Vantalla Psychoscale

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The Vantalla Psychoscale was a measurement of psychokinetic force, although not much was known about it, according to the Fourth Doctor. As he explained, 5347.2 on the Vantalla Scale represented the power that would move a single teacup 5347.2 miles, or 5347.2 teacups one mile, or an entire Gallifreyan ceremonial dinner service 25.462875 miles. (PROSE: The Pirate Planet)

When the Fourth Doctor was assaulted by the Mentiads, K9 Mark II's instruments registered that he was struck by a gestalt-generated psychokinetic blast on a wavelength of 338.79 micropars (TV: The Pirate Planet) with interference patterns on 317.06, 259.13, and 15.41 micropars, (PROSE: The Pirate Planet) reaching a peak power level of 5347.2 on the Vantalla Psychoscale. (TV: The Pirate Planet)