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User:SOTO/Forum Archive/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce

User:SOTO/Forum Archive/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:117369


Did you know that Wikia boasts an international taskforce of editors dedicated to spreading knowledge about Doctor Who in several different languages? It's true!

You may have noticed links at the bottom of some pages, listing the other languages in which articles are available. (Take a look at the bottom of the article about Rose Tyler for instance.)

Well, those links — called interlanguage links, or just ILL for short — don't happen automatically. They have to be placed manually — and of course someone has to write the article in another language for the links to be valid.

So we need help. Here are some examples of the kinds of tasks that need doing:

  • If you can write in Spanish, consider heading over to the Spanish site and translating one of our articles over there. There's gotta be some of our American editors who have enough Spanish fluency to tackle a few articles.
  • If you can just read the Cyrillic alphabet, consider helping to make ILLs between this wiki and the Russian or Bulgarian versions. A lot of the Russian article names are simple transliterations of English. As long as you can handle the Cyrillic alphabet, you can make a good ILL.
  • If you speak Polish, (European) Portuguese, Italian, Korean or Turkish, think about trying to adopt the Polish, Portuguese, Italian or Korean sites and get them restarted.
  • Help us make links between this site and the French, Spanish, German and Hebrew sites. These are the four most active international wikis, and they all have hundreds of articles which aren't linked here yet.

This new forum stands ready as a place to discuss the various issues surrounding international linkage. It's a somewhat specialised field that not every Wikian cares about. But it's important, if detailed, work that needs to be supported.

18:52, 4 December 2012
  • CzechOut
    By the way, messages here at the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce do not have to be in English. If you want to address people in your native language and not give an English translation, you may.
    20:15, 4 December 2012
    Edited 20:15 4 December 2012
20:25, 4 December 2012

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:117370

Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/How to link up your wiki with ours" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Welcome to UNIT, soldier :)".

Have you started a Doctor Who wiki in a language other than English? Would you like to be able to easily create interlanguage links between your page on, say, the Eleventh Doctor, and our page? If so, just give us the name of your Wikia wiki below and we'll put in a request to link our two wikis together.

Please note that we cannot grant requests in:

  • Bulgarian / Български
  • Dutch / Nederlands
  • French / Français
  • German / Deutsch
  • Hebrew / עברית
  • Romanian / Română
  • Russian / Русский
  • Spanish / Español
  • Porguguese / Português

We can only have one wiki per language, and we already have affiliates in those languages.

The rules[[edit] | [edit source]]

There are only two rules to this process:

  1. You must have at least 30 pages of content (in namespace 0) before we can grant your request. We want to make sure that you're growing your wiki and attracting a few editors to help you.
  2. Your wiki must have a URL — or at least a URL mask — in the format of This makes it easy for people to know how to find your site. What's the French version of this site? What's the Hebrew? What's the Russian?[1]

Admin note: After you've reviewed the request and found it acceptable, you must go to community:Community Central:interwiki requests and formally make the request of Wikia. Wikia no longer handles these sorts of request through Special:Contact.

  1. Why do we have this rule if our URL is Because technically our URL is, so that serves as the base URL for all other sites. If your site currently has a different URL format, don't worry. It's easy to fix. And if you want to keep a different URL as the visible URL, that's cool, too. For instance, the French site has the visible URL of, and we have the visible URL of
19:08, 4 December 2012
Edited 19:16, 4 December 2012
Edited 19:17, 4 December 2012
Edited 00:45, 16 June 2013
Edited 15:02, 6 September 2013
  • Aietradaea Tattéecinahra
    Working on trying to build up the existing Polish, Italian, Korean, Turkish and Esperanto Doctor Who wikis to meet these criteria, if anyone out there wants to help. They're found at:

    Esperanto Italiano Polski 한국 Türkçe

    Also, can't work out how to change the URL of the Esperanto one...getting there, getting there! >.<

    Interlanguage ALL the things!!!

    03:24, 14 November 2013
    Edited 04:09 14 November 2013
  • CzechOut
    Thanks for your efforts. None of these yet meet our criteria for linking — you need 30 pages before we'll link — but please do keep up the good work and let us know if you get any or all of them up to the minimum threshold.
    03:30, 14 November 2013
  • DarknessEyes23
    I think, that one will be good enough :)
    17:27, 9 December 2014
  • MortalXcz
    Hello there! I'm founder of Czech Doctor Who wiki and I would like to request inclusion of this wiki into a family of Doctor Who wikis. Thanks for the answer.
    18:33, 30 December 2014
  • Aietradaea Tattéecinahra
    It looks like Italian and Polish are both growing and meet the criteria. Will they be linked?
    16:23, 16 June 2015
  • DarknessEyes23
    The Polish one is already linked.
    14:23, 17 June 2015
  • Thefartydoctor
    Can I just remind the admins that the Polish flag icon is still not working? :) I spoke to one of you guys about it a while back and you said it was the CSS (which I know nothing about haha). I wondered if you could look into it again.
    15:14, 17 June 2015
  • Thefartydoctor
    Once you get the Czech wiki connected, I can help with the interlanguage links, using my super language skills ;D
    17:15, 17 June 2015
  • Timppali
    Could my Finnish Doctor Who Wikia ( be linked? Im sorry if I have done something wrong but I already requested a link to all the different Wikias. I'm not quite sure how this works.
    17:54, 24 September 2015
  • Thefartydoctor
    Did the Czech Wiki ever get linked? It seems to have over 80 pages and the last edit was within a month. Maybe being linked up to the other Wikis might be incentive enough to keep adding to it. And as someone who understands some Czech, I'd be happy to link up articles to their necessary equivalents. :)
    03:08, 15 June 2017
    Edited 03:12 15 June 2017
Sorry, the Czech Wiki slipped off our radar. But it's linked now—and to the whole network of DW wikis around FANDOM.
02:15, 17 October 2017

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:117371

Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Hebrew wiki has a new sheriff" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/How to link up your wiki with ours".

Puchplimmirdeyslithin, also known as Shani, has just successfully adopted w:c:he.doctorwho. Congratulations!

Shani spent most of 2012 relentlessly growing the site. It now has over 500 articles, thanks to Shani's tireless work!

If you read Hebrew, we're in desperate need of help adding ILLs between our two wikis, and between the Hebrew wiki and the other international Doctor Who wikis. And even if you don't read Hebrew, Shani's done a good job of putting the English name in the lead of most articles, which is enough to create an ILL.

It's really important to get the links between he and en done, because once the community knows what the English name of a thing is, it's a lot easier to create links between the Hebrew and Roman alphabet sites.

Stop by w:c:he.doctorwho to lend a hand today!

19:28, 4 December 2012
  • Puchplimmirdeyslithin
    Thanks, Czechout, i'm still working on the ILL adding to link between the wikis! :)
    17:50, 7 December 2012
    Edited 17:50 7 December 2012
  • CzechOut
    No worries, Shani. By the way, if you — or any other Hebrew speaker — is trying to figure out how to post a message here, I've made a little template for you. Just type:
    '''אמיליה ג'סיקה "איימי" וויליאמס''' (לשעבר '''פונד''') היא בחורה סקוטית צעירה שהייתה למלווה הראשונה של [[הדוקטור האחד עשר]]. היא הייתה חברתו, ולאחר מכן אשתו של [[רורי וויליאמס]], אמא של [[ריבר סונג|מלודי פונד]] ושל [[אנתוני בריאן וויליאמס|אנתוני וויליאמס]]. לאחר ש[[ריבר סונג|מלודי]] התחתנה עם [[הדוקטור האחד עשר|הדוקטור]], איימי הפכה להיות החותנת שלו.<br>איימי מתה בגיל 87, לאחר ש[[המלאכים הבוכים|מלאך בוכה]] שלח אותה לעבר כדי שתוכל להתייחד עם בעלה, [[רורי וויליאמס]]. היא נקברה יחד עם בעלה בבית קברות ב[[ניו יורק]].

    This will result in

    אמיליה ג'סיקה "איימי" וויליאמס (לשעבר פונד) היא בחורה סקוטית צעירה שהייתה למלווה הראשונה של הדוקטור האחד עשר. היא הייתה חברתו, ולאחר מכן אשתו של רורי וויליאמס, אמא של מלודי פונד ושל אנתוני וויליאמס. לאחר שמלודי התחתנה עם הדוקטור, איימי הפכה להיות החותנת שלו.
    איימי מתה בגיל 87, לאחר שמלאך בוכה שלח אותה לעבר כדי שתוכל להתייחד עם בעלה, רורי וויליאמס. היא נקברה יחד עם בעלה בבית קברות בניו יורק.

    18:09, 7 December 2012
    Edited 20:28 7 December 2012
    Edited 20:29 7 December 2012
  • CzechOut
    Sorry, Shani. The above template is temporarily not working in this namespace. However, I have sent in a bug report and Wikia will likely solve the problem soon. So please use {{He-top}} and {{He-bot}} — soon it will function correctly. :)

    (You can see it working correctly by clicking the link to either template.)

    20:26, 7 December 2012
    Edited 20:27 7 December 2012
  • CzechOut
    Just to update you, Shani:

    The above left-to-right behaviour has been tagged as a bug with Wikia, and they will be fixing it soon. My guess is that they'll issue a change in (early?) January. It's critical that they allow right-to-left text, obviously, since they won't be able to offer this forum or Message Wall to any right-to-left communities until they do.

    04:18, 9 December 2012
  • AilaG
    It's RTL now, but apparently won't align to the right. If the tag was meant to support both behaviours, a simple text-align: right should do the trick.

    (It's just that and direction: rtl which appears to be working. You can tell by the periods in the end of lines being on the left)

    05:15, 1 January 2013
  • AilaG
    Whoops, spoke too soon. It looks alright on the wiki. However, the Hebrew wiki scrolls to the right, the CSS needs this line:
    1. WallNotifications .subnav { right: 9999px; }

    It's a block element with left: 9999px; and that messes things up in RTL pages.

    The editor is kind of weird too (menus in the WYSIWYG), any point in analysing specific CSS lines and sending corrections over?

    07:57, 1 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    Sure, there's always a point in noting CSS errors. However, be aware that this specific one has been identified by Wikia as a bug of their creation, and is not an error that's being caused by us locally. It's on Wikia's schedule for correction, so we probably won't be adding a local fix unless it becomes clear that they've forgotten to fix things. We've every confidence they will fix it, though, since they do have a number of wikis in RTL languages.
    08:10, 1 January 2013
  • SOTO
    I already left a message on Shani's page, but I might as well mention it here too. I am probably one of the only editors here at TARDIS who can speak Hebrew. I offered to help in any way I can. I must admit, though, it feels really weird seeing Doctor Who in Hebrew. Like in the above example, the transliterated Amelia Jessica "Amy" Williams (maiden name: Pond). I've never associated DW with Hebrew in my life.

    I also recommended we changed the font there to something more like Arial. The Hebrew font in use now isn't exactly pleasant to the eye and makes it hard for my eyes to concentrate on reading. That is of course, assuming that it's possible to control that font. I'm pretty sure it is.

    03:10, 21 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    Point me in the direction of Hebrew fonts that would be easier to read and I'll install 'em. Bear in mind, however, that they must be fonts which are widely propagated on Mac, Win and Linux computer installations, where Hebrew fonts exist.
    03:24, 21 January 2013
    Edited 03:25 21 January 2013
  • SOTO
    Sorry 'bout the delay. My computer froze so I had to retype it on my phone.

    Most generic fonts have Hebrew letters included. By generic, I mean fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, (not Calibri) and David. At least I think David is generic. There are, of course, also specific-to-Hebrew fonts, but I think it's safer to go with what's simple. For clarity, I'd say go with Arial for the text. I believe the font in use now is Times New Roman, which doesn't look quite as good in Hebrew as it does in English (understatement of the year). If you want to have a separate font for main titles (as we do here), then I'd recommend David for that. If its not a generic font as I thought, get back to me and I'll find you a download link.

    EDIT: As a second option for titles: Narkism. Also I think preinstalled.

    03:55, 21 January 2013
    Edited 03:55 21 January 2013
    Edited 04:05 21 January 2013
  • SOTO
    Sorry, just to clarify: David is a specifically Hebrew font but it was preinstalled on every computer I've ever owned or used. Just as I have preinstalled Arabic, what looks like some modern form of Persian, Japanese, and a couple of languages I can't even begin to name.
    04:03, 21 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    There, that should be better for you. Lemme know if that's illegible.
    04:12, 21 January 2013
  • SOTO
    Did you change it? I reloaded a page and subtitles and Contents and the like are in Arial but the main text is still how it was earlier. I'm pretty sure that's entirely how it was earlier. According to what I've read here, sometimes just reloading the page isn't good enough; you have to clear your cache? Do you know if there's a shortcut on Google Chrome to clear your cache?
    04:23, 21 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    Clear your cache often around here

    After changes are made to this site's CSS or Javascript, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. You can always do this by going to your browser's preferences panel. But many browsers also offer keyboard shortcuts to save you that trouble. The following shortcuts work in the versions of the browsers that Tardis currently supports. They may not work in earlier versions.

    • Firefox: hold down Shift while performing a page reload.
    • Opera offers no default keyboard shortcut, but you can create a custom keyboard shortcut with the value Clear disk cache
    • Safari users should simultaneously hold down + Option + E. You may need to enable the Develop menu first
    • Chrome: press Ctrl + F5 or Shift + F5 while performing a page reload.
    04:26, 21 January 2013
  • SOTO
    Oh, badabumba!!

    It's perfect. Thank you. :-)

    04:31, 21 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    Cool. You know, there's a really big project that needs to be done there. We really need to get the basic system messages translated to Hebrew. It may not be the more exciting thing in the world to do, but it's really necessary, because Wikia have very few Hebrew translators.

    Just take a look at w:c:he.doctorwho:Special:AllMessages. There are thousands of tiny messages that need translation. But you may want to start with the ones most relevant to that wiki - namely those to do with achievements.

    Take a look at this list and tell me if you think you'd be interested in making any translations.

    04:38, 21 January 2013
  • SOTO
    I would be more than happy to help with this task. Yes, it's not the most exciting thing in the world to do, but it needs to get done and I'm nowhere close to cruel enough to leave that burden on one person alone when I can help. But I'm not quite clear on where exactly I go and how to edit them. I'm assuming from the fact that you're asking me to do this that I don't have to be an administrator to edit them, right?
    04:54, 21 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    No, you do have to be an administrator to perform the technical act of changing them. But you don't need to be an admin to edit the associated Talk page. Just put the translation there.
    04:57, 21 January 2013
  • SOTO
    Oh. Okay. So then Shani has to go there and apply my translation to the actual messages? I doubt there's any way to signify that I put in a translation so will he have to check the talk page every time he translates? If I seem a bit slow on this, sorry; I'm entirely new to this.
    05:03, 21 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    Or I will. It'll be easy to see when a translation has been added, because the Talk link will change from red to blue.
    05:07, 21 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    Or, alternately, one could go to Special:RecentChanges, select only the MediaWiki talk namespace, and get an easy list of all changes to that namespace.
    05:09, 21 January 2013
  • SOTO
    True. True true true. I'm surprised I didn't think of that. Well, I guess that clears everything up. I'll make this my new project. So ummm.... Good night?... (Assuming it's night, wherever you are, that is. It is here.)
    05:18, 21 January 2013
  • CzechOut
    Nah. Still plenty of work to do.
    05:19, 21 January 2013
  • SOTO
    | :-D I wasn't implying I was going to sleep. It's just awkward trying to end an hour-long (technically) conversation on an online forum. How is it normally done? Do you have closure or do you just abandon the conversation as if you never had it?

    EDIT: if you don't respond, I'll take it it's the second option :-P

    05:22, 21 January 2013
    Edited 05:24 21 January 2013
    Edited 05:25 21 January 2013
    Edited 05:26 21 January 2013
Yeah, this isn't a chat room. There's no obligation to say "goodbye" or anything. The "conversations" tend to find a natural ending.
06:09, 21 January 2013

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:117372

Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/¡La versión española te necesita!" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Hebrew wiki has a new sheriff".

Si puedes escribir en español, puedes ayudar nuestro wiki hermana en w:c:es.doctorwho. ¡Ya tenemos 500+ artículos pero necesitamos más!

Hace un año que sólo tenía unos 50 artículos. Su crecimiento es fenomenal, y felicitamos al personal de administración general (sí, en realidad tienen varios administradores) de las mejoras que han hecho en apenas un año.

If you can write in Spanish, you can help our sister wiki. They have 500+ articles, but they need more!

A year ago, they only had about 50 articles. Their growth is phenomenal, and we congratulate the whole admin staff (yes they actually have several admins) for the improvements they've made in just a year.

19:41, 4 December 2012
Edited 20:08, 4 December 2012
  • Ellimbor
    Yo ayudare. :D

    ___________________ I will help. :D

    01:32, 6 December 2012
  • CzechOut

    Protozom wrote: Yo ayudare. :D

    ¡Excelente! Si necesita ayuda para empezar por ahí, habla con Nerea266 o BellaBlackCrews, las administradoras del wiki.

    03:48, 6 December 2012
    Edited 03:49 6 December 2012
  • AzureKesil
    I've already started working there. Can't believe I was so lucky of being the one who kicked the Master article out of the Red Link Area! :D
    00:49, 8 December 2012
  • CzechOut
    Given my recent work in rewriting the Master I was really hoping someone would finally start el Amo. :) ¡Gracias!
    05:45, 8 December 2012
  • AzureKesil
    ¡De nada!

    It'll be a slow process since I have a life and some duties in other Wikis, but I'll keep on working on it (The Master has to be one of my favourite DW characters) and tweak what I can find here and there. No automatic translations shall help me, but my own skills and my Whovian memory. So apologies in advance if I can't quote a line verbatim.

    P.S. You did a superb job!

    05:59, 8 December 2012
  • Brunoar
    Nice one! I'll go there to help out right away
    20:56, 8 December 2012
  • CzechOut
    ¡Mil gracias!
    21:30, 8 December 2012
  • Ellimbor
    Hey, I have a question.. Should I just translate every page from this wiki and make new ones with their respective information on the other wiki..?
    21:41, 8 December 2012
    Edited 22:55 8 December 2012
  • CzechOut

    Protozom wrote: Hey, I have a question.. Should I just translate every page from this wiki and make new ones with their respective information on the other wiki..?

    You're free to help out how you want. If you can literally translate pages that'd be great. If you can only add interlanguage links, that'd be helpful, too. If you want to just copy edit the existing articles over there, that would be appreciated.

    The goal is simply to make more content available in Spanish — especially because the BBC are making Doctor Who available in more Central and South American markets.

    You'll probably also want to talk to the admin at es.doctorwho — noted above — and ask them what their current mot pressing goals are.

    If you ask me, though, I'd say the immediate priorities are in getting Spanish pages for every television story and major televised character.

    04:11, 9 December 2012
  • CzechOut
    ¿Alguien tiene alguna dificultad de edición en el sitio en español? ¿Alguien necesita algún consejo sobre lo que debe ser editado?
    21:13, 14 December 2012
    Edited 21:14 14 December 2012
    Edited 21:15 14 December 2012
  • ReverieCode
    Hello everyone, I've just recently started discovering these threads, it's amazing and I should probably introduce myself. I'm Playsonic2, have been editing at Wikia wikis since 2007 (mostly at Spanish wikis but also some English ones). I've been a helper for the Spanish communities briefly and currently part of the Wikia Stars program.

    I became a Whovian this year, big sci-fi fan... so far, love everything about the show. So, I adopted the Spanish Doctor Who Wiki last month and have been working on it, fixing some design issues and trying to put some order on episode pages before I start adding to them.

    Anyway, if anyone is interested in helping out, it would be very appreciated. Sadly, there's not a lot of activity and I won't be able to spend A LOT of time editing over the next few months, but I expect to be improving it little by little and at least be aware of what's happening and keep it updated.

    If you're interested in helping you can just start editing, or reach me in case you need any help or have comments. // Si estás interesado en ayudar tan solo puedes empezar a editar, o dejarme un mensaje si necesitas ayuda o tienes algún comentario.

    That's all for now. Allons-y! (That's not exactly Spanish, but... well.)

    12:23, 9 August 2014
  • CzechOut
    Thanks very much for stopping by and introducing yourself! It's great to have an active Spanish-speaking partner again!
    22:53, 9 August 2014
  • ReverieCode
    If anyone is interested, the Spanish community of Wikia is planning on preparing a guided tour about Doctor Who. Guided tours are articles -blog posts- written with the collaboration of members of the community to discuss about certain topics and share those with other members, in this occasion we are going to talk about Doctor Who and its Spanish wiki, a great opportunity to show the franchise to all those who don't know about it and maybe encourage them to watch it and help out.

    We're looking for more users to participate in this guided tour, if any Spanish-speaking users want to join you can share your opinion about the show. -- This is the thread in the Spanish wiki in which you can join


    Si alguien está interesado, la comunidad en español de Wikia está planeando hacer un tour guiado sobre Doctor Who para la comunidad de Wikia en español. Los tour guiados son artículos -entradas de blog- escritos con la colaboración de la comunidad de Wikia sobre determinados temas para hablar sobre ellos a otros miembros de la comunidad, por ejemplo en esta ocasión hablaríamos de Doctor Who y de Doctor Who Wiki para el resto de la comunidad de Wikia, una excelente oportunidad para que todos aquellos que no conozcan la serie se animen a verla y pasen por aquí.

    Estamos buscando saber con quién podemos contar para participar en este tour guiado y que los usuarios que quieran se apunten para dar su opinión. -- Este es el hilo en el wiki español para unirse

    10:59, 2 September 2014
  • Magicaid
    Hello, Doctor Who fans :)

    I'm Magicaid, one of the spanish Doctor Who Wiki's admins. I have been in Wikia since 2013. I began in an english community, but later found my way into spanish communities. Last year, I discovered Doctor Who, and after thinking of it for a while, I decided to join the wiki. After admiring the great job Playsonic2 had made during the time before I joined, I was thrilled to begin helping. After a couple months of editing, I received admin rights, and haven't stopped since.

    I'm pretty sure that I speak both for Playsonic2 and for myself, when I say that over the last months, the spanish community has grown tremendously. We are nearing the 950th article, and we hope to reach 1000 articles soon. Some of the other major advances, apart from the new designs made last year, would be the development of policies and a better category system. Playsonic2 has now been appointed as the wiki's new bureaucrat. With this changes, we could say that we are readier than ever to receive new editors.

    In spite of these advances, we are still in need of new contributors. So I would like to encourage you to visit us, and if possible, to help us expand the spanish community.

    Just remember to have a safe trip trough cyber-space and time!

    05:12, 10 May 2015
    Edited 05:14 10 May 2015

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:117402

Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/TOI! Yes, you!" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/¡La versión española te necesita!".

Bonjour locuteur francophone,

Oui, toi (pas vous, toi), tu penses que ce message s'adresse à qui d'autre sur un wiki en anglais?

C'est pour te dire qu'il y a un wiki Doctor Who en français. Ouep! Et toi qui ne cessait d'utiliser ton dictionnaire anglais-français pendant des heures afin de comprendre ce qui s'était passé dans l'épisode que tu as raté...

Enfin, notre wiki ne prétend pas être de la tempe du wiki anglophone (nous ne somme que des misérables fourmis face au temple), mais nous avons quand même plus de 900 pages et la plupart des épisodes résumés avec une plus grande attention passées sur les articles de scénaristes et d'auteurs (c'est très visuel).

Viens donc faire un tour, on est cool.

Le pire qui peut arriver, c'est que tu modifies des pages.

P.S.: Si tu aimes les DEUX wikis, c'est encore mieux, tu peux commencer à placer des liens interwiki dans les pages qui n'en n'ont pas encore (voit comment).

Hello french speaker,

Yes, you (not you, you), you think this communication is for who else in this english wiki?

It's just to tell you that there is another Doctor Who wiki in french. Yep! And you who didn't stop using your english-french dictionnary during hours to graple with what happened in the episode you missed...

Well, our wiki does not have the pretention of being as good as the anglophone wiki (we are ants compared to the temple), but we have over 900 pages and most of the episode resumed with a particular attention on the articles about scenarists and author (it's very visual).

So, come and check, we're cool.

The worst that can happen is that you start modifying pages.

P.S.: If you like BOTH wikis, it's even better, you can start putting interwiki links on the remaining articles that don't have them.

05:47, 5 December 2012
Edited by CzechOut 22:14, 5 December 2012
  • SteamMoose
    Le Wiki français a désormais plus de 1000 pages, une nouvelle présentation et des règles de plus en plus claires. Il manque néanmoins quelque chose de crucial: des membres actifs qui modifient des pages régulièrement. Je relance donc l'appel: si vous êtes un lecteur du wiki anglais et que vous êtes francophone, n'hésitez pas à passer de temps en temps!
    12:04, 14 March 2014

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:117445

Scott Eccles
Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Deutsches Who-Wiki" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/TOI! Yes, you!".

Nach gescheiterten Versuchen, ein deutschsprachige Who-Wiki zu etablieren, gibt es jetzt eines, an dem gern mitgearbeitet werden kann... In den letzten Monaten entstanden an die 1250 Artikel - da gibts noch einiges zu tun... Gern gemeinsam!

06:21, 6 December 2012
Edited by CzechOut 14:37, 6 December 2012

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:117822

    Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Falantes do português: nós precisamos de sua ajuda" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Deutsches Who-Wiki".

    Você pode escrever em Português? Em caso afirmativo, considere a edição a w:c:pt.doctorwho. Parece que o usuário que a criou em agosto já abandonaram a fim de concentrarse na versão Poruguese da Memória Alfa. Este wiki é muito pequeno agora - apenas duas páginas - por isso precisa de muita ajuda.

    21:09, 14 December 2012
    Edited 21:10, 14 December 2012
    • Luisdpaula
      As I do not have control of this wiki, I decided to start my own:

      I have the assistance of a Facebook group. Now, we are small, but surely grow. I appreciate any publicity made ​​by you. Thank you.

      ===============[[edit] | [edit source]]

      Como eu não teria o controle dessa wiki, eu decidi começar a minha: Eu tenho a assistência de um grupo do Facebook. Agora, estamos pequenos, mas com certeza cresceremos. Agradeço qualquer divulgação feita por vocês. Obrigado.

      21:44, 15 June 2013
      Edited 21:44 15 June 2013
    • SOTO
      Hi. Not admin here, but I can relay what I believe our policies regarding this are. Sorry, I don't speak a word of Portugese.

      Please take a look at Help:Interlanguage links. A key phrase there is, "We can only have one wiki per language, and have granted those requests already." We are already supported w:c:pt.doctorwho.

      Now your wiki is more developed. I do believe that Wikia supports merging wikis. I do not think this is necessary, though — since the only admin there has not made an edit in over a year, you can most likely get admin rights from Wikia. Unless he's logged in recently, but hasn't edited.

      Anyway, don't take my word for anything until an admin comes along to confirm or deny it. But Help:Interlanguage links should answer most of your questions.

      22:05, 15 June 2013
      Edited 22:06 15 June 2013
    • CzechOut
      Oi! Obrigado por perguntar sobre a parceria com esta wiki. Estamos muito interessados ​​em encontrar um parceiro brasileiro! No entanto, já existe um wiki português brasileiro em w:c:pt-br:doctorwho. Nós sugerimos fortemente que você edita lá por uma semana ou duas e, em seguida, pedir para adotá-lo. Você pode até mesmo ser capaz de pedir Wikia Staff para permitir que você mesclar os dois wikis. Exigimos que todos Doctor non-Inglês Doctor Who wikis têm a URL base de:
      (código de idioma)

      Nós não seremos capazes de relacionar com você em seu URL atual. Por favor, leia T:LINK TO US para mais informações.

      Heya :) Thanks for asking about linking up with us. We're very interested in finding a Brazilian partner. But there's already a Brazilian wiki at w:c:pt-br:doctorwho. We strongly suggest that you edit there for a week or two and then ask to adopt it. You may even be able to ask Wikia Staff to merge the two wikis. We require that all non-English Doctor Who wikis have the base URL of:

      (language code).doctorwho.wikia com

      We will not be able to link with you at your current address. Please read T:LINK TO US for more information.

      00:41, 16 June 2013
      Edited 00:43 16 June 2013
      Edited 00:46 16 June 2013
    • Luisdpaula
      Well, after a while, today managed to do the "adoption" of the wiki( Already brought all the content from the old to the new. I read that I need to get to 30 my wiki pages before ordering. We are currently twenty-two articles. Qunado get to it, I again get in touch. Thank you for your attention.
      =[[edit] | [edit source]]

      Bem, depois de um tempo, hoje consegui realizar a "adoção" da wiki( Já trouxe todo o conteúdo da antiga para esta nova. Eu li que preciso fazer minha wiki chegar à 30 páginas antes de fazer o pedido. No momento, estamos com vinte e dois artigos. Qunado chegar a isto, volto a entrar em contato. Obrigado pela a atenção.

      22:35, 5 July 2013
    • CzechOut
      But i thought you were br-pt, not pt. I'm really confused now. I thought you were trying to adopt not
      19:35, 6 July 2013
      Edited 19:36 6 July 2013
      Edited 19:36 6 July 2013
    • Luisdpaula
      It makes no sense to create two wiki's of the same language for both countries. It's as if they developed one for UK and one for the United States.

      I think it is possible for the two to coexist in a single address, like Wikipedia does today. My Portugueses fellows are more than welcome to add and change the text to do it a wiki for everyone. Brazilians and Portugueses. (Among others) :)

      Glad to say we already have 56 articles (Ok, I know that compared to the 35,000 of you, there are few), and I'm counting on the participation of some persons.

      If you can, visit our wiki, I'm translating the article The Doctor, and I'm kinda proud of it. :D

      04:07, 6 September 2013
      Edited 04:09 6 September 2013
    Well, okay, I always thought that Brazilian and European Portuguese were a bit further apart than American English is from British English. But, hey, if that's where you wanna work, that's fine. You've crossed the threshold for the minimum number of articles for linkage with us, so I'll go ahead and put in the request for the link to be re-enabled.

    Great work over there!

    04:14, 6 September 2013

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:152875

    Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Translate or not?" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Falantes do português: nós precisamos de sua ajuda".

    Hi! I'm thinking of starting a swedish Doctor Who Wiki and I wonder what you think about this: Should one translate names (that can be translated, for example Bad Wolf) to my language or stick to the english name?

    14:59, 28 February 2014
    • OttselSpy25
      It is most common in media to keep English names as English, though it can go both ways. Is there a(n official) Swedish dub of Doctor Who, and if so, how does it deal with the names?
      15:10, 28 February 2014
      Edited 15:10 28 February 2014
    • Shairnah
      It's subtitled and that's the thing... I've only got Season 1 with swedish subtitles. And I can't remember how it deals with the names! :) Maybe I should watch it again and see. Could do that, but any thoughts on this subject is most welcome anyway!
      15:18, 28 February 2014
    • CzechOut
      I think you absolutely, positively should start a Swedish Doctor Who wiki on Wikia. We really could use that in our Doctor Who family. We have an entire section of the forum devoted to helping people make non-English versions of this wiki. Please see Board:United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. If you need any help at all, please ask.
      01:16, 1 March 2014
    • Digifiend
      But definitely rewatch those subbed episodes first, to make sure you use the correct names for things.
      17:51, 2 March 2014
    • OttselSpy25
      That might at least point you in the right direction for the rest of the fandom.
      19:13, 2 March 2014
    • SOTO
      I'd definitely say go with whatever the official subtitles say, but it might be a good idea to leave redirects at the original, English names too. That's just my opinion, though; take it or leave it as you will.
      22:59, 2 March 2014
    • Tangerineduel
      I would also suggest looking for the official page of the broadcaster. They might have an official page on their website (or it may be archived on the wayback machine) where you can check their spellings. Also TV listings from the time may have translated the story titles as I recall reading the French and German titles translated, although those were dubs rather than just subtitles.
      14:10, 3 March 2014
    • CzechOut
      Hey, Wikia have started a new Swedish portal. So if you're wondering how to get started, and whether there are Swedish speakers to help you out, the answer is Yes!.

      Just go to Portal:Svenska!

      20:23, 13 March 2014
    • Shairnah
      Thanks all! I've done some research and this is what I've found out:
      • Series 1 is the only one available with Swedish subtitles (as far as I know)
      • The only channel that ever broadcasted Doctor Who in Sweden doesn't exist anymore (and there is no information at all about Doctor Who on their main website)
      • The Swedish article about Doctor Who on Wikipedia has some incorrect translations. So this is not a secure source. The article hasn't been updated for a long time as well.

      However, I DO know there are Swedish Doctor Who fans out there. I just need to find them! So, I guess I'll head over to the Portal then...

      21:36, 13 March 2014
      Edited 21:40 13 March 2014
    • CzechOut
      Cool. Be aware the portal is actually being built as we speak. But you can look at the history and get the names of some of the people building it, who are likely Swedish speakers.
      21:54, 13 March 2014
      Did this wiki get made? Is there a link?
      16:47, 18 February 2018

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:158634

    Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Going to the World Tour?" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Translate or not?".

    If you're going to any location involved in the World Tour, we'd love to feature your pictures, videos or memories on the our front page during the month of August!

    If you're going to any venue, please just leave a note below and we'll contact you directly to give further guidance.

    Se você estiver indo para qualquer lugar envolvido no World Tour, nós adoraríamos apresentam suas fotos, vídeos ou memórias sobre a nossa página durante o mês de agosto!

    Se você vai a qualquer local, por favor, deixe uma nota abaixo e entraremos em contato com você diretamente para dar mais orientações.

    Si usted va a cualquier lugar involucrado en el World Tour, nos encantaría que cuentan sus imágenes, vídeos o recuerdos en la página de nuestra frente durante el mes de agosto!

    Si vas a ir a cualquier lugar, por favor, acaba de salir de una nota de abajo y nos pondremos en contacto con usted directamente para dar mayor orientación.

    당신이 어떤 위치 세계 투어에 참여 거 야, 우리 사진, 비디오 또는 기억 기능 몹시는 8 월 한 달 동안 우리의 프론트 페이지!

    어떤 장소에 거 라면, 그냥 아래의 메모를 남겨 주세요 그리고 우리 지도 추가 줄에 직접 연락 드리겠습니다.

    20:06, 7 July 2014
    Edited 01:33, 13 July 2014
    Edited 17:18, 29 January 2017
    • Adan Flyber
      Well, I'll be in NYC when the Tour will land, the 14th August, but it seems nobody has informations about what will happen in each city, except for Cardiff... I really want to go the Tour (it's an incredible chance for me, because I live in France, and I'll be in NYC just the right time), but there is no informations on BBC America or doctorwhotv about tickets or events. How can you exactly guide us about it?

      (and is it me or the Tour doesn't seem to be cared by a lot of person...?)

      18:05, 12 July 2014
    • CzechOut
      Everyone who is interested in attending needs to click here and register. The BBC will then send you information as soon as it becomes available.

      Todo aquel que esté interesado en ir necesita haga clic aquí y registro. La BBC debe proporcionarle información tan pronto como esté disposable.

      Quem estiver interessado em ir necessidades para clique aqui e registo. A BBC em seguida lhe enviaremos informações tão logo ele se torna disponível.

      가에 관심이 있는 모든 사람 여기를 클릭 하 고 등록 합니다. BBC 송신할 것 이다 다음 내용은 최대한 빨리 사용할 수 있게 됩니다.

      01:32, 13 July 2014
    • Smylefayse
      I'm flying from LA to NY for it. Really hoping for an Autograph signing. Yeah, more information would be great. I'm definitely going to be taking tons of pictures though.
      17:46, 18 July 2014
    • CzechOut
      Hey, that's awesome! If you need help uploading images or writing up your experience after the fact, lemme know!
      18:53, 18 July 2014
    • EighthDoctor
      I'll be going to the New York event, and I'm quite excited to see Mr. Capaldi and Ms. Coleman! Series Eight is premiering only a few days afterwords, so it'll be an amazing way to begin the celebrations for us in the states! I'll try and take photos while I'm there.
      01:42, 20 July 2014
    • CzechOut
      13:15, 20 July 2014
    • CzechOut
      15:04, 21 July 2014
      Edited 15:04 21 July 2014
    • Rob T Firefly
      As a New York City resident who is fairly aggravated at missing all the Who cast and crew events here so far, I'll definitely do what I can to check out our leg of this tour.
      20:16, 27 July 2014
    • CzechOut
      14:20, 28 July 2014
    • Viniciuscoelho
      I'm a member of a Brazilian fan site called Universo Who. We are planning to make a video coverage of the World Tour in Rio, like the one we have made before when Mark Gatiss came here to talk about Sherlock. The video (which can be seen here, english subtitled - got a little of BBC's attention, so that was really cool, since it was an experimental format. We are planning to make a bigger and better one this time and it would be awesome if we could count with your help to divulge it.
      19:25, 28 July 2014
    • CzechOut
      You absolutely can! Just give us a link to it when you're finished, and we'll be more than happy to feature it!
      00:01, 29 July 2014
    • Ismaelph
      Hey, I'm attending to the Rio event!
      00:34, 3 August 2014
    • CzechOut
      Hey Ismaelph :) If you have videos or pics from the event — or if you'd like to write a short post about your experiences (even in Portuguese) please let us know!
      17:24, 4 August 2014
    • YouTubeKorea
      I'm a Korean, but sorry, I failed at getting the tickets to Seoul ;( I am going to see Capaldi and Coleman tho
      14:06, 5 August 2014
    • CzechOut
      Hey, that's great YouTubeKorea. You know, I think our readers would be interested in how difficult it was to get tickets for the event in Seoul. So if you'd like to write a few sentences about your failed attempt to get tickets, I still think that'd be something we could proudly put on our front page.

      그리고 당신이 원한다 면, 한국어 언어에 있는 당신의 이야기를 작성할 수 있습니다.

      17:20, 5 August 2014
      Edited 17:24 5 August 2014
    • YouTubeKorea
      Well, there is this site called Yes24 where it's basically a Korean version of E-Bay. They said they will release the tickets in Sunday so that we could purchase it. I got into there an hour before it started(7 AM in the morning!), and when the time started, guess what? It all sold out. In five seconds. Not joking, five seconds. Five seconds were all it took for a thousand Korean Whovians to sign up. I also tried the TARDIS Picture Event, but I conclude that if you don't have something really special like a full Davros costume or a full-costumed Captain Jack. So yeah, it was pretty sad ;(
      13:28, 6 August 2014
    • Adan Flyber
      About NYC, it's starting to driving me up the wall a bit. We are not even sure about the date (14 on the articles but 13 on the Hompage of Doctorwhotv), and neither the schedule or the tickets are out. And it's next week. Do you have any information about the Tour in that city? Impossible to find anything on internet.
      21:52, 7 August 2014
    • CzechOut
      Well, BBCAmerica are sure to be the effective organisers of the event in NYC, and they're saying the 14th at I would take that as gospel until proven otherwise. Like you, I see that says the 13th, but that page was built some time ago. The BBCA site's information is ostensibly "newer" — and besides which, they have more of a vested interest in getting the dates right.

      The only North American date I can absolutely confirm at this time is that Mexico definitely happens on the 17th, and that it's the stop immediately after NYC. That doesn't help much, of course, because NYC could be on the 13th or 14th and still give plenty of time to comfortably get to Mexico City.

      As for getting tickets, no I don't have any special information other than that you should probably just sign up with at

      04:14, 8 August 2014
    • CzechOut

      YouTubeKorea wrote: Well, there is this site called Yes24 where it's basically a Korean version of E-Bay. They said they will release the tickets in Sunday so that we could purchase it. I got into there an hour before it started(7 AM in the morning!), and when the time started, guess what? It all sold out. In five seconds. Not joking, five seconds. Five seconds were all it took for a thousand Korean Whovians to sign up. I also tried the TARDIS Picture Event, but I conclude that if you don't have something really special like a full Davros costume or a full-costumed Captain Jack. So yeah, it was pretty sad ;(

      Thanks for this, YouTubeKorea! A slightly edited version of it is now up on our front page! If anyone else has stories, pictures, or videos from any stop on the tour, make sure you post them here so we can put them up on the front page!

      19:24, 9 August 2014
    • Rob T Firefly
      Another announcement pointing out the NYC one as taking place on Thursday the 14th:

      Of course, they announce this when I've already got something else to do that evening; so much for this NYC resident finally making it to a local Who event.

      15:36, 10 August 2014
    Heh, that was an epic fail on the BBC's part, I think. I signed up with two different email accounts to their registration page, which was supposed to give more information as the date neared. I got nothing back from that, and instead BBCA did the venue and ticketing announcement.

    Actually, judging from the comments on that page, Rob, I'm not even sure that there was ever much of an announcement. The "announcement" seems to have started at "tickets sold out".

    Very disappointing. But I'm glad people in other parts of the world seem to have had a better chance at getting tickets.

    15:19, 12 August 2014

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:180873

    Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Finnish Doctor Who Wikia" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Going to the World Tour?".


    I have created a Finnish Doctor Who Wikia and I have requested a link between this and the other Doctor Who Wikias to mine. I have 30 pages and a need to expand. So if any of you knows Finnish, you are welcome to translate the Wikia with me. :)

    Timppali 16:41, September 24, 2015 (UTC)

    16:41, 24 September 2015
    Edited by CzechOut 17:20, 29 January 2017
    Edited by CzechOut 17:21, 29 January 2017
    • Timppali
      I also have a question about this linking. Do I have to manually go and add [[en:(Pagename)]] to every article and page I have to make it link? Or is there an automatic way of doing this?
      17:48, 24 September 2015

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Thread:238376

    Warning: Display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/DWA: We need your expertise!" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/Finnish Doctor Who Wikia".

    Hey all! If you just can't get enough of writing about Doctor Who, why not come take a wander around the Doctor Who Answers wiki?

    DWA is a sister wiki to this one aimed at answering all manner of questions about Doctor Who and its licensed spin-off material. We need help answering questions, especially from those with good knowledge of non-TV media. If you could lend us a hand by answering some of our unanswered questions, it would be much appreciated!

    I'm also looking for suggestions on how to make DWA more engaging for readers and editors alike. If there's anything you can think of that you think would make you wanna stick around more, please let me know.

    Hope to see you around!

    05:28, 6 October 2018

      Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY Warning: Display title "User:SOTO/Forum Archive/United Nations Intelligence Taskforce" overrides earlier display title "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce/DWA: We need your expertise!".

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