Inclusion debates/The Infinity Doctors, Part 2

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I believe the decision to treat The Infinity Doctors as an alternate universe was a mistake. The story hinges on continuity references.

The death that Omega saved Patience from in TID is stated in the text itself: She was shot in the head.

This is what happens in Cold Fusion! She's shot in the head, and then her body vanishes - and TID is basically saying what the vanishing was - Omega saved her.

Savar's whole "eye removal" thing is covered in both ' 'Seeing I and The Infinity Doctors.

The Needle is referenced multiple times in the EDAs, and it debuts in The Infinity Doctors.

In The Infinity Doctors, the Doctor thinks his father might be a professor from Berkeley. In Unnatural History, Professor Daniel Joyce is a Time Lord teaching at Berkeley who calls the Doctor "son".

Basically, detaching The Infinity Doctors from other stories and treating it as an alternate universe without in-universe evidence presented in narrative form results in TID making no sense. Not only does TID refer to previously released works, the EDAs reference it several times!

The original debate was before the four little rules were accepted. Back then, there wasn't "valid" and "invalid". It's been years since the original decision, and I really think this debate in particular needed readdressing.