most visited
mostcategories (Talk) Pages with the most categories
mostcategories-summary (Talk)
mostimages (Talk) Most linked-to photos
mostimages-summary (Talk)
mostlinked (Talk) Most linked-to pages
mostlinked-summary (Talk)
mostlinkedcategories (Talk) Most linked-to categories
mostlinkedcategories-summary (Talk)
mostlinkedtemplates (Talk) Most linked-to templates
mostlinkedtemplates-summary (Talk)
mostpopularcategories (Talk) Most popular categories
mostrevisions (Talk) Pages with the most revisions
mostrevisions-summary (Talk)
mostvisitedpages (Talk) Most visited pages
mostvisitedpagesalllink (Talk) See most visited pages
mostvisitedpageslatest (Talk) in the last $1 minutes
mostvisitedpageslatestlink (Talk) See latest visited pages
mostvisitedpagessearchbtn (Talk) search
mostvisitedpagessearchtext (Talk) Article's name:
move (Talk) Rename
move-leave-redirect (Talk) Leave a redirect behind
move-over-sharedrepo (Talk) == File exists == $1 exists on a shared repository. Moving a file to this title will override the shared file.
move-page (Talk) Rename $1
move-page-legend (Talk) Rename page
move-redirect-suppressed (Talk) redirect suppressed
move-subpages (Talk) Rename subpages (up to $1)
move-talk-subpages (Talk) Rename subpages of talk page (up to $1)
move-watch (Talk) Follow this page
movearticle (Talk) Rename page:
movedarticleprotection (Talk) moved protection settings from "$2" to "$1"
moveddeleted-notice (Talk) This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
movedto (Talk) moved to
movelogpage (Talk) Move log
movelogpagetext (Talk) Below is a list of page moves.
movenologin (Talk) Not logged in
movenologintext (Talk) You must be a registered user and logged in to move a page.
movenosubpage (Talk) This page has no subpages.
movenotallowed (Talk) You do not have permission to rename pages.
movenotallowedfile (Talk) You do not have permission to rename files.
movepage-max-pages (Talk) The maximum of $1 pages has been moved and no more will be moved automatically.
movepage-moved (Talk) "$1" has been renamed "$2"
movepage-moved-noredirect (Talk) The creation of a redirect has been suppressed.
movepage-moved-redirect (Talk) A redirect has been created.
movepage-page-exists (Talk) The page $1 already exists and cannot be automatically overwritten.
movepage-page-moved (Talk) The page $1 has been moved to $2.
movepage-page-unmoved (Talk) The page $1 could not be moved to $2.
movepagebtn (Talk) Rename page
movepagetalktext (Talk) The associated talk page will be automatically moved along with it unless: *A non-empty talk page already exists under the new name, or *You uncheck the box below. In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired.
movepagetext (Talk) Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. See also Help:Moving pages.
movepagetext-noredirectfixer (Talk) Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. The old title will become a redirect page to the new title. Be sure to check for double or broken redirects. You are responsible for making sure that links continue to point where they are supposed to go. Note that the page will not be moved if there is already a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where it was renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite an existing page. Warning! This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page; please be sure you understand the consequences of this before proceeding.
movereason (Talk) Reason:
movesubpage (Talk) Subpages
movesubpagetext (Talk) This page has $1 subpages shown below.
movetalk (Talk) Rename associated talk page
movethispage (Talk) Rename this page
moveuserpage-warning (Talk) Warning: You are about to rename a user page. Please note that only the page title will be changed, and the user will not be renamed.
movieclips-videohandler-extension-desc (Talk) MovieClips video handler
mu_login (Talk) You must be logged in to upload files.
multidelete (Talk) Delete batch of pages
multidelete_all_wikis (Talk) all wikis
multidelete_both_modes (Talk) Please choose either one specified page or a given list of pages.
multidelete_brazilian_portuguese_wikis (Talk) all brazilian portuguese wikis
multidelete_button (Talk) DELETE
multidelete_caption (Talk) Page list
multidelete_chinese_wikis (Talk) all chinese wikis
multidelete_choose_articles (Talk) choose which found articles should be deleted
multidelete_czech_wikis (Talk) all czech wikis
multidelete_dutch_wikis (Talk) all dutch wikis
multidelete_english_wikis (Talk) all english wikis
multidelete_error_empty_pages (Talk) Please choose either one specified page or a given list of pages.
multidelete_error_empty_selection (Talk) Please supply the list of selected wikis
multidelete_error_multi_page (Talk) Only one title at a time allowed for multi-wiki deletion.
multidelete_file_bad_format (Talk) The file should be plain text
multidelete_file_missing (Talk) Unable to read given file
multidelete_finnish_wikis (Talk) all finnish wikis
multidelete_french_wikis (Talk) all french wikis
multidelete_german_wikis (Talk) all german wikis
multidelete_hebrew_wikis (Talk) all hebrew wikis
multidelete_help (Talk) Delete a batch of pages via a background task. You can do it for this wiki, all wikis from shared database, selected wikis, or selected languages. Can choose to delete as YOU, or a preset script account.
multidelete_inbox_caption (Talk) or separated by commas
multidelete_info_empty_list (Talk) Provided titles were not found on any selected wikis.
multidelete_italian_wikis (Talk) all italian wikis
multidelete_japanese_wikis (Talk) all japanese wikis
multidelete_link_back (Talk) You can go back to the MultiDelete form $1.
multidelete_list_caption (Talk) in a specified wiki list
multidelete_max_display_size (Talk) Multidelete has currently a maximum number of articles in the confirm phase. Your query has been capped at $1 articles. Choose your articles and save task. After that, consider running it again to catch all the remaining articles.
multidelete_no_page (Talk) Please specify at least one page to delete OR choose a file containing page list.
multidelete_omitting_invalid (Talk) Omitting invalid page $1.
multidelete_omitting_nonexistant (Talk) Omitting non-existing page $1.
multidelete_or (Talk) OR
multidelete_page (Talk) Pages to be deleted
multidelete_polish_wikis (Talk) all polish wikis
multidelete_portuguese_wikis (Talk) all portuguese wikis
multidelete_processing (Talk) deleting pages
multidelete_reason (Talk) Reason for deletion
multidelete_russian_wikis (Talk) all russian wikis
multidelete_select_all (Talk) Select all
multidelete_select_script (Talk) designated script account
multidelete_selected_wikis (Talk) selected wikis
multidelete_spanish_wikis (Talk) all spanish wikis
multidelete_split_results (Talk) Your article count was too high to be done in a single task. It has been split into $1 tasks instead, with a maximum chunk size of $2 articles.
multidelete_success_subtitle (Talk) for $1
multidelete_swedish_wikis (Talk) all swedish wikis
multidelete_task_added (Talk) Multi delete task #<a href="$1">$1</a> was added.
multidelete_task_error (Talk) There was an error in adding the multi delete task.
multidelete_task_link (Talk) You can check your task
multidelete_task_none_selected (Talk) You didn't select any articles. The task was not added.
multidelete_this_wiki (Talk) this wiki
multidelete_title (Talk) Multi Delete
multilookup (Talk) Multiple look up
multilookupdetails (Talk) See details
multilookupgo (Talk) Go
multilookupinvalidresults (Talk) Invalid results!
multilookupinvaliduser (Talk)
IP address "$1" does not exist. Check given IP address for possible typos.
multilookuplastedit (Talk) Last edit from this IP address:
multilookuplastedithdr (Talk) Last edit
multilookuplink (Talk) Contribs link
multilookuplistwikiainfo (Talk) List of wikis where pages were edited by users from IP address $1
multilookupnbrresult (Talk) Number of results:
multilookupnext (Talk) next
multilookupnoresultfound (Talk) No results found!
multilookupnotspecify (Talk) You have not specified an IP address yet.
multilookupprevious (Talk) previous
multilookuprecordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records.
multilookupselectuser (Talk) Search for accounts of the same IP address on multiple wikis
multilookupstitle (Talk) Multiple look up
multilookupwiki (Talk) Wiki
multilookupwikidbname (Talk) DB name
multilookupwikioptions (Talk) Options
multilookupwikititle (Talk) Title
multilookupwikiurl (Talk) URL
multiplefileuploadsummary (Talk) Summary:
multipleupload (Talk) Upload multiple photos
multipleupload-addresswarnings (Talk) Please address any warnings before reuploading files.
multipleupload-ignoreallwarnings (Talk) Ignore all warnings and save the files anyway.
multipleupload-page (Talk) Tardis:File deletion policy
multipleupload-saveallfiles (Talk) Save all files
multipleupload-text (Talk)
multitasks-link-back-label (Talk) here
multiupload-blank (Talk) No file selected
multiupload-desc (Talk) Allows users to upload several files at once
multiupload-description (Talk) File description
multiupload-fileuploaded (Talk) File uploaded.
multiupload-no-files (Talk) Please select at least one file to upload
multiupload-options (Talk) Upload options
multiupload-source (Talk) Source files
multiupload-successful-upload (Talk) Successful upload
multiupload-toolbox (Talk) Upload multiple files
multiwikiedit (Talk) Edit batch of pages
multiwikiedit_add_text (Talk) Specify article text first
multiwikiedit_all_wikis (Talk) all wikis
multiwikiedit_as (Talk) Run the script as
multiwikiedit_autosummary_caption (Talk) Enable autosummary
multiwikiedit_botedit_caption (Talk) Bot (hidden) edit
multiwikiedit_both_modes (Talk) Please choose either one specified page or a given list of pages.
multiwikiedit_button (Talk) EDIT
multiwikiedit_caption (Talk) Page list
multiwikiedit_choose_articles (Talk) choose which found articles should be edited
multiwikiedit_confirm (Talk) CONFIRM
multiwikiedit_edit_options (Talk) Edit options
multiwikiedit_file_bad_format (Talk) The file should be plain text
multiwikiedit_file_missing (Talk) Unable to read given file
multiwikiedit_from_file (Talk) from file list
multiwikiedit_from_form (Talk) from form
multiwikiedit_general_options (Talk) General multi-edit options
multiwikiedit_help (Talk) Edit a batch of pages. You can edit pages listed in a textbox. Choose a user that will be shown in deletion logs. Uploaded file should contain page name and optional reason separated by | character in each line.
multiwikiedit_inbox_caption (Talk) separated by commas
multiwikiedit_link_back (Talk) You can go back to the MultiWikiEdit form $1.
multiwikiedit_list_caption (Talk) Wiki list
multiwikiedit_max_display_size (Talk) Multiwikiedit has currently a maximum number of articles in the confirm phase. Your query has been capped at $1 articles. Choose your articles and save task. After that, consider running it again to catch all the remaining articles.
multiwikiedit_minoredit_caption (Talk) Minor edit
multiwikiedit_newonly_caption (Talk) Skip existing articles
multiwikiedit_no_page (Talk) Please specify at least one page to edit OR choose a file containing page list.
multiwikiedit_norecentchanges_caption (Talk) Do not show the change in recent changes
multiwikiedit_omitting_invalid (Talk) Omitting invalid page $1.
multiwikiedit_omitting_nonexistant (Talk) Omitting non-existing page $1.
multiwikiedit_on (Talk) on
multiwikiedit_or (Talk) OR
multiwikiedit_page (Talk) Pages to be edited
multiwikiedit_page_text (Talk) Text to be saved
multiwikiedit_processing (Talk) editing pages
multiwikiedit_reason (Talk) Reason for edit
multiwikiedit_select_script (Talk) edit page script
multiwikiedit_select_yourself (Talk) you
multiwikiedit_selected_wikis (Talk) selected wikis
multiwikiedit_split_results (Talk) Your article count was too high to be done in a single task. It has been split into $1 tasks instead, with a maximum chunk size of $2 articles.
multiwikiedit_success_subtitle (Talk) for $1
multiwikiedit_summary_text (Talk) Summary field
multiwikiedit_supply_wikis (Talk) Please supply the list of selected wikis
multiwikiedit_task_added (Talk) Multi wiki edit task #$1 was added.
multiwikiedit_task_error (Talk) There was an error in adding the multi wiki edit task.
multiwikiedit_task_link (Talk) You can check your task
multiwikiedit_task_none_selected (Talk) You didn't select any articles. The task was not added.
multiwikiedit_tasks_list (Talk) List of tasks to run
multiwikiedit_this_wiki (Talk) this wiki
multiwikiedit_title (Talk) Multi Wiki Edit
multiwikienterpagename (Talk) Enter a pagename:
multiwikifinder (Talk) Multiwiki Title Finder
multiwikifindpagenames (Talk) Find pagenames
multiwikirecords (Talk) $1 wiki found
mw-coolcats-confirm-new (Talk) It looks like you are trying to add a new category, "$1". Be aware:
- Categories should usually be in English.
- Most new categories should be a subcategory of an existing category.
Generally, only experts should create a category.
mw-coolcats-confirm-new-cancel (Talk) Never mind
mw-coolcats-confirm-new-ok (Talk) Add this category anyway
mw-coolcats-confirm-new-title (Talk) Confirm new category
mw_math_png (Talk) Always render PNG
mw_math_source (Talk) Leave it as TeX (for text browsers)
mwe-prevent-close (Talk) Leaving this page may cause you to lose any changes you have made.
mwe-upwiz-add-file-0-free (Talk) Select a media file to donate
mwe-upwiz-add-file-n (Talk) Add another file
mwe-upwiz-allowed-filename-extensions (Talk) The allowed extensions are:
mwe-upwiz-api-warning-exists (Talk) There is [$1 another file] already on the wiki with the same filename
mwe-upwiz-api-warning-was-deleted (Talk) There was a file by this name, "$1", but it was deleted and you can not reupload the file. If your file is different, try renaming it.
mwe-upwiz-author (Talk) Author(s)
mwe-upwiz-autoconverted (Talk) This file was automatically converted to the $1 format
mwe-upwiz-blacklisted (Talk) Please choose a different, descriptive title.
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-autoCategories (Talk) Categories to add the files to automatically and silently (pipe separated):
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-autoWikiText (Talk) WikiText to automatically add to all uploaded images:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-defaultCategories (Talk) Default categories to list in the describe tab (pipe separated):
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-defaultOwnWorkLicence (Talk) The default own work license:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-headerLabelPage (Talk) Page containing text to display above the UploadWizard interface. $1 is replaced with the language code:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-idField (Talk) ID field wikitext. Example: {{Rijksmonument|$1}}. Blank to not display field:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-idFieldLabel (Talk) ID field label text:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-idFieldLabelPage (Talk) Page name with text for the ID field label. $1 is replaced with the language code:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-idFieldMaxLength (Talk) Maximum length of the text in the ID field
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-licensesOwnWork (Talk) The licenses that should be choosable for own-work:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-ownWorkOption (Talk) How to handle own-work or not own-work:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-skipTutorial (Talk) Skip the licensing tutorial
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-thanksLabelPage (Talk) Page containing text to display on top of the "Use" page. $1 is replaced with the language code:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-tutorialHelpdeskCoords (Talk) Imagemap coordinates of the tutorial "helpdesk" button:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-tutorialTemplate (Talk) Name of the tutorial on Wikimedia Commons. $1 is replaced with the language code:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-conf-tutorialWidth (Talk) The width to scale the tutorial to:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-enabled (Talk) Campaign enabled
mwe-upwiz-campaign-name (Talk) Campaign name:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-choice (Talk) Allow the user to choose between own work and non-own work
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-notown (Talk) Only allow for non-own work uploads
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-own (Talk) Only allow for own work uploads
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-add (Talk) Add
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-addnew (Talk) Add a new campaign
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-confdel (Talk) Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-confirm-delete (Talk) Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-delete (Talk) Delete
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-delete-failed (Talk) Could not delete the campaign.
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-disabled (Talk) Disabled
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-edit (Talk) Edit
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-editing (Talk) Upload campaign configuration
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-enabled (Talk) Enabled
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-existing (Talk) Existing campaigns
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-name (Talk) Campaign name
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-namedoc (Talk) The name of the campaign is the identifier used in URLs. ie "name" in ?campaign=name
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-newname (Talk) Campaign name:
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-status (Talk) Status
mwe-upwiz-cancel (Talk) Cancel
mwe-upwiz-categories (Talk) Categories
mwe-upwiz-categories-add (Talk) Add
mwe-upwiz-category-remove (Talk) Remove this category
mwe-upwiz-code-unknown (Talk) Unknown language
mwe-upwiz-copyright-info (Talk) Release rights
mwe-upwiz-date-created (Talk) Date created
mwe-upwiz-deeds-custom-prompt (Talk) Or:
mwe-upwiz-deeds-macro-prompt (Talk) This site requires you to provide copyright information for these works, to make sure everyone can legally reuse them.
mwe-upwiz-deeds-need-deed (Talk) Please explain where you got these files and how this site can use them, by selecting one of the options.
mwe-upwiz-deeds-need-license (Talk) Please select a license.
mwe-upwiz-desc (Talk) Description
mwe-upwiz-desc-add-0 (Talk) add a description
mwe-upwiz-desc-add-n (Talk) add a description in another language
mwe-upwiz-details-error-count (Talk) There are $1 errors with the forms above. Correct the errors, and try submitting again.
mwe-upwiz-dialog-title (Talk) Files can be uploaded with names in any language in any script. Titles of media files should be meaningful and helpful in the language chosen.
mwe-upwiz-error-altitude (Talk) The altitude needs to be a number.
mwe-upwiz-error-bad-chars (Talk) This field contains symbols that are not allowed. Please do not use wikitext or HTML here.
mwe-upwiz-error-blank (Talk) This field is required.
mwe-upwiz-error-campaigndisabled (Talk) Campaign "$1" has not been enabled.
mwe-upwiz-error-date (Talk) Please enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format, or pick a date from the popup calendar.
mwe-upwiz-error-latitude (Talk) The latitude needs to be between -90 and 90.
mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-invalid (Talk) This does not seem to be valid wikitext, or does not contain a license.
mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-missing (Talk) You selected an option which requires you to enter wikitext.
mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-too-long (Talk) The wikitext you entered is too long.
mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-too-short (Talk) The wikitext here is too short to be a license
mwe-upwiz-error-longitude (Talk) The longitude needs to be between -180 and 180.
mwe-upwiz-error-nosuchcampaign (Talk) There is no campaign with name "$1".
mwe-upwiz-error-signature-bad-chars (Talk) Your signature contains symbols that are not allowed. Please do not use wikitext or HTML here, just your username or real name.
mwe-upwiz-error-signature-blank (Talk) You must sign the field below with your username or real name.
mwe-upwiz-error-signature-too-long (Talk) Your signature is too long. Make it shorter than $1 characters.
mwe-upwiz-error-signature-too-short (Talk) Your signature is too short. Make it longer than $1 characters.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-badchars (Talk) This title contains some undesirable characters. Please remove them.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-blacklisted (Talk) This title contains some undesirable text. Please revise it.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-double-apostrophe (Talk) This title contains a double apostrophe; please remove it.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-extension (Talk) You do not need to add a file extension. Just make a human readable title and the application will take care of the rest.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-fileexists-shared-forbidden (Talk) This title is reserved by a file on a remote shared repository. Choose another name.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-hosting (Talk) This looks like a file you obtained from another imagehost. Please make the title more meaningful. Also, double check that you have the rights to publish it on this site.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-senselessimagename (Talk) Please make this title more meaningful.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-thumbnail (Talk) This looks like a thumbnail title. Please do not upload thumbnails back to the same wiki. Otherwise, please fix the filename so it is more meaningful, and does not have the thumbnail prefix.
mwe-upwiz-error-too-long (Talk) This field is too long. Please make this entry shorter than $1 characters.
mwe-upwiz-error-too-short (Talk) This field is too short. Please make this entry longer than $1 characters.
mwe-upwiz-errordialog-ok (Talk) OK
mwe-upwiz-errordialog-title (Talk) There was an error in your submission
mwe-upwiz-extension-disabled (Talk) This page has been disabled due to temporary technical problems. In the meantime try the standard upload form.
mwe-upwiz-failed (Talk) Failed.
mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-info-prompt (Talk) [$1 More Info]
mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-line-intro (Talk) This is the title blacklist entry that matched it: $1
mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-report-prompt (Talk) [$1 Send Feedback]
mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-subject (Talk) My upload title, "$1" was prohibited.
mwe-upwiz-feedback-prompt (Talk) [$1 Leave feedback]
mwe-upwiz-feedback-title (Talk) Leave feedback about Upload Wizard
mwe-upwiz-fewer-options (Talk) fewer options...
mwe-upwiz-file-all-failed (Talk) None of the uploads were successful.
mwe-upwiz-file-all-ok (Talk) All uploads were successful!
mwe-upwiz-file-need-file (Talk) Please add an upload first.
mwe-upwiz-file-retry (Talk) Retry failed uploads
mwe-upwiz-file-some-failed (Talk) Some uploads failed.
mwe-upwiz-fileexists (Talk) A file with this name exists already. Please check $1 if you are not sure if you want to replace it.
mwe-upwiz-fileexists-replace (Talk) A file with the title "$1" exists already. Please change your title to something unique.
mwe-upwiz-fileexists-replace-no-link (Talk) A file with this name exists already.
mwe-upwiz-fileexists-replace-on-page (Talk) A file with this name exists already. If you want to replace it, go to the page for [$2 $1] and replace it there.
mwe-upwiz-files-complete (Talk) Your files finished uploading!
mwe-upwiz-finished (Talk) Finished!
mwe-upwiz-getting-metadata (Talk) Getting file information and previews...
mwe-upwiz-help-allowed-filename-extensions (Talk) Allowed filename extensions
mwe-upwiz-help-desk (Talk) Help Desk
mwe-upwiz-help-desk-url (Talk) Help Desk
mwe-upwiz-help-popup (Talk) Help
mwe-upwiz-help-popup-title (Talk) Title
mwe-upwiz-home (Talk) Go to wiki home page
mwe-upwiz-hrs-mins-secs-remaining (Talk) $1 hours $2 minutes $3 seconds remaining
mwe-upwiz-image-preview (Talk) Image preview
mwe-upwiz-js-off (Talk) UploadWizard uses JavaScript for an improved interface. Your browser either does not support JavaScript or has JavaScript turned off, so we are showing you a simple upload form.
mwe-upwiz-license-attribution (Talk) May be used for any purpose, including commercially, if the copyright holder is properly attributed
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-2.0 (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-2.5 (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-3.0 (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-2.0 (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-2.5 (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0 (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-at (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Austria ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-de (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-ee (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Estonia ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-es (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Spain ([$2 legal code])
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-gfdl (Talk) Copyleft, attribution required (GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0)
mwe-upwiz-license-cc-by-sa-3.0-hr (Talk) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Croatia ([$2 legal code])
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1movedto2 (Talk) moved $1 to $2
1movedto2_redir (Talk) moved $1 to $2 over redirect
? (Talk) ?
a (Talk) Answer:
about (Talk) About
aboutpage (Talk) Project:About
aboutsite (Talk) About Tardis Wiki
abtesting (Talk) A/B Testing
abtesting-create-experiment-exp-name (Talk) Experiment name (this will become a varaible so make it short but descriptive)
abtesting-create-experiment-heading (Talk) Create Experiment
abtesting-create-experiment-submit (Talk) Create
abtesting-create-experiment-treatment-groups (Talk) Treatment Groups
abtesting-desc (Talk) The A/B Testing extension is used by Wikia to test what effects different features or settings have on actual users.
abusefilter (Talk) Abuse filter configuration
abusefilter-accountreserved (Talk) This account name is reserved for use by the abuse filter.
abusefilter-action-block (Talk) Block
abusefilter-action-blockautopromote (Talk) Block autopromote
abusefilter-action-degroup (Talk) Remove from groups
abusefilter-action-disallow (Talk) Disallow
abusefilter-action-rangeblock (Talk) Range-block
abusefilter-action-tag (Talk) Tag
abusefilter-action-throttle (Talk) Throttle
abusefilter-action-warn (Talk) Warn
abusefilter-autopromote-blocked (Talk) This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and it has been disallowed. In addition, as a security measure, some privileges routinely granted to established accounts have been temporarily revoked from your account. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1
abusefilter-blocked-display (Talk) This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and you have been prevented from executing it. In addition, to protect Tardis Wiki, your user account and all associated IP addresses have been blocked from editing. If this has occurred in error, please contact an administrator. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1
abusefilter-blocker (Talk) Abuse filter
abusefilter-blockreason (Talk) Automatically blocked by abuse filter. Description of matched rule: $1
abusefilter-changeslist-examine (Talk) examine
abusefilter-degrouped (Talk) This action has been automatically identified as harmful. Consequently, it has been disallowed, and, since your account is suspected of being compromised, all rights have been revoked. If you believe this to have been in error, please contact a bureaucrat with an explanation of this action, and your rights may be restored. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1
abusefilter-degroupreason (Talk) Rights automatically stripped by abuse filter. Rule description: $1
abusefilter-deleted (Talk) Deleted
abusefilter-desc (Talk) Applies automatic heuristics to edits
abusefilter-diff-backhistory (Talk) Back to filter history
abusefilter-diff-info (Talk) Basic information
abusefilter-diff-invalid (Talk) Unable to fetch the requested versions
abusefilter-diff-item (Talk) Item
abusefilter-diff-pattern (Talk) Filter conditions
abusefilter-diff-title (Talk) Differences between versions
abusefilter-diff-version (Talk) Version from $1 by $2
abusefilter-disabled (Talk) Disabled
abusefilter-disallowed (Talk) This action has been automatically identified as harmful, and therefore disallowed. If you believe your edit was constructive, please inform an administrator of what you were trying to do. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1
abusefilter-edit-action-block (Talk) Block the user and/or IP address from editing
abusefilter-edit-action-blockautopromote (Talk) Revoke the user's autoconfirmed status
abusefilter-edit-action-degroup (Talk) Remove the user from all privileged groups
abusefilter-edit-action-disallow (Talk) Prevent the user from performing the action in question
abusefilter-edit-action-flag (Talk) Flag the edit in the abuse log
abusefilter-edit-action-rangeblock (Talk) Block the /16 range from which the user originates
abusefilter-edit-action-tag (Talk) Tag the edit for further review
abusefilter-edit-action-throttle (Talk) Trigger actions only if the user trips a rate limit
abusefilter-edit-action-warn (Talk) Trigger these actions after giving the user a warning
abusefilter-edit-bad-tags (Talk) One or more of the tags you specified is not valid. Tags should be short, and they should not contain special characters.
abusefilter-edit-badfilter (Talk) The filter you specified does not exist
abusefilter-edit-badsyntax (Talk) There is a syntax error in the filter you specified. The output from the parser was:
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-ccnorm (Talk) Normalise confusable characters (ccnorm)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-contains-any (Talk) Search string for multiple substrings (contains_any)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-count (Talk) Number of times string X appears in string Y (count)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-ip_in_range (Talk) Is IP in range? (ip_in_range)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-lcase (Talk) To lower case (lcase)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-length (Talk) String length (length)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-norm (Talk) Normalise (norm)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rcount (Talk) Number of times regex X appears in string Y (rcount)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rmdoubles (Talk) Remove double-characters (rmdoubles)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rmspecials (Talk) Remove special characters (rmspecials)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-rmwhitespace (Talk) Remove whitespace (rmwhitespace)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-set_var (Talk) Set variable (set_var)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-specialratio (Talk) Special characters / total characters (specialratio)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-str_replace (Talk) Replace substring with string (str_replace)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-strpos (Talk) Position of substring in string (strpos)
abusefilter-edit-builder-funcs-substr (Talk) Substring (substr)
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-funcs (Talk) Functions
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-misc (Talk) Miscellaneous
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-arithmetic (Talk) Arithmetic operators
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-bool (Talk) Boolean operators
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-op-comparison (Talk) Comparison operators
abusefilter-edit-builder-group-vars (Talk) Variables
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-cond (Talk) Conditional (if X then Y else Z)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-contains (Talk) Left string contains right string (contains)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-in (Talk) contained in string (in)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-irlike (Talk) Matches regex, case insensitive (irlike)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-like (Talk) Matches pattern (like)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-rlike (Talk) Matches regex (rlike)
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-stringlit (Talk) String literal ("")
abusefilter-edit-builder-misc-tern (Talk) Ternary operator (X ? Y : Z)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-addition (Talk) Addition (+)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-divide (Talk) Division (/)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-modulo (Talk) Modulo (%)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-multiplication (Talk) Multiplication (*)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-pow (Talk) Power (**)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-arithmetic-subtraction (Talk) Subtraction (-)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-and (Talk) And (&)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-not (Talk) Not (!)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-or (Talk) Or (|)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-bool-xor (Talk) XOR (^)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-equal (Talk) Equal to (==)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-gt (Talk) Greater than (>)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-gte (Talk) Greater than or equal to (>=)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-lt (Talk) Less than (<)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-lte (Talk) Less than or equal to (<=)
abusefilter-edit-builder-op-comparison-notequal (Talk) Not equal to (!=)
abusefilter-edit-builder-select (Talk) Select an option to add it at the cursor
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-accountname (Talk) Account name (on account creation)
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-action (Talk) Action
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-added-links (Talk) All external links added in the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-addedlines (Talk) Lines added in edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-all-links (Talk) All external links in the new text
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-article-id (Talk) Page ID
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-article-ns (Talk) Page namespace
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-article-prefixedtext (Talk) Full page title
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-article-text (Talk) Page title (without namespace)
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-delta (Talk) Size change in edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-diff (Talk) Unified diff of changes made by edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-file-sha1 (Talk) SHA1 hash of file contents
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-minor-edit (Talk) Whether or not the edit is marked as minor
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-id (Talk) Page ID of move source page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-ns (Talk) Namespace of move source page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-prefixedtext (Talk) Full title of move source page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedfrom-text (Talk) Title of move source page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-id (Talk) Page ID of move destination page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-ns (Talk) Namespace of move destination page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-prefixedtext (Talk) Full title of move destination page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-movedto-text (Talk) Title of move destination page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-new-html (Talk) Parsed HTML source of the new revision
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-new-text (Talk) New page wikitext, after the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-new-text-stripped (Talk) New page text, stripped of any markup
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-newsize (Talk) New page size
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-html (Talk) Old page wikitext, parsed into HTML
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-links (Talk) Links in the page, before the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-text (Talk) Old page wikitext, before the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-old-text-stripped (Talk) Old page text, stripped of any markup
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-oldsize (Talk) Old page size
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-recent-contributors (Talk) Last ten users to contribute to the page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-removed-links (Talk) All external links removed in the edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-removedlines (Talk) Lines removed in edit
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-restrictions-edit (Talk) Edit protection level of the page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-restrictions-move (Talk) Move protection level of the page
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-summary (Talk) Edit summary/reason
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-timestamp (Talk) Unix timestamp of change
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-tor-exit-node (Talk) Whether or not the change was made through a tor exit node
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-age (Talk) Age of user account
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-editcount (Talk) Edit count of user
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-emailconfirm (Talk) Time email address was confirmed
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-groups (Talk) Groups (including implicit) user is in
abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-user-name (Talk) Name of user account
abusefilter-edit-check (Talk) Check syntax
abusefilter-edit-consequences (Talk) Actions taken when matched
abusefilter-edit-deleted (Talk) Mark as deleted
abusefilter-edit-denied (Talk) You may not view details of this filter, because it is hidden from public view.
abusefilter-edit-description (Talk) Description: :(publicly viewable)
abusefilter-edit-done (Talk) You have successfully saved your changes to filter $1.
abusefilter-edit-done-subtitle (Talk) Filter edited
abusefilter-edit-enabled (Talk) Enable this filter
abusefilter-edit-export (Talk) Export this filter to another wiki
abusefilter-edit-flags (Talk) Flags:
abusefilter-edit-hidden (Talk) Hide details of this filter from public view
abusefilter-edit-history (Talk) History:
abusefilter-edit-hitcount (Talk) Filter hits:
abusefilter-edit-id (Talk) Filter ID:
abusefilter-edit-lastmod (Talk) Filter last modified:
abusefilter-edit-lastmod-text (Talk) $1 by $2
abusefilter-edit-main (Talk) Filter parameters
abusefilter-edit-new (Talk) New filter
abusefilter-edit-notallowed (Talk) You are not permitted to create or edit abuse filters
abusefilter-edit-notes (Talk) Notes: :(private)
abusefilter-edit-oldwarning (Talk) You are editing an old version of this filter. The statistics quoted are for the most recent version of the filter. If you save your changes, you will overwrite all changes since the revision you are editing. • Return to this filter's history.
abusefilter-edit-restricted (Talk) You cannot edit this filter, because it contains one or more restricted actions. Please ask a user with permission to add restricted actions to make the change for you.
abusefilter-edit-revert (Talk) Revert actions taken by this filter
abusefilter-edit-rules (Talk) Conditions:
abusefilter-edit-save (Talk) Save filter
abusefilter-edit-status (Talk) Of the last $1 actions, this filter has matched $2 ($3%). On average, its run time is $4 ms, and it consumes $5 conditions of the condition limit.
abusefilter-edit-status-label (Talk) Statistics:
abusefilter-edit-subtitle (Talk) Editing filter $1
abusefilter-edit-syntaxerr (Talk) Syntax error detected: $1
abusefilter-edit-syntaxok (Talk) No syntax errors detected.
abusefilter-edit-tag-tag (Talk) Tags to apply (one per line):
abusefilter-edit-test-link (Talk) Test this filter against recent edits
abusefilter-edit-throttle-count (Talk) Number of actions to allow:
abusefilter-edit-throttle-groups (Talk) Group throttle by: :(one per line, combine with commas)
abusefilter-edit-throttle-period (Talk) Period of time:
abusefilter-edit-throttle-seconds (Talk) $1 seconds
abusefilter-edit-throttled (Talk) Warning: This filter was automatically disabled as a safety measure. It reached the limit of matching more than $1% of actions.
abusefilter-edit-tools (Talk) Tools:
abusefilter-edit-viewhistory (Talk) View this filter's history
abusefilter-edit-warn-actions (Talk) Actions:
abusefilter-edit-warn-edit (Talk) Create/Edit selected message
abusefilter-edit-warn-message (Talk) System message to use for warning:
abusefilter-edit-warn-other (Talk) Other message
abusefilter-edit-warn-other-label (Talk) Page name of other message: :(without MediaWiki prefix)
abusefilter-edit-warn-preview (Talk) Preview selected message
abusefilter-enabled (Talk) Enabled
abusefilter-examine (Talk) Examine individual changes
abusefilter-examine-diff (Talk) Diff URL:
abusefilter-examine-incompatible (Talk) The change you requested is not supported by the Abuse Filter
abusefilter-examine-intro (Talk) This page allows you to examine the variables generated by the Abuse Filter for an individual change, and test it against filters.
abusefilter-examine-legend (Talk) Select changes
abusefilter-examine-match (Talk) The filter matched this change.
abusefilter-examine-nomatch (Talk) The filter did not match this change.
abusefilter-examine-noresults (Talk) No results were found for the search parameters you provided.
abusefilter-examine-notfound (Talk) The change you requested could not be found.
abusefilter-examine-submit (Talk) Search
abusefilter-examine-syntaxerror (Talk) The filter has invalid syntax
abusefilter-examine-test (Talk) Test this change against a filter
abusefilter-examine-test-button (Talk) Test filter
abusefilter-examine-title (Talk) Page title:
abusefilter-examine-user (Talk) User:
abusefilter-examine-vars (Talk) Variables generated for this change
abusefilter-exception-dividebyzero (Talk) Illegal attempt to divide $2 by zero at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-expectednotfound (Talk) Expected a $2 at character $1, not found (found $3 $4 instead).
abusefilter-exception-invalidoperator (Talk) Invalid operator "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-noparams (Talk) No parameters given to function "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-notenoughargs (Talk) Not enough arguments to function $2 called at character $1. Expected $3 arguments, got $4
abusefilter-exception-notlist (Talk) Requesting array item of non-array at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-outofbounds (Talk) Requesting non-existent list item $2 (list size = $3) at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-overridebuiltin (Talk) Illegal overriding of built-in variable "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-regexfailure (Talk) Error in regular expression "$3" at character $1: "$2"
abusefilter-exception-unclosedstring (Talk) Unclosed string starting at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unexpectedatend (Talk) Unexpected "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unexpectedtoken (Talk) Unexpected token "$3" (of type $2) at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedkeyword (Talk) Unrecognised keyword $2 at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedtoken (Talk) Unrecognised token "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedvar (Talk) Unrecognised variable $2 at character $1
abusefilter-filter-log (Talk) Recent filter changes
abusefilter-hidden (Talk) Private
abusefilter-history (Talk) Change history for Abuse Filter #$1
abusefilter-history-actions (Talk) Actions
abusefilter-history-backedit (Talk) Back to filter editor
abusefilter-history-comments (Talk) Comments
abusefilter-history-deleted (Talk) Deleted
abusefilter-history-diff (Talk) Changes
abusefilter-history-enabled (Talk) Enabled
abusefilter-history-error-hidden (Talk) The filter you requested is hidden, and you cannot view its history.
abusefilter-history-filter (Talk) Filter rule
abusefilter-history-filterid (Talk) Filter
abusefilter-history-flags (Talk) Flags
abusefilter-history-foruser (Talk) Changes by $1
abusefilter-history-global (Talk) Global
abusefilter-history-hidden (Talk) Hidden
abusefilter-history-public (Talk) Public filter description
abusefilter-history-select-legend (Talk) Refine search
abusefilter-history-select-submit (Talk) Refine
abusefilter-history-select-user (Talk) User:
abusefilter-history-timestamp (Talk) Time
abusefilter-history-user (Talk) User
abusefilter-hitcount (Talk) $1 hits
abusefilter-import-intro (Talk) You can use this interface to import filters from other wikis. On the source wiki, click "Export this filter to another wiki" under "⧼abusefilter-tools-subtitle⧽" on the editing interface. Copy from the textbox that appears, and paste it into this textbox, then click "Import data".
abusefilter-import-submit (Talk) Import data
abusefilter-intro (Talk) Welcome to the Abuse Filter management interface. The Abuse Filter is an automated software mechanism of applying automatic heuristics to all actions. This interface shows a list of defined filters, and allows them to be modified.
abusefilter-list (Talk) All filters
abusefilter-list-consequences (Talk) Consequences
abusefilter-list-details (Talk) Details
abusefilter-list-edit (Talk) Edit
abusefilter-list-hitcount (Talk) Hit count
abusefilter-list-id (Talk) Filter ID
abusefilter-list-lastmodified (Talk) Last modified
abusefilter-list-limit (Talk) Number per page:
abusefilter-list-options (Talk) Options
abusefilter-list-options-deleted (Talk) Deleted filters:
abusefilter-list-options-deleted-hide (Talk) Hide deleted filters
abusefilter-list-options-deleted-only (Talk) Show only deleted filters
abusefilter-list-options-deleted-show (Talk) Include deleted filters
abusefilter-list-options-disabled (Talk) Disabled filters:
abusefilter-list-options-hidedisabled (Talk) Hide disabled filters
abusefilter-list-options-submit (Talk) Update
abusefilter-list-public (Talk) Public description
abusefilter-list-status (Talk) Status
abusefilter-list-visibility (Talk) Visibility
abusefilter-log (Talk) Abuse filter log
abusefilter-log-cannot-see-details (Talk) You do not have permission to see details of this entry.
abusefilter-log-detailedentry-global (Talk) global filter $1
abusefilter-log-detailedentry-local (Talk) filter $1
abusefilter-log-detailedentry-meta (Talk) $1: $2 triggered $3, performing the action "$4" on $5. Actions taken: $6; Filter description: $7 ($8)
abusefilter-log-details-diff (Talk) Changes made in edit
abusefilter-log-details-hidden (Talk) You cannot view the details for this entry because it is hidden from public view.
abusefilter-log-details-ip (Talk) Originating IP address
abusefilter-log-details-legend (Talk) Details for log entry $1
abusefilter-log-details-private (Talk) Private data
abusefilter-log-details-val (Talk) Value
abusefilter-log-details-var (Talk) Variable
abusefilter-log-details-vars (Talk) Action parameters
abusefilter-log-detailslink (Talk) details
abusefilter-log-entry (Talk) $1: $2 triggered an abuse filter, performing the action "$3" on $4. Actions taken: $5; Filter description: $6
abusefilter-log-entry-modify (Talk) modified $1 ($2)
abusefilter-log-header (Talk) This log shows a summary of changes made to filters. For full details, see the list of recent filter changes.
abusefilter-log-hidden (Talk) (entry hidden)
abusefilter-log-hide (Talk) hide or unhide
abusefilter-log-hide-forbidden (Talk) You do not have permission to hide abuse log entries.
abusefilter-log-hide-hidden (Talk) Hide this entry from public view
abusefilter-log-hide-id (Talk) Log entry ID:
abusefilter-log-hide-legend (Talk) Hide log entry
abusefilter-log-hide-reason (Talk) Reason:
abusefilter-log-hidelink (Talk) adjust visibility
abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs (Talk) abuse log
abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs-text (Talk) Abuse log for this user
abusefilter-log-name (Talk) Abuse Filter log
abusefilter-log-noactions (Talk) none
abusefilter-log-noresults (Talk) No results
abusefilter-log-search (Talk) Search the abuse log
abusefilter-log-search-filter (Talk) Filter ID:
abusefilter-log-search-submit (Talk) Search
abusefilter-log-search-title (Talk) Title:
abusefilter-log-search-user (Talk) User:
abusefilter-log-summary (Talk) This log shows a list of all actions caught by the filters.
abusefilter-logentry-suppress (Talk) hid "$1"
abusefilter-logentry-unsuppress (Talk) unhid "$1"
abusefilter-management (Talk) Abuse filter management
abusefilter-mustbeeditor (Talk) For security reasons, only users with the right to modify abuse filters may use this interface.
abusefilter-new (Talk) Create a new filter
abusefilter-reautoconfirm-done (Talk) Account's autoconfirmed status has been restored
abusefilter-reautoconfirm-none (Talk) That user has not had their autoconfirmed status suspended.
abusefilter-reautoconfirm-notallowed (Talk) You are not allowed to restore autoconfirmed status.
abusefilter-return (Talk) Return to filter management
abusefilter-revert-confirm (Talk) Confirm
abusefilter-revert-filter (Talk) Filter:
abusefilter-revert-intro (Talk) This form allows you to revert all changes made by the abuse filter due to filter $1. Please exercise care in using this tool.
abusefilter-revert-periodend (Talk) Period end:
abusefilter-revert-periodstart (Talk) Period start:
abusefilter-revert-preview-intro (Talk) Below are the actions taken by the abuse filter that will be reverted by this action. Please check them carefully, and click "confirm" to confirm your selection.
abusefilter-revert-preview-item (Talk) $1: $2 made a $3 on $4. Actions to be reverted: $5 ($6)
abusefilter-revert-reason (Talk) Automatic revert of all actions taken by the abuse filter due to filter $1. Reason given: $2
abusefilter-revert-reasonfield (Talk) Reason for revert:
abusefilter-revert-search (Talk) Select actions
abusefilter-revert-search-legend (Talk) Select abuse filter actions to be reverted
abusefilter-revert-success (Talk) You have reverted all actions taken by the abuse filter due to filter $1.
abusefilter-revert-title (Talk) Revert all changes by filter $1
abusefilter-status (Talk) Of the last $1 actions, $2 ($3%) have reached the condition limit of $4, and $5 ($6%) have matched one of the filters currently enabled.
abusefilter-status-global (Talk) Global
abusefilter-test (Talk) Test a filter against previous edits
abusefilter-test-intro (Talk) This page allows you to check a filter entered in the box below against the last $1 changes. To load an existing filter, type its filter ID into the box below the edit textbox, and click the "Load" button.
abusefilter-test-legend (Talk) Filter testing
abusefilter-test-load (Talk) Load
abusefilter-test-load-filter (Talk) Load filter ID:
abusefilter-test-page (Talk) Changes made to page:
abusefilter-test-period-end (Talk) Changes made before:
abusefilter-test-period-start (Talk) Changes made after:
abusefilter-test-shownegative (Talk) Show changes that do not match the filter
abusefilter-test-submit (Talk) Test
abusefilter-test-syntaxerr (Talk) The filter you entered contained a syntax error. You can receive a full explanation by clicking the "Check Syntax" button.
abusefilter-test-user (Talk) Changes by user:
abusefilter-tools-expr (Talk) Expression tester
abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm (Talk) Restore autoconfirmed status
abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm-submit (Talk) Re-autoconfirm
abusefilter-tools-reautoconfirm-user (Talk) User:
abusefilter-tools-submitexpr (Talk) Evaluate
abusefilter-tools-text (Talk) Here are some tools which may be useful in formulating and debugging abuse filters.
abusefilter-topnav (Talk) Abuse Filter navigation
abusefilter-topnav-examine (Talk) Examine past edits
abusefilter-topnav-home (Talk) Home
abusefilter-topnav-import (Talk) Import filter
abusefilter-topnav-log (Talk) Abuse Log
abusefilter-topnav-test (Talk) Batch testing
abusefilter-topnav-tools (Talk) Debugging tools
abusefilter-unhidden (Talk) Public
abusefilter-warning (Talk) Thanks for your edit. Please check this is what you meant to do before pressing save. Your edit will be flagged as $1
abuselog (Talk) Abuse log
accesskey-blockip-block (Talk) s
accesskey-ca-addsection (Talk) +
accesskey-ca-delete (Talk) d
accesskey-ca-edit (Talk) e
accesskey-ca-history (Talk) h
accesskey-ca-move (Talk) m
accesskey-ca-nstab-category (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-help (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-image (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-main (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-media (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-mediawiki (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-project (Talk) a
accesskey-ca-nstab-special (Talk)
accesskey-ca-nstab-template (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-nstab-user (Talk) c
accesskey-ca-protect (Talk) =
accesskey-ca-talk (Talk) t
accesskey-ca-undelete (Talk) d
accesskey-ca-unprotect (Talk) =
accesskey-ca-unwatch (Talk) w
accesskey-ca-viewsource (Talk) e
accesskey-ca-watch (Talk) w
accesskey-compareselectedversions (Talk) v
accesskey-diff (Talk) v
accesskey-export (Talk) s
accesskey-feed-atom (Talk)
accesskey-feed-rss (Talk)
accesskey-import (Talk) s
accesskey-minoredit (Talk) i
accesskey-n-currentevents (Talk)
accesskey-n-help (Talk)
accesskey-n-mainpage (Talk) z
accesskey-n-mainpage-description (Talk) z
accesskey-n-portal (Talk)
accesskey-n-randompage (Talk) x
accesskey-n-recentchanges (Talk) r
accesskey-p-logo (Talk)
accesskey-preferences-save (Talk) s
accesskey-preview (Talk) p
accesskey-pt-anonlogin (Talk) o
accesskey-pt-anontalk (Talk) n
accesskey-pt-anonuserpage (Talk) .
accesskey-pt-login (Talk) o
accesskey-pt-logout (Talk)
accesskey-pt-mycontris (Talk) y
accesskey-pt-myhome (Talk) g
accesskey-pt-mytalk (Talk) n
accesskey-pt-preferences (Talk)
accesskey-pt-userpage (Talk) .
accesskey-pt-watchlist (Talk) l
accesskey-save (Talk) s
accesskey-search (Talk) f
accesskey-search-fulltext (Talk)
accesskey-search-go (Talk)
accesskey-summary (Talk) b
accesskey-t-contributions (Talk)
accesskey-t-emailuser (Talk)
accesskey-t-permalink (Talk)
accesskey-t-print (Talk) p
accesskey-t-recentchangeslinked (Talk) k
accesskey-t-specialpages (Talk) q
accesskey-t-upload (Talk) u
accesskey-t-whatlinkshere (Talk) j
accesskey-upload (Talk) s
accesskey-userrights-set (Talk) s
accesskey-watch (Talk) w
accesskey-watchlistedit-normal-submit (Talk) s
accesskey-watchlistedit-raw-submit (Talk) s
accmailtext (Talk) A randomly generated password for $1 has been sent to $2. The password for this new account can be changed on the change password page upon logging in.
accmailtitle (Talk) Password sent.
accountcreated (Talk) Account created
accountcreatedtext (Talk) The user account for $1 has been created.
acct_creation_throttle_hit (Talk) Visitors to this wiki using your IP address have created $1 accounts in the last day, which is the maximum allowed in this time period. As a result, visitors using this IP address cannot create any more accounts at the moment.
achievements-about-content (Talk) Administrators on this wiki can customize the names and pictures of the achievement badges. You can upload any .jpg or .png picture, and your picture will automatically fit inside the frame. It works best when your picture is square, and when the most important part of the picture is right in the middle. You can use rectangular pictures, but you might find that a bit gets cropped out by the frame. If you have a graphics program, then you can crop your picture to put the important part of the image in the center. If you don't have a graphics program, then just experiment with different pictures until you find the ones that work for you! If you don't like the picture that you've chosen, click "⧼achievements-revert⧽" to go back to the original graphic. You can also give the badges new names that reflect the topic of the wiki. When you've changed badge names, click "⧼achievements-save⧽" to save your changes. Have fun!
achievements-about-title (Talk) About this page...
achievements-activityfeed-info (Talk) earned the <a href="$3" class="badgeName">$1</a> badge
achievements-badge-desc-blogcomment (Talk) Awarded for writing a comment on $1 different blog posts!
achievements-badge-desc-blogpost (Talk) Awarded for writing $1 blog posts!
achievements-badge-desc-caffeinated (Talk) Awarded for making 100 edits on pages in a single day!
achievements-badge-desc-category (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 articles to categories!
achievements-badge-desc-creator (Talk) Awarded for creating the wiki!
achievements-badge-desc-edit (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits on articles!
achievements-badge-desc-edit-plus-category (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits on $2 articles!
achievements-badge-desc-introduction (Talk) Awarded for adding to your own user page!
achievements-badge-desc-love (Talk) Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for $1 days!
achievements-badge-desc-luckyedit (Talk) Awarded for making the Lucky $1th edit on the wiki!
achievements-badge-desc-picture (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 pictures to article!
achievements-badge-desc-pounce (Talk) Awarded for making edits on 100 pages within an hour of the page's creation!
achievements-badge-desc-sayhi (Talk) Awarded for leaving a message on someone else's talk page!
achievements-badge-desc-sharing (Talk) Awarded for getting $1 people to click on shared links
achievements-badge-desc-welcome (Talk) Awarded for joining the wiki!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-blogcomment (Talk) Awarded for writing a comment
on $1 different blog posts!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-blogpost (Talk) Awarded for writing $1 blog posts!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-caffeinated (Talk) Awarded for making 100 edits on articles in a single day!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-category (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 articles
to categories!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-community-platinum (Talk) This is a special Platinum badge that is only available for a limited time!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-creator (Talk) Awarded for creating the wiki!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-edit (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits
on article!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-edit-plus-category (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits
on $2 articles!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-introduction (Talk) Awarded for adding to
your own user page!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-love (Talk) Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for $1 days!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-luckyedit (Talk) Awarded for making the Lucky $1th Edit on the wiki!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-picture (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 pictures
to articles!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-pounce (Talk) Awarded for making edits on 100 articles within an hour of the page's creation!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-sayhi (Talk) Awarded for leaving a message
on someone else's talk page!
achievements-badge-hover-desc-sharing (Talk) for getting $1 people to click on shared links
achievements-badge-hover-desc-welcome (Talk) Awarded for joining the wiki!
achievements-badge-name-blogcomment-0 (Talk) Opinionator
achievements-badge-name-blogcomment-1 (Talk) And One More Thing
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-0 (Talk) Something to Say
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-1 (Talk) Five Things to Say
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-2 (Talk) Talk Show
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-3 (Talk) Life of the Party
achievements-badge-name-blogpost-4 (Talk) Public Speaker
achievements-badge-name-caffeinated (Talk) Caffeinated
achievements-badge-name-category-0 (Talk) Make a Connection
achievements-badge-name-category-1 (Talk) Trail Blazer
achievements-badge-name-category-2 (Talk) Explorer
achievements-badge-name-category-3 (Talk) Tour Guide
achievements-badge-name-category-4 (Talk) Navigator
achievements-badge-name-category-5 (Talk) Bridge Builder
achievements-badge-name-category-6 (Talk) Wiki Planner
achievements-badge-name-creator (Talk) The Creator
achievements-badge-name-edit-0 (Talk) Making a Difference
achievements-badge-name-edit-1 (Talk) Just the Beginning
achievements-badge-name-edit-2 (Talk) Making Your Mark
achievements-badge-name-edit-3 (Talk) Friend of the Wiki
achievements-badge-name-edit-4 (Talk) Collaborator
achievements-badge-name-edit-5 (Talk) Wiki Builder
achievements-badge-name-edit-6 (Talk) Wiki Leader
achievements-badge-name-edit-7 (Talk) Wiki Expert
achievements-badge-name-introduction (Talk) Introduction
achievements-badge-name-love-0 (Talk) Key to the Wiki!
achievements-badge-name-love-1 (Talk) Two Weeks on the Wiki
achievements-badge-name-love-2 (Talk) Devoted
achievements-badge-name-love-3 (Talk) Dedicated
achievements-badge-name-love-4 (Talk) Addicted
achievements-badge-name-love-5 (Talk) A Wiki Life
achievements-badge-name-love-6 (Talk) Wiki Hero!
achievements-badge-name-luckyedit (Talk) Lucky Edit
achievements-badge-name-picture-0 (Talk) Snapshot
achievements-badge-name-picture-1 (Talk) Paparazzi
achievements-badge-name-picture-2 (Talk) Illustrator
achievements-badge-name-picture-3 (Talk) Collector
achievements-badge-name-picture-4 (Talk) Art Lover
achievements-badge-name-picture-5 (Talk) Decorator
achievements-badge-name-picture-6 (Talk) Designer
achievements-badge-name-picture-7 (Talk) Curator
achievements-badge-name-pounce (Talk) Pounce!
achievements-badge-name-sayhi (Talk) Stopping By to Say Hi
achievements-badge-name-sharing-0 (Talk) Sharer
achievements-badge-name-sharing-1 (Talk) Bring it back
achievements-badge-name-sharing-2 (Talk) Speaker
achievements-badge-name-sharing-3 (Talk) Announcer
achievements-badge-name-sharing-4 (Talk) Evangelist
achievements-badge-name-welcome (Talk) Welcome to the Wiki
achievements-badge-to-get-blogcomment (Talk) write a comment on $1 different blog posts
achievements-badge-to-get-blogcomment-details (Talk) Add your two cents! Read any of the recent blog posts, and
write your thoughts in the comments box.
achievements-badge-to-get-blogpost (Talk) write $1 blog posts
achievements-badge-to-get-blogpost-details (Talk) Write your opinions and questions! Click on Recent blog posts in
the sidebar, and then the link on the left for Create a new blog post.
achievements-badge-to-get-caffeinated (Talk) make 100 edits on article pages in a single day
achievements-badge-to-get-caffeinated-details (Talk) It takes a busy day to earn this badge. Keep editing!
achievements-badge-to-get-category (Talk) add $1 articles to categories
achievements-badge-to-get-category-details (Talk) Categories are tags that help readers find similar pages.
Click the Add category button
at the bottom of an article
to list that page in a category.
achievements-badge-to-get-community-platinum-details (Talk) This is a special Platinum badge that is only available for a limited time!
achievements-badge-to-get-creator (Talk) be the creator of this wiki
achievements-badge-to-get-creator-details (Talk) This badge is given to the person who founded the wiki. Click the "⧼createwiki⧽" button at the top to start a site about whatever you like most!
achievements-badge-to-get-edit (Talk) make $1 edits on articles
achievements-badge-to-get-edit-details (Talk) Is something missing? Is there a mistake? Don't be shy.
Click the edit button and
you can add to any page!
achievements-badge-to-get-edit-plus-category (Talk) make $1 edits on $2 articles
achievements-badge-to-get-edit-plus-category-details (Talk) The $1 pages need your help! Click the "Edit" button on any page in that category to help out. Show your support for the $1 pages!
achievements-badge-to-get-introduction (Talk) add to your own user page
achievements-badge-to-get-introduction-details (Talk) Is your user page empty? Click on your user name at the top of the screen to see. Click "Edit" to add some information about yourself!
achievements-badge-to-get-love (Talk) contribute to the wiki every day for $1 days
achievements-badge-to-get-love-details (Talk) The counter resets if you miss a day, so be sure to come back
to the wiki every day!
achievements-badge-to-get-luckyedit (Talk) be lucky
achievements-badge-to-get-luckyedit-details (Talk) The Lucky Edit badge is given to the person who made the 1,000th edit on the wiki, and every 1,000 after that. To earn this badge, contribute a lot to the wiki
and hope you get lucky!
achievements-badge-to-get-picture (Talk) add $1 pictures to articles
achievements-badge-to-get-picture-details (Talk) Click the edit button, and then the Add a picture button. You can add a photo from your computer, or from another page on the wiki.
achievements-badge-to-get-pounce (Talk) be quick
achievements-badge-to-get-pounce-details (Talk) You have to be quick to earn this badge. Click the "⧼activityfeed⧽" button to see the new pages that users are creating!
achievements-badge-to-get-sayhi (Talk) leave someone a message on their talk page
achievements-badge-to-get-sayhi-details (Talk) You can leave other users messages by clicking "+" on their talk page. Ask for help, thank them for their work, or just say hi!
achievements-badge-to-get-sharing (Talk) get $1 people clicked on link you shared
achievements-badge-to-get-sharing-details (Talk) Share links and get others to click on them!
achievements-badge-to-get-welcome (Talk) join the wiki
achievements-badge-to-get-welcome-details (Talk) Click the "⧼autocreatewiki-create-account⧽" button at the top right to join the community. You can start earning your own badges!
achievements-badge-your-desc-blogcomment (Talk) Awarded for writing a comment on $1 different blog posts!
achievements-badge-your-desc-blogpost (Talk) Awarded for writing $1 blog posts!
achievements-badge-your-desc-caffeinated (Talk) Awarded for making 100 edits on pages in a single day!
achievements-badge-your-desc-category (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 articles to categories!
achievements-badge-your-desc-creator (Talk) Awarded for creating the wiki!
achievements-badge-your-desc-edit (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits on articles!
achievements-badge-your-desc-edit-plus-category (Talk) Awarded for making $1 edits on $2 article!
achievements-badge-your-desc-introduction (Talk) Awarded for adding to your own user page!
achievements-badge-your-desc-love (Talk) Awarded for contributing to the wiki every day for $1 days!
achievements-badge-your-desc-luckyedit (Talk) Awarded for making the Lucky $1th edit on the wiki!
achievements-badge-your-desc-picture (Talk) Awarded for adding $1 pictures to articles!
achievements-badge-your-desc-pounce (Talk) Awarded for making edits on 100 articles within an hour of the page's creation!
achievements-badge-your-desc-sayhi (Talk) Awarded for leaving a message on someone else's talk page!
achievements-badge-your-desc-sharing (Talk) Awarded for getting $1 people to click on shared links
achievements-badge-your-desc-welcome (Talk) Awarded for joining the wiki!
achievements-bronze (Talk) Bronze
achievements-bronze-points (Talk) 10
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-email-body-html (Talk) Congratulations $1!
You have just been awarded with the '$2' Platinum badge on <a href="$3">$4</a>. This adds 250 points to your score!
Check out your fancy new badge on your <a href="$5">user profile page</a>.
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-email-body-text (Talk) Congratulations $1! You have just been awarded with the '$2' Platinum badge on $4 ($3). This adds 250 points to your score! Check out your fancy new badge on your user profile page: $5
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-email-subject (Talk) You have been awarded a new Platinum badge!
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-for (Talk) Awarded for:
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-for-example (Talk) e.g. "for doing..."
achievements-community-platinum-awarded-to (Talk) Awarded to:
achievements-community-platinum-badge-image (Talk) Badge image:
achievements-community-platinum-cancel (Talk) cancel
achievements-community-platinum-create-badge (Talk) Create badge
achievements-community-platinum-current-badges (Talk) Current platinum badges
achievements-community-platinum-edit (Talk) edit
achievements-community-platinum-enabled (Talk) enabled
achievements-community-platinum-how-to-earn (Talk) How to earn:
achievements-community-platinum-how-to-earn-example (Talk) e.g. "make 3 edits..."
achievements-community-platinum-save (Talk) save
achievements-community-platinum-show-recents (Talk) show in recent badges
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-badge-click-tooltip (Talk) Click for more information
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-badge-click-url-label (Talk) Badge link (DART click command URL):
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-badge-impression-pixel-url-label (Talk) Tracking URL for badge impressions:
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-hover-content-label (Talk) Hover picture (hover minimum size: 270px x 100px):
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-hover-impression-pixel-url-label (Talk) Tracking URL for Hover impression:
achievements-community-platinum-sponsored-label (Talk) Sponsored achievement
achievements-create-edit-plus-category (Talk) Create this track
achievements-create-edit-plus-category-content (Talk) You can create a new set of badges that reward users for editing pages in a particular category, to highlight a particular area of the site that users would enjoy working on. You can set up more than one category track, so try choosing two categories that would help users show off their specialty! Ignite a rivalry between the users who edit Vampires pages and the users who edit Werewolves pages, or Wizards and Muggles, or Autobots and Decepticons. To create a new "Edit in category" track, type the name of the category in the field below. The regular Edit track will still exist; this will create a separate track that you can customize separately. When the track is created, the new badges will appear in the list on the left, under the regular Edit track. Customize the names and images for the new track, so that users can see the difference! Once you have done the customization, click the "⧼achievements-enable-track⧽" checkbox to turn on the new track, and then click "⧼achievements-save⧽". Users will see the new track appear on their user profiles, and they will start earning badges when they edit pages in that category. You can also disable the track later, if you decide you do not want to highlight that category anymore. Users who have earned badges in that track will always keep their badges, even if the track is disabled. This can help to bring another level of fun to the achievements. Try it out!
achievements-create-edit-plus-category-title (Talk) Create a new Edit track
achievements-customize (Talk) Customize picture
achievements-customize-new-category-track (Talk) Create new track for category:
achievements-earned (Talk) This badge has been earned by
$1 people.
achievements-edit-plus-category-track-exists (Talk) The specified category already has an <a href="#" onclick="$(window).scrollTo('#section$1', 2500); return false;" title="Go to the track">associated track</a>.
achievements-edit-plus-category-track-name (Talk) $1 edit track
achievements-enable-track (Talk) enabled
achievements-gold (Talk) Gold
achievements-gold-points (Talk) 100
achievements-leaderboard-disclaimer (Talk) Leaderboard shows changes since yesterday
achievements-leaderboard-member-label (Talk) Member
achievements-leaderboard-most-recently-earned-label (Talk) Most recently earned
achievements-leaderboard-navigation-item (Talk) Wiki Leaderboard
achievements-leaderboard-points (Talk) points
achievements-leaderboard-points-label (Talk) Points
achievements-leaderboard-rank-label (Talk) Rank
achievements-masthead-points (Talk) $1 points
achievements-no-badges (Talk) Check out the list below to see the badges that you can earn on this wiki!
achievements-no-stub-category (Talk) Please do not create tracks for stubs.
achievements-non-existing-category (Talk) The specified category does not exist.
achievements-notification-link (Talk) Click here to see more badges you can earn!
achievements-notification-subtitle (Talk) You just earned the "$1" badge $2
achievements-notification-title (Talk) Way to go, $1!
achievements-platinum (Talk) Platinum
achievements-points (Talk) $1 points
achievements-points-with-break (Talk) $1
achievements-profile-customize (Talk) Customize Badges
achievements-profile-title (Talk) $1's $2 Earned Badges
achievements-profile-title-challenges (Talk) More Badges You Can Earn!
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achievements-ranked (Talk) Ranked #$1 on this wiki
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achievements-recent-info (Talk) $3
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achievements-send (Talk) Save picture
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achievements-silver-points (Talk) 50
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achievements-special-saved (Talk) Changes saved.
achievements-title (Talk) Achievements
achievements-toggle-hide (Talk) Hide my achievements on my profile from everybody
achievements-track-name-blogcomment (Talk) Blog Comment track
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achievements-track-name-category (Talk) Category track
achievements-track-name-edit (Talk) Edit track
achievements-track-name-love (Talk) Wiki Love track
achievements-track-name-picture (Talk) Pictures track
achievements-track-name-sharing (Talk) Sharing track
achievements-upload-error (Talk) Sorry! That picture does not work. Make sure that it is a .jpg or .png file. If it still does not work, then the picture may be too big. Please try another one!
achievements-upload-not-allowed (Talk) Administrators can change the names and pictures of Achievement badges by visiting the Customize achievements page.
achievements-userprofile-no-badges-owner (Talk) Check out the list below to see the badges that you can earn on this wiki!
achievements-userprofile-no-badges-visitor (Talk) This user hasn't earned any badge yet.
achievements-userprofile-profile-score (Talk) $1 Achievement
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achievements-you-must (Talk) You need to $1 to earn this badge.
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achievementsii-desc (Talk) An achievement badges system for wiki users
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action-viewedittab (Talk) view the "Edit" tab for pages editable by form
action-wikifactory (Talk) change internal settings for wikis
action-wikifeaturesview (Talk) view Wiki Features
action-writeapi (Talk) use the write API
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activeusers (Talk) Active users list
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add_comment (Talk) Leave message
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ago (Talk) $1 ago
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ajaxpoll-closed (Talk) Poll is closed now. Enjoy the results.
ajaxpoll-error (Talk) There was a problem with processing your vote, please try again.
ajaxpoll-percentVotes (Talk) $1% of all votes
ajaxpoll-submit (Talk) Vote!
ajaxpoll-submitting (Talk) Please wait, submitting your vote...
ajaxpoll-summary (Talk) The poll was created at $1 on $2, and so far $3 people voted.
ajaxpoll-thankyou (Talk) Thank you for your vote!
all-blog-posts (Talk) all categories
all-logs-page (Talk) All public logs
all_the_wikia (Talk) All the wikia
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allinnamespace (Talk) All pages ($1 namespace)
alllogstext (Talk) Combined display of all available logs of Tardis Wiki. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive).
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allmessagesnotsupportedDB (Talk) This page cannot be used because $wgUseDatabaseMessages has been disabled.
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allnotinnamespace (Talk) All pages (not in $1 namespace)
allowemail (Talk) Enable email from other users
allpages (Talk) All pages
allpages-bad-ns (Talk) Tardis Wiki does not have namespace "$1".
allpages-summary (Talk)
allpagesbadtitle (Talk) The given page title was invalid or had an inter-language or inter-wiki prefix. It may contain one or more characters which cannot be used in titles.
allpagesfrom (Talk) Display pages starting at:
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already_a_member (Talk) Already a member?
alreadyrolled (Talk) Cannot roll back edit to $1 by $2 (talk · block · contribs) because someone else has edited the page. The last revision was by $3 (talk · contribs).
ancientpages (Talk) Oldest pages
ancientpages-summary (Talk)
and (Talk) and
anoneditwarning-notice (Talk)
anonnotice (Talk) -
anononlyblock (Talk) anon. only
anonpreviewwarning (Talk) You are not logged in. Saving will record your IP address in this page's edit history.
anontalk (Talk) Talk for this IP address
anontalkpagetext (Talk)
---- {| id="anontalktext" class="plainlinks noeditsection" style="font-size:90%; border: 1px solid #B8B8B8; margin:1em 1em 0em 1em; padding:0.25em 1em 0.25em 1em; clear: both;" | This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it, identified by the user's numerical IP address. Some IP addresses change periodically, and may be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user, you may create an account or log in to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users. Registering also hides your IP address. Help: Why create an account? • How to create an account • WHOIS |}
anonuser (Talk) Tardis Wiki anonymous user $1
anonusers (Talk) Tardis Wiki anonymous users $1
anonymous (Talk) Anonymous users of Tardis Wiki
anonymous_edit_points (Talk) $1 helpers
answer_this (Talk) <a class="huge_button huge_button_green hbg_white" href="$1" style="font-size:200%;">
Answer this question</a>
answer_this_question (Talk) Answer this question:
answer_title (Talk) Answer
answered_by (Talk) Answered by
answered_category (Talk) Answered questions
answering_tips (Talk)
Tips for answering:
When contributing an answer, try to be as accurate as you can. If you're getting information from another source such as Wikipedia, put a link to this in the text. And thank you for contributing to Tardis Wiki!
answers-bluebell (Talk) Bluebell
answers-carbon (Talk) Carbon
answers-carnation (Talk) Carnation
answers-category-count-answered (Talk) Here are $1 answered questions.
answers-category-count-unanswered (Talk) Here are $1 unanswered questions.
answers-custom (Talk) Custom
answers-forest (Talk) Forest
answers-leaf (Talk) Leaf
answers-moonlight (Talk) Moonlight
answers-obsession (Talk) Obsession
answers-sky (Talk) Sky
answers-spring (Talk) Spring
answers_skins (Talk) Answers
answers_toolbox (Talk) Tardis Wiki toolbox
answers_widget_admin_note (Talk) Ask anything about Doctor Who at <a href="" target="_blank">Doctor Who Answers</a>!
answers_widget_anon_note (Talk) Ask anything about Doctor Who at <a href="" target="_blank">Doctor Who Answers</a>!
answers_widget_no_questions (Talk) Help us create the best answer to any question!
answers_widget_no_questions_askabout (Talk)
answers_widget_user_note (Talk) Ask a question on <a href="">Wikianswers</a> or <a href="">start your own answers site</a>.
antibot-desc (Talk) Simple framework for spambot checks and trigger payloads
antispam_label (Talk) This field is a spam trap. DO NOT fill it in!
antispoof-badtype (Talk) Bad data type
antispoof-blacklisted (Talk) Contains blacklisted character
antispoof-combining (Talk) Begins with combining mark
antispoof-conflict-bottom (Talk) Please choose another name.
antispoof-conflict-item (Talk) $1
antispoof-conflict-top (Talk) The name "$1" is too similar to the following $2 accounts:
antispoof-desc (Talk) Blocks the creation of accounts with mixed-script, confusing and similar usernames
antispoof-empty (Talk) Empty string
antispoof-ignore (Talk) Ignore spoofing checks
antispoof-mixedscripts (Talk) Contains incompatible mixed scripts
antispoof-name-illegal (Talk) The name "$1" is not allowed to prevent confusing or spoofed usernames: $2. Please choose another name.
antispoof-noletters (Talk) Does not contain any letters
antispoof-tooshort (Talk) Canonicalized name too short
antispoof-unassigned (Talk) Contains unassigned or deprecated character
anwb-choose-logo (Talk) Choose your logo
anwb-fp-example (Talk) Example
For a pet care answers site:
- Should I buy cat litter?
- What's the best breed of dog?
- What's the best way to train a cat?
For a health care answers site:
- What are the health benefits of exercise?
- How can I find a good doctor in my area?
- How can I lose weight easily?
anwb-fp-headline (Talk) Create some questions!
anwb-fp-text (Talk) Add a list of questions here. Later, you can add answers in for the ones you know. It's important to get some useful information on the site, so people can find it and ask and answer even more questions.
anwb-logo-preview (Talk) Here's a preview of your logo
anwb-save-tagline (Talk) Save tagline
anwb-step1-example (Talk) Answers for all your wildlife questions!
anwb-step1-headline (Talk) What's your wiki about?
anwb-step1-text (Talk) Your Wikianswers site needs a tagline.
Your tagline will help people find your site from search engines, so try to be clear about what your site is about.
anwb-step2-example (Talk) This would be a good logo for a skateboarding answers site.
anwb-step2-text (Talk) Next, choose a logo for Tardis Wiki. It's best to upload a picture that you think represents your Answers site.
You can skip this step if you don't want to do it right now.
anwb-thatisall-text (Talk) Now it's time to start writing more questions and answers, so that your site can be found more easily in search engines, and people can find you.
The list of questions added in the last step has been put into your site, so head in to answer your questions, and start your own answers community!
api-error-badaccess-groups (Talk) You are not permitted to upload files to this wiki.
api-error-badtoken (Talk) Internal error: Bad token.
api-error-copyuploaddisabled (Talk) Uploading by URL is disabled on this server.
api-error-duplicate (Talk) There are [$2 some other files] already on the site with the same content.
api-error-duplicate-archive (Talk) There were [$2 some other files] already on the site with the same content, but they were deleted.
api-error-duplicate-archive-popup-title (Talk) Duplicate files that have already been deleted.
api-error-duplicate-popup-title (Talk) Duplicate files.
api-error-empty-file (Talk) The file you submitted was empty.
api-error-emptypage (Talk) Creating new, empty pages is not allowed.
api-error-fetchfileerror (Talk) Internal error: Something went wrong while fetching the file.
api-error-file-too-large (Talk) The file you submitted was too large.
api-error-filename-tooshort (Talk) The filename is too short.
api-error-filetype-banned (Talk) This type of file is banned.
api-error-filetype-missing (Talk) The filename is missing an extension.
api-error-hookaborted (Talk) The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension.
api-error-http (Talk) Internal error: Unable to connect to server.
api-error-illegal-filename (Talk) The filename is not allowed.
api-error-internal-error (Talk) Internal error: Something went wrong with processing your upload on the wiki.
api-error-invalid-file-key (Talk) Internal error: File was not found in temporary storage.
api-error-missingparam (Talk) Internal error: Missing parameters on request.
api-error-missingresult (Talk) Internal error: Could not determine if the copy succeeded.
api-error-mustbeloggedin (Talk) You must be logged in to upload files.
api-error-mustbeposted (Talk) Internal error: Request requires HTTP POST.
api-error-noimageinfo (Talk) The upload succeeded, but the server did not give us any information about the file.
api-error-nomodule (Talk) Internal error: No upload module set.
api-error-ok-but-empty (Talk) Internal error: No response from server.
api-error-overwrite (Talk) Overwriting an existing file is not allowed.
api-error-stashfailed (Talk) Internal error: Server failed to store temporary file.
api-error-timeout (Talk) The server did not respond within the expected time.
api-error-unclassified (Talk) An unknown error occurred.
api-error-unknown-code (Talk) Unknown error: "$1".
api-error-unknown-error (Talk) Internal error: Something went wrong when trying to upload your file.
api-error-unknown-warning (Talk) Unknown warning: "$1".
api-error-unknownerror (Talk) Unknown error: "$1".
api-error-uploaddisabled (Talk) Uploading is disabled on this wiki.
api-error-verification-error (Talk) This file might be corrupt, or have the wrong extension.
apiexplorer (Talk) API Explorer
apiexplorer-desc (Talk) Page for interactively exploring the documentation of the MediaWiki API
apiexplorer-intro (Talk) This page shows documentation for the current wiki's API. Please click on a function below to see more info about what parameters can be used in each call. Also see the general MediaWiki API documentation.
apiexplorer-loading (Talk) Loading functions...
apigate (Talk) API Gate
apigate-adminlinks-header (Talk) Administrator Links
apigate-adminlinks-viewaggregate (Talk) View aggregate stats
apigate-adminlinks-viewkeys (Talk) View table of each individual key
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apigate-chart-empty (Talk) We're currently working on retrieving stats for you. Please hang tight and check back later.
apigate-chart-metric-requests (Talk) Requests
apigate-chart-name-daily (Talk) Requests - Daily
apigate-chart-name-hourly (Talk) Requests - Hourly
apigate-chart-name-monthly (Talk) Requests - Monthly
apigate-chart-name-weekly (Talk) Requests - Weekly
apigate-checkkey-forbidden (Talk) Forbidden. Your API key is not authorized to make this request.
apigate-checkkey-invalid-apikey (Talk) Unauthorized: Invalid API key. The API key found was: \"$1\" but that is invalid. Please provide a valid API key.
apigate-checkkey-limit-exceeded (Talk) This API key has been disabled because the request-rate was too high. Please contact support for more information or to re-enable.
apigate-checkkey-no-apikey-found (Talk) Unauthorized: No API key was found. Please provide an API key to use this API.\n
apigate-checkkey-ok (Talk) OK
apigate-desc (Talk) API Gate is an Open Source API Key Management system that is being used to manage access to the Wikia API.
apigate-error-admins-only (Talk) Sorry, only API administrators are authorized to view this data.
apigate-error-email-doesnt-match (Talk) Email addresses entered do not match.
apigate-error-invalid-email (Talk) Please enter a valid email address.
apigate-error-keyaccess-denied (Talk) Either the API key \"$1\" could not be found in the database or you do not have access to view this key's profile information and statistics.
apigate-h1 (Talk) API Control Panel
apigate-hourly-admin-only (Talk)
note: Hourly chart is only displayed to API Gate admins
apigate-intro (Talk) You will always be able to access this page by logging into your Wikia account and selecting "API Control Panel" in the user drop-down menu on the top, right corner of any page on Wikia or by going to
apigate-intro-header (Talk) Welcome to the API Control Panel, $1!
apigate-keyinfo-apiKey (Talk) API Key: $1
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apigate-keyinfo-banlog-heading (Talk) Ban log:
apigate-keyinfo-email (Talk) Email
apigate-keyinfo-err-email-mismatch (Talk) Email addresses entered did not match each other.
apigate-keyinfo-hint-nickname (Talk) Name of application
apigate-keyinfo-name (Talk) Name
apigate-keyinfo-nickname (Talk) Key Nickname
apigate-keyinfo-no-reason-found (Talk) [no reason recorded]
apigate-keyinfo-reason-disabled (Talk) Reason disabled: $1
apigate-keyinfo-status (Talk) Status: $1
apigate-keyinfo-status-disabled (Talk) Disabled
apigate-keyinfo-status-enabled (Talk) Active
apigate-keyinfo-status-reasonforchange (Talk) Reason for change: $1
apigate-keyinfo-submit (Talk) Update
apigate-listkeys-th-apikey (Talk) API Key
apigate-listkeys-th-disabled (Talk) Disabled
apigate-listkeys-th-keyname (Talk) Key Nickname
apigate-listkeys-th-username (Talk) Username
apigate-login-button (Talk) Log in
apigate-mysql-error (Talk) There was a db error with query
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apigate-nologintext (Talk) In order to get an API key, you must log in to a Wikia account. After login, you will be able to track the API keys for all of your applications in one place - the API Control Panel.
apigate-register-email (Talk) Email*
apigate-register-error-mysql_error (Talk) Error trying to save new API key to the database.
apigate-register-error-noname (Talk) Please enter your name.
apigate-register-heading (Talk) Get an API Key
apigate-register-hint-confirm-email (Talk) Confirm email
apigate-register-hint-email (Talk) Email address
apigate-register-hint-firstname (Talk) First
apigate-register-hint-lastname (Talk) Last
apigate-register-implicit-agreement (Talk) By clicking the button, you agree to the Terms of Service.
apigate-register-name (Talk) Name*
apigate-register-submit (Talk) Submit
apigate-register-success (Talk) Your new API key is '$1'
You can see the key at any time by coming back to Special:ApiGate (there is a link in the User menu on the top-right of the page).
apigate-register-success-heading (Talk) Registration successful!
apigate-register-success-return (Talk) Return to the API Gate landing page to see your new dashboard.
apigate-register-title (Talk) Get an API Key
apigate-tab-keyinfo (Talk) Key Info
apigate-tab-keystats (Talk) Usage Stats
apigate-userkeys-disabled (Talk) disabled
apigate-userkeys-footer (Talk) If you need another key and want to track it in this account, please <a href="$1">create another key</a> while you are logged in to this account.
If you have any questions regarding our APIs, please contact us at $2. We would be happy to help out.
apigate-userkeys-intro (Talk) Click on your keys below to view usage statistics for each key or edit your contact information (in case something goes wrong).
apigate-userlink (Talk) API Control Panel
apr (Talk) Apr
april (Talk) April
april-gen (Talk) April
arrays-desc (Talk) Store and compute named arrays
article (Talk) Content page
article-comments-anonymous (Talk) Anonymous user
article-comments-cancel (Talk) Cancel
article-comments-comment-cannot-add (Talk) You cannot add a comment to the article.
article-comments-comments (Talk) Comments ($1)
article-comments-delete (Talk) delete
article-comments-delete-reason (Talk) The parent article / parent comment has been deleted.
article-comments-edit (Talk) edit
article-comments-empty-comment (Talk) You can't post an empty comment. <a href='$1'>Delete it instead?</a>
article-comments-error (Talk) Comment could not be saved
article-comments-fbconnect (Talk) Please <a href="$1">connect this account with Facebook</a> to comment!
article-comments-fblogin (Talk) Please <a href="$1" rel="nofollow">log in and connect with Facebook</a> to post a comment on this wiki!
article-comments-history (Talk) history
article-comments-login (Talk) Please <a href="$1">log in</a> to post a comment on this wiki.
article-comments-next-page (Talk) Next
article-comments-page-spacer (Talk)  ... 
article-comments-post (Talk) Post comment
article-comments-prev-page (Talk) Prev
article-comments-rc-blog-comment (Talk) Blog comment ([$1 $2])
article-comments-rc-blog-comments (Talk) Blog comments ($1)
article-comments-rc-comment (Talk) Article comment ([$1 $2])
article-comments-rc-comments (Talk) Article comments ($1)
article-comments-reply (Talk) Reply
article-comments-show-all (Talk) Show all comments
article-comments-toc-item (Talk) Comments
article-comments-undeleted-comment (Talk) Undeleted comment for blog page $1
article-comments-vote (Talk) Vote up
articleexists (Talk) The page could not be moved: a page of that name already exists, or the name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name, or ask an administrator to help you with the move.
Please do not manually move the article by copying and pasting it; the page history must be moved along with the article text.
articlepage (Talk) View content page
artistredirects (Talk) Artist Redirects
ascending_abbrev (Talk) asc
ask (Talk) Semantic search
ask_a_question (Talk) Welcome to Tardis Wiki. What would you like to know?
ask_a_question-widget (Talk) Ask a question...
ask_button (Talk) Ask
ask_friends (Talk) Ask your friends to help answer:
ask_friends_on_twitter (Talk) Ask Friends on <a href="$1" $2>Twitter</a>
ask_thanks (Talk) Thanks for the rockin' question!
atom (Talk) Atom
aug (Talk) Aug
august (Talk) August
august-gen (Talk) August
auto_friend_request_body (Talk) Will you add me as a friend?
autoblock_whitelist (Talk) AOL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
autoblockedtext (Talk) Your IP address has been automatically blocked because it was used by another user, who was blocked by $1. The reason given is this: :$2 * Start of block: $8 * Expiry of block: $6 * Intended blockee: $7 You may contact $1 or one of the other administrators to discuss the block. Note that you may not use the "e-mail this user" feature unless you have a valid e-mail address registered in your user preferences and you have not been blocked from using it. Your current IP address is $3, and the block ID is #$5. Please include all above details in any queries you make.
autoblocker (Talk) Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by "$1". The reason given for $1's block is: "$2"
autoblockid (Talk) Autoblock #$1
autocomment-prefix (Talk) -
autocreatewiki (Talk) Create a new wiki
autocreatewiki-bad-name (Talk) The name cannot contain special characters (like $ or @) and must be a single lower-case word without spaces.
autocreatewiki-birthdate (Talk) Birth date:
autocreatewiki-blocked-username (Talk) You cannot create account.
autocreatewiki-blurry-word (Talk) Blurry word:
autocreatewiki-busy-username (Talk) This username is already taken.
autocreatewiki-category-label (Talk) Category:
autocreatewiki-category-other (Talk) Other
autocreatewiki-category-select (Talk) Select one
autocreatewiki-chooseone (Talk) Choose one
autocreatewiki-congratulation (Talk) Congratulations!
autocreatewiki-create-account (Talk) Create an account
autocreatewiki-desc (Talk) Create wiki in WikiFactory by user requests
autocreatewiki-done (Talk) done
autocreatewiki-empty-category (Talk) Please select a category.
autocreatewiki-empty-field (Talk) Please complete this field.
autocreatewiki-empty-language (Talk) Please select the language for the wiki.
autocreatewiki-empty-password (Talk) Password cannot be empty.
autocreatewiki-empty-retype-password (Talk) Retype password cannot be empty.
autocreatewiki-empty-username (Talk) Username cannot be empty.
autocreatewiki-empty-wikiname (Talk) The name of the wiki cannot be empty.
autocreatewiki-error (Talk) There has been an error, please try again.
autocreatewiki-errordefault (Talk) Process was not finished ...
autocreatewiki-haveaccount-question (Talk) Do you already have a Wikia account?
autocreatewiki-info-birthdate (Talk) Wikia requires all users to provide their real date of birth as both a safety precaution and as a means of preserving the integrity of the site while complying with federal regulations.
autocreatewiki-info-blurry-word (Talk) To help protect against automated account creation, please type the blurry word that you see into this field.
autocreatewiki-info-category-answers (Talk) This will help visitors find your Answers site.
autocreatewiki-info-category-default (Talk) This will help visitors find your wiki.
autocreatewiki-info-domain (Talk) It's best to use a word likely to be a search keyword for your topic.
autocreatewiki-info-email-address (Talk) Your email address is never shown to anyone on Wikia.
autocreatewiki-info-language (Talk) This will be the default language for visitors to your wiki.
autocreatewiki-info-realname (Talk) If you choose to provide it, this will be used for giving you attribution for your work.
autocreatewiki-info-staff-username (Talk) Staff only: The specified user will be listed as the founder.
autocreatewiki-info-terms-agree (Talk) By creating a wiki and a user account, you agree to the <a href="">Wikia's Terms of Use</a>
autocreatewiki-info-topic (Talk) Add a short description such as "Star Wars" or "TV shows".
autocreatewiki-invalid-birthday (Talk) Invalid birth date
autocreatewiki-invalid-category (Talk) Invalid value of category. Please select proper from dropdown list.
autocreatewiki-invalid-language (Talk) Invalid value of language. Please select proper from dropdown list.
autocreatewiki-invalid-retype-passwd (Talk) Please retype the same password as above
autocreatewiki-invalid-username (Talk) This username is invalid.
autocreatewiki-invalid-wikiname (Talk) The name cannot contain special characters (like $ or @) and cannot be empty
autocreatewiki-language-all (Talk) All languages
autocreatewiki-language-top (Talk) Top $1 languages
autocreatewiki-language-top-list (Talk) de,en,es,fr,it,ja,nl,no,pl,pt,pt-br,ru,zh
autocreatewiki-limit-birthday (Talk) Unable to create registration.
autocreatewiki-limit-creation (Talk) You have exceeded the maximum number of wiki creation in 24 hours ($1).
autocreatewiki-limit-day (Talk) Wikia has exceeded the maximum number of wiki creations today ($1).
autocreatewiki-log-title (Talk) Your wiki is being created
autocreatewiki-name-taken (Talk) There’s already a wiki with this address. Start editing at <a href="http://$">http://$</a> or choose another address.
autocreatewiki-name-too-long (Talk) This address is too long. Please choose an address with maximum 50 characters.
autocreatewiki-name-too-short (Talk) This address is too short, choose an address with at least 3 characters.
autocreatewiki-page-title-answers (Talk) Create a new Answers site
autocreatewiki-page-title-default (Talk) Create a new wiki
autocreatewiki-protect-reason (Talk) Part of the official interface
autocreatewiki-redirect (Talk) Redirecting to new wiki: $1 ...
autocreatewiki-regex-error-comment (Talk) used in wiki $1 (whole text: $2)
autocreatewiki-remember (Talk) Remember me
autocreatewiki-reminder-body (Talk) Dear $1: Congratulations on starting your new wiki, Tardis Wiki! You can come back and add more to your wiki by visiting $2. This is a brand-new project, so please write to us if you have any questions! -- Wikia Community Team
autocreatewiki-reminder-body-HTML (Talk)
Dear $1:
Congratulations on starting your new wiki, Tardis Wiki! You can come back and add more to your wiki by visiting <a href="$2">$2</a>.
This is a brand-new project, so please write to us if you have any questions!
-- Wikia Community Team
autocreatewiki-reminder-subject (Talk) Tardis Wiki
autocreatewiki-required (Talk) $1 = required
autocreatewiki-set-username (Talk) Set username first.
autocreatewiki-similar-wikis (Talk) Below are the wikis already created on this topic. We suggest editing one of them.
autocreatewiki-step0 (Talk) Initializing process ...
autocreatewiki-step1 (Talk) Creating images folder ...
autocreatewiki-step10 (Talk) Setting pages on central wiki ...
autocreatewiki-step11 (Talk) Sending email to user ...
autocreatewiki-step2 (Talk) Creating database ...
autocreatewiki-step2-error (Talk) There was an issue creating the database. Please contact Wikia Staff for assistance.
autocreatewiki-step3 (Talk) Setting default information in database ...
autocreatewiki-step3-error (Talk) Cannot set default information in database!
autocreatewiki-step4 (Talk) Copying default images and logo ...
autocreatewiki-step5 (Talk) Setting default variables in database ...
autocreatewiki-step6 (Talk) Setting default tables in database ...
autocreatewiki-step6-error (Talk) Cannot set default tables in database.
autocreatewiki-step7 (Talk) Setting language starter ...
autocreatewiki-step7-error (Talk) Cannot copy starter database for language.
autocreatewiki-step8 (Talk) Setting user groups and categories ...
autocreatewiki-step9 (Talk) Setting variables for new wiki ...
autocreatewiki-stepdefault (Talk) Process is running, please wait ...
autocreatewiki-subname-answers (Talk) Answers
autocreatewiki-success-get-started (Talk) Get Started
autocreatewiki-success-has-been-created (Talk) has been created!
autocreatewiki-success-subtitle (Talk) You can now begin working on your wiki by visiting:
autocreatewiki-success-title-answers (Talk) Your answers site has been created!
autocreatewiki-success-title-default (Talk) Your wiki has been created!
autocreatewiki-tagline (Talk)
autocreatewiki-title-template (Talk) $1 Wiki
autocreatewiki-user-notloggedin (Talk) Your account was created but not logged in!
autocreatewiki-violate-policy (Talk) This wiki name contains a word that violates our naming policy
autocreatewiki-web-address (Talk) Web address:
autocreatewiki-welcomebody (Talk) Hello $2! Your wiki has been created! Take a look: <$1> Ready to get started? We’ve added some links to your talk page (<$5>) to help you get started and to encourage you to explore the many helpful areas around Wikia. If you have any questions or feel a bit lost, reply to this email or check out our Help pages <>. You can also check out the Founder & Admin blog <> and the Wikia Staff blog <> where you’ll find tips and tricks, info about new features and new things happening at Wikia. Happy editing! $3 Wikia Community Support <$4> ___________________________________________ * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
autocreatewiki-welcomesubject (Talk) $1 has been created!
autocreatewiki-welcometalk (Talk) ==Welcome!==
Hey there! We're excited to have $4 as part of the Wikia community! There's still a lot to do, so here are some helpful tips and links to get your wiki going: *Not sure where to begin? Stop by Founder & Admin Central and check out the Blog for tips on how to jump start your wiki and make it grow! *Visit Community Central to make friends via chat, learn about new features and get updated on Wikia news and upcoming features on the Staff Blog. *Take a look at our webinar series -- where you can sign up to interact with Wikia staff, as well as watch past sessions *Be sure to check out Wiki Features to see what features you can enable on your wiki! *Explore our forums on Founder and Admin Central to see what other wiki admins are asking. *Lastly, visit our Help Pages to answer any specific question you may have. All of the above links are a great place to start exploring Wikia. If you get stuck or have a question you can't find the answer to -- please contact us here. But most importantly, have fun! :) Happy editing! -- $3 <staff />
autocreatewiki-welcometalk-log (Talk) Welcome Message
autoredircomment (Talk) Redirected page to $1
autosumm-blank (Talk) Removing all content from page
autosumm-new (Talk) Created page with "$1"
autosumm-replace (Talk) Replaced content with "$1"
awc-metrics-active (Talk) active
awc-metrics-all (Talk) all Wikis
awc-metrics-all-languages (Talk) all languages
awc-metrics-all-users (Talk) Reg.
awc-metrics-all-users-edit-main-ns (Talk) Reg. users
(Content NS)
awc-metrics-article-avg-size (Talk) Avg. art.
awc-metrics-articles (Talk) Articles
awc-metrics-articles-per-day (Talk) Articles
(avg. per day)
awc-metrics-by-dbname (Talk) where DB names contain:
awc-metrics-by-domains (Talk) and domains contain:
awc-metrics-by-email (Talk) or (user email):
awc-metrics-by-language (Talk) by language:
awc-metrics-by-title (Talk) and titles starting at:
awc-metrics-by-user (Talk) found by (user name):
awc-metrics-category (Talk) and category:
awc-metrics-close (Talk) Close
awc-metrics-close-action (Talk) close
awc-metrics-close-checked (Talk) Close checked
awc-metrics-close-listed (Talk) Close all listed
awc-metrics-closed (Talk) closed
awc-metrics-created-between (Talk) created between $1 (YYYY/MM/DD) and $2 (YYYY/MM/DD)
awc-metrics-db-size (Talk) DB size
awc-metrics-edits (Talk) Edits
awc-metrics-edits-label (Talk) $1 edits in $2,
awc-metrics-exact-match (Talk) exact match
awc-metrics-fewer-than (Talk) that has fewer than $1 articles,
awc-metrics-half-year (Talk) created < 6 months ago
awc-metrics-hubs (Talk) New wikis (monthly)
awc-metrics-images (Talk) Images
awc-metrics-language-top-list (Talk) de,en,es,fr,it,ja,pl,pt,pt-br,zh
awc-metrics-last-month (Talk) the last $1 months
awc-metrics-nbr-result (Talk) Results:
awc-metrics-news-day (Talk) New wikis (daily)
awc-metrics-not-found (Talk) No Wikis found
awc-metrics-one-months (Talk) created < 1 month ago
awc-metrics-one-week (Talk) created < 1 week ago
awc-metrics-pageviews (Talk) Page
awc-metrics-pageviews-label (Talk) and $1 pageviews in the last $2 days
awc-metrics-recordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records
awc-metrics-redirected (Talk) closed and redirected
awc-metrics-removed (Talk) removed
awc-metrics-revisions-per-page (Talk) Revisions
(avg. per page)
awc-metrics-search (Talk) Search options:
awc-metrics-select (Talk) Show Wikis:
awc-metrics-statistics (Talk) Statistics (average for all months)
awc-metrics-sum-day (Talk) Count (per day)
awc-metrics-sum-month (Talk) Count (per month)
awc-metrics-this-month (Talk) this month
awc-metrics-three-months (Talk) created < 3 months ago
awc-metrics-three-weeks (Talk) created < 3 weeks ago
awc-metrics-two-months (Talk) created < 2 months ago
awc-metrics-two-weeks (Talk) created < 2 weeks ago
awc-metrics-wikians (Talk) Wikians
(>10 edits)
awc-metrics-wikis (Talk) Display Wikis
back (Talk) Back
backend-fail-alreadyexists (Talk) The file $1 already exists.
backend-fail-backup (Talk) Could not backup file $1.
backend-fail-batchsize (Talk) Storage backend given a batch of $1 file operations; the limit is $2 operations.
backend-fail-closetemp (Talk) Could not close temporary file.
backend-fail-connect (Talk) Could not connect to storage backend "$1".
backend-fail-contenttype (Talk) Could not determine the content type of the file to store at "$1".
backend-fail-copy (Talk) Could not copy file $1 to $2.
backend-fail-create (Talk) Could not create file $1.
backend-fail-delete (Talk) Could not delete file $1.
backend-fail-hashes (Talk) Could not get file hashes for comparison.
backend-fail-internal (Talk) An unknown error occurred in storage backend "$1".
backend-fail-invalidpath (Talk) $1 is not a valid storage path.
backend-fail-move (Talk) Could not move file $1 to $2.
backend-fail-notexists (Talk) The file $1 does not exist.
backend-fail-notsame (Talk) A non-identical file already exists at $1.
backend-fail-opentemp (Talk) Could not open temporary file.
backend-fail-read (Talk) Could not read file $1.
backend-fail-readonly (Talk) The storage backend "$1" is currently read-only. The reason given was: "$2"
backend-fail-store (Talk) Could not store file $1 at $2.
backend-fail-stream (Talk) Could not stream file $1.
backend-fail-synced (Talk) The file "$1" is in an inconsistent state within the internal storage backends
backend-fail-writetemp (Talk) Could not write to temporary file.
background_color (Talk) Background color
backlinksubtitle (Talk) ← $1
badWords (Talk) arse arsehole ass assbag assbandit assbanger assbite assclown asscock asscracker asses assface assfuck assfucker assgoblin asshat asshead asshole asshopper assjacker asslick asslicker assmunch assmuncher asspirate assshole asswipe bampot bastard beaner bitch bitchass bitchtits bitchy blow job blowjob boner brotherfucker bullshit bumblefuck butt plug butt-pirate buttfucka buttfucker camel toe carpetmuncher chinc choad chode clitface clitfuck cockbite cockface cockfucker cockknoker cockmaster cockmongler cockmongruel cockmonkey cockmuncher cockshit cocksmith cocksmoker cocksucker coochie coochy coon cooter cum cumbubble cumjockey cumtart cunt cunthole deggo dickbag dickbeaters dickface dickfuck dickhead dickhole dickmonger dickweasel dickweed dickwod dipshit dookie douche-fag douchebag douchewaffle dumass dumb ass dumbass dumbfuck dumbshit dumshit fagbag fagfucker faggit faggot fagtard fatass fellatio feltch flamer fuck fuckass fuckbrain fuckbutt fucked fucker fuckface fuckhead fuckhole fuckin fucking fucknut fucks fuckstick fucktard fuckup fuckwad fuckwit fuckwitt fudgepacker gaybob gaydo gayfuck gayfuckist gaytard gaywad goddamn goddamnit gooch gook gringo guido handjob heeb homo homodumbshit honkey humping jackass jap jerk off jigaboo jizz jungle bunny junglebunny kike kooch kootch kyke lesbo lezzie mcfagget minge mothafucka motherfucker motherfucking muff muffdiver munging negro nigga nigger niglet nut sack nutsack paki panooch pecker peckerhead penisfucker piss poon poonani poonany porch monkey porchmonkey punanny punta pussylicking puto queef queer queerbait queerhole renob rimjob ruski sand nigger sandnigger schlong scrote shit shitbagger shitcunt shitdick shitface shitfaced shithead shithole shithouse shitspitter shitstain shitter shittiest shitting shitty shiz shiznit skank skeet skullfuck slut slutbag snatch spic spick splooge tard thundercunt tit titfuck tits tittyfuck twat twatlips twats twatwaffle va-j-j vag vjayjay wank wetback whore whorebag wop хуя
bad_image_list (Talk) The format is as follows: Only list items (lines starting with *) are considered. The first link on a line must be a link to a bad file. Any subsequent links on the same line are considered to be exceptions, i.e. pages where the file may occur inline.
badaccess (Talk) Permission error
badaccess-group0 (Talk) You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested.
badaccess-groups (Talk) The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups: $1.
badarticleerror (Talk) This action cannot be performed on this page. This page may have been deleted since your request was submitted.
badfilename (Talk) Filename has been changed to "$1".
badipaddress (Talk) Invalid IP address
badretype (Talk) The passwords you entered do not match.
badsig (Talk) Invalid raw signature. Check HTML tags.
badsiglength (Talk) Your signature is too long. It must not be more than $1 characters long.
badtitle (Talk) Bad title
badtitletext (Talk) The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title. It may contain one or more characters that can't be used in titles.
batchmove (Talk) Batch Move Pages
batchmove-complete (Talk) Batch move complete
batchmove-confirm (Talk) Confirm
batchmove-confirm-msg (Talk) Are you sure you want to move "$1":* to "$2":*? This can possible be a large operation and will be difficult to reverse.
batchmove-description (Talk) This allows moving all pages with a specific prefix to a different prefix. Doing this manually is a herculean task, so this facility has provided.
batchmove-failed (Talk) Failed to move $1 to $2, This page most likely needs to be merged manually
batchmove-from (Talk) From
batchmove-header (Talk) Move from $1:* to $2:*
batchmove-marked (Talk) The page $1 already exists, marked for manual merge.
batchmove-preview (Talk) Preview
batchmove-preview-header (Talk) This is only a preview, no action has been taken yet.
batchmove-reason (Talk) Reason
batchmove-skip (Talk) Skipping page $1.
batchmove-success (Talk) Moved $1 to $2
batchmove-title (Talk) Batch Move Pages
batchmove-to (Talk) To
batchuserrights (Talk) Batch user rights
batchuserrights-add-groups (Talk) Adding $1 users to the following groups: $3.
batchuserrights-desc (Talk) Allows adding one or more users to a group in one action
batchuserrights-intro (Talk) This page will let you add a group to multiple users at once. For security reasons, the list of addable groups is set in the extension configuration and cannot be changed from within the wiki. Please ask a system administrator if you need to allow batch-adding of other groups.
batchuserrights-names (Talk) Usernames to add this group to (one per line):
batchuserrights-no-groups (Talk) You did not choose any groups. This will not accomplish anything. The rest of the page will be allowed to run just so that you can easily see if any of the usernames could not be loaded.
batchuserrights-single-progress-update (Talk) Added groups to $2.
batchuserrights-userload-error (Talk) Could not load the user "$1".
bitrate-bits (Talk) $1bps
bitrate-exabits (Talk) $1Ebps
bitrate-gigabits (Talk) $1Gbps
bitrate-kilobits (Talk) $1kbps
bitrate-megabits (Talk) $1Mbps
bitrate-petabits (Talk) $1Pbps
bitrate-terabits (Talk) $1Tbps
bitrate-yottabits (Talk) $1Ybps
bitrate-zetabits (Talk) $1Zbps
blanknamespace (Talk) (Main)
blankpage (Talk) Blank page
block (Talk) Block user
block-log-flags-angry-autoblock (Talk) enhanced autoblock enabled
block-log-flags-anononly (Talk) anonymous users only
block-log-flags-hiddenname (Talk) username hidden
block-log-flags-noautoblock (Talk) autoblock disabled
block-log-flags-nocreate (Talk) account creation disabled
block-log-flags-noemail (Talk) e-mail blocked
block-log-flags-nousertalk (Talk) cannot edit own talk page
blocked-mailpassword (Talk) Your IP address is blocked from editing, and so is not allowed to use the password recovery function to prevent abuse.
blocked-notice-logextract (Talk) This user is currently blocked. The latest block log entry is provided below for reference:
blockednoreason (Talk) no reason given
blockedtext (Talk) Your user name or IP address has been blocked.
The block was made by $1. * Reason given: $2 * Start of block: $8 * Expiry of block: $6 * Intended blockee: $7 * Block ID: #$5 * Current IP address: $3
You can contact $1 or another Administrator to discuss the block. Please include all details in the above box in any queries you make.
blockedtitle (Talk) User is blocked
blockip (Talk) Block user
blockip-legend (Talk) Block user
blockip-title (Talk) Block user
blockipsuccesssub (Talk) Block succeeded
blockipsuccesstext (Talk) $1 has been blocked.
See IP block list to review blocks.
blockiptext (Talk) Use the form below to block editing access from a specific IP address or username. See also Help:Blocking.
blocklink (Talk) block
blocklist (Talk) Blocked users
blocklist-addressblocks (Talk) Hide single IP blocks
blocklist-by (Talk) Blocking admin
blocklist-expiry (Talk) Expires
blocklist-nousertalk (Talk) cannot edit own talk page
blocklist-params (Talk) Block parameters
blocklist-rangeblocks (Talk) Hide range blocks
blocklist-reason (Talk) Reason
blocklist-summary (Talk)
blocklist-target (Talk) Target
blocklist-tempblocks (Talk) Hide temporary blocks
blocklist-timestamp (Talk) Timestamp
blocklist-userblocks (Talk) Hide account blocks
blocklog-showlog (Talk) This user has been blocked previously. The block log is provided below for reference:
blocklog-showsuppresslog (Talk) This user has been blocked and hidden previously. The suppress log is provided below for reference:
blocklogentry (Talk) blocked $1 with an expiry time of $2 $3
blocklogpage (Talk) Block log
blocklogtext (Talk) This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not listed. See the IP block list for the list of currently operational bans and blocks.
blockme (Talk) Block me
blog-added (Talk) added
blog-avatar-alt (Talk) Logs of useravatar additions or removals
blog-avatar-changed-log (Talk) User avatar added or updated
blog-avatar-defaults (Talk) Avatar.jpg Avatar2.jpg Avatar3.jpg Avatar4.jpg Avatar5.jpg Avatar6.jpg
blog-avatar-preferences-title (Talk) Avatar
blog-avatar-removed-log (Talk) Removed $1's avatars
blog-by (Talk) $1 by $2
blog-comment-cannot-add (Talk) You cannot add comment to blog.
blog-comment-delete (Talk) delete
blog-comment-edit (Talk) edit
blog-comment-error (Talk) Comment could not be saved
blog-comment-hide (Talk) hide
blog-comment-history (Talk) history
blog-comment-post (Talk) Post comment
blog-comment-sending (Talk) Sending...
blog-comment-unhide (Talk) unhide
blog-comments (Talk) Comments
blog-comments-anonymous (Talk) Anonymous user
blog-comments-asc (Talk) Newest last
blog-comments-dsc (Talk) Newest first
blog-comments-info (Talk) This box uses wikitext-style input
blog-comments-label (Talk) Commenting
blog-comments-login (Talk) <a href="$1" rel="nofollow">Log in</a> to comment
blog-comments-new (Talk) New comment in blog
blog-comments-save (Talk) Save comment in blog
blog-continuereading (Talk) Continue reading »
blog-create-label (Talk) Create blog article
blog-create-listing-label (Talk) Create blog listing
blog-create-next-label (Talk) Create new blog article
blog-create-post-label (Talk) Create blog post
blog-defaulttitle (Talk) Blogs
blog-desc (Talk) Blog articles
blog-edited (Talk) edited
blog-empty-user-blog (Talk)
No recent blog posts. Write one now! What are Wikia Blogs? Wikia community blogs allow you to contribute a blog post to any wiki's [[MediaWiki:Blogs-recent-url|Community Blog]]. Blogs are used by wiki communities for fan fiction or original work, news and announcements, questions or recommendations to the community, or reviews or op-eds. Check out Fallout Wiki's News Blog and Lostpedia's Theories Blog to see two examples.
blog-emptyparam (Talk) Name of parameter cannot be empty
blog-fromsitename (Talk) From $1
blog-header (Talk) Blog articles in category "$1"
blog-invalidparam (Talk) Unknown parameter '$1' is ignored. Please use one of available parameters: $2
blog-last-edited (Talk) Last edited: $1
blog-listing-created (Talk) Blog listing page created
blog-listing-zero-other (Talk) This user has not written any blog posts yet!
blog-listing-zero-self (Talk)
blog-movepage-badtitle (Talk) Invalid blog post title.
blog-nbrcomments (Talk) $1 comments
blog-newerposts (Talk) Newer posts
blog-nopostfound (Talk) No posts found.
blog-olderposts (Talk) Older posts
blog-page (Talk) Blog
blog-page-rate (Talk) Rate this article:
blog-posts-from-listing (Talk) from listing: $1
blog-rc-comments (Talk) Blog comments
blog-readfullpost (Talk) Read more
blog-refresh-label (Talk) Refresh
blog-subheader (Talk) The following $1 blog articles are in this category.
blog-subheader-all (Talk) The following $1 blog articles are in this category, out of $2 total.
blog-userblog (Talk) $1's blog
blog-voting-label (Talk) Voting
blog-widgets-label (Talk) Widget dashboard
blog-writeone (Talk) Write one!
blog-zero-comments (Talk) No comments yet!
blogs-comment-hidden (Talk) Comment hidden.
blogs-recent-url (Talk) Blog:Recent_posts
blogs-recent-url-text (Talk) Recent blog posts
blogs-reportproblem (Talk) Report problem
blogs-searchprofile (Talk) Blogs
blogs-searchprofile-tooltip (Talk) Search in Blog Articles and Blog Listings
blogs-undeleted-comment (Talk) Undeleted comment for blog page $1
blug-cut-sign (Talk) …
bold_sample (Talk) Bold text
bold_tip (Talk) Bold text
booksources (Talk) Book sources
booksources-go (Talk) Go
booksources-invalid-isbn (Talk) The given ISBN does not appear to be valid; check for errors copying from the original source.
booksources-isbn (Talk) ISBN:
booksources-search-legend (Talk) Search for book sources
booksources-summary (Talk)
booksources-text (Talk) Below is a list of links to other sites that sell new and used books, and may also have further information about books you are looking for:
boteditletter (Talk) b
broken-file-category (Talk) Pages with broken file links
brokenredirects (Talk) Broken redirects
brokenredirects-delete (Talk) delete
brokenredirects-edit (Talk) edit
brokenredirects-summary (Talk)
brokenredirectstext (Talk) The following redirects link to non-existent pages:
browse (Talk) Browse wiki
browsedata (Talk) Browse data
button-createpage (Talk) Add a Page
bydate (Talk) by date
cancel (Talk) Cancel
cannotchangeemail (Talk) Account e-mail addresses cannot be changed on this wiki.
cannotdelete (Talk) The page or file "$1" could not be deleted. It may have already been deleted by someone else.
cannotdelete-title (Talk) Cannot delete page "$1"
cannotundelete (Talk) Undelete failed; someone else may have undeleted the page first.
cant-block-while-blocked (Talk) You cannot block other users while you are blocked.
cant-move-to-user-page (Talk) You do not have permission to move a page to a user page (except to a user subpage).
cant-move-user-page (Talk) You do not have permission to move user pages (apart from subpages).
cant-see-hidden-user (Talk) The user you are trying to block has already been blocked and hidden. Since you do not have the hideuser right, you cannot see or edit the user's block.
cantcreateaccount-text (Talk) Account creation from this IP address ($1) has been blocked by $3. The reason given by $3 is $2
cantcreateaccounttitle (Talk) Cannot create account
cantmove-titleprotected (Talk) You cannot move a page to this location, because the new title has been protected from creation
cantrollback (Talk) Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this page.
captcha-addurl (Talk) Your edit includes new external links. To help protect against automated spam, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info):
captcha-addurl-whitelist (Talk) #
# Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs #
captcha-badlogin (Talk) To help protect against automated password cracking, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info):
captcha-create (Talk) To create the page, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info):
captcha-createaccount (Talk) To help protect against automated account creation, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info):
captcha-createaccount-fail (Talk) Incorrect or missing confirmation code.
captcha-desc (Talk) Provides CAPTCHA techniques to protect against spam and password-guessing
captcha-disabledinapi (Talk) This action requires a captcha, so it cannot be performed through the API.
captcha-edit (Talk) To edit this page, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info):
captcha-input-placeholder (Talk) Enter text here
captcha-sendemail (Talk) To help protect against automated spamming, please solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box (more info):
captcha-sendemail-fail (Talk) Incorrect or missing confirmation code.
captchahelp-cookies-needed (Talk) You will need to have cookies enabled in your browser for this to work.
captchahelp-text (Talk) This is used to protect the site from spam. If you have limited vision or are using a browser that can't show the image please contact Wikia for assistance.
captchahelp-title (Talk) CAPTCHA help
cascadeprotected (Talk) This page has been protected from editing, because it is included in the following pages, which are protected with the "cascading" option turned on: $2
cascadeprotectedwarning (Talk) Warning: This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can edit it, because it is included in the following cascade-protected pages:
categories (Talk) Categories list
categories-summary (Talk)
categoriesfrom (Talk) Display categories starting at:
categoriespagetext (Talk)
categorize (Talk) Categorize
categorize_help (Talk) One category per line
category (Talk) Category Name
category-article-count (Talk) The following $1 pages are in this category, out of $2 total.
category-article-count-limited (Talk) The following $1 pages are in the current category.
category-empty (Talk) This category currently contains no pages or media.
category-exhibition-alphabetical (Talk) Alphabetical
category-exhibition-blogs-header (Talk) Blog posts
category-exhibition-display-new (Talk) Category Exhibition view
category-exhibition-display-old (Talk) Category List view
category-exhibition-media-header (Talk) Media in category "$1"
category-exhibition-mostvisited (Talk) Most visited
category-exhibition-page-header (Talk) Pages in category "$1"
category-exhibition-recentedits (Talk) Recently edited
category-exhibition-sorttype (Talk) Sorting type:
category-exhibition-subcategories-header (Talk) Subcategories
category-file-count (Talk) The following $1 files are in this category, out of $2 total.
category-file-count-limited (Talk) The following $1 files are in the current category.
category-media-header (Talk) Media in category "$1"
category-subcat-count (Talk) This category has the following $1 subcategories, out of $2 total.
category-subcat-count-limited (Talk) This category has the following $1 subcategories.
category_header (Talk) Pages in category "$1"
categoryblacklist (Talk) * stub
categorygalleries-desc (Talk) Shows a pages gallery on category pages
categoryintersection (Talk) Category Intersection API demonstration
categoryintersection-and (Talk) - and -
categoryintersection-desc (Talk) A front-end for the "categoryintersection" API function to show what it can use and assist in understanding it for actual use via the MediaWiki API
categoryintersection-docs-linktext (Talk) Category Intersection MediaWiki API documentation
categoryintersection-footer-body (Talk) Here are some example queries, just to show a few of the types of things that can be done with this API. There are numerous other cool possibilies though... Be creative!
The default examples are for LyricWiki. Please edit MediaWiki:categoryintersection-footer-examples to make examples for this wiki.
categoryintersection-footer-examples (Talk) Category:Artists_S Category:Hometown/Sweden/Stockholm Category:Artist Category:Hometown/United_States/Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh Category:Hometown/Germany/North_Rhine-Westphalia Category:Genre/Rock Category:Artists_S Category:Genre/Rock Category:Hometown/United_States/California Category:Album Category:Genre/Nerdcore_Hip_Hop Category:Language/Simlish Category:Label/Ultra_Records Category:Hometown/Canada Category:Genre/Hip_Hop Category:Hometown/United_States/California
categoryintersection-footer-title (Talk) Examples
categoryintersection-form-submit (Talk) Find matches
categoryintersection-form-title (Talk) Try it out
categoryintersection-header-body (Talk) This page is designed to show the types of things that the CategoryIntersection API function can do and make it easy to learn how to use it. For more information please see: $1
categoryintersection-header-title (Talk) About
categoryintersection-instructions (Talk) Type in two categories (including the "Category:" part at the beginning) to see all articles which are in BOTH of those categories and to see an example URL of how that was obtained using the API.
categoryintersection-instructions-title (Talk) Instructions
categoryintersection-limit (Talk) Limit
categoryintersection-noresults (Talk) No results. Please check that the category names are correct if you think there should be results.
categoryintersection-query-used (Talk) API query used:
categoryintersection-results-title (Talk) API Results
categoryintersection-summary (Talk) Searched for categories: $1; limit: $2; number of results returned: $3
categorypage (Talk) View category page
categoryselect-addcategory-button (Talk) Add category
categoryselect-addcategory-edit (Talk) Add a category
categoryselect-button-cancel (Talk) Cancel
categoryselect-button-save (Talk) Save
categoryselect-code-view (Talk) Code view
categoryselect-code-view-placeholder (Talk) Add categories here, e.g. Category:Name
categoryselect-desc (Talk) Provides an interface for managing categories in article without editing whole article
categoryselect-edit-abort (Talk) The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension hook
categoryselect-edit-summary (Talk) Adding categories
categoryselect-empty-name (Talk) Provide category name (part before |)
categoryselect-error-db-locked (Talk) Database is locked.
categoryselect-error-not-exist (Talk) Article [id=$1] does not exist.
categoryselect-error-user-rights (Talk) You do not have the permission to add categories to this page.
categoryselect-infobox-caption (Talk) Category options
categoryselect-infobox-category (Talk) Provide the name of the category:
categoryselect-infobox-sortkey (Talk) Alphabetize this article on the "$1" category page under the name: (optional)
categoryselect-suggest-hint (Talk) Press Enter when done
categoryselect-tooltip (Talk) Category tagging toolbar. Try it out or see help to learn more.
categoryselect-unhandled-syntax (Talk) Unhandled syntax detected - switching back to visual mode impossible.
categoryselect-visual-view (Talk) Visual view
categorytree (Talk) Category tree
categorytree-category (Talk) Category:
categorytree-collapse (Talk) collapse
categorytree-collapse-bullet (Talk) [−]
categorytree-desc (Talk) Dynamically navigate the category structure
categorytree-empty-bullet (Talk) [×]
categorytree-error (Talk) Problem loading data.
categorytree-expand (Talk) expand
categorytree-expand-bullet (Talk) [+]
categorytree-go (Talk) Show tree
categorytree-header (Talk) Enter a category name to see its contents as a tree structure.
categorytree-legend (Talk) Show category tree
categorytree-load (Talk) load
categorytree-loading (Talk) loading…
categorytree-member-counts (Talk) Contains $1 subcategories, $2 pages, and $3 files
categorytree-member-num (Talk) ($5)
categorytree-mode-all (Talk) all pages
categorytree-mode-categories (Talk) categories only
categorytree-mode-pages (Talk) pages except files
categorytree-no-pages (Talk) no pages or subcategories
categorytree-no-parent-categories (Talk) no parent categories
categorytree-no-subcategories (Talk) no subcategories
categorytree-not-found (Talk) Category $1 not found
categorytree-nothing-found (Talk) nothing found
categorytree-num-categories (Talk) $1 C
categorytree-num-empty (Talk) empty
categorytree-num-files (Talk) $1 F
categorytree-num-pages (Talk) $1 P
categorytree-page-bullet (Talk)
categorytree-parents (Talk) Parents
categorytree-portlet (Talk) Categories
categorytree-retry (Talk) Please wait a moment and try again.
centralhelpsearch-desc (Talk) Allow inclusion of a form to search Community Central Help
centralhelpsearch-placeholder (Talk) Search Help...
change-blocklink (Talk) change block
changed (Talk) changed
changeemail (Talk) Change e-mail address
changeemail-cancel (Talk) Cancel
changeemail-header (Talk) Change account e-mail address
changeemail-newemail (Talk) New e-mail address:
changeemail-no-info (Talk) You must be logged in to access this page directly.
changeemail-none (Talk) (none)
changeemail-oldemail (Talk) Current e-mail address:
changeemail-submit (Talk) Change e-mail
changeemail-text (Talk) Complete this form to change your e-mail address. You will need to enter your password to confirm this change.
changepassword (Talk) Change password
charinsert-desc (Talk) Allows creation of JavaScript box for inserting non-standard characters
chat (Talk) Chat
chat-ban-already-banned (Talk) $1 is already banned from chat on this wiki.
chat-ban-cannt-undo (Talk) Ban has already been undone
chat-ban-cant-ban-moderator (Talk) You cannot kick/ban another Chat Moderator.
chat-ban-contributions-heading (Talk) Ban from chat
chat-ban-log-change-ban-link (Talk) change ban
chat-ban-modal-button-cancel (Talk) Cancel
chat-ban-modal-button-change-ban (Talk) Change Ban
chat-ban-modal-button-ok (Talk) Ban this user
chat-ban-modal-change-ban-heading (Talk) Change this user's chat ban
chat-ban-modal-change-ban-label (Talk) Change to
chat-ban-modal-end-ban (Talk) End Ban
chat-ban-modal-heading (Talk) Ban this user from chat
chat-ban-modal-label-expires (Talk) Expires
chat-ban-modal-label-reason (Talk) Reason
chat-ban-option-list (Talk) 2 hours:2 hours,1 day:1 day,3 days:3 days,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year,infinite:infinite
chat-ban-undolink (Talk) undo
chat-ban-you-need-permission (Talk) You do not have the $1 permission which is required to kick/ban a user.
chat-browser-is-notsupported (Talk) Your browser is not supported. For the best experience, use a <a href="">newer browser</a>.
chat-chatban-log (Talk) Chat ban log
chat-chatbanadd-log-entry (Talk) banned $1 from chat with an expiry time of $2, ends $3
chat-chatbanchange-log-entry (Talk) changed ban settings for $1 with an expiry time of $2, ends $3
chat-chatbanremove-log-entry (Talk) unbanned $1 from chat
chat-chatconnect-log (Talk) Chat connection log
chat-chatconnect-log-entry (Talk) connected to $1 from address $2
chat-checkuser-join-action (Talk) Joined Chat
chat-contributions-ban-notice (Talk) This user is currently banned from chat. The latest chat ban log entry is provided below for reference:
chat-default-topic (Talk) Welcome to the $1 chat
chat-desc (Talk) Live chat
chat-edit-count (Talk) $1 edits
chat-err-already-chatmod (Talk) Error: "$1" is already in the "$2" group.
chat-err-communicating-with-mediawiki (Talk) Error communicating with MediaWiki server.
chat-err-connected-from-another-browser (Talk) You have connected from another browser. This connection will be closed.
chat-err-invalid-username-chatmod (Talk) Error: Couldn't find user "$1"
chat-err-no-permission-to-add-chatmod (Talk) Error: You do not have permission to add the "$1" group to this user.
chat-great-youre-logged-in (Talk) Great! You're logged in.
chat-inlinealert-a-made-b-chatmod (Talk) $1 has made $2 a chat moderator.
chat-join-the-chat (Talk) Join the Chat
chat-kick-cant-kick-moderator (Talk) You cannot kick another Chat Moderator.
chat-kick-log-reason (Talk) Kick/banned from the chat for this wiki by $1. Please contact them for more info.
chat-kick-you-need-permission (Talk) You do not have permissions to kick a user.
chat-live2 (Talk) Live! Chat
chat-log-reason-banadd (Talk) Misbehaving in chat
chat-log-reason-banchange (Talk) No reason given
chat-log-reason-banremove (Talk) No reason given
chat-log-reason-undo (Talk) undo
chat-member-since (Talk) Member since $1
chat-missing-required-parameter (Talk) '$1' is required but was not found in the request.
chat-no-login (Talk) You must be logged in to chat.
chat-no-login-text (Talk) Please login, and then open chat again.
chat-private-headline (Talk) Private chat with $1
chat-private-messages (Talk) Private Messages
chat-read-only (Talk) Chat is temporarily unavailable while wiki is in read-only mode.
chat-room-is-not-on-this-wiki (Talk) The chat room you are attempting to enter does not appear to exist on this wiki.
chat-start-a-chat (Talk) Start a Chat
chat-status-away (Talk) Away
chat-user-allow (Talk) $1 has allowed $2.
chat-user-blocked (Talk) $1 has blocked $2.
chat-user-joined (Talk) $1 has joined the chat.
chat-user-menu-ban (Talk) Ban
chat-user-menu-contribs (Talk) Contributions
chat-user-menu-give-chat-mod (Talk) Give ChatMod Status
chat-user-menu-kick (Talk) Kick
chat-user-menu-message-wall (Talk) Message Wall
chat-user-menu-private (Talk) Private Message
chat-user-menu-private-allow (Talk) Allow Private Messages
chat-user-menu-private-block (Talk) Block Private Messages
chat-user-menu-private-close (Talk) Close Private Room
chat-user-menu-talk-page (Talk) Talk Page
chat-user-parted (Talk) $1 has left the chat.
chat-user-permanently-disconnected (Talk) You have been disconnected, check your Internet connection and refresh browser window
chat-user-was-banned (Talk) $1 has been banned by $2 $3.
chat-user-was-kicked (Talk) $1 has been kicked by $2.
chat-user-was-unbanned (Talk) $2 has ended the Chat ban for $1.
chat-userrightslog-a-made-b-chatmod (Talk) $1 promoted $2 to be a chat moderator on this wiki.
chat-welcome-message (Talk) Welcome to the $1 chat
chat-you-are-banned (Talk) Permissions error.
chat-you-are-banned-text (Talk) Sorry, you do not have permission to chat on this wiki. If you think this was a mistake or would like to be reconsidered, please contact an administrator.
chat-you-were-banned (Talk) You have been banned by $1.
chat-you-were-kicked (Talk) You have been kicked by $1.
checkuser (Talk) Check user
checkuser-accounts (Talk) $1 new accounts
checkuser-all (Talk) all
checkuser-autocreate-action (Talk) was automatically created
checkuser-block-failure (Talk) No users blocked.
checkuser-block-limit (Talk) Too many users selected.
checkuser-block-noreason (Talk) You must give a reason for the blocks.
checkuser-block-success (Talk) The users $1 are now blocked.
checkuser-blocked (Talk) Blocked
checkuser-blocktag (Talk) Replace user pages with:
checkuser-blocktag-talk (Talk) Replace talk pages with:
checkuser-check (Talk) Check
checkuser-cidr-label (Talk) Find common range and affected IP addresses for a list of IP addresses
checkuser-cidr-res (Talk) Common CIDR:
checkuser-contribs (Talk) check user IP addresses
checkuser-create-action (Talk) was created
checkuser-desc (Talk) Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information
checkuser-edits (Talk) Get edits
checkuser-email-action (Talk) sent an email to user "$1"
checkuser-empty (Talk) The log contains no items.
checkuser-gblocked (Talk) Blocked globally
checkuser-ipeditcount (Talk) ~$1 from all users
checkuser-ips (Talk) Get IP addresses
checkuser-limited (Talk) These results have been truncated for performance reasons.
checkuser-localonly (Talk) Not unified
checkuser-locked (Talk) Locked
checkuser-log-fail (Talk) Unable to add log entry
checkuser-log-ipedits (Talk) $1 got edits for XFF <a href="$2">$2</a>
checkuser-log-ipedits-xff (Talk) $1 got edits for XFF <a href="$2">$2</a>
checkuser-log-ipusers (Talk) $1 got users for <a href="$2">$2</a>
checkuser-log-ipusers-xff (Talk) $1 got users for XFF <a href="$2">$2</a>
checkuser-log-return (Talk) Switch to CheckUser main form
checkuser-log-useredits (Talk) $1 got edits for $2
checkuser-log-userips (Talk) $1 got IP addresses for $2
checkuser-logcase (Talk) The log search is case sensitive.
checkuser-massblock (Talk) Block selected users
checkuser-massblock-commit (Talk) Block selected users
checkuser-massblock-text (Talk) Selected accounts will be blocked indefinitely, with autoblocking of IP addresses enabled and account creation disabled. IP addresses will be blocked for one week for anonymous users only and account creation will be disabled.
checkuser-month (Talk) last 30 days
checkuser-nolog (Talk) No log file found.
checkuser-nomatch (Talk) No matches found.
checkuser-nomatch-edits (Talk) No matches found. Last edit was on $1 at $2.
checkuser-noreason (Talk) You must give a reason for this query.
checkuser-period (Talk) Duration:
checkuser-query (Talk) Query recent changes
checkuser-reason (Talk) Reason:
checkuser-reason-api (Talk) API: $1
checkuser-reset-action (Talk) reset password for user "$1"
checkuser-search (Talk) Search
checkuser-search-form (Talk) Find log entries where the $1 is $2
checkuser-search-initiator (Talk) initiator
checkuser-search-submit (Talk) Search
checkuser-search-target (Talk) target
checkuser-showlog (Talk) Show log
checkuser-summary (Talk) This tool scans recent changes to retrieve the IP addresses used by a user or show the edit/user data for an IP address. Users and edits by a client IP address can be retrieved via XFF headers by appending the IP address with "/xff". IPv4 (CIDR 16-32) and IPv6 (CIDR 64-128) are supported. No more than 5,000 edits will be returned for performance reasons. Use this in accordance with policy.
checkuser-target (Talk) IP address or username:
checkuser-too-many (Talk) Too many results (according to query estimate), please narrow down the CIDR. Here are the IPs used (5000 max, sorted by address):
checkuser-toollinks (Talk) [[[Special:Contributions/$1|contribs]] · WHOIS · rDNS · Traceroute · Geolocate · Proxy check · Tor check · Google · uTrace · MultiLookup · MWF · MWF-Wall · Global Block]
checkuser-user-nonexistent (Talk) The specified user does not exist.
checkuser-users (Talk) Get users
checkuser-wasblocked (Talk) Previously blocked
checkuser-week-1 (Talk) last week
checkuser-week-2 (Talk) last two weeks
checkuserlog (Talk) Check user log
chick.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect users of the Chick skin */
chick.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for users using the Chick skin */
choose_reason (Talk) Choose reason
cite-desc (Talk) Adds <ref[ name=id]> and <references/> tags, for citations
cite_croak (Talk) Cite died; $1: $2
cite_error (Talk) Cite error: $1
cite_error_empty_references_define (Talk) [2] missing for Cite error: Closing </ref>
missing for <ref>
tag</charinsert> {{Reflist}} <references/> <includeonly></includeonly> <noinclude></noinclude> {{DEFAULTSORT:}} + <!-- --> <span class="plainlinks"></span>
Symbols: ~
¶ #
∞ ‘
«» ¤
¥ ♠
edittools-upload (Talk) -
edittoplist (Talk) Edit Top 10 list
editundo (Talk) undo
editusergroup (Talk) Edit user groups
ellipsis (Talk) ...
email (Talk) Email
email-address-validity-invalid (Talk) Enter a valid e-mail address
email-address-validity-valid (Talk) E-mail address appears valid
email-legend (Talk) Send an e-mail to another Tardis Wiki user
emailauthenticated (Talk) Your email address was authenticated on $2 at $3.
emailblock (Talk) e-mail blocked
emailccme (Talk) E-mail me a copy of my message.
emailccsubject (Talk) Copy of your message to $1: $2
emailconfirmlink (Talk) Confirm your e-mail address
emailfrom (Talk) From
emaillink (Talk) send e-mail
emailmessage (Talk) Message
emailnotarget (Talk) Non-existent or invalid username for recipient.
emailnotauthenticated (Talk) Your email address is not yet authenticated. No email will be sent for any of the following features.
emailpage (Talk) E-mail user
emailpagetext (Talk) You can use the form below to send an e-mail message to this user. The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear as the "From" address of the e-mail, so the recipient will be able to reply directly to you.
emailsend (Talk) Send
emailsent (Talk) E-mail sent
emailsenttext (Talk) Your e-mail message has been sent.
emailsstorage (Talk) E-mails storage
emailsstorage-button-export (Talk) Export to CSV
emailsstorage-desc (Talk) Provides storage for user emails for various engagement projects
emailsstorage-source-quiz (Talk) Quiz
emailsstorage-source-scavenger-hunt (Talk) Scavenger Hunt
emailsubject (Talk) Subject
emailtarget (Talk) Enter username of recipient
emailto (Talk) To
emailuser (Talk) E-mail this user
emailuserfooter (Talk) This email was sent to you by $1, using the "Email user" function at Tardis Wiki ( - Wikia Community Support ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
emailusername (Talk) Username:
emailusernamesubmit (Talk) Submit
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enterlockreason (Talk) Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate of when the lock will be released
error (Talk) Error
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exif-aperturevalue (Talk) APEX aperture
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exif-attributionurl (Talk) When re-using this work, please link to
exif-bitspersample (Talk) Bits per component
exif-brightnessvalue (Talk) APEX brightness
exif-cameraownername (Talk) Owner of camera
exif-citycreated (Talk) City that the picture was taken in
exif-citydest (Talk) City shown
exif-colorspace (Talk) Color space
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exif-componentsconfiguration (Talk) Meaning of each component
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exif-componentsconfiguration-1 (Talk) Y
exif-componentsconfiguration-2 (Talk) Cb
exif-componentsconfiguration-3 (Talk) Cr
exif-componentsconfiguration-4 (Talk) R
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exif-componentsconfiguration-6 (Talk) B
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exif-compression-7 (Talk) JPEG
exif-compression-8 (Talk) Deflate (Adobe)
exif-contact (Talk) Contact information
exif-contact-value (Talk) $1 $2
$3 $4, $5, $6 $7
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exif-contrast-1 (Talk) Soft
exif-contrast-2 (Talk) Hard
exif-coordinate-format (Talk) $1° $2′ $3″ $4
exif-copyright (Talk) Copyright holder
exif-copyrighted (Talk) Copyright status
exif-copyrighted-false (Talk) Public domain
exif-copyrighted-true (Talk) Copyrighted
exif-copyrightowner (Talk) Copyright owner
exif-countrycodecreated (Talk) Code for the country that the picture was taken in
exif-countrycodedest (Talk) Code for country shown
exif-countrycreated (Talk) Country that the picture was taken in
exif-countrydest (Talk) Country shown
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exif-customrendered-1 (Talk) Custom process
exif-datetime (Talk) File change date and time
exif-datetimedigitized (Talk) Date and time of digitizing
exif-datetimeexpires (Talk) Do not use after
exif-datetimemetadata (Talk) Date metadata was last modified
exif-datetimeoriginal (Talk) Date and time of data generation
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exif-dc-contributor (Talk) Contributors
exif-dc-coverage (Talk) Spatial or temporal scope of media
exif-dc-date (Talk) Date(s)
exif-dc-publisher (Talk) Publisher
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exif-dc-rights (Talk) Rights
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exif-devicesettingdescription (Talk) Device settings description
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exif-exposuremode-0 (Talk) Auto exposure
exif-exposuremode-1 (Talk) Manual exposure
exif-exposuremode-2 (Talk) Auto bracket
exif-exposureprogram (Talk) Exposure Program
exif-exposureprogram-0 (Talk) Not defined
exif-exposureprogram-1 (Talk) Manual
exif-exposureprogram-2 (Talk) Normal program
exif-exposureprogram-3 (Talk) Aperture priority
exif-exposureprogram-4 (Talk) Shutter priority
exif-exposureprogram-5 (Talk) Creative program (biased toward depth of field)
exif-exposureprogram-6 (Talk) Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)
exif-exposureprogram-7 (Talk) Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)
exif-exposureprogram-8 (Talk) Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)
exif-exposuretime (Talk) Exposure time
exif-exposuretime-format (Talk) $1 sec ($2)
exif-filesource (Talk) File source
exif-filesource-3 (Talk) Digital still camera
exif-fixtureidentifier (Talk) Fixture name
exif-flash (Talk) Flash
exif-flash-fired-0 (Talk) Flash did not fire
exif-flash-fired-1 (Talk) Flash fired
exif-flash-function-1 (Talk) No flash function
exif-flash-mode-1 (Talk) compulsory flash firing
exif-flash-mode-2 (Talk) compulsory flash suppression
exif-flash-mode-3 (Talk) auto mode
exif-flash-redeye-1 (Talk) red-eye reduction mode
exif-flash-return-0 (Talk) no strobe return detection function
exif-flash-return-2 (Talk) strobe return light not detected
exif-flash-return-3 (Talk) strobe return light detected
exif-flashenergy (Talk) Flash energy
exif-flashpixversion (Talk) Supported Flashpix version
exif-fnumber (Talk) F Number
exif-fnumber-format (Talk) f/$1
exif-focallength (Talk) Lens focal length
exif-focallength-format (Talk) $1 mm
exif-focallengthin35mmfilm (Talk) Focal length in 35 mm film
exif-focalplaneresolutionunit (Talk) Focal plane resolution unit
exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2 (Talk) inches
exif-focalplanexresolution (Talk) Focal plane X resolution
exif-focalplaneyresolution (Talk) Focal plane Y resolution
exif-gaincontrol (Talk) Scene control
exif-gaincontrol-0 (Talk) None
exif-gaincontrol-1 (Talk) Low gain up
exif-gaincontrol-2 (Talk) High gain up
exif-gaincontrol-3 (Talk) Low gain down
exif-gaincontrol-4 (Talk) High gain down
exif-giffilecomment (Talk) GIF file comment
exif-gpsaltitude (Talk) Altitude
exif-gpsaltitude-above-sealevel (Talk) $1 meters above sea level
exif-gpsaltitude-below-sealevel (Talk) $1 meters below sea level
exif-gpsaltituderef (Talk) Altitude reference
exif-gpsareainformation (Talk) Name of GPS area
exif-gpsdatestamp (Talk) GPS date
exif-gpsdestbearing (Talk) Bearing of destination
exif-gpsdestbearingref (Talk) Reference for bearing of destination
exif-gpsdestdistance (Talk) Distance to destination
exif-gpsdestdistance-k (Talk) Kilometers
exif-gpsdestdistance-m (Talk) Miles
exif-gpsdestdistance-n (Talk) Nautical miles
exif-gpsdestdistanceref (Talk) Reference for distance to destination
exif-gpsdestlatitude (Talk) Latitude destination
exif-gpsdestlatituderef (Talk) Reference for latitude of destination
exif-gpsdestlongitude (Talk) Longitude of destination
exif-gpsdestlongituderef (Talk) Reference for longitude of destination
exif-gpsdifferential (Talk) GPS differential correction
exif-gpsdirection-m (Talk) Magnetic direction
exif-gpsdirection-t (Talk) True direction
exif-gpsdop (Talk) Measurement precision
exif-gpsdop-excellent (Talk) Excellent ($1)
exif-gpsdop-fair (Talk) Fair ($1)
exif-gpsdop-good (Talk) Good ($1)
exif-gpsdop-moderate (Talk) Moderate ($1)
exif-gpsdop-poor (Talk) Poor ($1)
exif-gpsimgdirection (Talk) Direction of image
exif-gpsimgdirectionref (Talk) Reference for direction of image
exif-gpslatitude (Talk) Latitude
exif-gpslatitude-n (Talk) North latitude
exif-gpslatitude-s (Talk) South latitude
exif-gpslatituderef (Talk) North or south latitude
exif-gpslongitude (Talk) Longitude
exif-gpslongitude-e (Talk) East longitude
exif-gpslongitude-w (Talk) West longitude
exif-gpslongituderef (Talk) East or west longitude
exif-gpsmapdatum (Talk) Geodetic survey data used
exif-gpsmeasuremode (Talk) Measurement mode
exif-gpsmeasuremode-2 (Talk) 2-dimensional measurement
exif-gpsmeasuremode-3 (Talk) 3-dimensional measurement
exif-gpsprocessingmethod (Talk) Name of GPS processing method
exif-gpssatellites (Talk) Satellites used for measurement
exif-gpsspeed (Talk) Speed of GPS receiver
exif-gpsspeed-k (Talk) Kilometers per hour
exif-gpsspeed-m (Talk) Miles per hour
exif-gpsspeed-n (Talk) Knots
exif-gpsspeedref (Talk) Speed unit
exif-gpsstatus (Talk) Receiver status
exif-gpsstatus-a (Talk) Measurement in progress
exif-gpsstatus-v (Talk) Measurement interoperability
exif-gpstimestamp (Talk) GPS time (atomic clock)
exif-gpstrack (Talk) Direction of movement
exif-gpstrackref (Talk) Reference for direction of movement
exif-gpsversionid (Talk) GPS tag version
exif-headline (Talk) Headline
exif-identifier (Talk) Identifier
exif-iimcategory (Talk) Category
exif-iimcategory-ace (Talk) Arts, culture and entertainment
exif-iimcategory-clj (Talk) Crime and law
exif-iimcategory-dis (Talk) Disasters and accidents
exif-iimcategory-edu (Talk) Education
exif-iimcategory-evn (Talk) Environment
exif-iimcategory-fin (Talk) Economy and business
exif-iimcategory-hth (Talk) Health
exif-iimcategory-hum (Talk) Human interest
exif-iimcategory-lab (Talk) Labour
exif-iimcategory-lif (Talk) Lifestyle and leisure
exif-iimcategory-pol (Talk) Politics
exif-iimcategory-rel (Talk) Religion and belief
exif-iimcategory-sci (Talk) Science and technology
exif-iimcategory-soi (Talk) Social issues
exif-iimcategory-spo (Talk) Sports
exif-iimcategory-war (Talk) War, conflict and unrest
exif-iimcategory-wea (Talk) Weather
exif-iimsupplementalcategory (Talk) Supplemental categories
exif-iimversion (Talk) IIM version
exif-imagedescription (Talk) Image title
exif-imagelength (Talk) Height
exif-imageuniqueid (Talk) Unique image ID
exif-imagewidth (Talk) Width
exif-intellectualgenre (Talk) Type of item
exif-isospeedratings (Talk) ISO speed rating
exif-isospeedratings-overflow (Talk) Greater than 65535
exif-jpegfilecomment (Talk) JPEG file comment
exif-jpeginterchangeformat (Talk) Offset to JPEG SOI
exif-jpeginterchangeformatlength (Talk) Bytes of JPEG data
exif-keywords (Talk) Keywords
exif-label (Talk) Label
exif-languagecode (Talk) Language
exif-lens (Talk) Lens used
exif-licenseurl (Talk) URL for copyright license
exif-lightsource (Talk) Light source
exif-lightsource-0 (Talk) Unknown
exif-lightsource-1 (Talk) Daylight
exif-lightsource-10 (Talk) Cloudy weather
exif-lightsource-11 (Talk) Shade
exif-lightsource-12 (Talk) Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 – 7100K)
exif-lightsource-13 (Talk) Day white fluorescent (N 4600 – 5400K)
exif-lightsource-14 (Talk) Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 – 4500K)
exif-lightsource-15 (Talk) White fluorescent (WW 3200 – 3700K)
exif-lightsource-17 (Talk) Standard light A
exif-lightsource-18 (Talk) Standard light B
exif-lightsource-19 (Talk) Standard light C
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exif-lightsource-20 (Talk) D55
exif-lightsource-21 (Talk) D65
exif-lightsource-22 (Talk) D75
exif-lightsource-23 (Talk) D50
exif-lightsource-24 (Talk) ISO studio tungsten
exif-lightsource-255 (Talk) Other light source
exif-lightsource-3 (Talk) Tungsten (incandescent light)
exif-lightsource-4 (Talk) Flash
exif-lightsource-9 (Talk) Fine weather
exif-locationdest (Talk) Location depicted
exif-locationdestcode (Talk) Code of location depicted
exif-make (Talk) Camera manufacturer
exif-make-value (Talk) $1
exif-maxaperturevalue (Talk) Maximum land aperture
exif-maxaperturevalue-value (Talk) $1 APEX (f/$2)
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exif-meteringmode-0 (Talk) Unknown
exif-meteringmode-1 (Talk) Average
exif-meteringmode-2 (Talk) Center weighted average
exif-meteringmode-255 (Talk) Other
exif-meteringmode-3 (Talk) Spot
exif-meteringmode-4 (Talk) Multi-Spot
exif-meteringmode-5 (Talk) Pattern
exif-meteringmode-6 (Talk) Partial
exif-model (Talk) Camera model
exif-model-value (Talk) $1
exif-morepermissionsurl (Talk) Alternative licensing information
exif-nickname (Talk) Informal name of image
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exif-objectcycle-a (Talk) Morning only
exif-objectcycle-b (Talk) Both morning and evening
exif-objectcycle-p (Talk) Evening only
exif-objectname (Talk) Short title
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exif-orientation-3 (Talk) Rotated 180°
exif-orientation-4 (Talk) Flipped vertically
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exif-orientation-7 (Talk) Rotated 90° CW and flipped vertically
exif-orientation-8 (Talk) Rotated 90° CW
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exif-originalimageheight (Talk) Height of image before it was cropped
exif-originalimagewidth (Talk) Width of image before it was cropped
exif-originaltransmissionref (Talk) Original transmission location code
exif-personinimage (Talk) Person depicted
exif-photometricinterpretation (Talk) Pixel composition
exif-photometricinterpretation-2 (Talk) RGB
exif-photometricinterpretation-6 (Talk) YCbCr
exif-pixelxdimension (Talk) Image height
exif-pixelydimension (Talk) Image width
exif-planarconfiguration (Talk) Data arrangement
exif-planarconfiguration-1 (Talk) chunky format
exif-planarconfiguration-2 (Talk) planar format
exif-pngfilecomment (Talk) PNG file comment
exif-preferredattributionname (Talk) When re-using this work, please credit
exif-primarychromaticities (Talk) Chromaticities of primarities
exif-provinceorstatecreated (Talk) Province or state that the picture was taken in
exif-provinceorstatedest (Talk) Province or state shown
exif-rating (Talk) Rating (out of 5)
exif-rating-rejected (Talk) Rejected
exif-referenceblackwhite (Talk) Pair of black and white reference values
exif-relatedsoundfile (Talk) Related audio file
exif-rightscertificate (Talk) Rights management certificate
exif-rowsperstrip (Talk) Number of rows per strip
exif-samplesperpixel (Talk) Number of components
exif-saturation (Talk) Saturation
exif-saturation-0 (Talk) Normal
exif-saturation-1 (Talk) Low saturation
exif-saturation-2 (Talk) High saturation
exif-scenecapturetype (Talk) Scene capture type
exif-scenecapturetype-0 (Talk) Standard
exif-scenecapturetype-1 (Talk) Landscape
exif-scenecapturetype-2 (Talk) Portrait
exif-scenecapturetype-3 (Talk) Night scene
exif-scenecode (Talk) IPTC scene code
exif-scenetype (Talk) Scene type
exif-scenetype-1 (Talk) A directly photographed image
exif-sensingmethod (Talk) Sensing method
exif-sensingmethod-1 (Talk) Undefined
exif-sensingmethod-2 (Talk) One-chip color area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-3 (Talk) Two-chip color area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-4 (Talk) Three-chip color area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-5 (Talk) Color sequential area sensor
exif-sensingmethod-7 (Talk) Trilinear sensor
exif-sensingmethod-8 (Talk) Color sequential linear sensor
exif-serialnumber (Talk) Serial number of camera
exif-sharpness (Talk) Sharpness
exif-sharpness-0 (Talk) Normal
exif-sharpness-1 (Talk) Soft
exif-sharpness-2 (Talk) Hard
exif-shutterspeedvalue (Talk) APEX shutter speed
exif-software (Talk) Software used
exif-software-value (Talk) $1
exif-software-version-value (Talk) $1 (Version $2)
exif-source (Talk) Source
exif-specialinstructions (Talk) Special instructions
exif-spectralsensitivity (Talk) Spectral sensitivity
exif-stripbytecounts (Talk) Bytes per compressed strip
exif-stripoffsets (Talk) Image data location
exif-subjectarea (Talk) Subject area
exif-subjectdistance (Talk) Subject distance
exif-subjectdistance-value (Talk) $1 meters
exif-subjectdistancerange (Talk) Subject distance range
exif-subjectdistancerange-0 (Talk) Unknown
exif-subjectdistancerange-1 (Talk) Macro
exif-subjectdistancerange-2 (Talk) Close view
exif-subjectdistancerange-3 (Talk) Distant view
exif-subjectlocation (Talk) Subject location
exif-subjectnewscode (Talk) Subject code
exif-subjectnewscode-value (Talk) $2 ($1)
exif-sublocationcreated (Talk) Sublocation of the city that the picture was taken in
exif-sublocationdest (Talk) Sublocation of city shown
exif-subsectime (Talk) DateTime subseconds
exif-subsectimedigitized (Talk) DateTimeDigitized subseconds
exif-subsectimeoriginal (Talk) DateTimeOriginal subseconds
exif-unknowndate (Talk) Unknown date
exif-urgency (Talk) Urgency
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exif-urgency-low (Talk) Low ($1)
exif-urgency-normal (Talk) Normal ($1)
exif-urgency-other (Talk) User-defined priority ($1)
exif-usageterms (Talk) Usage terms
exif-usercomment (Talk) User comments
exif-webstatement (Talk) Online copyright statement
exif-whitebalance (Talk) White balance
exif-whitebalance-0 (Talk) Auto white balance
exif-whitebalance-1 (Talk) Manual white balance
exif-whitepoint (Talk) White point chromaticity
exif-worldregioncreated (Talk) World region that the picture was taken in
exif-worldregiondest (Talk) World region shown
exif-writer (Talk) Writer
exif-xresolution (Talk) Horizontal resolution
exif-xyresolution-c (Talk) $1 dpc
exif-xyresolution-i (Talk) $1 dpi
exif-ycbcrcoefficients (Talk) Color space transformation matrix coefficients
exif-ycbcrpositioning (Talk) Y and C positioning
exif-ycbcrpositioning-1 (Talk) Centered
exif-ycbcrpositioning-2 (Talk) Co-sited
exif-ycbcrsubsampling (Talk) Subsampling ratio of Y to C
exif-yresolution (Talk) Vertical resolution
exitstitial-button (Talk) Skip This Ad
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expensive-parserfunction-category (Talk) Pages with too many expensive parser function calls
expensive-parserfunction-warning (Talk) Warning: This page contains too many expensive parser function calls. It should have less than $2 calls, there are now $1 calls.
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Swiss Standard German de-formal, # Deutsch (Sie-Form) - German - formal address ("Sie") de-weigsbrag, # Deutsch (Weigsbrag) - German - ("Weigsbrag") diq, # Zazaki - Zazaki dk, # Dansk (deprecated:da) - Unused code currently falls back to Danish, 'da' is correct for the language dsb, # Dolnoserbski - Lower Sorbian dv, # ދިވެހިބަސް - Dhivehi dz, # ཇོང་ཁ - Bhutani ee, # Eʋegbe - Éwé el, el_GR # Ελληνικά - Greek eml, # Emiliàn e rumagnòl - Emiliano-Romagnolo / Sammarinese en, en_US # English - English en-gb, en_GB # British English - British English eo, eo_EO # Esperanto - Esperanto es, es_ES # Español - Spanish et, et_EE # Eesti - Estonian eu, eu_ES # Euskara - Basque ext, # Estremeñu - Extremaduran fa, fa_IR # فارسی - Persian ff, # Fulfulde - Fulfulde, Maasina fi, fi_FI # Suomi - Finnish fiu-vro, # Võro - Võro (deprecated code, 'vro' in ISO 639-3 since 2009-01-16) fj, # Na Vosa Vakaviti - Fijian fo, fo_FO # Føroyskt - Faroese fr, fr_FR # Français - French frc, # Français cadien - Cajun French frp, # Arpetan - Franco-Provençal/Arpitan fur, # Furlan - Friulian fy, # Frysk - Frisian ga, ga_IE # Gaeilge - Irish gag, # Gagauz - Gagauz gan, # 贛語 - Gan-hant gan-hans, # 赣语(简体) - Gan-hans gan-hant, # 贛語(繁體) - Gan-hant gd, # Gàidhlig - Scots Gaelic gl, gl_ES # Galego - Galician glk, # گیلکی - Gilaki gn, gn_PY # Avañe\'ẽ - Guaraní, Paraguayan got, # 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺 - Gothic grc, # Ἀρχαία ἑλληνικὴ - Ancient Greek gsw, # Alemannisch - Alemannic gu, gu_IN # ગુજરાતી - Gujarati gv, # Gaelg - Manx ha, # هَوُسَ - Hausa hak, # Hak-kâ-fa - Hakka haw, # Hawai`i - Hawaiian he, he_IL # עברית - Hebrew hi, hi_IN # हिन्दी - Hindi hif, # Fiji Hindi - Fijian Hindi (falls back to hif-latn) hif-deva, # फ़ीजी हिन्दी - Fiji Hindi (devangari) hif-latn, # Fiji Hindi - Fiji Hindi (latin) hil, # Ilonggo - Hiligaynon ho, # Hiri Motu - Hiri Motu hr, hr_HR # Hrvatski - Croatian hsb, # Hornjoserbsce - Upper Sorbian ht, # Kreyòl ayisyen - Haitian Creole French hu, hu_HU # Magyar - Hungarian hy, hy_AM # Հայերեն - Armenian hz, # Otsiherero - Herero ia, # Interlingua - Interlingua (IALA) id, id_ID # Bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian ie, # Interlingue - Interlingue (Occidental) ig, # Igbo - Igbo ii, # ꆇꉙ - Sichuan Yi ik, # Iñupiak - Inupiak (Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska / Inupiatun, North Alaskan) ike-cans, # ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ - Inuktitut, Eastern Canadian/Eastern Canadian "Eskimo"/"Eastern Arctic Eskimo"/Inuit (Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics) ike-latn, # inuktitut - Inuktitut, Eastern Canadian (Latin script) ilo, # Ilokano - Ilokano inh, # ГІалгІай Ğalğaj - Ingush io, # Ido - Ido is, is_IS # Íslenska - Icelandic it, it_IT # Italiano - Italian iu, # ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ/inuktitut - Inuktitut (macro language - do no localise, see ike/ikt - falls back to ike-cans) ja, ja_JP # 日本語 - Japanese jbo, # Lojban - Lojban jut, # Jysk - Jutish / Jutlandic jv, jv_ID # Basa Jawa - Javanese ka, ka_GE # ქართული - Georgian kaa, # Qaraqalpaqsha - Karakalpak kab, # Taqbaylit - Kabyle kg, # Kongo - Kongo, (FIXME!) should probaly be KiKongo or KiKoongo ki, # Gĩkũyũ - Gikuyu kj, # Kwanyama - Kwanyama kk, kk_KZ # Қазақша - Kazakh kk-arab, # "قازاقشا (تٴوتە)" - Kazakh Arabic kk-cyrl, # "Қазақша (кирил)" - Kazakh Cyrillic kk-latn, # "Qazaqşa (latın)" - Kazakh Latin kk-cn, # "قازاقشا (جۇنگو)" - Kazakh (China) kk-kz, # "Қазақша (Қазақстан)" - Kazakh (Kazakhstan) kk-tr, # "Qazaqşa (Türkïya)" - Kazakh (Turkey) kl, # Kalaallisut - Inuktitut, Greenlandic/Greenlandic/Kalaallisut (kal) km, km_KH # ភាសាខ្មែរ - Khmer, Central kn, kn_IN # ಕನ್ನಡ - Kannada ko, ko_KR # 한국어 - Korean kr, # Kanuri - Kanuri, Central kri, # Krio - Krio krj, # Kinaray-a - Kinaray-a ks, # कश्मीरी - (كشميري) - Kashmiri ksh, # Ripoarisch - Ripuarian ku, ku_TR # Kurdî / كوردی - Kurdish ku-latn, # "Kurdî (latînî)" - Northern Kurdish Latin script ku-arab, # "كوردي (عەرەبی)" - Northern Kurdish Arabic script kv, # Коми - Komi-Zyrian, cyrillic is common script but also written in latin script kw, # Kernewek - Cornish ky, # Кыргызча - Kirghiz la, la_VA # Latina - Latin lad, # Ladino - Ladino lb, # Lëtzebuergesch - Luxemburguish lbe, # Лакку - Lak lez, # Лезги - Lezgi lfn, # Lingua Franca Nova - Lingua Franca Nova lg, # Luganda - Ganda li, li_NL # Limburgs - Limburgian lij, # Líguru - Ligurian lld, # Ladin - Ladin lmo, # Lumbaart - Lombard ln, # Lingála - Lingala lo, # ລາວ',# Laotian loz, # Silozi - Lozi lt, lt_LT # Lietuvių - Lithuanian lv, lv_LV # Latviešu - Latvian lzh, # 文言 - Literary Chinese -- (bug 8217) lzh instead of zh-classical, lzz, # Lazuri Nena - Laz mai, # मैथिली - Maithili map-bms, # Basa Banyumasan - Banyumasan mdf, # Мокшень - Moksha mg, mg_MG # Malagasy - Malagasy mh, # Ebon - Marshallese mhr, # Олык Марий - Eastern Mari mi, # Māori - Maori mk, mk_MK # Македонски - Macedonian ml, ml_IN # മലയാളം - Malayalam mn, mn_MN # Монгол - Halh Mongolian (Cyrillic) (ISO 639-3: khk) mo, # Молдовеняскэ - Moldovan mr, mr_IN # मराठी - Marathi ms, ms_MY # Bahasa Melayu - Malay mt, mt_MT # Malti - Maltese mus, # Mvskoke - Muskogee/Creek mwl, # Mirandés - Mirandese my, # Myanmasa - Burmese myv, # Эрзянь - Erzya mzn, # مَزِروني - Mazanderani na, # Dorerin Naoero - Nauruan nah, # Nāhuatl - Nahuatl, en:Wikipedia writes Nahuatlahtolli, while another form is Náhuatl nan, # Bân-lâm-gú - Min-nan -- (bug 8217) nan instead of zh-min-nan, nap, # Nnapulitano - Neapolitan nb, nb_NO # "Norsk (bokmål)" - Norwegian (Bokmal) nds, # Plattdüütsch - Low German or Low Saxon nds-nl, # Nedersaksisch - Dutch Low Saxon ne, ne_NP # नेपाली - Nepali new, # नेपाल भाषा - Newar / Nepal Bhasa ng, # Oshiwambo - Ndonga niu, # Niuē - Niuean nl, nl_NL # Nederlands - Dutch nn, nn_NO # "Norsk (nynorsk)" - Norwegian (Nynorsk) no, nb_NO # "Norsk (bokmål)" - Norwegian nov, # Novial - Novial nrm, # Nouormand - Norman nso, # Sesotho sa Leboa - Northern Sotho nv, # Diné bizaad - Navajo ny, # Chi-Chewa - Chichewa oc, # Occitan - Occitan om, # Oromoo - Oromo or, # ଓଡ଼ିଆ - Oriya os, # Иронау - Ossetic pa, pa_IN # ਪੰਜਾਬੀ - Eastern Punjabi (pan) pag, # Pangasinan - Pangasinan pam, # Kapampangan - Pampanga pap, # Papiamentu - Papiamentu pdc, # Deitsch - Pennsylvania German pdt, # Plautdietsch - Plautdietsch/Mennonite Low German pfl, # Pfälzisch - Palatinate German pi, # पािऴ - Pali pih, # Norfuk / Pitkern - Norfuk/Pitcairn/Norfolk pl, pl_PL # Polski - Polish plm, # Palembang - Palembang pms, # Piemontèis - Piedmontese pnb, # پنجابی - Western Punjabi pnt, # Ποντιακά - Pontic/Pontic Greek ps, ps_AF # پښتو - Pashto, Northern/Paktu/Pakhtu/Pakhtoo/Afghan/Pakhto/Pashtu/Pushto/Yusufzai Pashto pt, pt_PT # Português - Portuguese pt-br, pt_BR # Português do Brasil - Brazilian Portuguese qu, qu_PE # Runa Simi - Quechua rif, # Tarifit - Tarifit rm, # Rumantsch - Raeto-Romance rmy, # Romani - Vlax Romany rn, # Kirundi - Rundi/Kirundi/Urundi ro, ro_RO # Română - Romanian roa-rup, # Armãneashce - Aromanian roa-tara, # Tarandíne - Tarantino ru, ru_RU # Русский - Russian ruq, # Vlăheşte - Megleno-Romanian (falls back to ruq-latn) ruq-cyrl, # Влахесте - Megleno-Romanian (Cyrillic script) ruq-grek, # Βλαεστε - Megleno-Romanian (Greek script) ruq-latn, # Vlăheşte - Megleno-Romanian (Latin script) rw, # Kinyarwanda - Kinyarwanda, should possibly be Kinyarwandi sa, sa_IN # संस्कृत - Sanskrit sah, # Саха тыла - Sakha sc, # Sardu - Sardinian scn, # Sicilianu - Sicilian sco, # Scots - Scots sd, # سنڌي - Sindhi sdc, # Sassaresu - Sassarese se, se_NO # Sámegiella - Northern Sami sei, # Cmique Itom - Seri sg, # Sängö - Sango/Sangho sh, # Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски - Serbocroatian shi, # Tašlḥiyt - Tachelhit si, # සිංහල - Sinhalese simple, # Simple English - Simple English sk, sk_SK # Slovenčina - Slovak sl, sl_SI # Slovenščina - Slovenian sm, # Gagana Samoa - Samoan sma, # Åarjelsaemien - Southern Sami sn, # chiShona - Shona so, so_SO # Soomaaliga - Somali sq, sq_AL # Shqip - Albanian sr, sr_RS # Српски / Srpski - Serbian sr-ec, # ћирилица - Serbian cyrillic ekavian sr-el, # latinica - Serbian latin ekavian srn, # Sranantongo - Sranan Tongo ss, # SiSwati - Swati st, # Sesotho - Southern Sotho stq, # Seeltersk - Saterland Frisian su, # Basa Sunda - Sundanese sv, sv_SE # Svenska - Swedish sw, sw_KE # Kiswahili - Swahili szl, # Ślůnski - Silesian ta, ta_IN # தமிழ் - Tamil tcy, # ತುಳು - Tulu te, te_IN # తెలుగు - Telugu tet, # Tetun - Tetun tg, tg_TJ # Тоҷикӣ - Tajiki (falls back to tg-cyrl) tg-cyrl, # Тоҷикӣ - Tajiki (Cyrllic script) (default) tg-latn, # tojikī - Tajiki (Latin script) th, th_TH # ไทย - Thai ti, # ትግርኛ - Tigrinya tk, # Türkmençe - Turkmen tl, tl_PH # Tagalog - Tagalog #tlh, tl_ST # - tlhIngan-Hol - Klingon - no interlanguage links allowed tn, # Setswana - Setswana to, # lea faka-Tonga - Tonga (Tonga Islands) tokipona, # Toki Pona - Toki Pona tp, # Toki Pona (deprecated:tokipona) - Toki Pona - non-standard language code tpi, # Tok Pisin - Tok Pisin tr, tr_TR # Türkçe - Turkish ts, # Xitsonga - Tsonga tt, tt_RU # Tatarça/Татарча - Tatar (multiple scripts - defaults to Latin) tt-cyrl, # Татарча - Tatar (Cyrillic script) tt-latn, # Tatarça - Tatar (Latin script) tum, # chiTumbuka - Tumbuka tw, # Twi - Twi, (FIXME!) ty, # Reo Mā`ohi - Tahitian tyv, # Тыва дыл - Tyvan tzm, # ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ - (Central Morocco) Tamazight udm, # Удмурт - Udmurt ug, # Uyghurche / ئۇيغۇرچە - Uyghur (multiple scripts - defaults to Latin) #'ug-arab, # ئۇيغۇرچە - Uyghur (Arabic script). Disabled until sufficient localisation can be committed ug-latn, # Uyghurche - Uyghur (Latin script - default) uk, uk_UA # Українська - Ukrainian ur, ur_PK # اردو - Urdu uz, uz_UZ # O\'zbek - Uzbek val, # Valencià - Valencian ve, # Tshivenda - Venda vec, # Vèneto - Venetian vep, # Vepsan kel\' - Veps vi, vi_VN # Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese vls, # West-Vlams - West Flemish vo, # Volapük - Volapük vro, # Võro - Võro wa, # Walon - Walloon war, # Winaray - Waray-Waray wo, # Wolof - Wolof wuu, # 吴语 - Wu Chinese xal, # Хальмг - Kalmyk-Oirat (Kalmuk, Kalmuck, Kalmack, Qalmaq, Kalmytskii Jazyk, Khal:mag, Oirat, Volga Oirat, European Oirat, Western Mongolian) xh, xh_ZA # isiXhosa - Xhosan xmf, # მარგალური - Mingrelian ydd, # מיזרח־ייִדיש - Eastern Yiddish yi, yi_DE # ייִדיש - Yiddish yo, # Yorùbá - Yoruba yue, # 粵語 - Cantonese -- (bug 8217) yue instead of zh-yue, za, # Sawcuengh - Zhuang zea, # Zeêuws - Zeeuws/Zeaws zh, # 中文 - (Zhōng Wén) - Chinese zh-classical, # 文言 - Classical Chinese/Literary Chinese -- (see bug 8217) zh-cn, # "中文(中国大陆)" - Chinese (PRC) zh-hans, zh_CN # "中文(简体)" - Chinese written using the Simplified Chinese script zh-hant, # "中文(繁體)" - Chinese written using the Traditional Chinese script zh-hk, zh_HK # "中文(香港)" - Chinese (Hong Kong) zh-min-nan, # Bân-lâm-gú - Min-nan -- (see bug 8217) zh-mo, # "中文(澳門)" - Chinese (Macau) zh-my, # "中文(马来西亚)" - Chinese (Malaysia) zh-sg, # "中文(新加坡)" - Chinese (Singapore) zh-tw, zh_TW # "中文(台灣)" - Chinese (Taiwan) zh-yue, # 粵語 - Cantonese -- (see bug 8217) zu, zu_ZA # isiZulu - Zulu # Custom 'languages' for various wikis, each with ticket reference kh, # Kingdom Hearts - Kingdom Hearts for de.finalfantasy, trac #2968 kp, # Kamelopedia - Kamelopedia for de.uncyclopedia, trec #801 mu, # Mirror Universe - Mirror Universe for Memory-Alpha, trac #2788
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feedback-bugornote (Talk) If you are ready to describe a technical problem in detail please [$1 report a bug]. Otherwise, you can use the easy form below. Your comment will be added to the page "[$3 $2]", along with your username and what browser you are using.
feedback-cancel (Talk) Cancel
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feedback-error1 (Talk) Error: Unrecognized result from API
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feedback-subject (Talk) Subject:
feedback-submit (Talk) Submit Feedback
feedback-thanks (Talk) Thanks! Your feedback has been posted to the page "[$2 $1]".
feedlinks (Talk) Feed:
fewestrevisions (Talk) Pages with the fewest revisions
fewestrevisions-summary (Talk)
file-anchor-link (Talk) File
file-deleted-duplicate (Talk) A file identical to this file ($1) has previously been deleted. You should check that file's deletion history before proceeding to re-upload it.
file-exists-duplicate (Talk) This file is a duplicate of the following files:
file-exists-sharedrepo (Talk) The filename chosen is already in use on a shared repository. Please choose another name.
file-info (Talk) file size: $1, MIME type: $2
file-info-gif-frames (Talk) $1 frames
file-info-gif-looped (Talk) looped
file-info-png-frames (Talk) $1 frames
file-info-png-looped (Talk) looped
file-info-png-repeat (Talk) played $1 times
file-info-size (Talk) $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3, MIME type: $4
file-info-size-pages (Talk) $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3, MIME type: $4, $5 pages
file-nohires (Talk) No higher resolution available.
file-thumbnail-no (Talk) The filename begins with $1. It seems to be an image of reduced size (thumbnail). If you have this image in full resolution upload this one, otherwise change the filename please.
file-too-large (Talk) The file you submitted was too large.
fileappenderror (Talk) Could not append "$1" to "$2".
fileappenderrorread (Talk) Could not read "$1" during append.
filecopyerror (Talk) Could not copy file "$1" to "$2".
filedelete (Talk) Delete $1
filedelete-archive-read-only (Talk) The archive directory "$1" is not writable by the webserver.
filedelete-comment (Talk) Reason:
filedelete-current-unregistered (Talk) The specified file "$1" is not in the database.
filedelete-edit-reasonlist (Talk) Edit delete reasons
filedelete-intro (Talk) You are about to delete the file $1 along with all of its history.
filedelete-intro-old (Talk) You are deleting the version of $1 as of [$4 $3, $2].
filedelete-legend (Talk) Delete file
filedelete-maintenance (Talk) Deletion and restoration of files temporarily disabled during maintenance.
filedelete-maintenance-title (Talk) Cannot delete file
filedelete-missing (Talk) The file "$1" cannot be deleted, because it does not exist.
filedelete-nofile (Talk) $1 does not exist.
filedelete-nofile-old (Talk) There is no archived version of $1 with the specified attributes.
filedelete-old-unregistered (Talk) The specified file revision "$1" is not in the database.
filedelete-otherreason (Talk) Other/additional reason:
filedelete-reason-dropdown (Talk) *Vandalism and problems ** Copyright violation ** Spam/vandalism *Maintenance ** Author request ** Housekeeping ** Duplicated/superseded file ** Misnamed file
filedelete-reason-otherlist (Talk) Other reason
filedelete-submit (Talk) Delete
filedelete-success (Talk) $1 has been deleted.
filedelete-success-old (Talk) The version of $1 as of $3, $2 has been deleted.
filedeleteerror (Talk) Could not delete file "$1".
filedeleteerror-long (Talk) Errors were encountered while deleting the file: $1
filedeleteerror-short (Talk) Error deleting file: $1
filedesc (Talk) Summary
fileduplicatesearch (Talk) Duplicate photos search
fileduplicatesearch-filename (Talk) Filename:
fileduplicatesearch-info (Talk) $1 × $2 pixel
File size: $3
MIME type: $4
fileduplicatesearch-legend (Talk) Search for a duplicate
fileduplicatesearch-noresults (Talk) No file named "$1" found.
fileduplicatesearch-result-1 (Talk) The file "$1" has no identical duplication.
fileduplicatesearch-result-n (Talk) The file "$1" has $2 identical duplications.
fileduplicatesearch-submit (Talk) Search
fileduplicatesearch-summary (Talk) Search for duplicate files based on hash values.
fileexists (Talk) A photo with this name has already been uploaded to the wiki. Please check $1 if you're not sure if you want to change it. Once uploaded, this photo may take up to 2 minutes to be visible.
fileexists-extension (Talk) A file with a similar name exists: thumb * Name of the uploading file: $1 * Name of the existing file: $2 Please choose a different name.
fileexists-forbidden (Talk) A file with this name already exists, and cannot be overwritten. If you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name.
fileexists-shared-forbidden (Talk) A file with this name exists already in the shared file repository. If you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name.
fileexists-thumbnail-yes (Talk) The file seems to be an image of reduced size (thumbnail). thumb Please check the file $1. If the checked file is the same image of original size it is not necessary to upload an extra thumbnail.
fileexistserror (Talk) Unable to write to file "$1": File exists.
filehist (Talk) File history
filehist-comment (Talk) Comment
filehist-current (Talk) current
filehist-datetime (Talk) Date/Time
filehist-deleteall (Talk) delete all
filehist-deleteone (Talk) delete
filehist-dimensions (Talk) Dimensions
filehist-filesize (Talk) File size
filehist-help (Talk) Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
filehist-missing (Talk) File missing
filehist-nothumb (Talk) No thumbnail
filehist-revert (Talk) revert
filehist-thumb (Talk) Thumbnail
filehist-thumbtext (Talk) Thumbnail for version as of $1
filehist-user (Talk) User
filemissing (Talk) File missing
filename (Talk) Filename
filename-bad-prefix (Talk) The name of the file you are uploading begins with "$1", which is a non-descriptive name typically assigned automatically by digital cameras. Please choose a more descriptive name for your file.
filename-prefix-blacklist (Talk) #
# Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a prefix for typical filenames assigned automatically by digital cameras CIMG # Casio DSC_ # Nikon DSCF # Fuji DSCN # Nikon DUW # some mobile phones IMG # generic JD # Jenoptik MGP # Pentax PICT # misc. #
filename-toolong (Talk) Filenames may not be longer than 240 bytes.
filename-tooshort (Talk) The filename is too short.
filenotfound (Talk) Could not find file "$1".
filepage-nofile (Talk) No file by this name exists.
filepage-nofile-link (Talk) No file by this name exists, but you can [$1 upload it].
filepage.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here is included on the file description page, also included on foreign client wikis */
filepageexists (Talk) The description page for this file has already been created at $1, but no file with this name currently exists. The summary you enter will not appear on the description page. To make your summary appear there, you will need to manually edit it. thumb
filepath (Talk) File path
filepath-page (Talk) File:
filepath-submit (Talk) Go
filepath-summary (Talk) This special page returns the complete path for a file. Images are shown in full resolution, other file types are started with their associated program directly.
filerenameerror (Talk) Could not rename file "$1" to "$2".
filereuploadsummary (Talk) File changes:
filerevert (Talk) Revert $1
filerevert-badversion (Talk) There is no previous local version of this file with the provided timestamp.
filerevert-comment (Talk) Reason:
filerevert-defaultcomment (Talk) Reverted to version as of $2, $1
filerevert-intro (Talk) You are about to revert the file $1 to the [$4 version as of $3, $2].
filerevert-legend (Talk) Revert file
filerevert-submit (Talk) Revert
filerevert-success (Talk) $1 has been reverted to the [$4 version as of $3, $2].
filesource (Talk) Source:
filestatus (Talk) Copyright status:
filetype-bad-ie-mime (Talk) Cannot upload this file because Internet Explorer would detect it as "$1", which is a disallowed and potentially dangerous file type.
filetype-badmime (Talk) Files of the MIME type "$1" are not allowed to be uploaded.
filetype-banned (Talk) This type of file is banned.
filetype-banned-type (Talk) ".$1" are not permitted file types. Permitted file types are $2.
filetype-mime-mismatch (Talk) File extension ".$1" does not match the detected MIME type of the file ($2).
filetype-missing (Talk) The file has no extension (for example, ".jpg"). Please check the file and upload again.
filetype-unwanted-type (Talk) ".$1" is an unwanted file type. Preferred file types are $2.
fileuploadsummary (Talk) Summary:
filewasdeleted (Talk) A file of this name has been previously uploaded and subsequently deleted. You should check the $1 before proceeding to upload it again.
filters (Talk) Filters
fix-double-redirects (Talk) Automatically fix the redirects
follow-bloglisting-summary (Talk) Blog posted on blog page
follow-categoryadd-summary (Talk) Page added to category
follow-desc (Talk) Improvements for the watchlist functionality
footer_1 (Talk) Improve $1 by
footer_1.5 (Talk) editing this page
footer_10 (Talk) Share with $1
footer_2 (Talk) Discuss this page
footer_5 (Talk) $1 made an edit on $2
footer_6 (Talk) View random page
footer_7 (Talk) Email this page
footer_8 (Talk) Share this page
footer_9 (Talk) Rate this page
footer_About_Wikia (Talk) About Wikia
footer_Advertise_on_Wikia (Talk) Advertise on Wikia
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footer_License (Talk) GFDL
footer_MediaWiki (Talk) MediaWiki
footer_Terms_of_use (Talk) Terms of use
formedit (Talk) Edit with form
formerror (Talk) Error: Could not submit form.
forms (Talk) Forms
formstart (Talk) Start of form
forum (Talk) Forum
forum-active-threads (Talk) $1 Active Discussions
forum-active-threads-on-topic (Talk) $1 Active Discussions about: $2
forum-activity-module-heading (Talk) Forum Activity
forum-activity-module-posted (Talk) $1 posted a reply $2
forum-activity-module-started (Talk) $1 started a discussion $2
forum-board-new-message-heading (Talk) Start a Discussion
forum-board-thread-follow (Talk) Follow
forum-board-thread-following (Talk) Following
forum-board-thread-kudos (Talk) $1 Kudos
forum-board-thread-replies (Talk) $1 Replies
forum-board-thread-unfollow (Talk) Unfollow
forum-board-title (Talk) $1 board
forum-board-topics (Talk) Topics
forum-contributions-line (Talk) $5 ($6 | $7) $8 <a href="$1">$2</a> on the <a href="$3">$4 board</a>
forum-discussion-highlight (Talk) Highlight this discussion
forum-discussion-placeholder-message (Talk) Post a new message to the $1 board
forum-discussion-placeholder-title (Talk) What do you want to talk about?
forum-discussion-post (Talk) Post
forum-forum-title (Talk) Forum
forum-header-active-threads (Talk) $1Active
forum-header-total-threads (Talk) $1Threads
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forum-mail-notification-body (Talk) Hi $WATCHER, $SUBJECT $METATITLE $MESSAGE_NO_HTML -- $AUTHOR See the conversation($MESSAGE_LINK) The Wikia Team ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
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forum-mail-notification-html-greeting (Talk) Hi $1,
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forum-mail-notification-new-your (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME wrote a new thread on $WIKI's $BOARDNAME board.
forum-mail-notification-reply-someone (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied on $WIKI's $BOARDNAME board
forum-mail-notification-reply-your (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied to your thread on $WIKI's $BOARDNAME board
forum-mail-notification-subject (Talk) $1 -- $2
forum-notification-newmsg-on-followed-wall (Talk) $1 left a new message on the $2 board
forum-notification-user1-reply-to-someone (Talk) $1 replied on the $3 board
forum-notification-user1-reply-to-your (Talk) $1 replied to your thread on the $3 board
forum-notification-user2-reply-to-someone (Talk) $1 and $2 replied on the $3 board
forum-notification-user2-reply-to-your (Talk) $1 and $2 replied to your thread on the $3 board
forum-notification-user3-reply-to-someone (Talk) $1 and others replied on the $3 board
forum-notification-user3-reply-to-your (Talk) $1 and others replied to your thread the $3 board
forum-participation-module-heading (Talk) Who's Here
forum-participation-module-kudos (Talk) gave kudos $2
forum-participation-module-posted (Talk) posted a <a href="$1">reply</a> $2
forum-participation-module-started (Talk) started a <a href="$1">discussion</a> $2
forum-recentchanges-closed-thread (Talk) closed thread "$2" from $4
forum-recentchanges-deleted-reply (Talk) deleted reply from "$2" from the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-deleted-reply-title (Talk) A post
forum-recentchanges-deleted-thread (Talk) deleted thread "$2" from the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-edit (Talk) (edited message)
forum-recentchanges-history-link (Talk) board history
forum-recentchanges-namespace-selector-message-wall (Talk) Forum Board
forum-recentchanges-new-message (Talk) on the <a href="$1">$2 Board</a>
forum-recentchanges-removed-reply (Talk) removed reply from "$2" from the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-removed-thread (Talk) removed thread "$2" from the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-reopened-thread (Talk) reopened thread "$2" from $4
forum-recentchanges-restored-reply (Talk) restored reply on "$2" to the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-restored-thread (Talk) restored thread "$2" to the $4 Board
forum-recentchanges-thread-group (Talk) $1 on the <a href="$2">$3 Board</a>
forum-recentchanges-thread-history-link (Talk) thread history
forum-related-module-heading (Talk) Related Threads
forum-sorting-option-most-replies (Talk) Most Active in 7 Days
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forum-sorting-option-popular-threads (Talk) Most Popular
forum-specialpage-blurb (Talk) This is an early demo of Wikia's new Forum feature. If you've got ideas or questions about the feature, please start a thread on the General Discussion board. Have fun!
forum-specialpage-blurb-heading (Talk) Welcome to Tardis Wiki Forum!
forum-specialpage-board-lastpostby (Talk) Last post by
forum-specialpage-board-posts (Talk) $1 posts
forum-specialpage-board-threads (Talk) $1 threads
forum-thread-reply-placeholder (Talk) Post a reply
forum-thread-reply-post (Talk) Reply
forum-thread-title (Talk) $1 board
forum-total-threads (Talk) $1 Threads in this Discussions
forum-url (Talk) Forum:Index
forum-wiki-activity-msg (Talk) on the $1
forum-wiki-activity-msg-name (Talk) $1 board
founderemails-answers-email-0-days-passed-body (Talk) Congratulations on creating $WIKINAME - you're now part of the Wikia community! -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-0-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Congratulations on creating $WIKINAME - you're now part of the Wikia community!
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-0-days-passed-subject (Talk) Welcome to QA Wikia!
founderemails-answers-email-10-days-passed-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It's been a little while since you started a wiki on Wikia - we hope it's going great! We wanted to share a few final tidbits to help make your wiki more like home. -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-10-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It's been a little while since you started a wiki on Wikia - we hope it's going great! We wanted to share a few final tidbits to help make your wiki more like home.
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-10-days-passed-subject (Talk) How are things going on your wiki?
founderemails-answers-email-3-days-passed-body (Talk) Hey there $USERNAME, Now that you're a few days into your wiki, we thought you might want to check out a few other things you can do. -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-3-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Hey there $USERNAME,
Now that you're a few days into your wiki, we thought you might want to check out a few other things you can do.
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-3-days-passed-subject (Talk) Checking in
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-anon-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It looks like someone has edited your wiki! Why don't you check it out $MYHOMEURL to see what changed? -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-anon-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like someone has edited your wiki! Why don't you <a href="$MYHOMEURL">check it out</a> to see what changed?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-anon-subject (Talk) Someone changed your site!
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki! Why don't you drop by their talkpage ($EDITORTALKPAGEURL) to say hello? -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki for the first time! Why don't you drop by their talkpage ($EDITORTALKPAGEURL) to say hello? -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki for the first time! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-subject (Talk) Registered user changed your site for the first time!
founderemails-answers-email-page-edited-reg-user-subject (Talk) Registered user changed your site!
founderemails-answers-email-user-registered-body (Talk) Hey $USERNAME, It looks like $EDITORNAME has registered on your wiki! Why don't you drop by their talkpage $EDITORTALKPAGEURL to say hello? -- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-user-registered-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like $EDITORNAME has registered on your wiki! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-answers-email-user-registered-subject (Talk) Someone registered an account on your QA wiki!
founderemails-desc (Talk) Helps informing founders about changes on their wiki
founderemails-email-0-day-addpages-button (Talk) Add a Page
founderemails-email-0-day-addpages-content (Talk) A wiki is all about sharing information about your unique topic. Create pages by clicking on <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="$ADDAPAGEURL">"Add a Page"</a> and fill out more specific information about your topic.
founderemails-email-0-day-addpages-heading (Talk) Add pages.
founderemails-email-0-day-addphotos-button (Talk) Add a Photo
founderemails-email-0-day-addphotos-content (Talk) Pages are always better when they have visuals! Add photos to your pages and to your main page. You can click <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="$ADDAPHOTOURL">"Add a Photo"</a> to add a photo, a photo gallery, or a slideshow.
founderemails-email-0-day-addphotos-heading (Talk) Add photos.
founderemails-email-0-day-congratulations (Talk) Congratulations on creating $HDWIKINAME!
founderemails-email-0-day-customizetheme-button (Talk) Customize
founderemails-email-0-day-customizetheme-content (Talk) Customize your wiki's theme and wordmark to make your wiki stand out! Use the <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="$CUSTOMIZETHEMEURL">Theme Designer</a> to add custom colors to your wiki and make it unique to your topic.
founderemails-email-0-day-customizetheme-heading (Talk) Customize your theme.
founderemails-email-0-day-heading (Talk) Nice to meet you $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-0-day-tips-heading (Talk) Here are a few helpful tips to get you started:
founderemails-email-0-day-wikiahelps-signature (Talk) Happy wiki building!
The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-0-day-wikiahelps-text (Talk) We won't leave you out in the cold. We're here to help you make $WIKINAME successful every step of the way. Visit <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a> for forums, advice, and help, or to <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="">email us</a> your questions!
founderemails-email-0-days-passed-body (Talk) Nice to meet you $USERNAME, Congratulations on creating $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. Here are a few helpful tips to get you started: Add pages. A wiki is all about sharing information about your unique topic. Add photos. Pages are always better when they have visuals! Add photos to your pages and to your main page. Customize your theme. Customize your wiki’s theme and wordmark to make your wiki stand out! Use the Theme Designer to add custom colors to your wiki and make it unique to your topic. We won’t leave you out in the cold. We’re here to help you make $WIKINAME successful every step of the way. Visit for forums, advice and help, or to email us your questions! Happy wiki building! The Wikia Team ___________________________________________ To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit Want to control which emails you receive? Go to: Click the following link to unsubscribe from all Wikia emails: $UNSUBSCRIBEURL
founderemails-email-0-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Congratulations on creating $WIKINAME - you're now part of the Wikia community!
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-0-days-passed-subject (Talk) Welcome to Wikia!
founderemails-email-10-day-congratulations (Talk) Whoa, time flies! It's already been 10 days since you started $HDWIKINAME.
founderemails-email-10-day-email-content (Talk) Email others you know who are interested in your topic or interested in helping you, like a friend from school or a co-worker. You can also email specific photos from your wiki using the email button
founderemails-email-10-day-email-heading (Talk) Harness the power of email.
founderemails-email-10-day-heading (Talk) How's it going $USERNAME?
founderemails-email-10-day-join-content (Talk) Ask people on other forums or websites that are about your topic for help by posting in their forums or comments. If possible, contact the administrator and see if they're interested in link-sharing — they'll put your wiki link on their website if you put their link on your wiki.
founderemails-email-10-day-join-heading (Talk) Join up with similar websites.
founderemails-email-10-day-share-content (Talk) Use the Share button on your wiki's main page, article pages and photos to show them off to your friends and followers on Facebook.
founderemails-email-10-day-share-heading (Talk) Didn't your mother tell you to Share?
founderemails-email-10-day-tips-heading (Talk) Get others involved in your project and show off all the awesome work you've been doing! Here are some ways to spread the word:
founderemails-email-10-day-wikiahelps-signature (Talk) Keep up the good work!
The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-10-day-wikiahelps-text (Talk) You can also ask other Wikians to help out on your wiki by posting in the forums on <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a>.
founderemails-email-10-days-passed-body (Talk) How's it going $USERNAME? Whoa, time flies! It's already been 10 days since you started $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. Get others involved in your project and show off all the awesome work you've been doing! Here are some ways to spread the word: Didn't your mother tell you to Share? Use the Share button on your wiki's main page, article pages and photos to show them off to your friends and Followers on Facebook, Twitter or other popular sites. Harness the power of email. Email others you know who are interested in your topic or interested in helping you, like a friend from school or a co-worker. You can also email specific photos from your wiki using the email button. Join up with similar websites. Ask people on other forums or websites that are about your topic for help by posting in their forums or comments. If possible, contact the administrator and see if they're interested in link-sharing — they'll put your wiki link on their website if you put their link on your wiki. You can also ask other Wikians to help out on your wiki by posting in the forums on Keep up the good work! The Wikia Team ___________________________________________ To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit Want to control which emails you receive? Go to: Click the following link to unsubscribe from all Wikia emails: $UNSUBSCRIBEURL
founderemails-email-10-days-passed-subject (Talk) Happy 10 day anniversary!
founderemails-email-3-day-addphotos-button (Talk) Add Photos
founderemails-email-3-day-addphotos-content (Talk) One of the best ways to make your pages snap, crackle, and pop is to <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="$ADDAPHOTOURL">"add some photos"</a>.
founderemails-email-3-day-addphotos-heading (Talk) Add even more photos.
founderemails-email-3-day-congratulations (Talk) We wanted to check in and see how things are going at $HDWIKINAME.
founderemails-email-3-day-editmainpage-button (Talk) Spruce It Up
founderemails-email-3-day-editmainpage-content (Talk) The main page is one of the first things people see when they visit <a href="$WIKIURL" style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;">$WIKINAME</a>. Make a good first impression by writing a detailed summary of what your topic is about and adding a slideshow, gallery, or photo slider.
founderemails-email-3-day-editmainpage-heading (Talk) Spruce up your main page.
founderemails-email-3-day-explore-button (Talk) Explore
founderemails-email-3-day-explore-content (Talk) Don't be afraid to check out other wikis to see how they've worked out their main page, articles pages and more. Here are some of our favorites: <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="">Muppet Wiki</a>, <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="">Pop Tarts Wiki</a>, <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href="">Monster High Wiki</a>.
founderemails-email-3-day-explore-heading (Talk) Find inspiration.
founderemails-email-3-day-heading (Talk) Hi there $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-3-day-tips-heading (Talk) It's been 3 days since you started and we thought we'd drop by to offer some more tips on building your wiki:
founderemails-email-3-day-wikiahelps-signature (Talk) Keep up the great work!
The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-3-day-wikiahelps-text (Talk) Need help figuring out how something works? We're always here for you! Come ask us for help and advice at <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a>.
founderemails-email-3-days-passed-body (Talk) Hi there $USERNAME, We wanted to check in and see how things are going at $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. It's been 3 days since you started and we thought we'd drop by to offer some more tips on building your wiki: Spruce up your main page. The main page is one of the first things people see when they visit $WIKINAME. Make a good first impression by writing a detailed summary of what your topic is about and adding a slideshow, gallery, or photo slider. Add even more photos. One of the best ways to make your pages snap, crackle, and pop is to "add some photos". Find inspiration. Don't be afraid to check out other wikis to see how they've worked out their main page, articles pages and more. Here are some of our favorites: Muppet Wiki, Pop Tarts Wiki, Monster High Wiki. Need help figuring out how something works? We're always here for you! Come ask us for help and advice at Keep up the great work! The Wikia Team To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit Want to control which emails you receive? Go to your
founderemails-email-3-days-passed-body-HTML (Talk) Hey there $USERNAME,
Now that you're a few days into your wiki, we thought you might want to check out a few other things you can do.
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-3-days-passed-subject (Talk) How’s it going on your wiki?
founderemails-email-anon-edit-button (Talk) Check it out!
founderemails-email-anon-edit-content (Talk) Wikia Contributors are people who make edits without logging in to a Wikia account. Go see what this mysterious friend added!
founderemails-email-anon-edit-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-anon-edit-headline (Talk) A Wikia Contributor has just made an edit to $PAGETITLE on $WIKINAME.
founderemails-email-anon-edit-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-complete-digest-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, It's time for your daily dose of activity from $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. $1 people viewed your wiki. Keep up the great work adding interesting content for people to read! $2 edits were made. Happy editors make happy wikis. Make sure to thank your editors and check in with them from time to time. $3 people joined your wiki. Welcome new people to your wiki with a talk page message. You can always head over to wiki activity to view all of the exciting changes being made on $WIKINAME. Check in often, as the founder your community looks to you to help guide and run the wiki. The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-complete-digest-button (Talk) Go to wiki activity
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content-heading1 (Talk) $1 people viewed your wiki.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content-heading2 (Talk) $1 edits were made.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content-heading3 (Talk) $1 people joined your wiki.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content1 (Talk) Keep up the great work adding interesting content for people to read!
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content2 (Talk) Happy editors make happy wikis. Make sure to thank your editors and check in with them from time to time.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-content3 (Talk) Welcome new people to your wiki with a talk page message.
You can always head over to wiki activity to view all of the exciting changes being made on $WIKINAME. Check in often, as the founder your community looks to you to help guide and run the wiki.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-complete-digest-headline (Talk) It's time for your daily dose of activity from $WIKINAME.
founderemails-email-complete-digest-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-complete-digest-subject (Talk) The latest activity on $WIKINAME
founderemails-email-first-edit-button (Talk) Check it out!
founderemails-email-first-edit-content (Talk) Head over to $PAGETITLE to check out what they added.
founderemails-email-first-edit-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-first-edit-headline (Talk) All right! $EDITORNAME has just made their very first edit on $WIKINAME.
founderemails-email-first-edit-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-footer-line1 (Talk) To check out the latest happenings on Wikia, visit <a style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;" href=""></a>
founderemails-email-footer-line2 (Talk) Want to control which emails you receive? Go to your <a href="" style="color:#2a87d5;text-decoration:none;">Preferences</a>
founderemails-email-footer-line3 (Talk) <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="twitter" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="facebook" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="youtube" src="" style="border:none"> </a> <a href="" style="text-decoration:none"> <img alt="wikia" src="" style="border:none"> </a>
founderemails-email-general-edit-button (Talk) Check it out!
founderemails-email-general-edit-content (Talk) Head over to $PAGETITLE to check out what they added.
founderemails-email-general-edit-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-general-edit-headline (Talk) $EDITORNAME just made another edit to the $WIKINAME on $PAGETITLE.
founderemails-email-general-edit-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-lot-happening-button (Talk) See Activities
founderemails-email-lot-happening-content (Talk) If you haven't already, you can go to Wiki Activity and see all of the great work that's been happening. Since there's so much going on, you might also want to change your email preferences to digest mode. With digest mode on you'll receive one email that lists all of the activity on your wiki each day.
founderemails-email-lot-happening-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-lot-happening-headline (Talk) Congratulations there's a lot going on at $WIKINAME today!
founderemails-email-lot-happening-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-anon-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, A Wikia Contributor has just made an edit to $PAGETITLE on $WIKINAME. Wikia Contributors are people who make edits without logging in to a Wikia account. Go see what this mysterious friend added! $PAGEURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-anon-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like someone has edited your wiki! Why don't you <a href="$MYHOMEURL">check it out</a> to see what changed?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-anon-subject (Talk) A mysterious friend edited $WIKINAME
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, $EDITORNAME just made another edit to the $WIKINAME on $PAGETITLE. Head over to $PAGETITLE to see what they've changed. $PAGEURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, All right! $EDITORNAME has just made their very first edit on $WIKINAME. Head over to $PAGETITLE to check out what they added. $PAGEURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like registered user $EDITORNAME has edited your wiki for the first time! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-first-edit-subject (Talk) $WIKINAME has a new edit!
founderemails-email-page-edited-reg-user-subject (Talk) New edit on $WIKINAME!
founderemails-email-user-registered-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, Congratulations! $EDITORNAME has just joined $WIKINAME. Take this opportunity to welcome them to your wiki and encourage them to help edit. The more the merrier, and the faster your wiki will grow. $EDITORPAGEURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-user-registered-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
It looks like $EDITORNAME has registered on your wiki! Why don't you drop by their <a href="$EDITORTALKPAGEURL">talkpage</a> to say hello?
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-user-registered-button (Talk) Welcome Them
founderemails-email-user-registered-content (Talk) Take this opportunity to welcome them to your wiki and encourage them to help edit. The more the merrier, and the faster your wiki will grow.
founderemails-email-user-registered-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-user-registered-headline (Talk) Congratulations! $EDITORNAME has just joined $WIKINAME.
founderemails-email-user-registered-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-user-registered-subject (Talk) Someone new joined $WIKINAME
founderemails-email-views-digest-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, Today $WIKINAME was viewed by $1 people. Keep adding new content and promoting your wiki to encourage more people to read, edit and spread the word. $WIKIURL The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-views-digest-button (Talk) Add more pages
founderemails-email-views-digest-content (Talk) Keep adding new content and promoting your wiki to encourage more people to read, edit and spread the word.
founderemails-email-views-digest-greeting (Talk) Hi $USERNAME,
founderemails-email-views-digest-headline (Talk) Today $WIKINAME was viewed by $1 people.
founderemails-email-views-digest-signature (Talk) The Wikia Team
founderemails-email-views-digest-subject (Talk) Today's views on $WIKINAME
founderemails-lot-happening-body (Talk) Hi $USERNAME, Congratulations there's a lot going on at $WIKINAME, $WIKIURL. If you haven't already, you can go to Wiki Activity and see all of the great work that's been happening. Since there's so much going on, you might also want to change your email preferences to digest mode. With digest mode on you'll receive one email that lists all of the activity on your wiki each day. The Wikia Team
founderemails-lot-happening-body-HTML (Talk) Hey $USERNAME,
There's a lot happening on your wiki today! Drop by $MYHOMEURL to see what's been going on.
-- The Wikia Team
founderemails-lot-happening-subject (Talk) $WIKINAME is heating up!
founderemails-pref-complete-digest (Talk) Send me a daily digest of activity on $1
founderemails-pref-complete-digest-v2 (Talk) ...a Daily Digest of joins, edits, and views is ready
founderemails-pref-edits (Talk) Email me when someone edits $1
founderemails-pref-edits-v2 (Talk) ...someone edits
founderemails-pref-joins (Talk) Email me when someone joins $1
founderemails-pref-joins-v2 (Talk) ...someone joins
founderemails-pref-views-digest (Talk) Send me a daily email telling me how many times $1 was viewed
founderemails-pref-views-digest-v2 (Talk) ...a daily summary of total views is ready
founderprogressbar-blogpost-add-action (Talk) Go to your blog page
founderprogressbar-blogpost-add-description (Talk) Blog posts on your wiki are a good tool to make announcements, detail what help you need on the wiki, write more opinion based pages and encourage other people to write their own blog posts, too. Try it out!
founderprogressbar-blogpost-add-label (Talk) Write a blog post
founderprogressbar-bonus-edit50-action (Talk) Go to Special:WikiActivity
founderprogressbar-bonus-edit50-description (Talk) Shoot for the stars and get 50 more edits than you already have to complete this bonus task.
founderprogressbar-bonus-edit50-label (Talk) Edit $1 more pages
founderprogressbar-bonus-page-add5-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-bonus-page-add5-description (Talk) What wiki doesn't benefit from more content? Add five more pages to earn credit for one bonus task.
founderprogressbar-bonus-page-add5-label (Talk) Add $1 more pages
founderprogressbar-bonus-photo-add10-action (Talk) Add a photo
founderprogressbar-bonus-photo-add10-description (Talk) Adding more photos is always a great way to enhance your wiki. Add ten more to earn credit for one bonus task.
founderprogressbar-bonus-photo-add10-label (Talk) Add $1 more photos
founderprogressbar-bonus-task-notice (Talk) Note: Each bonus task can be completed more than once. Complete as many as you need to get to 100%
founderprogressbar-browse-page-name (Talk) Browse
founderprogressbar-category-add3-action (Talk) Add a category
founderprogressbar-category-add3-description (Talk) Categories are one of the best ways to organize your wiki and help people find the pages they're looking for. Keep it simple though, too many categories can make things confusing.
founderprogressbar-category-add3-label (Talk) Reach $1 Categories
founderprogressbar-category-add5-action (Talk) Add a category
founderprogressbar-category-add5-description (Talk) Now that you've added more pages to your wiki, you'll probably need more categories to keep it all organized.
founderprogressbar-category-add5-label (Talk) Reach $1 Categories
founderprogressbar-category-edit-action (Talk) Go to Categories
founderprogressbar-category-edit-description (Talk) Categories don't only display links to all the pages in the category, you can also edit them to tell people what the category is about, and let them know what types of pages should be put there. Plus, editing the category page will turn it from a red link into a more active looking blue link.
founderprogressbar-category-edit-label (Talk) Edit a category page
founderprogressbar-commcentral-visit-action (Talk) Go to Founder & Admin Central
founderprogressbar-commcentral-visit-description (Talk) You're not alone! Founder & Admin Central is where the Wikia admin community gets together to share advice and tips, you'll also find help pages, guides and ways to contact Wikia staff here.
founderprogressbar-commcentral-visit-label (Talk) Visit Founder & Admin Central
founderprogressbar-commcentral-visit-url (Talk)
founderprogressbar-commcorner-edit-action (Talk) Go to Community Corner
founderprogressbar-commcorner-edit-description (Talk) Editing the Community Corner will generate a notification for people who visit your wiki. It's a great place to let people know what type of community you are, how they can help, and to make announcements.
founderprogressbar-commcorner-edit-label (Talk) Edit Community Corner
founderprogressbar-completion-message (Talk) Congratulations! You've done an amazing job and completed all of the tasks to 100%. Your wiki is well on its way to success, or even already there. Keep up the awesome work!
founderprogressbar-credits (Talk) A task hub and guide for new wiki founders
founderprogressbar-fb-connect-action (Talk) Facebook Connect
founderprogressbar-fb-connect-description (Talk) Share all the work you're doing! Facebook Connect allows you to share actions you take on your wiki with your Facebook friends. You can customize which actions you'd like to post to Facebook. Only one admin needs to turn this on to complete the task.
founderprogressbar-fb-connect-label (Talk) Facebook Connect
founderprogressbar-fb-likes3-action (Talk) Go to Main Page
founderprogressbar-fb-likes3-description (Talk) Sharing is caring, and it can really help get word about your wiki out to the rest of the world. Encourage your members and readers to "like" your wiki's main page on Facebook to spread the word.
founderprogressbar-fb-likes3-label (Talk) Reach $1 Facebook Likes
founderprogressbar-gallery-add-action (Talk) Go to Help Page
founderprogressbar-gallery-add-description (Talk) Photo galleries are a great way to showcase multiple photos in one area of a page. Plus it's fun to mix up the way you display photos on your wiki to keep it interesting for people who visit.
founderprogressbar-gallery-add-label (Talk) Add a photo gallery
founderprogressbar-gallery-add-url (Talk)
founderprogressbar-list-bonus-task-desc (Talk) Complete the tasks list to unlock bonus tasks
founderprogressbar-list-bonus-task-label (Talk) Bonus Tasks
founderprogressbar-list-description1 (Talk) Ready to propel your wiki on it's way to success? Complete all of the tasks listed below to get your progress bar to 100%! Anyone on your wiki can help and any of their contributions will be counted towards the tasks on this list.
founderprogressbar-list-description2 (Talk) The tasks area lists all of the tasks you need to complete. If you skip a task it will move into the Skipped Tasks section and remain available for you to complete at any time. Is there a task on the list that you don't feel will ever be right for your wiki? Don't worry -- when only Skipped Tasks remain to be completed we'll unlock your Bonus Tasks. Complete bonus tasks to make up the percentage points for tasks you're going to skip forever and reach the coveted 100%.
founderprogressbar-list-label (Talk) Tardis Wiki's Tasks
founderprogressbar-list-skipped-task-desc (Talk) You can complete these at any time.
founderprogressbar-list-skipped-task-label (Talk) Skipped Tasks
founderprogressbar-list-task-label (Talk) Tasks
founderprogressbar-mainpage-addslider-action (Talk) Edit Main Page
founderprogressbar-mainpage-addslider-description (Talk) The main page slider is a beautiful way to make your main page look professional and add some great looking photos. Each of the photos can link out to a page so it's also a great way to highlight the wiki pages you're most proud of. Check out <a href="">Susan Taylor's blog post</a> if you need help resizing images for the slider.
founderprogressbar-mainpage-addslider-label (Talk) Add a main page slider
founderprogressbar-mainpage-edit-action (Talk) Edit main page
founderprogressbar-mainpage-edit-description (Talk) When people visit your wiki the main page is the first thing they'll see. Make sure it tells them what your wiki is about, how they can help edit the wiki, and highlight some of the wiki's best content.
founderprogressbar-mainpage-edit-label (Talk) Fill out your main page
founderprogressbar-mostvisited-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:MostVisitedPages
founderprogressbar-mostvisited-visit-description (Talk) Once your wiki is really cooking it's helpful to see what the most popular pages are so you can improve them and add more links to some less trafficked pages. View your most visited pages to get a sense of what works best on your wiki so you can make similar improvements on other pages!
founderprogressbar-mostvisited-visit-label (Talk) See your most visited pages
founderprogressbar-page-add10-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-page-add10-description (Talk) The best way to jump start your wiki is to start adding pages with information on your topic. The best pages have at least a paragraph or two, and might link to other pages.
founderprogressbar-page-add10-label (Talk) Reach $1 pages
founderprogressbar-page-add20-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-page-add20-description (Talk) Keep working to make your wiki a comprehensive resource on your topic. Remember, don't just create the pages -- make sure they've got some good content in them, too.
founderprogressbar-page-add20-label (Talk) Reach $1 pages
founderprogressbar-photo-add10-action (Talk) Add a photo
founderprogressbar-photo-add10-description (Talk) Photos help illustrate what your wiki is about and research shows that people are drawn to visuals. We recommend at least one photo on every page, more if you've got them!
founderprogressbar-photo-add10-label (Talk) Reach $1 Photos
founderprogressbar-photo-add20-action (Talk) Add a photo
founderprogressbar-photo-add20-description (Talk) Have you been adding at least one photo to every page? People love photos, they really help make your wiki pop!
founderprogressbar-photo-add20-label (Talk) Reach $1 Photos
founderprogressbar-profile-edit-action (Talk) Go to your profile page
founderprogressbar-profile-edit-description (Talk) Profile pages tell people who come to the wiki more about you and help build a feeling of community.
founderprogressbar-profile-edit-label (Talk) Fill out your Profile Page
founderprogressbar-progress-hide-full-list (Talk) Hide full list
founderprogressbar-progress-label (Talk) Accomplished tasks
founderprogressbar-progress-see-full-list (Talk) See full list
founderprogressbar-recentchanges-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:RecentChanges
founderprogressbar-recentchanges-visit-description (Talk) Recent Changes is a more advanced version of wiki activity. You can see "diffs" which detail the exact change that was made to a page, make reversions to changes, and see more detail than you can see on wiki activity. It's a great management tool when you need more information.
founderprogressbar-recentchanges-visit-label (Talk) Visit Recent Changes
founderprogressbar-skip-for-now (Talk) Skip for now
founderprogressbar-task-call-to-action (Talk) Go to task
founderprogressbar-task-completed (Talk) Completed
founderprogressbar-themedesigner-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:ThemeDesigner
founderprogressbar-themedesigner-visit-description (Talk) Theme Designer lets you pick a theme for your wiki, or create your own theme with our simple tools. A custom theme really makes your wiki unique.
founderprogressbar-themedesigner-visit-label (Talk) Customize your theme
founderprogressbar-topnav-edit-action (Talk) Edit Navigation
founderprogressbar-topnav-edit-description (Talk) The dropdown menus next to your wiki's wordmark are your wiki's navigation. You can put links to pages here to help people find pages, categories, blogs and more easily on your wiki. Visit the Community Central if you need help editing the navigation.
founderprogressbar-topnav-edit-label (Talk) Customize your navigation
founderprogressbar-toptenlist-add-action (Talk) Add a top ten list
founderprogressbar-toptenlist-add-description (Talk) Top ten lists encourage visitors who might be shy to edit to participate on your wiki. It's a great community builder and it's easy for people to vote items up and down and add to the lists.
founderprogressbar-toptenlist-add-label (Talk) Add a top ten list
founderprogressbar-total-edit300-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-total-edit300-description (Talk) $1 edits is an awesome milestone, and with that many changes being made and content being added your wiki will be well on the way to achieving success!
founderprogressbar-total-edit300-label (Talk) Reach $1 edits
founderprogressbar-total-edit75-action (Talk) Add a page
founderprogressbar-total-edit75-description (Talk) Once you reach 75 edits, you've probably got a good amount of content on your wiki. Awesome! This is just one milestone on the way to wiki greatness.
founderprogressbar-total-edit75-label (Talk) Reach 75 Edits
founderprogressbar-uncategorized-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:UncategorizedPages
founderprogressbar-uncategorized-visit-description (Talk) When your wiki has more content it can be easy to lose track of organization. Stay on top of it by tracking pages that don't have categories, and adding categories to those pages to keep them accessible and organized.
founderprogressbar-uncategorized-visit-label (Talk) See uncategorized pages
founderprogressbar-user-add5-action (Talk) Go to Help Page
founderprogressbar-user-add5-description (Talk) A great wiki is backed up by a great community. The best wikis have lots of people editing them, getting 5 people to edit on your wiki is an awesome start!
founderprogressbar-user-add5-label (Talk) Reach 5 user profiles
founderprogressbar-user-add5-url (Talk)
founderprogressbar-video-add-action (Talk) Add a video
founderprogressbar-video-add-description (Talk) Video is another popular media type that will help engage people on your wiki. You can find great videos on YouTube, Hulu and more. Add one using the Features and Media button in the editor.
founderprogressbar-video-add-label (Talk) Add a video
founderprogressbar-widget-label (Talk) Tardis Wiki's Progress
founderprogressbar-wikiactivity-visit-action (Talk) Go to Special:WikiActivity
founderprogressbar-wikiactivity-visit-description (Talk) Wiki Activity allows you to see everything that's been happening on your wiki. It shows you which users have made edits and lets you easily get to the pages that have been changed.
founderprogressbar-wikiactivity-visit-label (Talk) Visit Wiki Activity
founderprogressbar-wikialabs-visit-action (Talk) Go to Wikia Labs
founderprogressbar-wikialabs-visit-description (Talk) Wikia Labs allows you to turn on the newest features from Wikia on your wiki. These features are all in beta, but it's a good way to see what's coming up from Wikia and try it out yourself.
founderprogressbar-wikialabs-visit-label (Talk) Visit Wikia Labs
founderprogressbar-wordmark-edit-action (Talk) Go to Special:ThemeDesigner
founderprogressbar-wordmark-edit-description (Talk) Your wiki's wordmark is a flagship feature of your wiki, it's visible on every page and can really help users get a sense of your topic and add some flair. Uploading your own graphic wordmark is a great way to make your wiki's brand stand out even more.
founderprogressbar-wordmark-edit-label (Talk) Upload a wordmark
fri (Talk) Fri
friday (Talk) Friday
gadgets (Talk) Gadgets
gadgets-default (Talk) Enabled for everyone by default.
gadgets-definition (Talk)
gadgets-desc (Talk) Lets users select custom CSS and JavaScript gadgets in their preferences
gadgets-export (Talk) Export
gadgets-export-download (Talk) Download
gadgets-export-text (Talk) To export the $1 gadget, click on "Download" button, save the downloaded file, go to Special:Import on destination wiki and upload it. Then add the following to MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition page:
You must have appropriate permissions on destination wiki (including the right to edit system messages) and import from file uploads must be enabled.
gadgets-export-title (Talk) Gadget export
gadgets-not-found (Talk) Gadget "$1" not found.
gadgets-pagetext (Talk) Below is a list of special gadgets users can enable on their preferences page, as defined by the definitions. This overview provides easy access to the system message pages that define each gadget's description and code.
gadgets-prefstext (Talk) Below is a list of special gadgets you can enable for your account. These gadgets are mostly based on JavaScript, so JavaScript has to be enabled in your browser for them to work. Note that these gadgets will have no effect on this preferences page. Also note that these special gadgets are not part of the MediaWiki software, and are usually developed and maintained by users on your local wiki. Local administrators can edit the definitions and descriptions of available gadgets.
gadgets-required-rights (Talk) Requires the following rights: $1
gadgets-required-skins (Talk) Available on the following skins: $1.
gadgets-title (Talk) Gadgets
gadgets-uses (Talk) Uses
galery-slider-read-more (Talk) Read more >
gamingcalendar-addtitle (Talk) Add title
gamingcalendar-cancel (Talk) Cancel
gamingcalendar-create-entries-for-date (Talk) Create/Edit calendar entries for
gamingcalendar-description (Talk) Description
gamingcalendar-error-missing-type (Talk) Specify a type
gamingcalendar-heading (Talk) $1 calendar
gamingcalendar-image (Talk) Image
gamingcalendar-moreinfourl (Talk) URL for more info
gamingcalendar-no-entries (Talk) No entries for selected date range
gamingcalendar-preorderurl (Talk) URL to order
gamingcalendar-publish (Talk) Publish
gamingcalendar-rating (Talk) Rating
gamingcalendar-subtitle (Talk) Subtitle
gamingcalendar-systems (Talk) Systems/Platforms (separated by comma)
gamingcalendar-title (Talk) Title
gamingcalendar-today (Talk) Today
gender-female (Talk) Female
gender-male (Talk) Male
gender-unknown (Talk) Undisclosed
geshi.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will be applied to GeSHi syntax highlighting */
get_code (Talk) Grab Code
get_widget_title (Talk) Add Questions to your site
globalwatchlist-blog-page-title-comment (Talk) $1 ($2 comments)
globalwatchlist-desc (Talk) Sends weekly digest e-mails with watchlisted pages on all wikis
globalwatchlist-digest-email-body (Talk) Dear $1, Since your last visit, Wikia community members have made improvements to pages that you follow: $2 Below is a list of blog pages on your Followed pages list that have been edited or commented since your last visit: $3 Thanks for your participation on Wikia! - Wikia Community Support ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
globalwatchlist-digest-email-subject (Talk) Weekly Update from Wikia - Changes to your favorite pages
globalwatchlist-no-blog-page-found (Talk) No blog page found.
globalwatchlist-no-page-found (Talk) No page found.
globalwatchlist-see-more (Talk) Please check your local watchlists for more changes
go (Talk) Go
googlesearch (Talk) <form method="get" action="//" id="googlesearch"> <input type="hidden" name="domains" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="num" value="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="$2" /> <input type="hidden" name="oe" value="$2" /> <input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="$1" /> <input type="submit" name="btnG" value="$3" />
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gotaccount (Talk) Already have an account? $1.
gotaccountlink (Talk) Log in
group (Talk) Group:
group-all (Talk) (all)
group-autoconfirmed (Talk) Autoconfirmed users
group-autoconfirmed-member (Talk) autoconfirmed user
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group-autoconfirmed.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for autoconfirmed users only */
group-bannedfromchat (Talk) Banned from chat
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group-bot-member (Talk) bot
group-bot.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect bots only */
group-bot.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for bots only */
group-bureaucrat (Talk) Bureaucrats
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group-bureaucrat.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect bureaucrats only */
group-bureaucrat.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for bureaucrats only */
group-chatmoderator (Talk) Chat moderators
group-chatmoderator-member (Talk) Chat moderator
group-checkuser (Talk) Check users
group-checkuser-member (Talk) check user
group-fb-admin (Talk) Group admins
group-fb-admin-member (Talk) Group administrator
group-fb-groupie (Talk) Group members
group-fb-groupie-member (Talk) Group member
group-fb-officer (Talk) Group officers
group-fb-officer-member (Talk) Group officer
group-fb-user (Talk) Facebook Connect users
group-fb-user-member (Talk) Facebook Connect user
group-helper (Talk) Wikia Helpers
group-helper-member (Talk) Wikia Helper
group-oversight (Talk) Oversighters
group-oversight-member (Talk) Oversight
group-reviewer (Talk) Image Reviewers
group-reviewer-member (Talk) Image Reviewer
group-staff (Talk) Wikia Staff
group-staff-member (Talk) Wikia Staff
group-suppress (Talk) Oversights
group-suppress-member (Talk) oversight
group-svnadmins (Talk) SVN admins
group-svnadmins-member (Talk) SVN admin
group-sysop (Talk) Administrators
group-sysop-member (Talk) administrator
group-sysop.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect sysops only */
group-sysop.js (Talk) /* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for sysops only */
group-upwizcampeditors (Talk) Upload Wizard campaign editors
group-upwizcampeditors-member (Talk) Upload Wizard campaign editor
group-user (Talk) Users
group-user-member (Talk) user
group-util (Talk) Wikia Utilities
group-util-member (Talk) Wikia Utilities
group-vstf (Talk) VSTF
group-vstf-member (Talk) VSTF
grouppage-autoconfirmed (Talk) Tardis:Autoconfirmed users
grouppage-bannedfromchat (Talk) w:c:community:Help:Chat
grouppage-bot (Talk) Help:Bots
grouppage-bureaucrat (Talk) Tardis:Bureaucrats
grouppage-chatmoderator (Talk) w:c:community:Help:Chat
grouppage-checkuser (Talk) w:c:help:Help:CheckUser
grouppage-fb-admin (Talk) Tardis:Group admins
grouppage-fb-groupie (Talk) Tardis:Group members
grouppage-fb-officer (Talk) Tardis:Group officers
grouppage-fb-user (Talk) Help:Facebook_Connect
grouppage-helper (Talk) Help:Helper Group
grouppage-oversight (Talk) Tardis:Oversight
grouppage-reviewer (Talk) wikia:Community_Central:Image_review
grouppage-staff (Talk) wikia:Community_Central:Staff
grouppage-suppress (Talk) Tardis:Oversight
grouppage-svnadmins (Talk) Tardis:SVN admins
grouppage-sysop (Talk) Tardis:Administrators
grouppage-upwizcampeditors (Talk) Tardis:Upload Wizard campaign editors
grouppage-user (Talk) Tardis:Users
grouppage-util (Talk) wikia:Community_Central:Staff
grouppage-vstf (Talk) w:Wikia:SpamTaskForce
guesstimezone (Talk) Fill in from browser
handheld.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect handheld devices based on the skin configured in $wgHandheldStyle */
hawelcomeedit (Talk) HAWelcomeEdit
header_questionmark_post (Talk) ?
header_questionmark_pre (Talk)
headline_sample (Talk) Headline text
headline_tip (Talk) Level 2 headline
hebrew-calendar-m1 (Talk) Tishrei
hebrew-calendar-m1-gen (Talk) Tishrei
hebrew-calendar-m10 (Talk) Tamuz
hebrew-calendar-m10-gen (Talk) Tamuz
hebrew-calendar-m11 (Talk) Av
hebrew-calendar-m11-gen (Talk) Av
hebrew-calendar-m12 (Talk) Elul
hebrew-calendar-m12-gen (Talk) Elul
hebrew-calendar-m2 (Talk) Cheshvan
hebrew-calendar-m2-gen (Talk) Cheshvan
hebrew-calendar-m3 (Talk) Kislev
hebrew-calendar-m3-gen (Talk) Kislev
hebrew-calendar-m4 (Talk) Tevet
hebrew-calendar-m4-gen (Talk) Tevet
hebrew-calendar-m5 (Talk) Shevat
hebrew-calendar-m5-gen (Talk) Shevat
hebrew-calendar-m6 (Talk) Adar
hebrew-calendar-m6-gen (Talk) Adar
hebrew-calendar-m6a (Talk) Adar I
hebrew-calendar-m6a-gen (Talk) Adar I
hebrew-calendar-m6b (Talk) Adar II
hebrew-calendar-m6b-gen (Talk) Adar II
hebrew-calendar-m7 (Talk) Nisan
hebrew-calendar-m7-gen (Talk) Nisan
hebrew-calendar-m8 (Talk) Iyar
hebrew-calendar-m8-gen (Talk) Iyar
hebrew-calendar-m9 (Talk) Sivan
hebrew-calendar-m9-gen (Talk) Sivan
help (Talk) Help
helpfaq (Talk) Help & FAQ
helppage (Talk) Help:Contents
hidden-categories (Talk) Hidden categories
hidden-category-category (Talk) Hidden categories
hiddencategories (Talk) This page is a member of $1 hidden categories:
hide (Talk) Hide
hidebots (Talk) Hide bots
hiderevision (Talk) Permanently hide revisions
hiderevision-archive-status (Talk) Deleted revision from $1: $2
hiderevision-continue (Talk) Continue
hiderevision-desc (Talk) Hide individual revisions from all users for legal reasons, etc.
hiderevision-error-current (Talk) Cannot delete the latest edit to a page. Revert this change first.
hiderevision-error-delete (Talk) Could not archive; was it previously deleted?
hiderevision-error-missing (Talk) Not found in database.
hiderevision-noreason (Talk) You must decribe the reason for this removal.
hiderevision-norevisions (Talk) No revisions specified to delete.
hiderevision-prompt (Talk) Revision number to remove:
hiderevision-reason (Talk) Reason (will be logged privately):
hiderevision-status (Talk) Revision $1: $2
hiderevision-submit (Talk) Hide this data permanently
hiderevision-success (Talk) Archived and deleted successfully.
hiderevision-tab (Talk) Hide revision
hiderevision-text (Talk) This should only be used for the following cases: * Inappropriate personal information *: home addresses and telephone numbers, social security numbers, etc Abuse of this system will result in loss of privileges. Removed items will not be visible to anyone through the web site, but the deletions are logged and can be restored manually by a database administrator if you make a mistake.
hidesome (Talk) Hide Some
hidetoc (Talk) hide
hieroglyphs (Talk) Try hieroglyph markup
highest_ratings (Talk) Highest voted
hijri-calendar-m1 (Talk) Muharram
hijri-calendar-m10 (Talk) Shawwal
hijri-calendar-m11 (Talk) Dhu al-Qi'dah
hijri-calendar-m12 (Talk) Dhu al-Hijjah
hijri-calendar-m2 (Talk) Safar
hijri-calendar-m3 (Talk) Rabi' al-awwal
hijri-calendar-m4 (Talk) Rabi' al-thani
hijri-calendar-m5 (Talk) Jumada al-awwal
hijri-calendar-m6 (Talk) Jumada al-thani
hijri-calendar-m7 (Talk) Rajab
hijri-calendar-m8 (Talk) Sha'aban
hijri-calendar-m9 (Talk) Ramadan
hist (Talk) hist
histfirst (Talk) Earliest
histlast (Talk) Latest
histlegend (Talk) For any version listed below, click on its date to view it. For more help, see Help:Page history.
(cur) = difference from current version, (last) = difference from preceding version, m = minor edit, → = section edit, ← = automatic edit summary
history (Talk) Page history
history-feed-description (Talk) Revision history for this page on the wiki
history-feed-empty (Talk) The requested page does not exist. It may have been deleted from the wiki, or renamed. Try searching on the wiki for relevant new pages.
history-feed-item-nocomment (Talk) $1 at $2
history-feed-title (Talk) Revision history
history-fieldset-title (Talk) Browse history
history-show-deleted (Talk) Deleted only
history-title (Talk) Revision history of "$1"
history_copyright (Talk) -
history_short (Talk) History
historyempty (Talk) (empty)
historysize (Talk) ($1 bytes)
historywarning (Talk)
home (Talk) Home
hookaborted (Talk) The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension.
hours (Talk) $1 hours
hours-abbrev (Talk) $1h
hr_tip (Talk) Horizontal line (use sparingly)
htmlform-float-invalid (Talk) The value you specified is not a number.
htmlform-int-invalid (Talk) The value you specified is not an integer.
htmlform-int-toohigh (Talk) The value you specified is above the maximum of $1
htmlform-int-toolow (Talk) The value you specified is below the minimum of $1
htmlform-invalid-input (Talk) There are problems with some of your input
htmlform-required (Talk) This value is required
htmlform-reset (Talk) Undo changes
htmlform-select-badoption (Talk) The value you specified is not a valid option.
htmlform-selectorother-other (Talk) Other
htmlform-submit (Talk) Submit
http-bad-status (Talk) There was a problem during the HTTP request: $1 $2
http-curl-error (Talk) Error fetching URL: $1
http-host-unreachable (Talk) Could not reach URL.
http-invalid-scheme (Talk) URLs with the "$1" scheme are not supported.
http-invalid-url (Talk) Invalid URL: $1
http-read-error (Talk) HTTP read error.
http-request-error (Talk) HTTP request failed due to unknown error.
http-timed-out (Talk) HTTP request timed out.
hub-Entertainment (Talk) Entertainment
hub-Food_and_Drink (Talk) Food and Drink
hub-Gaming (Talk) Video Games
hub-Lifestyle (Talk) Lifestyle
hub-Video_Games (Talk) Video Games
hub-Videospiele (Talk) Videospiele
hub-Wikia (Talk) Wikia
hub-blog-comments (Talk) $1 comments
hub-blog-continue (Talk) Continue reading
hub-blog-header (Talk) Top $1 Posts
hub-blog-showarticle (Talk) Show page
hub-contributors-info (Talk) These are the top users this week, ranked by most edits.
hub-editors (Talk) $1editors
hub-featured (Talk) Top $1 wikis
hub-header (Talk) $1 Wikis
hub-hide-feed (Talk) Hide feed
hub-hot-news (Talk) What's Hot
hub-hot-news-post-details (Talk) By $1 on $2 $3
hub-hotspot-from (Talk) from
hub-hotspot-header (Talk) Hot Spots
hub-hotspot-info (Talk) These are the hottest pages this week, ranked by most editors.
hub-show-feed (Talk) Show Feed
hub-topusers-editpoints (Talk) $1edit points
hub-topusers-editpoints-nonformatted (Talk) $1 edit points
hub-topusers-header (Talk) Top Editor this week on $1 Wikis
hubs (Talk) Hubs
ifunc_error (Talk) Error
ignorewarning (Talk) Ignore warning and save file anyway
ignorewarnings (Talk) Ignore any warnings
illegal-filename (Talk) The filename is not allowed.
illegalfilename (Talk) The filename "$1" contains characters that are not allowed in page titles. Please rename the file and try uploading it again.
ilsubmit (Talk) Search
image_sample (Talk) Example.jpg
image_tip (Talk) Embedded file
imageinvalidfilename (Talk) The target filename is invalid
imagelinks (Talk) File usage
imagelisttext (Talk)
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imagemap_description (Talk) About this image
imagemap_invalid_coord (Talk) Error: invalid coordinate at line $1, must be a number
imagemap_invalid_desc (Talk) Error: invalid desc specification, must be one of: $1
imagemap_invalid_image (Talk) Error: image is invalid or non-existent
imagemap_invalid_title (Talk) Error: invalid title in link at line $1
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imagemap_no_image (Talk) Error: must specify an image in the first line
imagemap_no_link (Talk) Error: no valid link was found at the end of line $1
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imagemaxsize (Talk) Image size limit: (for file description pages)
imagenocrossnamespace (Talk) Cannot move file to non-file namespace
imagepage (Talk) View photo details
imagereverted (Talk) Revert to earlier version was successful. This change may take up to 2 minutes to be visible.
imagereview-header (Talk) Images awaiting review
imagereview-header-questionable (Talk) Questionable images awaiting staff review
imagereview-header-rejected (Talk) Rejected images awaiting staff review
imagereview-noresults (Talk) No images found.
imagereview-reason (Talk) Violation of Wikia's Terms of Use
imageseo-featured-more (Talk) more...
imageseo-featured-on (Talk) Featured on:
imageserving-desc (Talk) Selects images from a specified array of pages based on visual requirements
imageserving-option1 (Talk) 1. Oasis related pages: 200 2:1
imageserving-option2 (Talk) 2. Spotlights: 270 3:1
imageserving-option3 (Talk) 3. Image OneBox for Search 100 1:1
imageserving-showall (Talk) (show all)
imageservingtest (Talk) ImageServingTest
imagetypemismatch (Talk) The new file extension does not match its type
img-auth-accessdenied (Talk) Access denied
img-auth-badtitle (Talk) Unable to construct a valid title from "$1".
img-auth-isdir (Talk) You are trying to access a directory "$1". Only file access is allowed.
img-auth-nofile (Talk) File "$1" does not exist.
img-auth-nologinnWL (Talk) You are not logged in and "$1" is not in the whitelist.
img-auth-nopathinfo (Talk) Missing PATH_INFO. Your server is not set up to pass this information. It may be CGI-based and cannot support img_auth. See
img-auth-noread (Talk) User does not have access to read "$1".
img-auth-notindir (Talk) Requested path is not in the configured upload directory.
img-auth-public (Talk) The function of img_auth.php is to output files from a private wiki. This wiki is configured as a public wiki. For optimal security, img_auth.php is disabled.
img-auth-streaming (Talk) Streaming "$1".
imgfile (Talk) file
imgmultigo (Talk) Go!
imgmultigoto (Talk) Go to page $1
imgmultipagenext (Talk) next page →
imgmultipageprev (Talk) ← previous page
imgplc-create (Talk) Add a photo
imgplc-image (Talk) Image
imgplc-notinhistory (Talk) You cannot add a picture in history mode.
imgplc-placeholder (Talk) Placeholder
immobile-source-namespace (Talk) Cannot move pages in namespace "$1"
immobile-source-page (Talk) This page is not movable.
immobile-target-namespace (Talk) Cannot move pages into namespace "$1"
immobile-target-namespace-iw (Talk) Interwiki link is not a valid target for page move.
immobile-target-page (Talk) Cannot move to that destination title.
import (Talk) Import pages
import-comment (Talk) Comment:
import-error-create (Talk) Page "$1" is not imported because you are not allowed to create it.
import-error-edit (Talk) Page "$1" is not imported because you are not allowed to edit it.
import-error-interwiki (Talk) Page "$1" is not imported because its name is reserved for external linking (interwiki).
import-error-invalid (Talk) Page "$1" is not imported because its name is invalid.
import-error-special (Talk) Page "$1" is not imported because it belongs to a special namespace that does not allow pages.
import-interwiki-history (Talk) Copy all history revisions for this page
import-interwiki-namespace (Talk) Destination namespace:
import-interwiki-source (Talk) Source wiki/page:
import-interwiki-submit (Talk) Import
import-interwiki-templates (Talk) Include all templates
import-interwiki-text (Talk) Select a wiki and page title to import. Revision dates and editors' names will be preserved. All transwiki import actions are logged at the import log.
import-invalid-interwiki (Talk) Cannot import from the specified wiki.
import-logentry-interwiki (Talk) transwikied $1
import-logentry-interwiki-detail (Talk) $1 revisions from $2
import-logentry-upload (Talk) imported $1 by file upload
import-logentry-upload-detail (Talk) $1 revisions
import-noarticle (Talk) No page to import!
import-nonewrevisions (Talk) All revisions were previously imported.
import-parse-failure (Talk) XML import parse failure
import-revision-count (Talk) $1 revisions
import-token-mismatch (Talk) Loss of session data. Please try again.
import-upload (Talk) Upload XML data
import-upload-filename (Talk) Filename:
importbadinterwiki (Talk) Bad interwiki link
importcantopen (Talk) Could not open import file
imported-log-entries (Talk) Imported $1 log entries.
importfailed (Talk) Import failed: $1
importfreeimages (Talk) Import free images
importfreeimages-desc (Talk) Provides a way of importing properly licensed photos from flickr
importfreeimages_description (Talk) This page allows you to search properly licensed photos from flickr and import them into your wiki.
importfreeimages_importthis (Talk) import this
importfreeimages_next (Talk) Next $1
importfreeimages_nophotosfound (Talk) No photos were found for your search criteria '$1', please try again.
importfreeimages_owner (Talk) Author
importfreeimages_size_large (Talk) Large
importfreeimages_size_medium (Talk) Medium
importfreeimages_size_original (Talk) Original
importfreeimages_size_small (Talk) Small
importfreeimages_size_square (Talk) Square
importfreeimages_size_thumbnail (Talk) Thumbnail
importhistoryconflict (Talk) Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before)
importinterwiki (Talk) Transwiki import
importlogpage (Talk) Import log
importlogpagetext (Talk) Administrative imports of pages with edit history from other wikis.
importnofile (Talk) No import file was uploaded.
importnopages (Talk) No pages to import.
importnosources (Talk) No transwiki import sources have been defined and direct history uploads are disabled.
importnotext (Talk) Empty or no text
importstart (Talk) Importing pages...
importsuccess (Talk) Import finished!
importtext (Talk) Please export the file from the source wiki using the export utility. Save it to your computer and upload it here.
importunknownsource (Talk) Unknown import source type
importuploaderrorpartial (Talk) Upload of import file failed. The file was only partially uploaded.
importuploaderrorsize (Talk) Upload of import file failed. The file is bigger than the allowed upload size.
importuploaderrortemp (Talk) Upload of import file failed. A temporary folder is missing.
improve_this_answer (Talk) Improve this answer
in_category (Talk) category
index-category (Talk) Indexed pages
infiniteblock (Talk) infinite
ingredient-menus (Talk) * Ingredient ** Fruits and Vegetables ** Meat ** Dairy ** Legumes and Nuts ** Sweets ** Grains ** Spices
inline-register-title (Talk) Notify me when my question is answered!
inline-welcome (Talk) Welcome to Wikianswers
inputbox-desc (Talk) Allow inclusion of predefined HTML forms
inputbox-error-bad-type (Talk) Input box type "$1" not recognised. Please specify "create", "comment", "search", "search2" or "fulltext".
inputbox-error-no-type (Talk) You have not specified the type of input box to create.
inputbox-ns-main (Talk) Main
insertimage (Talk) Insert photo
intentionallyblankpage (Talk) This page is intentionally left blank.
internalerror (Talk) Internal error
internalerror_info (Talk) Internal error: $1
intersection-desc (Talk) Outputs a bulleted list of the most recent items residing in a category, or an intersection of several categories
intersection_noincludecats (Talk) Error: You need to include at least one category, or specify a namespace!
intersection_noresults (Talk) Error: No results!
intersection_toofewcats (Talk) Error: Too few categories!
intersection_toomanycats (Talk) Error: Too many categories!
interstitial-already-logged-in-no-link (Talk) You are already logged in and there is no destination set.
interstitial-default-campaign-code (Talk) Wikia Loves You!
interstitial-disabled-no-link (Talk) There is no destination set and interstitials are not enabled on this wiki.
interstitial-link-away (Talk) There is nothing to see here!
Would you like to go to the Main Page or perhaps a random page?
interstitial-skip-ad (Talk) Skip this ad
interwikidispatcher (Talk) Interwiki dispatcher
interwikidispatcher-desc (Talk) Solves interwiki links to reduce Apache redirects
invalid-chunk-offset (Talk) Invalid chunk offset
invalidateemail (Talk) Cancel e-mail confirmation
invalidemailaddress (Talk) Please enter a valid e-mail address.
invert (Talk) Exclude namespace
ip_range_invalid (Talk) Invalid IP range.
ip_range_toolarge (Talk) Range blocks larger than /$1 are not allowed.
ipadressorusername (Talk) IP address or username:
ipb-blockingself (Talk) You are about to block yourself! Are you sure you want to do that?
ipb-blocklist (Talk) View existing blocks
ipb-blocklist-contribs (Talk) Contributions for $1
ipb-change-block (Talk) Re-block the user with these settings
ipb-confirm (Talk) Confirm block
ipb-confirmhideuser (Talk) You are about to block a user with "hide user" enabled. This will suppress the user's name in all lists and log entries. Are you sure you want to do that?
ipb-disableusertalk (Talk) Prevent this user from editing their own talk page while blocked
ipb-edit-dropdown (Talk) Edit block reasons
ipb-hardblock (Talk) Prevent logged-in users from editing from this IP address
ipb-needreblock (Talk) $1 is already blocked. Do you want to change the settings?
ipb-otherblocks-header (Talk) Other blocks
ipb-unblock (Talk) Unblock a username or IP address
ipb-unblock-addr (Talk) Unblock $1
ipb_already_blocked (Talk) "$1" is already blocked
ipb_blocked_as_range (Talk) Error: The IP address $1 is not blocked directly and cannot be unblocked. It is, however, blocked as part of the range $2, which can be unblocked.
ipb_cant_unblock (Talk) Error: Block ID $1 not found. It may have been unblocked already.
ipb_expiry_invalid (Talk) Expiry time invalid.
ipb_expiry_temp (Talk) Hidden username blocks must be permanent.
ipb_hide_invalid (Talk) Unable to suppress this account; it may have too many edits.
ipbblocked (Talk) You cannot block or unblock other users, because you are yourself blocked
ipbcreateaccount (Talk) Prevent account creation
ipbemailban (Talk) Prevent user from sending e-mail
ipbenableautoblock (Talk) Automatically block the last IP address used by this user, and any subsequent IP addresses they try to edit from
ipbexpiry (Talk) Expiry:
ipbhidename (Talk) Hide username from edits and lists
ipblocklist (Talk) Blocked users
ipblocklist-empty (Talk) The blocklist is empty.
ipblocklist-legend (Talk) Find a blocked user
ipblocklist-localblock (Talk) Local block
ipblocklist-no-results (Talk) The requested IP address or username is not blocked.
ipblocklist-otherblocks (Talk) Other blocks
ipblocklist-submit (Talk) Search
ipbnounblockself (Talk) You are not allowed to unblock yourself
ipboptions (Talk) 2 hours:2 hours,1 day:1 day,3 days:3 days,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year
ipbother (Talk) Other time:
ipbotheroption (Talk) other
ipbotherreason (Talk) Other/additional reason:
ipbreason (Talk) Reason:
ipbreason-dropdown (Talk) *Common block reasons ** Inserting false information ** Removing content from pages ** Spamming links to external sites ** Inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages ** Intimidating behaviour/harassment ** Abusing multiple accounts ** Unacceptable username
ipbreasonotherlist (Talk) Other reason
ipbsubmit (Talk) Block this user
ipbwatchuser (Talk) Watch this user's user and talk pages
ipusubmit (Talk) Remove this block
iranian-calendar-m1 (Talk) Farvardin
iranian-calendar-m10 (Talk) Dey
iranian-calendar-m11 (Talk) Bahman
iranian-calendar-m12 (Talk) Esfand
iranian-calendar-m2 (Talk) Ordibehesht
iranian-calendar-m3 (Talk) Khordad
iranian-calendar-m4 (Talk) Tir
iranian-calendar-m5 (Talk) Mordad
iranian-calendar-m6 (Talk) Shahrivar
iranian-calendar-m7 (Talk) Mehr
iranian-calendar-m8 (Talk) Aban
iranian-calendar-m9 (Talk) Azar
irc (Talk) Live wiki help
irc-url (Talk)
ircgate-channel (Talk) Channel:
ircgate-channellist (Talk) * ##wikia *group: International * #wikia-de * #wikia-es * #wikia-fi * #wikia-ja * #wikia-pl * #wikia-pt * #wikia-ru *group-end
ircgate-username (Talk) Username:
isimage (Talk) file link
isredirect (Talk) redirect page
istemplate (Talk) transclusion
italic_sample (Talk) Italic text
italic_tip (Talk) Italic text
iteminvalidname (Talk) Problem with item '$1', invalid name...
its_easy (Talk)'s easy and free
jan (Talk) Jan
january (Talk) January
january-gen (Talk) January
javascripttest (Talk) JavaScript testing
javascripttest-backlink (Talk) < $1
javascripttest-disabled (Talk) This function is disabled.
javascripttest-pagetext-frameworks (Talk) Please choose one of the following testing frameworks: $1
javascripttest-pagetext-noframework (Talk) This page is reserved for running JavaScript tests.
javascripttest-pagetext-skins (Talk) Choose a skin to run the tests with:
javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework (Talk) Unknown testing framework "$1".
javascripttest-qunit-heading (Talk) MediaWiki JavaScript QUnit test suite
javascripttest-qunit-intro (Talk) See [$1 testing documentation] on
javascripttest-qunit-name (Talk) QUnit
javascripttest-title (Talk) Running $1 tests
joinnow (Talk) join now
jul (Talk) Jul
july (Talk) July
july-gen (Talk) July
jumpto (Talk) Jump to:
jumptonavigation (Talk) navigation
jumptosearch (Talk) search
jun (Talk) Jun
june (Talk) June
june-gen (Talk) June
jwplayer-ad-message (Talk) Your video will play in XX seconds
jwplayer-agegate-message (Talk) You do not meet the age criteria for this content
lag-warn-high (Talk) Due to high database server lag, changes newer than $1 seconds may not be shown in this list.
lag-warn-normal (Talk) Changes newer than $1 seconds may not be shown in this list.
laggedslavemode (Talk) Warning: Page may not contain recent updates.
landingpage (Talk) Welcome to Wikia
landingpage-buttons-about-wikia-url (Talk)
landingpage-buttons-learn-more (Talk) Learn more >
landingpage-facebook-url (Talk)
landingpage-faq-url (Talk)
landingpage-language-links (Talk) * Español|es * Deutsch|de * Français|fr * Nederlands|nl
landingpage-readfaq (Talk) Questions? Read our FAQ >
landingpage-sites (Talk) * Wiki|File:landingpage-wikis-en.png * Potter Wiki|landingpage-wikis-en.png * Wiki|landingpage-wikis-en.png * of Honor Wiki|landingpage-wikis-en.png * Tarts Wikii|landingpage-wikis-en.png
landingpage-start-exploring (Talk) Ready to start exploring?
landingpage-start-exploring-text (Talk) Search for your favorite topic or browse some community favorites below.
landingpage-text (Talk) At Wikia you can connect with people who share your passions and interests. Find your group, make comments and edits, even start your own website and community.
landingpage-twitter-url (Talk)
landingpage-wikia-blog-url (Talk)
language-converter-depth-warning (Talk) Language converter depth limit exceeded ($1)
large-file (Talk) It is recommended that files are no larger than $1; this file is $2.
largefileserver (Talk) This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.
last (Talk) prev
lastmodifiedat (Talk) This page was last modified on $1, at $2.
lastmodifiedatby (Talk) This page was last modified $2, $1 by $3.
latest-questions-header (Talk) Recent Questions
leaderboard (Talk) Achievements Leaderboard
leaderboard-button (Talk) Achievements Leaderboard
leaderboard-intro (Talk) You can earn badges on this wiki by editing pages, uploading photos and leaving comments. Each badge earns you points - the more points you get, the higher up the leaderboard you go! You'll find the badges you've earned on your user profile page. What are badges worth?
leaderboard-intro-headline (Talk) What are Achievements?
leaderboard-intro-hide (Talk) hide
leaderboard-intro-open (Talk) open
leaderboard-title (Talk) Leaderboard
license (Talk) Licensing
license-header (Talk) Licensing
license-nopreview (Talk) (Preview not available)
licenses (Talk) * Unknown: ** No license|I don't know the license * Own photo: ** Self|I took this photo myself * Wikimedia: ** From Wikimedia|I got this from Wikipedia or another Wikimedia project * Free licenses: ** CC-BY-SA|This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License ** Other free|This is licensed under another free license * Other ** PD|This is in the public domain ** Fairuse|This will be used in a way that qualifies as fair use under US law ** Permission|This is copyrighted, but use is permitted by the copyright holder
lightbox-blog-link (Talk) Blog link
lightbox-carousel-more-items (Talk) $1 more items on this wiki
lightbox-carousel-progress (Talk) $1-$2 of $3
lightbox-email-form-header (Talk) Email
lightbox-email-label (Talk) Email this to a friend
lightbox-email-placeholder (Talk) Your friend's email
lightbox-email-submit (Talk) Send
lightbox-embed-url (Talk) Embed URL
lightbox-file-page-url (Talk) File Page URL
lightbox-forum (Talk) Forum
lightbox-header-added-by (Talk) Added by $1
lightbox-header-more-info-button (Talk) More Info
lightbox-header-posted-in (Talk) Posted in $1
lightbox-header-see-full-size-image (Talk) See full size image
lightbox-header-share-button (Talk) Share
lightbox-more-info-back-button (Talk) Back
lightbox-more-info-caption-heading (Talk) Caption:
lightbox-more-info-description-heading (Talk) Description:
lightbox-more-info-filelinks-heading (Talk) File Links:
lightbox-no-media-error (Talk) The item that was shared with you is no longer available. But now that you're here, check out this article page!
lightbox-no-media-error-close (Talk) Ok
lightbox-no-media-error-header (Talk) Oops.
lightbox-pin-carousel-tooltip (Talk) Pin top and bottom bars in place
lightbox-send (Talk) Send
lightbox-share-button-email (Talk) Email
lightbox-share-button-embed (Talk) Embed
lightbox-share-button-www (Talk) Share
lightbox-share-description (Talk) Photo in $1 on $2
lightbox-share-email-body (Talk) Hi, Someone wanted to show you a photo on Wikia. Check it out: $1 - The Wikia team ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
lightbox-share-email-error-caption (Talk) Error
lightbox-share-email-error-content (Talk) Error sending emails. Details: $2
lightbox-share-email-error-login (Talk) To send emails you need to login
lightbox-share-email-error-noaddress (Talk) No addresses have been specified.
lightbox-share-email-label (Talk) Email this image to a friend
lightbox-share-email-ok-caption (Talk) Confirmation
lightbox-share-email-ok-content (Talk) Emails have been sent.
lightbox-share-email-page-label (Talk) Email this page to a friend
lightbox-share-email-page-label-address (Talk) Email address
lightbox-share-email-subject (Talk) $1 has sent you a photo on Wikia
lightbox-standard-link (Talk) Standard link
lightbox-unpin-carousel-tooltip (Talk) Unpin top and bottom bars
lightbox-urls-form-header (Talk) URLs
lightbox-video-views (Talk) $1 views
lightbox-visit-the-wiki (Talk) Visit the wiki:
lightbox_details_tooltip (Talk) View photo details
limit (Talk) Limit
limitall (Talk) 5000
lineno (Talk) Line $1:
link_color (Talk) Question Link Color
link_sample (Talk) Link title
link_tip (Talk) Internal link
linkprefix (Talk) /^(.*?)([a-zA-Z\x80-\xff]+)$/sD
linksearch (Talk) External links search
linksearch-error (Talk) Wildcards may appear only at the start of the hostname.
linksearch-line (Talk) $1 is linked from $2
linksearch-ns (Talk) Namespace:
linksearch-ok (Talk) Search
linksearch-pat (Talk) Search pattern:
linksearch-text (Talk) Wildcards such as "*" may be used. Needs at least a top-level domain, for example "*.org".
Supported protocols: $1 (do not add any of these in your search).
linkshere (Talk) The following pages link to $1:
linkstoimage (Talk) The following $1 pages use this photo:
linkstoimage-more (Talk) More than $1 pages use this photo. The following list shows the first $1 page that uses this photo. A full list is available.
linkstoimage-redirect (Talk) $1 (file redirect) $2
linkstoredirects (Talk) Links To Redirects
listfiles (Talk) File list
listfiles-summary (Talk) This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.
listfiles_count (Talk) Versions
listfiles_date (Talk) Date
listfiles_description (Talk) Description
listfiles_name (Talk) Name
listfiles_search_for (Talk) Search for media name:
listfiles_size (Talk) Size
listfiles_thumb (Talk) Thumbnail
listfiles_user (Talk) User
listgrouprights (Talk) User group rights
listgrouprights-addgroup (Talk) Add groups: $1
listgrouprights-addgroup-all (Talk) Add all groups
listgrouprights-addgroup-self (Talk) Add groups to own account: $1
listgrouprights-addgroup-self-all (Talk) Add all groups to own account
listgrouprights-group (Talk) Group
listgrouprights-helppage (Talk) Help:Group rights
listgrouprights-key (Talk) * Granted right * Revoked right
listgrouprights-members (Talk) (list of members)
listgrouprights-removegroup (Talk) Remove groups: $1
listgrouprights-removegroup-all (Talk) Remove all groups
listgrouprights-removegroup-self (Talk) Remove groups from own account: $1
listgrouprights-removegroup-self-all (Talk) Remove all groups from own account
listgrouprights-right-display (Talk) $1 ($2)
listgrouprights-right-revoked (Talk) $1 ($2)
listgrouprights-rights (Talk) Rights
listgrouprights-summary (Talk) The following is a list of user groups defined on this wiki, with their associated access rights. There may be additional information about individual rights.
listingcontinuesabbrev (Talk) cont.
listredirects (Talk) Redirects list
listredirects-summary (Talk)
listusers (Talk) Users list
listusers-100contributions (Talk) 100 times or more
listusers-10contributions (Talk) 10 times or more
listusers-1contribution (Talk) 1 time or more
listusers-20contributions (Talk) 20 times or more
listusers-50contributions (Talk) 50 times or more
listusers-5contributions (Talk) 5 times or more
listusers-blocked (Talk) Blocked
listusers-creationsort (Talk) Sort by creation date
listusers-edited (Talk) Last edited
listusers-editsonly (Talk) Show only users with edits
listusers-groups (Talk) Groups
listusers-loggedin (Talk) Last logged in
listusers-nonegroup (Talk) none
listusers-noresult (Talk) No user found.
listusers-options (Talk) Options
listusers-results (Talk) Results
listusers-submit (Talk) Show
listusers-summary (Talk)
listusers-username (Talk) User name
listusersallusers (Talk) all users
listusersblock (Talk) Block
listuserscontribs (Talk) Contribs
listuserscontributed (Talk) Contributed:
listuserscount (Talk) $1 users
listusersdetails (Talk) Show
listusersedits (Talk) Edit stats
listusersfound (Talk) Found $1 users
listusersfrom (Talk) Display users starting at:
listusersnbrresult (Talk) Number of results:
listusersnext (Talk) next
listusersnodata (Talk) No users found!
listusersnogroup (Talk) No group
listusersoptions (Talk) Options
listusersprevious (Talk) previous
listusersrecordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records
listusersrev-cnt (Talk) Edits
listusersrights (Talk) Rights
listusersstartingtext (Talk) Display users starting at:
listuserstitle (Talk) Local list users
livepreview-error (Talk) Failed to connect: $1 "$2". Try normal preview.
livepreview-failed (Talk) Live preview failed! Try normal preview.
livepreview-loading (Talk) Loading...
livepreview-ready (Talk) Loading... Ready!
localtime (Talk) Local time:
lockbtn (Talk) Lock database
lockconfirm (Talk) Yes, I really want to lock the database.
lockdb (Talk) Lock database
lockdb-wikifactory-error (Talk) An error occurred. Failed to save or clear cache. The database might not be locked. Please try again or contact the TechTeam.
lockdbsuccesssub (Talk) Database lock succeeded
lockdbsuccesstext (Talk) The database has been locked.
Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete.
lockdbtext (Talk) Locking the database will suspend the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will unlock the database when your maintenance is done.
locked (Talk) locked
lockedbyandtime (Talk) (by $1 on $2 at $3)
lockfilenotwritable (Talk) The database lock file is not writable. To lock or unlock the database, this needs to be writable by the web server.
lockmanager-fail-acquirelock (Talk) Could not acquire lock for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-closelock (Talk) Could not close lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-db-bucket (Talk) Could not contact enough lock databases in bucket $1.
lockmanager-fail-db-release (Talk) Could not release locks on database $1.
lockmanager-fail-deletelock (Talk) Could not delete lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-openlock (Talk) Could not open lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-releaselock (Talk) Could not release lock for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-svr-release (Talk) Could not release locks on server $1.
lockmanager-notlocked (Talk) Could not unlock "$1"; it is not locked.
locknoconfirm (Talk) You did not check the confirmation box.
log (Talk) Logs
log-description-piggyback (Talk) This log is a record of account piggybacks.
log-fulllog (Talk) View full log
log-in-new (Talk) Already have an Account? Log In
log-name-piggyback (Talk) Piggyback log
log-show-hide-patrol (Talk) $1 patrol log
log-title-wildcard (Talk) Search titles starting with this text
log_in (Talk) Log in
logdelete-failure (Talk) Log visibility could not be set: $1
logdelete-log-message (Talk) $1 for $2 events
logdelete-logentry (Talk) changed event visibility of "$1"
logdelete-selected (Talk) Selected log events:
logdelete-success (Talk) Log visibility successfully set.
logempty (Talk) No matching items in log.
logentry-delete-delete (Talk) $1 deleted page $3
logentry-delete-event (Talk) $1 changed visibility of $5 log events on $3: $4
logentry-delete-event-legacy (Talk) $1 changed visibility of log events on $3
logentry-delete-restore (Talk) $1 restored page $3
logentry-delete-revision (Talk) $1 changed visibility of $5 revisions on page $3: $4
logentry-delete-revision-legacy (Talk) $1 changed visibility of revisions on page $3
logentry-move-move (Talk) $1 moved page $3 to $4
logentry-move-move-noredirect (Talk) $1 moved page $3 to $4 without leaving a redirect
logentry-move-move_redir (Talk) $1 moved page $3 to $4 over redirect
logentry-move-move_redir-noredirect (Talk) $1 moved page $3 to $4 over a redirect without leaving a redirect
logentry-newusers-autocreate (Talk) Account $1 was created automatically
logentry-newusers-create (Talk) $1 created a user account
logentry-newusers-create2 (Talk) $1 created a user account $3
logentry-newusers-newusers (Talk) $1 created a user account
logentry-patrol-patrol (Talk) $1 marked revision $4 of page $3 patrolled
logentry-patrol-patrol-auto (Talk) $1 automatically marked revision $4 of page $3 patrolled
logentry-suppress-delete (Talk) $1 suppressed page $3
logentry-suppress-event (Talk) $1 secretly changed visibility of $5 log events on $3: $4
logentry-suppress-event-legacy (Talk) $1 secretly changed visibility of log events on $3
logentry-suppress-revision (Talk) $1 secretly changed visibility of $5 revisions on page $3: $4
logentry-suppress-revision-legacy (Talk) $1 secretly changed visibility of revisions on page $3
login (Talk) Log in
login-abort-generic (Talk) Your login was unsuccessful - Aborted
login-abort-readonly (Talk) Site is currently in read-only mode. Users can not log in while the site is in read-only mode.
login-throttled (Talk) You have made too many recent login attempts. Please wait before trying again.
login-userblocked (Talk) This user is blocked. Login not allowed.
login_as_another (Talk) Login as another user
login_greeting (Talk) Welcome $1!
loginend (Talk)
loginend-https (Talk)
loginerror (Talk) Login error
loginlanguagelabel (Talk) Language: $1
loginlanguagelinks (Talk) * English|en * Deutsch|de * Español|es * Français|fr * Italiano|it * 中文|zh * 日本語|ja * Nederlands|nl
loginprompt (Talk) You must have cookies enabled to log in to Tardis Wiki.
loginreqlink (Talk) log in
loginreqpagetext (Talk) You must $1 to view other pages.
loginreqtitle (Talk) Login required
loginstart (Talk)
loginsuccess (Talk) You are now logged in to Tardis Wiki as "$1".
loginsuccesstitle (Talk) Login successful
logout (Talk) Log out
logouttext (Talk) You are now logged out. You can continue to use Tardis Wiki anonymously, or you can log in again as the same or as a different user. Note that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache.
lonelypages (Talk) Orphaned pages
lonelypages-summary (Talk)
lonelypagestext (Talk) The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in Tardis Wiki.
longpage-hint (Talk) -
longpageerror (Talk) Error: The text you have submitted is $1 kilobytes long, which is longer than the maximum of $2 kilobytes. It cannot be saved.
longpages (Talk) Long pages
longpages-summary (Talk)
longpagewarning-notice (Talk)
lookupcontribs (Talk) Lookup Contribs
lookupcontribsall (Talk) all
lookupcontribscontent (Talk) content
lookupcontribscontribs (Talk) contribs
lookupcontribscontribslink (Talk) Contribs link
lookupcontribscontribtitleforuser (Talk) Contributions for user:
lookupcontribsdetails (Talk) See details for:
lookupcontribsdiff (Talk) diff
lookupcontribsdisplaymode (Talk) Display mode:
lookupcontribsfinal (Talk) final
lookupcontribsfinalcontributions (Talk) Final contributions for $1
lookupcontribsfullurls (Talk) full URLs
lookupcontribsgo (Talk) Go
lookupcontribshelp (Talk) This special page can be used to display user's contributions on multiple Wikias. For displaying the list, give username below.
lookupcontribshist (Talk) hist
lookupcontribsinvalidmode (Talk)
"$1" is not a valid mode.
lookupcontribsinvalidresults (Talk) Invalid results!
lookupcontribsinvaliduser (Talk)
User "$1" does not exist. Check given username for possible typos.
lookupcontribsinvalidviewmode (Talk)
"$1" is not a valid view mode.
lookupcontribslastedited (Talk) Last edited
lookupcontribslinks (Talk) contribs links
lookupcontribslistwikiainfo (Talk) List of wikis where articles were edited by $1
lookupcontribslog (Talk) log
lookupcontribsnbrresult (Talk) Number of result:
lookupcontribsnext (Talk) next
lookupcontribsnoresultfound (Talk) No result found!
lookupcontribsnormal (Talk) recent
lookupcontribspageremoved (Talk) Removed:
lookupcontribsprevious (Talk) previous
lookupcontribsrecentcontributions (Talk) Recent contributions for $1
lookupcontribsrecordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records.
lookupcontribsrestore (Talk) restore
lookupcontribsselectfor (Talk) Select for:
lookupcontribsselectmodeall (Talk) all contributions for that user
lookupcontribsselectmodefinal (Talk) final contributions for that user
lookupcontribsselectmodenormal (Talk) recent contributions for that user
lookupcontribsselectuser (Talk) Select user:
lookupcontribsselectwikis (Talk) Select wikis:
lookupcontribsshowpages (Talk) All pages ($1 namespaces)
lookupcontribstitle (Talk) Lookup Contribs
lookupcontribswiki (Talk) Wiki
lookupcontribswikidbname (Talk) DB name
lookupcontribswikioptions (Talk) Options
lookupcontribswikititle (Talk) Title
lookupcontribswikiurl (Talk) URL
lookupcontribusernotspecify (Talk) You haven't specified a user yet
lookupuser (Talk) Look up user info
lookupuser-account-status (Talk) Account Status:
lookupuser-account-status-realuser (Talk) Real User
lookupuser-account-status-tempuser (Talk) Temp User
lookupuser-admin (Talk) Admin
lookupuser-authenticated (Talk) authenticated on $1
lookupuser-bureaucrat (Talk) Bureaucrat
lookupuser-chatmoderator (Talk) Chat moderator
lookupuser-desc (Talk) Retrieve information about a user such as e-mail address and ID
lookupuser-email (Talk) E-mail: $1
lookupuser-founder (Talk) Founder
lookupuser-foundmoreusers (Talk) Found more than one's user
lookupuser-id (Talk) User ID: #$1
lookupuser-info-authenticated (Talk) E-mail authentication: $1
lookupuser-intro (Talk) Enter a username to view the preferences of that user.
lookupuser-no-email (Talk) not provided
lookupuser-no-registration (Talk) not recorded
lookupuser-nonexistent (Talk) Error: User does not exist
lookupuser-nonexistent-id (Talk) Error: User with ID #$1 does not exist
lookupuser-not-authenticated (Talk) not authenticated
lookupuser-realname (Talk) Real name: $1
lookupuser-registration (Talk) Registration date: $1
lookupuser-table-blocked (Talk) Blocked
lookupuser-table-cannot-be-displayed (Talk) The contribution table cannot be displayed -- its extension seems to be disabled.
lookupuser-table-contribs (Talk) contribs
lookupuser-table-editcount (Talk) Edits
lookupuser-table-lastedited (Talk) Last edited
lookupuser-table-recordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records.
lookupuser-table-title (Talk) Title
lookupuser-table-url (Talk) URL
lookupuser-table-userrights (Talk) User rights
lookupuser-toollinks (Talk) LookupContribs | PhalanxBlock | EditAccount | Piggyback | Wikis by this user
lookupuser-touched (Talk) User record last touched: $1
lookupuser-username-blocked-globally (Talk) This username is blocked globally.
lookupuser-username-not-blocked-globally (Talk) This username is not blocked globally.
lookupuser-useroptions (Talk) User options:
loops-desc (Talk) Parser functions for performing loops
loops_max (Talk) Maximum number of loops have been performed
magic_answer_credit (Talk) Provided by Yahoo Answers
magic_answer_headline (Talk) Does this answer your question?
magic_answer_no (Talk) No, don't use this
magic_answer_yes (Talk) Yes, use this as a starting point
magicfooterlinks (Talk) Featured pages
mail-notification-body (Talk) Hi $WATCHER, $SUBJECT $METATITLE $MESSAGE_NO_HTML -- $AUTHOR See the conversation: ($MESSAGE_LINK) The Wikia Team ___________________________________________ * Find help and advice on Community Central: * Want to receive fewer messages from us? You can unsubscribe or change your email preferences here:
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mail-notification-html-greeting (Talk) Hi $1,
mail-notification-new-someone (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME wrote a new message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-new-your (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME left you a new message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-reply-his (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied to a message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-reply-someone (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied to $PARENT_AUTHOR_NAME's message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-reply-your (Talk) $AUTHOR_NAME replied to your message on $WIKI.
mail-notification-subject (Talk) $1 -- $2
mailerror (Talk) Error sending mail: $1
mailmypassword (Talk) E-mail new password
mailnologin (Talk) No send address
mailnologintext (Talk) You must be logged in and have a valid e-mail address in your preferences to send e-mail to other users.
mainpage (Talk) Main Page
Are You Being Served? Wiki
mainpage-description (Talk) Main page
mainpage-nstab (Talk)
manage-wikia-home-change-button (Talk) Change
manage-wikia-home-error-exceeded-total-no-of-slots (Talk) Invalid slots amount for new and hot wikis. Please make sure neither hot nor new slots exceed total amount of slots ($1).
manage-wikia-home-error-invalid-total-no-of-slots (Talk) Invalid slots amount in total ($1). Please make sure sum of each hub's slots equals total amount of slots ($2).
manage-wikia-home-error-negative-slots-number-not-allowed (Talk) Negative number of slots is not allowed
manage-wikia-home-error-wikifactory-failure (Talk) Something wrong happened during saving the variables all of them wasn't saved or they were saved partly. Try again.
manage-wikia-home-hot-new-numbers (Talk) Number of hot/new wikis in WV
manage-wikia-home-modal-button-no (Talk) No
manage-wikia-home-modal-button-yes (Talk) Yes
manage-wikia-home-modal-content-blocked (Talk) Do you want to include this wiki in the wiki visualization?
manage-wikia-home-modal-content-demoted (Talk) Do you want to demote this wiki in the wiki visualization?
manage-wikia-home-modal-content-promoted (Talk) Do you want to promote this wiki in the wiki visualization?
manage-wikia-home-modal-content-unblocked (Talk) Do you want to exclude this wiki from appearing in the wiki visualization?
manage-wikia-home-modal-title (Talk) Change wiki status
manage-wikia-home-slot-type-hot-wikis (Talk) Number of Hot wikis
manage-wikia-home-slot-type-new-wikis (Talk) Number of New wikis
manage-wikia-home-verticals-proportions (Talk) Number of wikis for each vertical in WV
manage-wikia-home-visualization-wikis (Talk) Corporate wikis with visualization:
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-blocked (Talk) Blocked
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-blocked-no (Talk) No
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-blocked-yes (Talk) Yes
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-headline (Talk) Headline
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-id (Talk) Id
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-promoted (Talk) Promoted
manage-wikia-home-wiki-list-vertical (Talk) Vertical
manage-wikia-home-wiki-name-filter (Talk) Start typing wiki name and the list will get shorter:
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-slots-change-reason (Talk) Wikia Home Page Staff Tool change
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-slots-heading (Talk) Slots setup
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-slots-success (Talk) Numbers slots has been changed.
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-slots-total (Talk) Total amount of slots:
manage-wikia-home-wikis-in-visualization-heading (Talk) List of wikis in visualization
manage-wikia-home-wrong-rights (Talk) You are probably logged-out or you don't have permissions to use this special page.
manage_widgets (Talk) Manage widgets
managewikiahome (Talk) Manage Wikia Home
mar (Talk) Mar
march (Talk) March
march-gen (Talk) March
markaspatrolleddiff (Talk) Mark as patrolled
markaspatrolledlink (Talk) [$1]
markaspatrolledtext (Talk) Mark this page as patrolled
markedaspatrolled (Talk) Marked as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror (Talk) Cannot mark as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol (Talk) You are not allowed to mark your own changes as patrolled.
markedaspatrollederrortext (Talk) You need to specify a revision to mark as patrolled.
markedaspatrolledtext (Talk) The selected revision of $1 has been marked as patrolled.
masthead-anonymous-user (Talk) A Wikia contributor
math-desc (Talk) Render mathematical formulas between
math_bad_output (Talk) Cannot write to or create math output directory
math_bad_tmpdir (Talk) Cannot write to or create math temp directory
math_failure (Talk) Failed to parse
math_image_error (Talk) PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex and dvipng (or dvips + gs + convert)
math_lexing_error (Talk) lexing error
math_notexvc (Talk) Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.
math_sample (Talk) Insert formula here
math_syntax_error (Talk) syntax error
math_tip (Talk) Mathematical formula (LaTeX)
math_unknown_error (Talk) unknown error
math_unknown_function (Talk) unknown function
maximum-size (Talk) Max size:
may (Talk) May
may-gen (Talk) May
may_long (Talk) May
media_sample (Talk) Example.ogg
media_tip (Talk) File link
mediawarning (Talk) Warning: This file type may contain malicious code. By executing it, your system may be compromised.
mediawikipage (Talk) View message page
mergehistory (Talk) Merge page histories
mergehistory-autocomment (Talk) Merged $1 into $2
mergehistory-box (Talk) Merge revisions of two pages:
mergehistory-comment (Talk) Merged $1 into $2: $3
mergehistory-empty (Talk) No revisions can be merged.
mergehistory-fail (Talk) Unable to perform history merge, please recheck the page and time parameters.
mergehistory-from (Talk) Source page:
mergehistory-go (Talk) Show mergeable edits
mergehistory-header (Talk) This page lets you merge revisions of the history of one source page into a newer page. Make sure that this change will maintain historical page continuity.
mergehistory-into (Talk) Destination page:
mergehistory-invalid-destination (Talk) Destination page must be a valid title.
mergehistory-invalid-source (Talk) Source page must be a valid title.
mergehistory-list (Talk) Mergeable edit history
mergehistory-merge (Talk) The following revisions of $1 can be merged into $2. Use the radio button column to merge in only the revisions created at and before the specified time. Note that using the navigation links will reset this column.
mergehistory-no-destination (Talk) Destination page $1 does not exist.
mergehistory-no-source (Talk) Source page $1 does not exist.
mergehistory-reason (Talk) Reason:
mergehistory-same-destination (Talk) Source and destination pages cannot be the same
mergehistory-submit (Talk) Merge revisions
mergehistory-success (Talk) $3 revisions of $1 successfully merged into $2.
mergelog (Talk) Merge log
mergelogpagetext (Talk) Below is a list of the most recent merges of one page history into another.
message404 (Talk) We're really sorry, but for some reason the page you've asked for doesn't exist. Article $1 could not be found. * You can try article $2 * You can use the search box on the left side of the page * To go on to the main page of this site, click the link: Tardis Wiki
messagebar_mess (Talk) Did you know you can <a href="$1">edit this page</a> or <a href="$2">create a new one</a>? <a href="$3">Find out how</a> this works.
metadata (Talk) Metadata
metadata-collapse (Talk) Hide extended details
metadata-expand (Talk) Show extended details
metadata-fields (Talk) Image metadata fields listed in this message will be included on image page display when the metadata table is collapsed. Others will be hidden by default. * make * model * datetimeoriginal * exposuretime * fnumber * isospeedratings * focallength * artist * copyright * imagedescription * gpslatitude * gpslongitude * gpsaltitude
metadata-help (Talk) This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details may not fully reflect the modified file.
metadata-langitem (Talk) $2: $1
metadata-langitem-default (Talk) $1
mimesearch (Talk) MIME search
mimesearch-summary (Talk) This page enables the filtering of files for their MIME type. Input: contenttype/subtype, e.g. image/jpeg.
mimetype (Talk) MIME type:
minieditor-message-edit (Talk) This is an existing message
minieditor-new-heading (Talk) Create a new message
minieditor-placeholder-new (Talk) Enter your message here
minieditor-placeholder-reply (Talk) Reply to the message here
minieditor-reply (Talk) Reply
minieditor-specialpage-title (Talk) MiniEditor Demo Page
minimum-size (Talk) Min size
minlength1 (Talk) Filenames must be at least one letter.
minoredit (Talk) Minor edit
minoreditletter (Talk) m
minutes (Talk) $1 minutes
minutes-abbrev (Talk) $1m
missing-article (Talk) The database did not find the text of a page that it should have found, named "$1" $2. This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a page that has been deleted. If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software. Please report this to Wikia staff, making note of the URL.
missingarticle-diff (Talk) (Diff: $1, $2)
missingarticle-rev (Talk) (revision#: $1)
missingcommentheader (Talk) Reminder: You have not provided a subject/headline for this comment. If you click "Save page" again, your edit will be saved without one.
missingcommenttext (Talk) Please enter a comment below.
missingsummary (Talk) Reminder: You have not provided an edit summary. If you click Publish again, your edit will be published without one.
mobile-full-site (Talk) Full site
mobile-hide (Talk) Hide
mobile-show (Talk) Show
mobilesearches (Talk) Mobile Searches
mobilesearches-artist (Talk) Artist:
mobilesearches-fixed (Talk) Fixed
mobilesearches-header-artist (Talk) Artist
mobilesearches-header-fixed (Talk) Fixed
mobilesearches-header-looked-for (Talk) Titles looked for
mobilesearches-header-requests (Talk) Requests
mobilesearches-header-song (Talk) Song
mobilesearches-intro (Talk) Once you have created a missing page, made a redirect for it, or otherwise fixed it so that it should no longer be a failed request... type the artist and song name into the form at the top of the page and click the "Fixed" button and the SOAP webservice will test the song again. If the song is then retrieved successfully, it will be removed from the failures list and the cache will be cleared so that you can see the updated list right away.
This page differs from Special:Soapfailures primarily in that it only shows the requests that came from the <a href=''>LyricWiki Android app</a> and the LyricWiki iPhone app (once there is one).
Discuss the SOAP webservice.
mobilesearches-mark-as-fixed (Talk) Mark a song as fixed (does a test first):
mobilesearches-song (Talk) Song:
mobilesearches-stats-header (Talk) Please note that since successful responses get cached by Varnish, these numbers will show a high skew towards "not-found".
mobilesearches-stats-numfound (Talk) Num found
mobilesearches-stats-numnotfound (Talk) Not found
mobilesearches-stats-period-thismonth (Talk) This month
mobilesearches-stats-period-thisweek (Talk) This week
mobilesearches-stats-period-today (Talk) Today
mobilesearches-stats-timeperiod (Talk) Time period
modern.css (Talk) /* CSS placed here will affect users of the Modern skin */
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modifiedarticleprotection (Talk) changed protection level for "$1"
mon (Talk) Mon
monaco-sidebar (Talk) *mainpage|Tardis Wiki *randompage-url|randompage *mainpage|TopContent **#visited#|most_visited **#newlychanged#|newly_changed * newfiles-url|NewPictures *blogs-recent-url|blogs-recent-url-text *#category1# *#category2# *portal-url|community **portal-url|portal **forum-url|forum
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monthsall (Talk) all
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morelinkstoimage (Talk) View more links to this photo.
most_emailed (Talk) Most emailed
most_popular (Talk) Editor's pick
most_popular_articles (Talk) Wikia:Community Portal|Community Portal Special:CreateWiki|Start a new Wikia Hub:Big_wikis|Big wikis Gaming Entertainment Blog:Wikia_Staff_Blog|Staff Blogs Forum:Help_desk|User Support Forums
most_visited (Talk) Most visited
mostcategories (Talk) Pages with the most categories
mostcategories-summary (Talk)
mostimages (Talk) Most linked-to photos
mostimages-summary (Talk)
mostlinked (Talk) Most linked-to pages
mostlinked-summary (Talk)
mostlinkedcategories (Talk) Most linked-to categories
mostlinkedcategories-summary (Talk)
mostlinkedtemplates (Talk) Most linked-to templates
mostlinkedtemplates-summary (Talk)
mostpopularcategories (Talk) Most popular categories
mostrevisions (Talk) Pages with the most revisions
mostrevisions-summary (Talk)
mostvisitedpages (Talk) Most visited pages
mostvisitedpagesalllink (Talk) See most visited pages
mostvisitedpageslatest (Talk) in the last $1 minutes
mostvisitedpageslatestlink (Talk) See latest visited pages
mostvisitedpagessearchbtn (Talk) search
mostvisitedpagessearchtext (Talk) Article's name:
move (Talk) Rename
move-leave-redirect (Talk) Leave a redirect behind
move-over-sharedrepo (Talk) == File exists == $1 exists on a shared repository. Moving a file to this title will override the shared file.
move-page (Talk) Rename $1
move-page-legend (Talk) Rename page
move-redirect-suppressed (Talk) redirect suppressed
move-subpages (Talk) Rename subpages (up to $1)
move-talk-subpages (Talk) Rename subpages of talk page (up to $1)
move-watch (Talk) Follow this page
movearticle (Talk) Rename page:
movedarticleprotection (Talk) moved protection settings from "$2" to "$1"
moveddeleted-notice (Talk) This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference.
movedto (Talk) moved to
movelogpage (Talk) Move log
movelogpagetext (Talk) Below is a list of page moves.
movenologin (Talk) Not logged in
movenologintext (Talk) You must be a registered user and logged in to move a page.
movenosubpage (Talk) This page has no subpages.
movenotallowed (Talk) You do not have permission to rename pages.
movenotallowedfile (Talk) You do not have permission to rename files.
movepage-max-pages (Talk) The maximum of $1 pages has been moved and no more will be moved automatically.
movepage-moved (Talk) "$1" has been renamed "$2"
movepage-moved-noredirect (Talk) The creation of a redirect has been suppressed.
movepage-moved-redirect (Talk) A redirect has been created.
movepage-page-exists (Talk) The page $1 already exists and cannot be automatically overwritten.
movepage-page-moved (Talk) The page $1 has been moved to $2.
movepage-page-unmoved (Talk) The page $1 could not be moved to $2.
movepagebtn (Talk) Rename page
movepagetalktext (Talk) The associated talk page will be automatically moved along with it unless: *A non-empty talk page already exists under the new name, or *You uncheck the box below. In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired.
movepagetext (Talk) Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. See also Help:Moving pages.
movepagetext-noredirectfixer (Talk) Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. The old title will become a redirect page to the new title. Be sure to check for double or broken redirects. You are responsible for making sure that links continue to point where they are supposed to go. Note that the page will not be moved if there is already a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where it was renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite an existing page. Warning! This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page; please be sure you understand the consequences of this before proceeding.
movereason (Talk) Reason:
movesubpage (Talk) Subpages
movesubpagetext (Talk) This page has $1 subpages shown below.
movetalk (Talk) Rename associated talk page
movethispage (Talk) Rename this page
moveuserpage-warning (Talk) Warning: You are about to rename a user page. Please note that only the page title will be changed, and the user will not be renamed.
movieclips-videohandler-extension-desc (Talk) MovieClips video handler
mu_login (Talk) You must be logged in to upload files.
multidelete (Talk) Delete batch of pages
multidelete_all_wikis (Talk) all wikis
multidelete_both_modes (Talk) Please choose either one specified page or a given list of pages.
multidelete_brazilian_portuguese_wikis (Talk) all brazilian portuguese wikis
multidelete_button (Talk) DELETE
multidelete_caption (Talk) Page list
multidelete_chinese_wikis (Talk) all chinese wikis
multidelete_choose_articles (Talk) choose which found articles should be deleted
multidelete_czech_wikis (Talk) all czech wikis
multidelete_dutch_wikis (Talk) all dutch wikis
multidelete_english_wikis (Talk) all english wikis
multidelete_error_empty_pages (Talk) Please choose either one specified page or a given list of pages.
multidelete_error_empty_selection (Talk) Please supply the list of selected wikis
multidelete_error_multi_page (Talk) Only one title at a time allowed for multi-wiki deletion.
multidelete_file_bad_format (Talk) The file should be plain text
multidelete_file_missing (Talk) Unable to read given file
multidelete_finnish_wikis (Talk) all finnish wikis
multidelete_french_wikis (Talk) all french wikis
multidelete_german_wikis (Talk) all german wikis
multidelete_hebrew_wikis (Talk) all hebrew wikis
multidelete_help (Talk) Delete a batch of pages via a background task. You can do it for this wiki, all wikis from shared database, selected wikis, or selected languages. Can choose to delete as YOU, or a preset script account.
multidelete_inbox_caption (Talk) or separated by commas
multidelete_info_empty_list (Talk) Provided titles were not found on any selected wikis.
multidelete_italian_wikis (Talk) all italian wikis
multidelete_japanese_wikis (Talk) all japanese wikis
multidelete_link_back (Talk) You can go back to the MultiDelete form $1.
multidelete_list_caption (Talk) in a specified wiki list
multidelete_max_display_size (Talk) Multidelete has currently a maximum number of articles in the confirm phase. Your query has been capped at $1 articles. Choose your articles and save task. After that, consider running it again to catch all the remaining articles.
multidelete_no_page (Talk) Please specify at least one page to delete OR choose a file containing page list.
multidelete_omitting_invalid (Talk) Omitting invalid page $1.
multidelete_omitting_nonexistant (Talk) Omitting non-existing page $1.
multidelete_or (Talk) OR
multidelete_page (Talk) Pages to be deleted
multidelete_polish_wikis (Talk) all polish wikis
multidelete_portuguese_wikis (Talk) all portuguese wikis
multidelete_processing (Talk) deleting pages
multidelete_reason (Talk) Reason for deletion
multidelete_russian_wikis (Talk) all russian wikis
multidelete_select_all (Talk) Select all
multidelete_select_script (Talk) designated script account
multidelete_selected_wikis (Talk) selected wikis
multidelete_spanish_wikis (Talk) all spanish wikis
multidelete_split_results (Talk) Your article count was too high to be done in a single task. It has been split into $1 tasks instead, with a maximum chunk size of $2 articles.
multidelete_success_subtitle (Talk) for $1
multidelete_swedish_wikis (Talk) all swedish wikis
multidelete_task_added (Talk) Multi delete task #<a href="$1">$1</a> was added.
multidelete_task_error (Talk) There was an error in adding the multi delete task.
multidelete_task_link (Talk) You can check your task
multidelete_task_none_selected (Talk) You didn't select any articles. The task was not added.
multidelete_this_wiki (Talk) this wiki
multidelete_title (Talk) Multi Delete
multilookup (Talk) Multiple look up
multilookupdetails (Talk) See details
multilookupgo (Talk) Go
multilookupinvalidresults (Talk) Invalid results!
multilookupinvaliduser (Talk)
IP address "$1" does not exist. Check given IP address for possible typos.
multilookuplastedit (Talk) Last edit from this IP address:
multilookuplastedithdr (Talk) Last edit
multilookuplink (Talk) Contribs link
multilookuplistwikiainfo (Talk) List of wikis where pages were edited by users from IP address $1
multilookupnbrresult (Talk) Number of results:
multilookupnext (Talk) next
multilookupnoresultfound (Talk) No results found!
multilookupnotspecify (Talk) You have not specified an IP address yet.
multilookupprevious (Talk) previous
multilookuprecordspager (Talk) Showing $1 to $2 of $3 records.
multilookupselectuser (Talk) Search for accounts of the same IP address on multiple wikis
multilookupstitle (Talk) Multiple look up
multilookupwiki (Talk) Wiki
multilookupwikidbname (Talk) DB name
multilookupwikioptions (Talk) Options
multilookupwikititle (Talk) Title
multilookupwikiurl (Talk) URL
multiplefileuploadsummary (Talk) Summary:
multipleupload (Talk) Upload multiple photos
multipleupload-addresswarnings (Talk) Please address any warnings before reuploading files.
multipleupload-ignoreallwarnings (Talk) Ignore all warnings and save the files anyway.
multipleupload-page (Talk) Tardis:File deletion policy
multipleupload-saveallfiles (Talk) Save all files
multipleupload-text (Talk)
multitasks-link-back-label (Talk) here
multiupload-blank (Talk) No file selected
multiupload-desc (Talk) Allows users to upload several files at once
multiupload-description (Talk) File description
multiupload-fileuploaded (Talk) File uploaded.
multiupload-no-files (Talk) Please select at least one file to upload
multiupload-options (Talk) Upload options
multiupload-source (Talk) Source files
multiupload-successful-upload (Talk) Successful upload
multiupload-toolbox (Talk) Upload multiple files
multiwikiedit (Talk) Edit batch of pages
multiwikiedit_add_text (Talk) Specify article text first
multiwikiedit_all_wikis (Talk) all wikis
multiwikiedit_as (Talk) Run the script as
multiwikiedit_autosummary_caption (Talk) Enable autosummary
multiwikiedit_botedit_caption (Talk) Bot (hidden) edit
multiwikiedit_both_modes (Talk) Please choose either one specified page or a given list of pages.
multiwikiedit_button (Talk) EDIT
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mwe-upwiz-campaign-name (Talk) Campaign name:
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-choice (Talk) Allow the user to choose between own work and non-own work
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-notown (Talk) Only allow for non-own work uploads
mwe-upwiz-campaign-owner-own (Talk) Only allow for own work uploads
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mwe-upwiz-campaigns-delete-failed (Talk) Could not delete the campaign.
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-disabled (Talk) Disabled
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-edit (Talk) Edit
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-editing (Talk) Upload campaign configuration
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-enabled (Talk) Enabled
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-existing (Talk) Existing campaigns
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-name (Talk) Campaign name
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-namedoc (Talk) The name of the campaign is the identifier used in URLs. ie "name" in ?campaign=name
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-newname (Talk) Campaign name:
mwe-upwiz-campaigns-status (Talk) Status
mwe-upwiz-cancel (Talk) Cancel
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mwe-upwiz-categories-add (Talk) Add
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mwe-upwiz-deeds-macro-prompt (Talk) This site requires you to provide copyright information for these works, to make sure everyone can legally reuse them.
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mwe-upwiz-desc-add-0 (Talk) add a description
mwe-upwiz-desc-add-n (Talk) add a description in another language
mwe-upwiz-details-error-count (Talk) There are $1 errors with the forms above. Correct the errors, and try submitting again.
mwe-upwiz-dialog-title (Talk) Files can be uploaded with names in any language in any script. Titles of media files should be meaningful and helpful in the language chosen.
mwe-upwiz-error-altitude (Talk) The altitude needs to be a number.
mwe-upwiz-error-bad-chars (Talk) This field contains symbols that are not allowed. Please do not use wikitext or HTML here.
mwe-upwiz-error-blank (Talk) This field is required.
mwe-upwiz-error-campaigndisabled (Talk) Campaign "$1" has not been enabled.
mwe-upwiz-error-date (Talk) Please enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format, or pick a date from the popup calendar.
mwe-upwiz-error-latitude (Talk) The latitude needs to be between -90 and 90.
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mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-missing (Talk) You selected an option which requires you to enter wikitext.
mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-too-long (Talk) The wikitext you entered is too long.
mwe-upwiz-error-license-wikitext-too-short (Talk) The wikitext here is too short to be a license
mwe-upwiz-error-longitude (Talk) The longitude needs to be between -180 and 180.
mwe-upwiz-error-nosuchcampaign (Talk) There is no campaign with name "$1".
mwe-upwiz-error-signature-bad-chars (Talk) Your signature contains symbols that are not allowed. Please do not use wikitext or HTML here, just your username or real name.
mwe-upwiz-error-signature-blank (Talk) You must sign the field below with your username or real name.
mwe-upwiz-error-signature-too-long (Talk) Your signature is too long. Make it shorter than $1 characters.
mwe-upwiz-error-signature-too-short (Talk) Your signature is too short. Make it longer than $1 characters.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-badchars (Talk) This title contains some undesirable characters. Please remove them.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-blacklisted (Talk) This title contains some undesirable text. Please revise it.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-double-apostrophe (Talk) This title contains a double apostrophe; please remove it.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-extension (Talk) You do not need to add a file extension. Just make a human readable title and the application will take care of the rest.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-fileexists-shared-forbidden (Talk) This title is reserved by a file on a remote shared repository. Choose another name.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-hosting (Talk) This looks like a file you obtained from another imagehost. Please make the title more meaningful. Also, double check that you have the rights to publish it on this site.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-senselessimagename (Talk) Please make this title more meaningful.
mwe-upwiz-error-title-thumbnail (Talk) This looks like a thumbnail title. Please do not upload thumbnails back to the same wiki. Otherwise, please fix the filename so it is more meaningful, and does not have the thumbnail prefix.
mwe-upwiz-error-too-long (Talk) This field is too long. Please make this entry shorter than $1 characters.
mwe-upwiz-error-too-short (Talk) This field is too short. Please make this entry longer than $1 characters.
mwe-upwiz-errordialog-ok (Talk) OK
mwe-upwiz-errordialog-title (Talk) There was an error in your submission
mwe-upwiz-extension-disabled (Talk) This page has been disabled due to temporary technical problems. In the meantime try the standard upload form.
mwe-upwiz-failed (Talk) Failed.
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mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-line-intro (Talk) This is the title blacklist entry that matched it: $1
mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-report-prompt (Talk) [$1 Send Feedback]
mwe-upwiz-feedback-blacklist-subject (Talk) My upload title, "$1" was prohibited.
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mwe-upwiz-fewer-options (Talk) fewer options...
mwe-upwiz-file-all-failed (Talk) None of the uploads were successful.
mwe-upwiz-file-all-ok (Talk) All uploads were successful!
mwe-upwiz-file-need-file (Talk) Please add an upload first.
mwe-upwiz-file-retry (Talk) Retry failed uploads
mwe-upwiz-file-some-failed (Talk) Some uploads failed.
mwe-upwiz-fileexists (Talk) A file with this name exists already. Please check $1 if you are not sure if you want to replace it.
mwe-upwiz-fileexists-replace (Talk) A file with the title "$1" exists already. Please change your title to something unique.
mwe-upwiz-fileexists-replace-no-link (Talk) A file with this name exists already.
mwe-upwiz-fileexists-replace-on-page (Talk) A file with this name exists already. If you want to replace it, go to the page for [$2 $1] and replace it there.
mwe-upwiz-files-complete (Talk) Your files finished uploading!
mwe-upwiz-finished (Talk) Finished!
mwe-upwiz-getting-metadata (Talk) Getting file information and previews...
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-external-invalid?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-external-invalid (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-external-invalid</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-external-invalid?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-external-invalid (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) This file is under the following license on $1: <b>$2</b>. Unfortunately, this license is not appropriate for use on this site.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-fal?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-fal (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-fal</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-fal?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-fal (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Free Art License
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-head?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-head (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-head</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-head?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-head (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) The copyright holder published their photos or videos on Flickr with the right license
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-subhead?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-subhead (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-subhead</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-subhead?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-flickr-subhead (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Check the "License" header on the side of the Flickr page. Both the icons and license name that they used have to match one of the choices here.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-gfdl?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-gfdl (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-gfdl</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-gfdl?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-gfdl (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) GNU Free Documentation License
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-misc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-misc (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-misc</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-misc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-misc (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Miscellaneous reasons
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-none?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-none (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-none</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-none?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-none (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) I believe these works are freely licensed or legally in the public domain. I understand that if I do not add the necessary licensing information in a timely fashion, the files may be deleted.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-none-head?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-none-head (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-none-head</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-none-head?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-none-head (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) I found it on the Internet -- I'm not sure
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-own-pd?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-own-pd (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-own-pd</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-own-pd?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-own-pd (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) All rights waived with Creative Commons Zero license (like public domain)
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-art?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-art (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-art</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-art?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-art (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Faithful reproduction of a painting that is in the public domain
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Too simple to be copyrighted
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible-help?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible-help (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible-help</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible-help?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-ineligible-help (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Be careful with this one. The image has to be very simple, like a green circle or red square
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Author died more than 70 years ago
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old-100?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old-100 (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old-100</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old-100?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-old-100 (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Author died more than 100 years ago
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-textlogo?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-textlogo (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-textlogo</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-textlogo?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-textlogo (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Logo with only simple text (wordmark)
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-us?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-us (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-us</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-us?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-us (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) First published in the United States before 1923
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Original work of the US Federal Government
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-military-navy?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-military-navy (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-military-navy</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-military-navy?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-military-navy (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Original work of the US Military Navy
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-nasa?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-nasa (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-nasa</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-nasa?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-pd-usgov-nasa (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Original work of NASA
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-head?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-head (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-head</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-head?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-head (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) The copyright has definitely expired in the USA
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-subhead?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-subhead (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-subhead</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-subhead?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-public-domain-usa-subhead (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Tardis Wiki is located in the USA, so the work must be out of copyright in that country.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-show-all?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-show-all (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-show-all</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-show-all?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-show-all (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Use a different license
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-show-recommended?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-show-recommended (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-show-recommended</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-show-recommended?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-show-recommended (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Use the recommended license
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-usgov-head?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-license-usgov-head (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-license-usgov-head</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-usgov-head?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-license-usgov-head (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) These works were made by the United States government
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-location?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-location (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-location</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-location?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-location (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Location
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-location-alt?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-location-alt (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-location-alt</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-location-alt?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-location-alt (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Altitude
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-location-lat?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-location-lat (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-location-lat</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-location-lat?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-location-lat (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Latitude
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-location-lon?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-location-lon (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-location-lon</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-location-lon?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-location-lon (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Longitude
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-media-type?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-media-type (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-media-type</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-media-type?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-media-type (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Media type
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-mins-secs-remaining?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-mins-secs-remaining (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-mins-secs-remaining</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-mins-secs-remaining?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-mins-secs-remaining (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1 minutes $2 seconds remaining
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-ok?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-ok (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-ok</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-ok?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-ok (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) OK
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-other?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-other (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-other</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-other?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-other (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Other information
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-overwrite?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-overwrite (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-overwrite</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-overwrite?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-overwrite (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Replace the file
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-prefs-def-license (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Default license
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-own?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-own (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-own</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-own?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-prefs-license-own (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Own work - $1
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-remove-description?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-remove-description (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-remove-description</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-remove-description?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-remove-description (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Remove this description
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-remove-upload?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-remove-upload (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-remove-upload</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-remove-upload?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-remove-upload (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Remove this file from the list of files to upload
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-show-thumb?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-show-thumb (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-show-thumb</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-show-thumb?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-show-thumb (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Show thumbnail
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-transported?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-transported (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-transported</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-transported?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-transported (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Finished uploading...
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-cannot-transform?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-cannot-transform (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-cannot-transform</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-cannot-transform?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-cannot-transform (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Sorry, we could not get a scaled image of the tutorial to fit this screen. This may be a temporary problem with Wikimedia Commons; try again later.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-file-missing?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-file-missing (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-file-missing</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-file-missing?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-file-missing (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Sorry, we could not find any files for the tutorial that is supposed to go here. Please contact the system administrators.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-localized-file-missing?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-localized-file-missing (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-localized-file-missing</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-localized-file-missing?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-localized-file-missing (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Sorry, we could not find a tutorial in your language. The English one is shown instead.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-unparseable-filename?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-unparseable-filename (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-unparseable-filename</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-unparseable-filename?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-unparseable-filename (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Could not understand the file name "$1"
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You can install [$1 Firefogg ] a Firefox extension to automatically convert your file. Or use other [$2 converting options] to convert the video into a free format.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-bad-filename-no-extension?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-bad-filename-no-extension (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-upload-error-bad-filename-no-extension</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-bad-filename-no-extension?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-bad-filename-no-extension (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) This wiki requires that files have an extension — like ".JPG" at the end of the filename.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) This file was previously uploaded to this wiki.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate-filename-error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate-filename-error (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate-filename-error</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate-filename-error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate-filename-error (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) You are already uploading the file "$1".
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-stashed-anyway?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-stashed-anyway (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-upload-error-stashed-anyway</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-stashed-anyway?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-stashed-anyway (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Upload anyway?
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-unknown-filename-error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-unknown-filename-error (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-upload-error-unknown-filename-error</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-unknown-filename-error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-upload-error-unknown-filename-error (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) We could not read or understand the filename "$1" for unknown reasons.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaign?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaign (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaign</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaign?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaign (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Upload campaign configuration
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaigns?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaigns (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaigns</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaigns?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-uploadcampaigns (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Upload campaigns
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-uploading?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Mwe-upwiz-uploading (page does not exist)">mwe-upwiz-uploading</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Mwe-upwiz-uploading?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Mwe-upwiz-uploading (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Uploading...
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Number_of_watching_users_RCview?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Number of watching users RCview (page does not exist)">number_of_watching_users_RCview</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Number_of_watching_users_RCview?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Number of watching users RCview (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) [$1]
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-no-xiphqt?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-no-xiphqt (page does not exist)">ogg-no-xiphqt</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-no-xiphqt?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-no-xiphqt (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) You do not appear to have the XiphQT component for QuickTime.
QuickTime cannot play Ogg files without this component.
Please <a href=">download XiphQT</a> or choose another player.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-oggThumb-failed?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-oggThumb-failed (page does not exist)">ogg-oggThumb-failed</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-oggThumb-failed?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-oggThumb-failed (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) oggThumb failed to create the thumbnail.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-oggThumb-version?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-oggThumb-version (page does not exist)">ogg-oggThumb-version</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-oggThumb-version?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-oggThumb-version (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) OggHandler requires oggThumb version $1 or later.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-pause?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-pause (page does not exist)">ogg-pause</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-pause?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-pause (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Pause
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-play?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-play (page does not exist)">ogg-play</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-play?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-play (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Play
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-play-sound?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-play-sound (page does not exist)">ogg-play-sound</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-play-sound?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-play-sound (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Play sound
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-play-video?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-play-video (page does not exist)">ogg-play-video</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-play-video?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-play-video (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Play video
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-cortado?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-cortado (page does not exist)">ogg-player-cortado</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-cortado?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-cortado (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Cortado (Java)
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-kaffeine?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-kaffeine (page does not exist)">ogg-player-kaffeine</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-kaffeine?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-kaffeine (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Kaffeine
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-kmplayer?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-kmplayer (page does not exist)">ogg-player-kmplayer</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-kmplayer?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-kmplayer (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) KMPlayer
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-mplayerplug-in?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-mplayerplug-in (page does not exist)">ogg-player-mplayerplug-in</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-mplayerplug-in?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-mplayerplug-in (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) mplayerplug-in
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-oggPlugin?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-oggPlugin (page does not exist)">ogg-player-oggPlugin</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-oggPlugin?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-oggPlugin (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Browser plugin
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-quicktime-activex?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-quicktime-activex (page does not exist)">ogg-player-quicktime-activex</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-quicktime-activex?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-quicktime-activex (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) QuickTime (ActiveX)
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-quicktime-mozilla?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-quicktime-mozilla (page does not exist)">ogg-player-quicktime-mozilla</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-quicktime-mozilla?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-quicktime-mozilla (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) QuickTime
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-selected?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-selected (page does not exist)">ogg-player-selected</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-selected?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-selected (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) (selected)
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-soundthumb?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-soundthumb (page does not exist)">ogg-player-soundthumb</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-soundthumb?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-soundthumb (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) No player
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-thumbnail?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-thumbnail (page does not exist)">ogg-player-thumbnail</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-thumbnail?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-thumbnail (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Still image only
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-totem?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-totem (page does not exist)">ogg-player-totem</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-totem?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-totem (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Totem
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-videoElement?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-videoElement (page does not exist)">ogg-player-videoElement</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-videoElement?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-videoElement (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Native browser support
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-vlc-activex?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-vlc-activex (page does not exist)">ogg-player-vlc-activex</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-vlc-activex?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-vlc-activex (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) VLC (ActiveX)
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-player-vlc-mozilla?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-player-vlc-mozilla (page does not exist)">ogg-player-vlc-mozilla</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-player-vlc-mozilla?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-player-vlc-mozilla (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) VLC
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-short-audio?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-short-audio (page does not exist)">ogg-short-audio</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-short-audio?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-short-audio (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Ogg $1 sound file, $2
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-short-general?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-short-general (page does not exist)">ogg-short-general</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-short-general?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-short-general (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Ogg $1 media file, $2
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-short-video?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-short-video (page does not exist)">ogg-short-video</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-short-video?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-short-video (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Ogg $1 video file, $2
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-stop?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-stop (page does not exist)">ogg-stop</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-stop?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-stop (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Stop
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogg-use-player?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogg-use-player (page does not exist)">ogg-use-player</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogg-use-player?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogg-use-player (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Use player:
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ogmc-desc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ogmc-desc (page does not exist)">ogmc-desc</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ogmc-desc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ogmc-desc (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Customizes the output of OpenGraphMeta extension to include an image from Wikia's ImageServing extension and a description from Wikia's ArticleService
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Ok?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Ok (page does not exist)">ok</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Ok?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Ok (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) OK
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Old_skins?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Old skins (page does not exist)">old_skins</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Old_skins?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Old skins (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Old skins
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Oldpassword?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Oldpassword (page does not exist)">oldpassword</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Oldpassword?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Oldpassword (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Old password:
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Opengraphmeta-desc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Opengraphmeta-desc (page does not exist)">opengraphmeta-desc</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Opengraphmeta-desc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Opengraphmeta-desc (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Adds OpenGraph meta tags used by Facebook's Like button
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Or?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Or (page does not exist)">or</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Or?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Or (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) or
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Or_learn?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Or learn (page does not exist)">or_learn</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Or_learn?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Or learn (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Or to learn more, take the
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Others?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Others (page does not exist)">others</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Others?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Others (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) others
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Our404handler?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Our404handler (page does not exist)">our404handler</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Our404handler?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Our404handler (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Error 404: Page not found!
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Our404handler-oops?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Our404handler-oops (page does not exist)">our404handler-oops</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Our404handler-oops?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Our404handler-oops (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) These aren't the pages you're looking for. Move along, please.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Oversight-difference?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Oversight-difference (page does not exist)">oversight-difference</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Oversight-difference?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Oversight-difference (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) (Difference from previous remaining revision)
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Overwrite?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Overwrite (page does not exist)">overwrite</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Overwrite?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Overwrite (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Overwriting an existing file is not allowed.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pagehist?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pagehist (page does not exist)">pagehist</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pagehist?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pagehist (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Page history
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pageinfo-header-edits?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pageinfo-header-edits (page does not exist)">pageinfo-header-edits</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pageinfo-header-edits?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pageinfo-header-edits (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Edits
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pageinfo-subjectpage?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pageinfo-subjectpage (page does not exist)">pageinfo-subjectpage</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pageinfo-subjectpage?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pageinfo-subjectpage (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Page
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pagemerge-logentry?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pagemerge-logentry (page does not exist)">pagemerge-logentry</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pagemerge-logentry?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pagemerge-logentry (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) merged $1 into $2 (revisions up to $3)
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Password-login-forbidden?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Password-login-forbidden (page does not exist)">password-login-forbidden</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Password-login-forbidden?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Password-login-forbidden (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) The use of this username and password has been forbidden.
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Temporary password: $2
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You should log in and choose a new password now. If someone else made this
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wish to change it, you may ignore this message and continue using your old
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($4). The following user accounts are associated with this e-mail address:
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You should log in and choose a new password now. If someone else made this
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wish to change it, you may ignore this message and continue using your old
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Passwordsent?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Passwordsent (page does not exist)">passwordsent</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Passwordsent?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Passwordsent (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) A new password has been sent to the e-mail address registered for "$1".
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Patrol-log-auto?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Patrol-log-auto (page does not exist)">patrol-log-auto</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Patrol-log-auto?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Patrol-log-auto (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) (automatic)
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Patrol-log-diff?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Patrol-log-diff (page does not exist)">patrol-log-diff</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Patrol-log-diff?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Patrol-log-diff (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) revision $1
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Patrol-log-header?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Patrol-log-header (page does not exist)">patrol-log-header</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Patrol-log-header?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Patrol-log-header (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) This is a log of patrolled revisions.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Patrol-log-line?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Patrol-log-line (page does not exist)">patrol-log-line</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Patrol-log-line?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Patrol-log-line (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) marked $1 of $2 patrolled $3
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Patrol-log-page?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Patrol-log-page (page does not exist)">patrol-log-page</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Patrol-log-page?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Patrol-log-page (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Patrol log
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pear-mail-error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pear-mail-error (page does not exist)">pear-mail-error</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pear-mail-error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pear-mail-error (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Percent?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Percent (page does not exist)">percent</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Percent?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Percent (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1%
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Perfcached?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Perfcached (page does not exist)">perfcached</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Perfcached?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Perfcached (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) The following data is cached and may not be up to date. A maximum of $1 results are available in the cache.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-centi-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-centi-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-centi-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-centi-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-centi-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) c
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-deci-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-deci-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-deci-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-deci-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-deci-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) d
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-giga-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-giga-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-giga-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-giga-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-giga-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) G
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-hecto-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-hecto-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-hecto-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-hecto-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-hecto-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) h
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-kilo-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-kilo-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-kilo-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-kilo-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-kilo-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) k
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-mega?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-mega (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-mega</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-mega?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-mega (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) mega
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-mega-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-mega-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-mega-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-mega-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-mega-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) M
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-micro-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-micro-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-micro-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-micro-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-micro-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) μ
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-milli-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-milli-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-milli-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-milli-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-milli-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) m
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-nano-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-nano-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-nano-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-nano-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-nano-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) n
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-peta-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-peta-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-peta-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-peta-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-peta-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) P
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-pico-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-pico-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-pico-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-pico-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-pico-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) p
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-tera-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-tera-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-tera-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-tera-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-tera-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) T
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) yocto
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yocto-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) y
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yotta-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yotta-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-prefix-yotta-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yotta-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-prefix-yotta-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Y
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareinch?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareinch (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareinch</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareinch?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareinch (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1square inches
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squaremile-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squaremile-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-area-squaremile-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squaremile-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squaremile-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1sq mi
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareyard?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareyard (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareyard</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareyard?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-area-squareyard (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1square yards
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1fathoms
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-fathom-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1fathom
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-furlong-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-furlong-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-furlong-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-furlong-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-furlong-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1furlong
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1inches
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-inch-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1in
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-lightyear?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-lightyear (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-lightyear</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-lightyear?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-lightyear (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1$3lightyears
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-metre-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-metre-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-metre-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-metre-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-metre-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1$3m
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-mile?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-mile (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-mile</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-mile?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-mile (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1miles
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-nauticalmileuk-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-nauticalmileuk-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-length-nauticalmileuk-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-nauticalmileuk-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-length-nauticalmileuk-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1nmi (Brit)
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-inhg-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-inhg-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-inhg-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-inhg-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-inhg-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1inHg
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-mmhg-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-mmhg-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-mmhg-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-mmhg-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-mmhg-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1mmHg
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1$3pascals
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-pascal-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1$3Pa
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1pounds per square-inch
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-psi-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1psi
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-torr-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-torr-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-torr-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-torr-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-pressure-torr-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1Torr
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-speed-mile-hour?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-speed-mile-hour (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-speed-mile-hour</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-speed-mile-hour?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-speed-mile-hour (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1miles per hour
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-time-second?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-time-second (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-time-second</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-time-second?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-time-second (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1seconds
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-time-year-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-time-year-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-time-year-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-time-year-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-time-year-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1$3yr
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-volume-barrel-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-volume-barrel-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-volume-barrel-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-volume-barrel-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-volume-barrel-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1bbl
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-volume-usquart-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unit-volume-usquart-abbr (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unit-volume-usquart-abbr</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-volume-usquart-abbr?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unit-volume-usquart-abbr (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) $1US qt
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unknownunit?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc-convert-unknownunit (page does not exist)">pfunc-convert-unknownunit</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc-convert-unknownunit?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc-convert-unknownunit (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Error: Unknown unit "$1".
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_desc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc desc (page does not exist)">pfunc_desc</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_desc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc desc (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Enhance parser with logical functions
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_division_by_zero?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr division by zero (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_division_by_zero</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_division_by_zero?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr division by zero (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Division by zero.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_invalid_argument?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr invalid argument (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_invalid_argument</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_invalid_argument?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr invalid argument (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Invalid argument for $1: < -1 or > 1.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_invalid_argument_ln?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr invalid argument ln (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_invalid_argument_ln</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_invalid_argument_ln?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr invalid argument ln (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Invalid argument for ln: <= 0.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_missing_operand?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr missing operand (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_missing_operand</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_missing_operand?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr missing operand (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Missing operand for $1.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_not_a_number?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr not a number (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_not_a_number</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_not_a_number?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr not a number (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) In $1: Result is not a number.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_preg_match_failure?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr preg match failure (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_preg_match_failure</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_preg_match_failure?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr preg match failure (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Unexpected preg_match failure.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr stack exhausted (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_stack_exhausted?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr stack exhausted (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Stack exhausted.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_unclosed_bracket?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr unclosed bracket (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_unclosed_bracket</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_unclosed_bracket?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr unclosed bracket (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Unclosed bracket.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_unexpected_number?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr unexpected number (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_unexpected_number</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_unexpected_number?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr unexpected number (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Unexpected number.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr unexpected operator (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_unexpected_operator?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr unexpected operator (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Unexpected $1 operator.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_unknown_error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr unknown error (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_unknown_error</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_unknown_error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr unknown error (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Unknown error ($1).
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_unrecognised_punctuation?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr unrecognised punctuation (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_unrecognised_punctuation</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_unrecognised_punctuation?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr unrecognised punctuation (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Unrecognised punctuation character "$1".
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc expr unrecognised word (page does not exist)">pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc expr unrecognised word (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expression error: Unrecognised word "$1".
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc rel2abs invalid depth (page does not exist)">pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_rel2abs_invalid_depth?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc rel2abs invalid depth (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Error: Invalid depth in path: "$1" (tried to access a node above the root node).
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_string_too_long?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc string too long (page does not exist)">pfunc_string_too_long</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_string_too_long?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc string too long (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Error: String exceeds $1 character limit.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_time_error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc time error (page does not exist)">pfunc_time_error</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_time_error?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc time error (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Error: Invalid time.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Pfunc_time_too_long?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Pfunc time too long (page does not exist)">pfunc_time_too_long</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Pfunc_time_too_long?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Pfunc time too long (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Error: Too many #time calls.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx (page does not exist)">phalanx</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Phalanx
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-add-block?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-add-block (page does not exist)">phalanx-add-block</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-add-block?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-add-block (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Apply block
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-block-failure?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-block-failure (page does not exist)">phalanx-block-failure</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-block-failure?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-block-failure (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) There was an error during adding the block
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-block-success?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-block-success (page does not exist)">phalanx-block-success</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-block-success?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-block-success (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) The block was successfully added
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-content-spam-summary?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-content-spam-summary (page does not exist)">phalanx-content-spam-summary</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-content-spam-summary?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-content-spam-summary (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) The text was found in the page's summary.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-desc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-desc (page does not exist)">phalanx-desc</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-desc?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-desc (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Phalanx is an Integrated Spam Defense Mechanism
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-display-row-blocks?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-display-row-blocks (page does not exist)">phalanx-display-row-blocks</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-display-row-blocks?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-display-row-blocks (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) blocks: $1
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-edit-block?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-edit-block (page does not exist)">phalanx-edit-block</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-edit-block?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-edit-block (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Save block
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-email-rule-log-header?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-email-rule-log-header (page does not exist)">phalanx-email-rule-log-header</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-email-rule-log-header?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-email-rule-log-header (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) This is a log of changes to Phalanx rules for type e-mail.
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-email-rule-log-name?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-email-rule-log-name (page does not exist)">phalanx-email-rule-log-name</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-email-rule-log-name?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-email-rule-log-name (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Phalanx e-mail rules log
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-expire-durations?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-expire-durations (page does not exist)">phalanx-expire-durations</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-expire-durations?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-expire-durations (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) 1 hour,2 hours,4 hours,6 hours,1 day,3 days,1 week,2 weeks,1 month,3 months,6 months,1 year,infinite
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-format-case?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-format-case (page does not exist)">phalanx-format-case</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-format-case?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-format-case (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) case sensitive
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-help-type-answers-question-title?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-help-type-answers-question-title (page does not exist)">phalanx-help-type-answers-question-title</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-help-type-answers-question-title?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-help-type-answers-question-title (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) This filter blocks a question (page) from being created, if its title matches any of the blacklisted phrases.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-help-type-answers-recent-questions?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-help-type-answers-recent-questions (page does not exist)">phalanx-help-type-answers-recent-questions</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-help-type-answers-recent-questions?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-help-type-answers-recent-questions (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) This filter prevents questions (pages) from being displayed in a number of outputs (widgets, lists, tag-generated listings).
It does not prevent those pages from being created.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-help-type-content?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-help-type-content (page does not exist)">phalanx-help-type-content</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-help-type-content?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-help-type-content (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) This filter prevents an edit from being saved, if its content matches any of the blacklisted phrases.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-modify-failure?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-modify-failure (page does not exist)">phalanx-modify-failure</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-modify-failure?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-modify-failure (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) There was an error modifying the block
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-rule-log-name?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-rule-log-name (page does not exist)">phalanx-rule-log-name</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-rule-log-name?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-rule-log-name (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Phalanx rules log
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-block-notfound?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-block-notfound (page does not exist)">phalanx-stats-block-notfound</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-stats-block-notfound?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-stats-block-notfound (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) block ID not found
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-table-expire?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-table-expire (page does not exist)">phalanx-stats-table-expire</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-stats-table-expire?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-stats-table-expire (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Expires
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-table-id?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-table-id (page does not exist)">phalanx-stats-table-id</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-stats-table-id?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-stats-table-id (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Block ID
<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-table-language?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-table-language (page does not exist)">phalanx-stats-table-language</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-stats-table-language?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-stats-table-language (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Language
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-table-wiki-name?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-stats-table-wiki-name (page does not exist)">phalanx-stats-table-wiki-name</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-stats-table-wiki-name?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-stats-table-wiki-name (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Wiki Name
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-test-description?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-test-description (page does not exist)">phalanx-test-description</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-test-description?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-test-description (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) Test provided text against current blocks.
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<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki:Phalanx-title-move-summary?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki:Phalanx-title-move-summary (page does not exist)">phalanx-title-move-summary</a> (<a href="/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Phalanx-title-move-summary?action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="MediaWiki talk:Phalanx-title-move-summary (page does not exist)">Talk</a>) The reason you entered contained a blocked phrase.
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