User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Panopticon/@comment-25566332-20140616221206/@comment-9435571-20140619164433

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

From an interview with Lisa Bowerman in the latest Vortex:

"We touched on this before, but in a series run as long as the Benny stories for Big Finish, does this new set require a lot of knowledge of what’s come before?"

This pretty clearly shows that they consider it part of the Benny "series run".

"just because it happens to include the character of Bernice Summerfield"

I'm not saying that Benny's Story is part of the Benny range in any way. Just like The Hourglass Killers is not part of the Doctor Who range. I AM saying that Love and War is part of both, though, because it specifically features a reversible alternate cover for this story as part of the Benny range.