User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Panopticon/@comment-44988386-20200416234118/@comment-6032121-20200417132101

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What Big Finish fortunately did not retcon is Clara strongly considering going on a date with Kate Stewart in the Day of the Doctor novelisation before it turns out the Kate she's been flirting with is actually the Zygon duplicate. Also, Big Finish may have retconned the circumstances of the kiss, but the "I love her, take that how you like" line isn't changed one way or another.

I think there's room for a Category:Non-heterosexual individuals and I think we have sufficient evidence to place Clara within it, whatever the reason for one specific time she kissed a woman. I agree with the concerns about the feasibility of more precise categories, though — I feel as though the need for them is reduced greatly by the real-world-focused Queer representation in Doctor Who, where we are allowed to report the behind-the-scenes statement and authorial intents in a way that makes the job a lot easier.