User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Panopticon/@comment-4028641-20121212231649/@comment-188432-20121228144538

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

If you're still asking the question, "Why should those stories that are valid sources be treated differently than those that aren't?" I'm not sure you'll ever get it. Or, perhaps most accurately, I don't think you care to understand it.

I, Tangerineduel and Mini-mitch — and latterly Shambala108 — have tried sixteen ways from Sunday to explain this. It's quite clear from your post that this isn't a question of you opposing policy. It's more that you — perhaps stubbornly — are not understanding it.

And I'm just not sure that there are words left which will help bring you clarity.

Obviously, since this thread has been hoppin' for the majority of the month of December, your concerns have been heard and addressed. But if you won't even accept that there is a difference between that which is canonical and that which we cover, you're not going to be able to understand our point.

At the end of the day, this is an arbitrary editorial decision on our part. Sure, we could have a wiki that tried to pick up all the little continuity references in Dimensions in Time and Exile — but we choose not to. Or to be more precise, we choose:

  • to emphasise the notdwu-ness of a the story page by having it devoid of certain elements common to other story pages
  • to allow some of the information that would normally be in a "continuity" section to appear in a behind the scenes section on an in-universe page.

Again, we aren't really depriving people of most of that info; we're simply making an editorial decision about where that information belongs.

This thread will now be closed. Maybe one day, if you're no longer involved in the daily grind of gainsaying, this will make some better sense to you.

Please do not reopen a thread like this again, because the answers will not change, and it will therefore be a waste of everyone's time.

This thread has not, however, been a total waste of time. Bubblecamera's point that perhaps additional clarity is needed on a page-by-page basis is a good one that will soon be implemented.