The Panopticon/NOTDWU prefix

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

I think to avoid confusion we should change the NOTDWU prefix. Right now the suggestion is that it stands for "Not within Doctor Who Universe." The issue is that something being "in universe" is a concept which basically means "is canon," both of which are not what the invalid policy goes for. We're not judging if something goes within the Doctor Who Universe, but rather if it's a valid story. Universe-checking is a final step in the process, but it's far from the entire concept. When we say that the TV version of Shada is not valid, for instance, we're not saying that it doesn't fit within the universe but rather that (as others have agreed on the site) it's not really a story, per sey. Same for P.S. and Dr Who and the Turgids. Another good example is the charity books, which mostly do fit within the universe, but are still unofficial fan works. Same for Faction Paradox and some of the BBV works. Then there's the role playing books and games, including Worlds in Time which we don't consider valid due to the difficulty in writing the concrete events, but still clearly have placements within the universe than each fan can interpret for themselves. Keeping the NOTDWU prefix just confuses our policies to new users. I would suggest INVALID.

I also realize that this would mean the reworking of categories as well, but I think that we still need to do it.