User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Panopticon/@comment-45314928-20200525010944/@comment-45692830-20200525191459
I really have no idea why you think saying "there's no proof of that" or "speculation" is a damning rebuttal to arguments concerning authorial intent. It's not, and it makes you look like you're being unreasonable. This wiki does, occasionally, discuss things like authorial intent, and does so without always having clear proof, having to parse things from the text. This isn't at all damning, unless you think that things like metaphor, subtext, etc, are a waste of time. Which to my knowledge this wiki hasn't yet agreed to fully. :>
As to your Journey's End comment, I addressed it above. It was the original comment I made, about how Journey's End is not sufficient to make someone a multi story companion, but instead a multi adventure companion. (Also, if you're falling back to audios and such, surely you're ceding the point, since that's the definition you gave of multi adventure companions.)