User:SOTO/Forum Archive/The Panopticon/@comment-9435571-20151118033620/@comment-24894325-20151207200300

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As promised, the transcription of relevant portions of The Black Hole.

From Part 2 The Doctor says to the Monk: "If you are supposed to be meeting with Dastari, he and I are old friends." (Incidentally, I don't think this friendship is currently recorded anywhere.)

Before the departure, the Doctor's TARDIS is subjected to "dual control", which supplies the coordinates of the meeting with Dastari. The Monk describes these as "coordinates in the third zone."

The Doctor tells Jamie that Victoria wanted to read up on graphology.

The Monk explains to Victoria: "The Stattenheim remote can keep them [the Doctor and Jamie] synchronized with us here. If it takes them an hour or two to negotiate with Dastari..."

The Monk later admits: "That negotiations I sent them to... I have a funny feeling, Sontarans are just about to attack."

From Part 3 (this is the crucial part)

Jamie describes their return as: "With several stops back, after the Sontarans..."

To which the Doctor interjects: "It was interesting to explore the City of Owls, and the people of McKenzie were very grateful for our help." (Disclaimer: I do not know the context, so the proper names may be misspelled here.)

Jamie states: "We've been gone weeks."

I did not record the exact quote but it is then clearly stated that the Doctor has broken the time synchronization between the Habitat with the Monk and Victoria and the TARDIS with him and Jamie. It is later stated that 10 days have passed between the Doctor and Jamie saving Pavo and their earlier copies departing.

After this, when the Monk confronts them in his TARDIS, he says: "You didn't go to Dastari."

The Doctor replies: "He was busy with the Sontarans. We thought we'd pop back later."

And Jamie adds: "You sent us there to die."

That's all the relevant information I have found.