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Soon after, she was invited to Sarah Jane's wedding, but could not attend because she was taking exams. ([[SJA]]: ''[[The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith]]'')
Soon after, she was invited to Sarah Jane's wedding, but could not attend because she was taking exams. ([[SJA]]: ''[[The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith]]'')

In September [[2010]], Maria congratulated Luke, through a social network, on being accepted to the [[University of Oxford]]. He attempted to tell her about the [[Nightmare Man]], but was unable to. ([[SJA]]: ''[[The Nightmare Man]]'')
[[File:SJA401-0640.jpg|thumb|Luke tealing to Maria over the Internet]]In September [[2010]], Maria congratulated Luke, through a social network, on being accepted to the [[University of Oxford]]. He attempted to tell her about the [[Nightmare Man]], but was unable to. ([[SJA]]: ''[[The Nightmare Man]]'')

==Alternate realities==
==Alternate realities==

Revision as of 21:00, 12 October 2010

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Maria Jackson was a teenage girl who assisted Sarah Jane Smith. and her friends in combating alien menaces.


Adventure with Sarah Jane, Luke and Cylde

Maria spies on Sarah Jane and the Star Poet (SJA: Invasion of the Bane)

When Maria was thirteen, her parents Alan and Chrissie Jackson divorced. Alan and Maria moved to Bannerman Road in Ealing. The first night in her new home, Maria made the life-changing discovery about her neighbor, Sarah Jane Smith, when she witnessed her conversing with a glowing winged alien. The next day, she and a new friend, Kelsey Harper, went to the Bubble Shock! factory where Maria discovered she was one of the 2% who didn't drink Bubble Shock! When Kelsey used her phone it triggered the Bane's alarms which awakened their own artificially created Human child, Luke Smith (at that time known only as "the Archetype"), Maria was wandering around the factory looking for Kelsy but instead she ran into the Archetype and then Sarah Jane Smith. Together they escaped the Bubble Shock factory, and on their return to Bannerman Road, Sarah Jane told her to forget everything she saw and go live her life like a normal person.

However, they were then joined by Kelsey, and then Davey, a disguised Bane who unmasked and attempted to kill them. After Davey was defeated, Maria went upstairs to Sarah Jane's Attic, where she was told the truth about the Universe and how aliens came to Earth all the time, and met Mr. Smith, Sarah Jane's brilliant alien super computer and K9 Mark IV, Sarah Jane's robot dog who was stuck in deep space trying to repair a Black hole so the Earth wouldn't be sucked in. She, Sarah Jane and the Archetype banded together to defeat the Bane invasion, afterwards Mariah helped Sarah Jane choose a name for the Archetype, whom Sarah Jane had decided to adopt. (SJA: Invasion of the Bane)

Maria and luke meets Cylde
Maria and Luke at their new school

One week later Maria and Luke went to their first day at School, where they met Clyde Langer, while Sarah Jane investigated the company who built the science block, instructing them to have a look around look for something suspicious. While investigating, Mariah ran into Mr. Jeffery who revealed himself as Kist Magg Thek Lutiven-Day Slitheen. Mariah then encountered Clyde and they both ran from the Slitheen. A student gave them a place to hide but this was revealed to be a trap as he too was a Slitheen. Maria and Clyde then met up with Luke and ran from the Slitheen. When Sarah Jane escaped from a Florm Rox Fey Fenerill-Slam Slitheen she helped them escape and they headed back to Sarah Jane's house where they discovered the Slitheen's weakness to Acetic acid, when the Slithen started to turn out the Sun and all electrical devices including Mr. Smith, Sarah Jane's Sonic lipstick and Scanner watch were swtiched off.

They headed back to the school, armed with squeeze bottles full of vinegar, where Maria killed Kist by throwing her whole bottle at him, before she and Clyde were captured. Luke tricked the Slitheen by telling them the machine wouldn't take the power of the sun. He turned the machine off and used the Sonic Lipstick to cause the machine to malfunction. As the room exploded, the continental Slitheen escaped while Florm was electrocuted and Kist and Korst were trapped. They begged for Sarah's help, as she tried to open the door Jeffrey was killed when the technology exploded. However, at the same time (Unknown to them), Korst escaped.(SJA: Revenge of the Slitheen)

Maria in the Attic

While the team were investigating claims of sightings of a ghostly nun at Lavender Lawns, the local nursing home, Chrissie temporarily moved in with Maria and Alan, but succeeded only in causing further problems in the family. Back at Lavender Lawns, an old lady gave Luke an ancient talisman, the key to a portal in space and time. They found that a group of nuns were hiding an age-old creature, a Gorgon.

Maria and Luke on the Uvodni Warship

When Sarah Jane refused to give the talisman to the nuns, they kidnapped Luke and Clyde and took the Gorgon and Maria to Sarah Jane's house where the Gorgon turned her father into stone. Having got what they came for, the nuns and the Gorgon left.

Mr Smith told Maria and Sarah that Alan's original form was retrievable until 16:00. Luke and Clyde saw the Gorgon stumble, but were unable to prevent the talisman beginning the process of joining the Gorgon Homeworld with Earth. The Gorgon - a parasite inside the Abbess - chose Sarah Jane as its next host. When Maria went to talk with Bea, she found out that the talisman could revert those turned to stone. Clyde distracted the nuns long enough so Luke could grab the talisman, disconnecting the portal. However, Sarah Jane and the boys were recaptured and locked in another room, though Sarah Jane was soon taken and tied next to the portal. Luke and Clyde escaped again and joined Sarah Jane just as the Gorgon began to transfer itself, but Maria arrived and used a mirror to revert the transfer and turn the Gorgon - and Abbess - to stone, freeing the nuns of mind-control. Maria disconnected the talisman and the portal shut down forever. The talisman brought her father back to flesh-and-blood and Chrissie left, reuniting with Ivan.(SJA: Eye of the Gorgon)

The gang at the skate park
Sarah Jane giving Maria the puzzle box

Maria helpped defeat Uvlavad Kudlak and discovered why children went missing all over the country because they were taken by a H2O Scoop at Combat 3000. She left Earth for the very first time and saw Earth on the Uvodni Warship in space with Sarah Jane.(SJA: Warriors of Kudlak )

Sarah Jane told Maria she was the one person she trusted best and gave her an alien puzzle box that was given to her by a Verron Soothsayer who they helped fly home the previous week, who told her to give it to the person she trusted the most and just to 'remember'.

The next day, after telling her dad if she was going to Sarah Jane's and realising her dad didn't not know (or at least could not remember) anybody named Sarah Jane Maria began to get worried. She crossed the road and found a strange woman in Sarah's house who apparently knew her.

After checking the photos from before and finding Sarah Jane is not in them, rather the strange woman, Andrea Yates, Maria found that Sarah Jane, Luke and Mr. Smith have all disappeared, and she alone remembers them. A woman named Andrea Yates lived in Sarah Jane's house as if she always did. Maria searched her contacts and found Sarah Jane, Luke and Clydes' numbers had all vanished. Knowing that a meteor that could have been deflected by Sarah Jane was about to hit the Earth, Maria tried to warn everyone, but no one would listen. After claiming to her dad she lied about a woman called Sarah Jane she decided to go investigating. She found a newspaper article from 1964 stating that a thirteen-year-old Sarah Jane Smith drowned after falling from a pier, where she was playing with her friend, Andrea Yates. As Maria watched, the names of the deceased and the survivor switch, though a bemused Alan claimed he saw nothing. When Maria confronted Andrea, she became very angry, shouting at her. "I'm gonna work out how time got changed, I'm gonna find Sarah Jane, and NOTHING is gonna stop me!!!" Andrea threw her out and the panic stricken woman rushed to her attic and found a second puzzle box.

The Timeline restore

A cloaked figure appeared and reminded Andrea of himself and what she agreed. She couldn't bear her memory and begged him to help her. He offered to make Maria disappear. Andrea dreaded the thought of knowing she would have erased Maria, but the figure promised she would forget, as the whole World would. After Andrea accepted, he dispatched a Graske, who chased Maria who then dropped the puzzle box. Maria came to a dead end under a tunnel, and despite her attempt to dodge the gun, the Graske shoots a clip attached to a cord at Maria, and the clip catches on to her breast pocket. The Graske teleported Maria away just after Alan picked up the first box. When Chrissie came round he discovered his ex-wife couldn't remember their daughter. Meanwhile Maria escaped from the Graske and found herself on a beach promenade near two girls. She grabbed a newspaper and saw the date, knowing July 13th 1964 to be the day of the accident. When Maria asked the two girls where she is, they introduced themselves as Andrea Yates and Sarah Jane Smith. Maria got captured by the Graske again and she was sent to Limbo where she met Sarah Jane again happy to see each other. Sarah Jane told her what the alien was and Maria told her what kind of person Andera was. Meanwhile Alan captured the Graske and got Maria back and together they stopped the Trickster and everyone was back to stop the meteorite. (SJA: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?)

Maria at the Pharos institute

However, in the process, Alan stumbled in on the existence of Sarah Jane's activities Maria told him about her adventures and things she seen. He decided that they were moving away, concerned for his daughter, but Alan recanted and decided to stay in their old home when Maria convinced him that not all aliens were evil and Sarah Jane told her anything is possible and and the universe is amazing and she is very lucky and she doesn't want to let it go. She helpped defeat the Slitheen again and Mr. Smith who was trying to destroy the Earth when everything was safe they where looking up at the stars together (SJA: The Lost Boy)

During the Dalek's relocation of Earth to the Medusa Cascade, Maria was staying in Cornwall with her father. Luke called her to check on her. (DW: The Stolen Earth)

Last Adventure

Sarah Jane and Maria looking at the night sky

Alan later received a letter inviting him to work in America, at the head office of his firm. Maria was distraught at the implications, despite Alan teling her that the decision was not just his to make. Entering Sarah Jane's house, Maria was unable to break the news, just as a report of unusual goings-on in Goblin's Copse was discovered by Mr. Smith, prompting the team to head to the countryside to investigate. They arrived at Goblin's Copse, being watched by something. Inside, the team found a girl called Lucy, who told them that her Dad had gone missing, before passing out. While the boys searched the woods, Sarah Jane learned that Alan had been offered the job in America, responding coldy and matter-of-factly, to Maria's distress .

The gang at the Radio telescope
Maria, Luke and Cylde at the Sontaran spacepod

When Lucy waked up, Sarah Jane persuaded her to recall the events of the previous night. Professor Skinner then appeared, though he seemed strangely detached and unemotional. He ordered Sarah Jane and Maria to leave immediately, which they did.

Luke then called Sarah Jane, bringing her and Maria to a cloaked object he and Clyde found. When the cloaking field was disabled and Sarah Jane immediately recognised the ship as Sontaran. Its Sontaran occupant, Commander Kaagh appeared behind them, armed. When Maria tricked Kaagh, the group managed to escape, splitting up, with Kaagh chasing them. Outside the Observatory, Luke and Maria crawled through a vent into the building. Maria and Luke watched from the vent, while Kaagh and Sarah Jane talked. He revealed he was badly wounded when the Doctor defeated the Sontaran army: The only survivor of the botched invasion of Earth, he vowed revenge on Earth for his peoples' humiliation. He revealed his plan to use the Tycho radio telescope to take control of Earth's satellites, and steer them to crash into nuclear stockpiles on Earth, triggering nuclear annihilation. Clyde protested, so Kaagh announced he would experiment on him. Sarah Jane stepped in front of Clyde, denying Kaagh, who pulled out his gun and shot Sarah Jane, stunning her.

Luke and Maria caught Clyde's attention and motion for him to join them. Luke, Maria, and Clyde provoked Kaagh into chasing them through the observatory's corridors and service tunnels; the teens escaped into the forest and blocked Kaagh from getting out. They ran to Kaagh's shuttle, Maria decided to tell Luke about America and Luke felt really upset because she had always been there for him from the very start, but she said "None that matters if we don't stop Kaagh." Luke continued with the alien chemicals stored inside to synthesise a knockout gas that would incapacitate Kaagh.

Maria telling Luke about America

Maria, not sure that Luke would be able to synthesise the gas in time, decided to ask Mr Smith for more information on defeating Sontarans. As Mr Smith was still in Ealing, she called her dad and asked him to contact the computer. Alan did so, unaware that he had been followed into Sarah Jane's attic by his ex-wife Chrissie. Chrissie demanded to know what was going on; Alan quickly brought her up to speed on Sarah Jane's alien hunting and Maria's role as her assistant. Chrissie realized he was telling the truth as his lip twitched when he was lying. Maria's parents, fearful for her safety, decided to join their daughter at Goblin's Copse.

Sarah Jane, Maria, Clyde, Luke and Lucy all met up. Sarah Jane took Luke and Lucy with her to try and deactivate the transmitter, while Maria and Clyde gone and tried to find the switch that would move the transmitter away from the satellites. However Kaagh and Skinner got there first and captured them. Luke tried to breaked into the observatory's main computers, eventually succeeding when he realised that Sontarans, who have three fingers on each hand, probably use base six mathematics. But Kaagh appeared and revealed that Lucy was a sleeper agent, activating the mind-control chip he had implanted in her, and instructing her to re-activate the transmitter. He threatened Maria's life if Sarah Jane tried to stop him. All appeared lost until Chrissie burst into the observatory

Sarah Jane saying Goodbye to Maria

and attacked Kaagh's Probic vent with her high-heeled shoe, incapacitating him more effectively than Luke's knockout gas was able to. The transmitter was de-activated, this time for good. Kaagh was escorted back to his ship and ordered to return to Sontar, which he was only too glad to do; he was humiliated that he was defeated by "half-forms" and a woman.

Six weeks later, Maria came up to the attic to say goodbye to Mr. Smith and have one last look before she left and said her last goodbye to Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane apologised for her reaction when she wastold about America, telling her that it was because for the first time in her life she had found a family, and had thought she was losing the daughter she had always wanted. Maria asked her if she would come visit her and she replied in the affirmative While getting in the taxi Maria and Alan said their goodbyes to Sarah Jane, Luke, and Clyde, as they left for their new life in America. (SJA: The Last Sontaran)

Life in America

After Maria moved to America, she still stayed in contact with Luke via email. (SJA: The Day of the Clown)

Maria helped to find information on the Berserker to help Luke and Rani

Maria and Alan were later contacted by Luke and his new friend,

Rani, who required help identifying an alien pendant. (SJA: The Mark of the Berserker)

Some time later, Maria helped aliens hide from the American Government. One of the races she encontered was the Zodin, whom Sarah Jane had also met. (SJA: The Mad Woman in the Attic)

Soon after, she was invited to Sarah Jane's wedding, but could not attend because she was taking exams. (SJA: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith)

Luke tealing to Maria over the Internet

In September 2010, Maria congratulated Luke, through a social network, on being accepted to the University of Oxford. He attempted to tell her about the Nightmare Man, but was unable to. (SJA: The Nightmare Man)

Alternate realities

Donna's World

If Donna Noble had turned right for a job interview instead of turning left, Maria would have investigated the Royal Hope Hospital with Sarah Jane, Clyde and Luke. Since, as it was moved to the moon, the oxygen ran out it caused every one in the hospital, including Maria, to die of suffocation. (DW: Turn Left)

The Trickster's World

In The Trickster's World, Maria Jackson was erased from time by Krislok and then sent to Limbo. Because she was protected from the Trickster by the Verron soothsayer puzzle box, she was the only person who knew about the meteorite that was heading towards the Earth.


Maria had a patient, tolerant, and inquisitive personality. The divorce of her parents made her somewhat moody, and she was much less worldly-wise and trendy than Clyde though she was also braver and more sensitive. Clearly, Maria looked up to Sarah Jane, and Sarah Jane trusted her more than anyone in the world. (SJA: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?)

Key Life Events

Behind the scenes

  • Although Maria technically left the series in The Last Sontaran, each story for the remainder of Series 2 included some on-screen reference to her, with Maria herself making a cameo in The Mark of the Berserker. Maria was again referenced several times in Series 3, though she did not appear.
  • Revenge of the Slitheen places Maria's birthday sometime in the last week of August as she had to be fourteen before the 1st of September to be in year 10 with Luke and Clyde. (SJA: Revenge of the Slitheen)