User:SOTO/Forum Archive/Inclusion debates/@comment-1272640-20161223201024/@comment-1272640-20161224050306

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SOTO wrote: We've never discussed this? I see nothing new here at all. Scream of the Shalka's unquestionable invalidity as a source was already established in Forum:Is The Infinity Doctors canon?, for example.

Do we really need to open discussions on everything we've ever slapped the {{invalid}} tag on (or {{notdwu}}, as it were)?

The thing is, Shalka passes the four little rules with flying colors. No one actually debated Shalka in that discussion - it was just a single person saying something.

1. Is it a story? Yes.

2. Was it licensed? Yes.

3. Was it officially released? Yes.

4. Was it intended to be set in the DWU? Yes. It was advertised as a continuation of the series.