
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Peri tells the Doctor to stop experimenting with the chameleon circuit.
The Doctor and Peri have just left Varos.
The Doctor is running in the new supply of Zeiton-7 and materialises on Earth to recalibrate the TARDIS. Peri gets a slight scar on her forehead.
The Doctor has recently acquired a new supply of Zeiton-7, but the TARDIS has other issues.
The Doctor is still "fiddling around" with the Zeiton-7. Peri's scar from Grave Matter is removed by the Skin Deep process.
The most recent television story that Peri recalls is Vengeance on Varos. She is reduced to a disembodied brain and given a duplicate body.
A month after Vengeance on Varos, but before The Mark of the Rani per the back cover. Peri sees the Doctor genuinely happy for the first time since his regeneration and has now known the Sixth Doctor longer than she did the Fifth.
Although the Doctor has mellowed and he and Peri are getting along well, the Big Finish website and production code (6Y/A) indicate that it is set between Timelash (6Y) and Revelation of the Daleks (6Z).
Released after Revelation of the Daleks.
The Doctor's watch is broken, setting this story between Revelation of the Daleks and Prime Winner.
Set after The Ruins of Heaven.
Set after The Ruins of Heaven.
The Doctor's watch is broken, setting this story between Revelation of the Daleks and Prime Winner.
Production code (6Z/A) indicates a setting between Revelation of the Daleks (6Z) and ...ish (6Z/B). Put before the Lost Stories because the Doctor and Peri are not getting along.
Although the production code for the audio adaptation (6Y/AA) indicates a setting between Timelash and Revelation of the Daleks, the Big Finish website says that it comes after the latter.
Published after The Nightmare Fair.
Although the story uses the season 23 theme, Peri is amazed to see a garden on a spaceship, suggesting a setting before Leviathan where she finds an entire countryside in one.
See Breaking Bubbles.
See Breaking Bubbles.
See Breaking Bubbles.
Released after The Ultimate Evil. The Doctor and Peri meet Sil for the first time since Varos, although this is contradicted by Mindwarp. Set shortly before Leviathan.
Set shortly after Mission to Magnus, with Peri asking if the TARDIS has been tampered with by Sil.
Released after Leviathan. Placed with the other Lost Stories.
Released after The Hollows of Time. Placed with the other Lost Stories.
Released after Paradise 5. Placed with the other Lost Stories.
Released after Point of Entry. Placed with the other Lost Stories.
Released after The Song of Megaptera. Placed with the other Lost Stories.
Released after The Macros. Placed with the other Lost Stories.
Released after The Guardians of Prophecy. Placed with the other Lost Stories.
Released after The First Sontarans. Placed with the other Lost Stories. Peri goes to the Moon for the first time, setting this before 1963: The Space Race.
Recorded Time and Other Stories' production code (6Z/AA) places the box set between Whispers of Terror (6Z/A) and ...ish (6Z/B).
See Recorded Time.
See Recorded Time.
See Recorded Time.
Production code (6Z/B) indicates a setting between Whispers of Terror (6Z/A) and The Reaping (6Z/C).
Released after ...ish.
Peri implies she has loved ones on Earth, setting this before The Reaping.
The production code (6Z/C) indicates a setting after ...ish (6Z/B).
Both of Peri's parents are dead.
Set before The Mysterious Planet.
Set before The Mysterious Planet.