
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

This list of disambiguation terms represents best practices with respect to page titling of terms that may have multiple distinct uses on this wiki. A disambiguation term is that part of the title which appears in parentheses. Thus, in the oft-cited example, Castrovalva (TV story), the disambiguation term is "TV story". In order to give readers, editors, sophisticated code usages and bots an easy time finding particular pages, it's necessary for similar items to always use the same disambiguation term — except for the special cases outlined below. In other words, if a televised story has the same name as something else in the Doctor Who universe, then it should always be disambiguated with "TV story" and not "episode" or "television" or "television story".

When to disambiguate[[edit] | [edit source]]

Our broader disambiguation policy should be consulted first, before proceeding further with this document.

List of terms[[edit] | [edit source]]

The following terms should always be used:

Do use When you want to title Don't use
(TV story) televised narratives of any length (episode), (television story), (television)[1]
(audio) any sort of audio release, be it narrative, documentary or music (audio story), (audio release)
(novel) out-of-universe discussion about a DWU novel; e.g. Hope (novel) any term which uses the book series along with the word novel, like (EDA novel), (NSA novel) or the like — except when there is more than one novel series to use the title.[2]
(book) in-universe discussion about books within the DWU; this matches the in-universe category, books very rarely used, as most in-universe books, like A Christmas Carol have precedence, and therefore don't require disambiguation
(comic story) any story that uses sequential art, of any length up to, but excluding the graphic novel (comic), (comic strip)
(graphic novel) to actually title all pages about book-length comics; however, in the case of American-made products, the disambig (trade paperback) should be used as a redirect any sort of collected edition of sequential art, or sequential art which was originally published without the use of staples, or, if bound with staples, at a length over 47 pages. For the sake of consistency, we shall adopt the British definition of graphic novel for the main titles of pages.[3]
(omnibus) when you want to title a page discussing an omnibus. The most likely use of this is with IDW products. IDW omnibuses are collections of IDW trade paperbacks/graphic novels, which themselves collect IDW comic stories. (omnibus edition), (IDW omnibus), (Pinnacle omnibus)
(short story) out-of-universe articles about DWU short stories
(documentary) any sort of video documentary
(CON episode) Doctor Who Confidential episodes (Doctor Who Confidential episode)
(species) in-universe species (race) should be avoided, as it has dual meanings
  1. If two different television series have stories of the same name, then disambiguate by using the prefix from Tardis:List of prefixes. For instance, if there were an SJA story named Inferno, then it would be Inferno (SJA TV story) and the DW story would have to move to Inferno (DW TV story). If two episodes of the same television series have the same noiame, then disambiguate by the year of initial broadcast. As of 2011, neither has really happened, though there have been some close calls with respect to William Hartnell episodes. Still, if The Daleks were now known by its original production title of The Mutants, then it would be The Mutants (1963 TV story) and the Jon Pertwee story would be The Mutants (1972 TV story)
  2. The obvious exception to the rule is something like Twilight of the Gods which should use the disambig (MA novel) to distinguish it from the Bernice Summerfield novel of the same name, which should use (BNA novel). The "novel" might seem superfluous, but it helps readers unfamiliar with these rather obscure corners of the DWU to immediately recognize they're novels. Any use of one of our wiki's prefixes should be followed by a word that will help any user to know instantly which medium the work is in.
  3. The term "graphic novel" has tremendous variability, especially as between American and British use. As a purely arbitrary matter, all things which might be considered trade paperbacks, original graphic novels or collected editions shall be disambiguated "(graphic novel)". But it is important to leave behind the breadcrumb of a redirect with (trade paperback), especially as concerns IDW output. Every IDW "graphic novel" should have a (trade paperback) redirect, as it is the most common name for it in the country of origin.