Venusian Night Fish

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Venusian Night Fish was a species of fish native to the oceans of Venus. They were eaten by Venusians and non-Venusians alike.

The Night Fish were used by Venusians to power their seafaring vessels. This was done by harnessing the fish to the ship and then adding certain hormones to their water which made them think their mating-waters were close, sending the fish into a frenzy of swimming and adding speed to the ship. (PROSE: Venusian Lullaby [+]Loading...["Venusian Lullaby (novel)"])

Afhighid Kontojij had a supply of Night Fish rashers. (PROSE: Venusian Lullaby [+]Loading...["Venusian Lullaby (novel)"]) On Skaro, the First Doctor ordered Venusian Night Fish from the TARDIS food machine. He had it again while at the Thals' encampment. (PROSE: Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks [+]Loading...["Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks (novelisation)"])