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Vakrass was the last of the Death Lords. He vowed war on the universe after being kept alive. He thought that love was a virus and wanted to spread it through the universe. His war was doing one good deed after each other until the universe was destroyed.

Vakrass made his base on the dead asteroid Primeline-275, once the lost Gallifreyan moon of Botoya, before a rift opened in the sky above his world. Investigating the anomaly, Vakrass discovered Old High Gallifreyan and sought out the Time Lords for aid. The Time Lords instead gave Vakrass the means to contact the Doctor and resources to contend with Botoya's technology. Vakrass sought out the Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Doctors, each of whom had found a third of Botoya's chroni-core. After the chroni-core had been reunited, it opened a portal to Botoya's ancient past, where Gostak was operating the moon's reality altering device.

When the anomaly began rising, Vakrass followed Vislor Turlough, Constance Clarke and Charlotte Pollard through. The Doctors managed to turn Botoya's energy field back on itself, ensuring it decayed into Primeline-275, before the Seventh Doctor arrived to rescue everyone. As the Doctors and their companions evacuated, Vakrass remained behind to ensure Gostak could do no harm, though the Doctors were quite sure Vakrass had survived and would cross paths with them again one day. (AUDIO: The End of the Beginning)