User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Panopticon/@comment-4028641-20121212231649/@comment-4028641-20121219235325

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

...Okay, not gonna go into an argument about what P.S. is...

The P.S. continuity section is a bad example. I would like to bring up the continuity section of Do You Have a Licence to Save this Planet?.

  1. It is generally held that non-BBC productions featuring concepts from the Whoniverse fall into an uncertain area when it comes to canonicity. This includes previous BBV productions featuring established characters such as the Autons. Do You Have a Licence to Save this Planet? is all but impossible to connect to mainstream continuity due to the fact it is clearly a spoof and includes fourth wall-breaking metareferences.
  2. The end of the story features someone vaguely resembling the Master, a regeneration which references TV: Time and the Rani and a speech at the end which references TV: Survival.
  3. The Licensor's campness seems a direct reference to the Master in TV: Doctor Who.
  4. Sontarans first appeared in TV: The Time Warrior.
  5. Sontarans also have appeared in spinoffs such as HOMEVID: Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans and HOMEVID: Mindgame.
  6. The Krynoid first appeared in TV: The Seeds of Doom.
  7. Janis thorns (upon which 'janis spoons' is based) first appeared in TV: The Face of Evil.
  8. Autons first appeared in TV: Spearhead from Space.
  9. Autons also appeared in HOMEVID: Auton, Auton 2: Sentinel and Auton 3.
  10. Rassilon resembles Rassilon from TV: The Five Doctors.

1 is an assessment of why this isn't cannon, and needs to on the page to clarify.

2, 3, 7, and 10 all are explaining references to other things (Jokes, really) to readers who do not understand.

The rest are bits on the backgrounds of the characters, and at most these may need to go.

All these bits of info are now gone because "Continuity has to have cannon".

I have a suggestion; What if for non-cannon pages we make a new section, called "References to the DWU" or "References to other media" or something. That way, useful info presented within the story can be show in their pages.