User:SOTO/Forum Archive/Inclusion debates/@comment-4028641-20170306172600/@comment-28349479-20180320181016

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

I just realised that, despite my liberal up-thumbing of comments here, I've never actually commented. So here it is: I can't think of a reason why these three stories should be "guilty by association" of being nonvalid just because they have connections to invalid stories. There are plenty of other stories that are perfectly valid on this wiki, despite referencing nonvalid ones: examples that leap to mind are Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme?, which repeats wholesale a joke from Scream of the Shalka; and The Taking of Planet 5, which gives an origin story for the Tersurons seen in The Curse of Fatal Death. The validity of those stories has never been challenged, and while I don't believe it's necessarily true, the double-standard certainly seems like a violation of T:NPOV.

In general, I strongly oppose the idea that stories should be disqualified from this wiki on the grounds of their connections, implied or explicit, to stories that are nonvalid for other reasons. So yes, Storm in a Tikka and Fixing a Hole and Rescue deserve to be covered as valid on this wiki.

I hope this thread can reach a long-awaited resolution soon.

PS: Has anyone else had difficulty with the forums swallowing their messages when they hit "Reply"? This is the second time it's happened to me in the last week; thankfully, this message was much shorter than the last one I lost.