Utopia (TV story): Difference between revisions

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(→‎Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors: Removed irrelevant reasoning)
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*The regeneration shown is the sixteenth Master regenerating into the seventeenth, where Time Lords have only 12 regenerations. '''(This is however explained in [[The Sound of Drums]].)''
*The regeneration shown is the sixteenth Master regenerating into the seventeenth, where Time Lords have only 12 regenerations. '''(This is however explained in [[The Sound of Drums]].)''

*At the end of [[The Last Of The Time Lords]], Jack says that he can't die but he still keeps getting older. In this episode, he claims that his vortex manipulator went wrong and he was forced to live through the nineteenth and twentieth century. How come he has not aged? ''At the beginning of ''Utopia'', the Doctor says that Jack has 'had work done', suggesting that he had indeed aged. The ''rate'' at which Jack ages may be much, much slower than normal human aging.''
*At the end of [[Last Of The Time Lords]], Jack says that he can't die but he still keeps getting older. In this episode, he claims that his vortex manipulator went wrong and he was forced to live through the nineteenth and twentieth century. How come he has not aged? ''At the beginning of ''Utopia'', the Doctor says that Jack has 'had work done', suggesting that he had indeed aged. The ''rate'' at which Jack ages may be much, much slower than normal human aging.''


Revision as of 14:53, 28 February 2008


The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Martha to the 'end of the Universe' where Humans still live but hunted by the Futurekind. Jack makes his return to the TARDIS crew.


The episode begins with the TARDIS arriving at Cardiff to refuel at the Cardiff rift. The Doctor mentions that the rift has been active, and so refuelling should only take 20 seconds. Jack Harkness is seen running towards the TARDIS. Martha then asks the Doctor about the earthquake that happened in Cardiff, to which the Doctor merely replies; "A bit of trouble with the Slitheen."

Jack is seen running for the TARDIS, shouting the Doctor's name. The Doctor, shocked, sees Jack approaching on the monitor, but nonetheless takes off. Jack leaps on to the TARDIS as it dematerialises, and the TARDIS console sends out sparks, knocking the Doctor and Martha to the floor. The Doctor notes that they are accelerating towards the future, ending up at the year 100 trillion, as the Doctor notes, the end of the Universe. Jack holds on tightly to the TARDIS, screaming for the Doctor as they hurtle through the vortex.

A human is seen running from the Futurekind. Within his laboratory, Professor Yana notes that there is movement on the surface; a "human hunt". His assistant Chantho asks if she should alert the guards. Yana tells her not to, as there are too few soldiers left. The Professor is asked for a progress report over the radio, but is unable to finish, as he hears the sound of drums in his head. Yana then detects the TARDIS on the radar.

The Doctor tells Martha that he doesn't know what is outside, remarking that none of the Time Lords came this far. They step outside to find Jack on the ground, as Martha rushes to get a medical kit, the Doctor looks at Jack, saying; "Oh I'm sorry.". The Doctor realises that Jack hung on all the way through the vortex, remarking how it is "very him". Martha tells the Doctor that Jack is dead, just before he takes a deep breath and sits up, grabbing Martha by the arms. Jack immediately begins to flirt with Martha, and an annoyed Doctor tells him not to start.

The Doctor and Jack greet each other tersely. The Doctor asks Jack if he has "had work done", to which an incredulous Jack refers to the Doctor's regeneration. Jack accuses the Doctor of abandoning him, which the Doctor shrugs off. Jack asks after Rose, having seen the list of the dead after the Battle of Canary Wharf. The Doctor happily tells Jack that she is safe and sound on a parallel world, and Jack and the Doctor embrace.

The Futurekind are once again seen chasing the same man as before, Jack tells Martha of being stranded in the year two-hundred-one-hundred thousand, and of the Doctor going off without him. Jack shows Martha his Vortex Manipulator, and the Doctor compares it to a space hopper as opposed to his TARDIS, which he labels a sports car. Jack had used the Manipulator, ended up in 1869, and had to live through the centuries, basing himself at the Rift until his life co-incided with one of the Doctor's incarnations, Martha asks if the Doctor just gets bored of his companions, with Jack replying "not if you're blonde".

As they come across a city-like conglomeration, the Doctor remarks that all the great civilisations of the universe are gone, and the stars are all burning out. The Doctor hints that he knows of Jack's "condition". Jack spots the man running from the Futurekind. Jack catches the man, and pushes him towards the Doctor, drawing his service revolver. The Doctor stops Jack from killing the Futurekind, and Jack fires into the air, scaring them. The Doctor plans to head for the TARDIS, but they are cut off by more Futurekind. The four agree to head for the silo.

They approach the gates, as the guard yells at them to show their teeth. They are admitted to the silo. A soldier fires an assault rifle at the Futurekind. Jack remarks that the Doctor didn't tell him to put his gun down, to which the Doctor replies that the soldier is not his responsibility. The Futurekind leader tells of his hunger.

Professor Yana learns that the Doctor is in the silo, and believes him to be a scientist. He rushes upstairs. The Doctor asks for the men to help retrieve the TARDIS. The Doctor is happy when he discovers that humans have survived to the end of the universe, remarking that though they "spent a million years evolving into clouds of gas", they revert to the same form eventually.

Jack flirts with a male refugeee, with the Doctor once again telling him to stop. Jack helps the Doctor open a deadlock seal. The door opens and the Doctor blindly steps out, nearly falling down a shaft. They see a large rocket in the shaft, with neither the Doctor or Jack recognising the engines.

The Professor arrives, dragging an amused Doctor away, followed by Martha and Jack. They pass a woman, who bares her teeth revealing her to be one of the Futurekind. The four rush into the lab, with Jack immediately flirting with Yana's alien assisstant. The Professor shows the Doctor all the machines within the rocket, but the Doctor cannot help, as the technology is utterly unknown to him.

Martha finds the Doctor's hand in the glass case from Jack's pack. Jack calls it his "Doctor Detector". Martha is disgusted by this, and the Doctor tells her how he lost it in the events of The Christmas Invasion. Yana enquires as to the Doctor's species, and the Doctor is saddened by the fact that the Time Lords have never been heard of.

Chantho reveals that she is the last of her kind also, the Malmuth, and Yana says that this was originally their planet, Malcassairo, before the humans took refuge. Jack reminds the Doctor of his manners, much as Rose did in the episode Fear Her. The Doctor apologises, as Martha deliberates on the fact that he regrew his hand. Jack asks Yana about the "Beastie Boys" upstairs, and Yana tells them of the Futurekind, which in themselves are a myth. It is feared that they are what the humans will become, unless they reach Utopia.

Yana shows the Doctor the co-ordinates of Utopia. Yana once again hears the sound of drums. The Doctor surmises that the rocket will not fly. The Doctor then uses the sonic screwdriver to perfect the system. The passengers board the rocket. The Doctor, Yana and Jack work to speed toward the launch process, and the guards run toward the silo.

The Doctor remarks to Yana that he built the system of "food and string and staples", calling Yana a genius. The Doctor tells Yana that he would be revered in a different time. Yana says wistfully that some admiration just once would have been nice. The Doctor says that Yana must stay behind to launch the rocket, with Yana saying that Chantho will stay with him, as she refuses to leave him. A message comes over the radio that the TARDIS has been found.

Yana views the Tardis over the monitors, and once again hears the sound of drums. The Doctor uses the TARDIS to provide extra power. The Professor tells the Doctor of the sound of drums, and remarks as if they are getting closer. He says that he has had it all his life.

Chantho tells Martha she has been with the Professor for 17 years, letting slip her unrequited love for him. Martha asks about the sentence structure she uses, starting sentences with "Chan" and ending with "Tho". Chantho replies that it would be rude not to.

Atillo communicates with Yana, and Yana gives him instructions as the communication line fails. Yana has Martha reboot the system every time the picture goes. Atillo sends a man into the couplings room. Yana reveals that the couplings room is flooded with Stet radiation.

The female Futurekind damages the system, and Jack and Yana furiously try to correct the radiation levels. Jack sends a massive electric current through his body in order to jump-start the override system. The man in the couplings room is vapourised by the Stet radiation. Jack has collapsed to the floor, and Martha tries to revive him. The Doctor says no-one can enter the room without dying, and as Jack comes around, remarks he has got just the man.

The Doctor and Jack race down to the couplings room, ordering Atillo to board the rocket, Jack asks the Doctor how long he has known that he is immortal, and the Doctor replies; "Since I ran away from you". Jack enters the room. As they watch the process, Martha tells Yana and Chantho of the Doctor's ability to travel through time and space.

Yana has new sounds in his head, including the word "TARDIS". Jack says that he realised in 1892 that he was immortal, when he was shot through the heart. His past deaths have included; falling off a cliff, trampling by horses, WWI, WWII, poison, starvation... and a stray javelin. The Doctor remarks that Jack is "wrong"; a fixed point in time and space; a fact. Even the TARDIS knew what Jack was - it travelled to the end of the universe just to try and shake him off.

Jack recalls facing three Daleks, and the word reverberates in Yana's head, as does "Extermination", the Doctor tells Jack about Rose and the Bad Wolf entity, remarking that if a Time Lord had done what she did they would have become a vengeful god. The Doctor then tells Jack that Rose brought him back. Forever.

Jack says that in the 1990s he went back to the Powell Estate, never letting Rose see him, but watching her growing up. The Doctor asks Jack if he wants to die, but Jack replies in a negative fashion. Jack says this regeneration is cheeky, and "regeneration" is another word added to those reverberating around Yana's head.

Yana is tearful, remembering stories of time travel from the old days that he never believed. He pulls out a fob watch, remarking that he was always late with time and the watch never worked. Martha is shocked, and recalls the Doctor having a similar watch which he used to become human to avoid the Family of Blood, Yana remarks that he was found with the watch, "an orphan in the storm", on the coast of the Silver Devastation. Yana says it is broken, and Martha asks how he could know if he has never opened it. Martha turns over the watch and finds the Gallifreyan inscriptions on it.

Martha rushes to find the Doctor, having inadvertantly piqued Yana's interest in the watch. The countdown for launch begins. Martha tells the Doctor of the watch, and the Doctor dismisses the idea as impossible. Jack says he may not be the last Time Lord, and Martha says it should be brilliant news. Though the Doctor says it depends just which Time Lord Yana is. The Doctor screams at Martha, demanding to know exactly what Yana said.

Yana inspects the watch, and voices call to him from it. Jack remarks that the end of the universe is the perfect place to hide, and Martha recalls the dying words of the Face of Boe. The rocket launches. Yana stands in front of the TARDIS, and opens the watch. The Doctor realises the words "You Are Not Alone" can be abbreviated to Yana, and the Futurekind watch as the rocket is launched into the sky.

Yana, at this point an unknown Time Lord, closes all the doors, barring the Doctor, Martha and Jack entrance to the laboratory. Chantho remarks that Yana has locked them in, and he replies "as one door closes, another must open", opening the front gates and allowing entrance by the Futurekind to the silo. He lowers the defense systems, expertly operating the controls, as the Doctor gets in through the door.

Chantho holds a gun to Yana, and Yana raises one half of the high voltage cable, advancing towards her. The Doctor and the others run into the Futurekind and are forced to double back on themselves. Yana blames Chantho for never asking about the watch, and insults her, saying that the constant "Chan" and "tho" drove him insane. Chantho begs "the Professor" for his forgiveness, but he shouts that it is not his name, and reveals himself to be the Master.

The Master then attacks Chantho with the cable, and looks at the Doctor's dismembered hand, which is bubbling and glowing in its tank. The Doctor and Jack try to gain entrance, but the Master does not help them. As the Master pulls the cable from the TARDIS, the dying Chantho fires a laser at him, Jack smashes the control panel and the door opens. The Doctor finds the Master, who retreats into the TARDIS. The Master locks the door, and moves to the console.

As the Doctor shouts desperately that everything's changed, Jack and Martha struggle to close the door. The Master reflects that he has been killed "by an insect... a girl...", and muses that if the Doctor can be young and strong, so can he. In a burst of light, he regenerates, becoming the sixth known incarnation of the Master. The Futurekind appear at the door as the new Master laughs in triumph.

He speaks to the Doctor, and Martha remarks that she knows his voice. The Doctor begs him to stop, to which the Master demands that he use his name. The Doctor then says "Master... I'm sorry." The Master contemplates, and shouts "Tough!", as he prepares the TARDIS for launch. The Doctor gets the Sonic Screwdriver, and stops the launch momentarily. The Master overrides it, and the TARDIS dematerialises as the Doctor looks on in horror, while the Futurekind pound at the door...



More to be added


  • Martha: Do you mind if I ask, do you have to start every sentence with "Chan"?
  • Chantho: Chan-Yes-tho.
  • Martha: And end every sentence with...
  • Chantho: Chan-Tho-tho.
  • Martha: What would happen if you didn't?
  • Chantho: Chan-That would be rude-tho.
  • Martha: What, like swearing?
  • Chantho: Chan-Indeed-tho.
  • Martha: Come on. Just once.
  • Chantho: Chan-I can't-tho.
  • Martha: Oh, do it for me.
  • Chantho: No.

  • Master: Did you never think, all those years standing beside me, to ask about that watch? Never? Did you never once think, not ever, that you could set me free?
  • Chantho: Chan-I'm sorry-tho. Chan-I'm so sorry.
  • Master: And you, with your "Chan" and your "tho" driving me insane!
  • Chantho: Chan-Professor, please...
  • Master: That is not my name! The Professor...was an invention. So perfect a disguise that I forgot who I am.
  • Chantho: Chan-Then who are you-tho?
  • Master: I am... the Master.

  • Master: Now then...Doctor! Oh, new voice. (Changing his voice,) Hello, hello, hello. Anyway, why don't we stop and have a nice little chat while I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me, I don't think!
  • Martha: Hold on, I known that voice!
  • Doctor: I'm asking you really, properly, just stop! Just think!
  • Master: Use my name.
  • Doctor: Master...I'm sorry.
  • Master: Tough!

(The Master powers up the TARDIS while the Doctor trys to stop it.)

  • Oh, no you don't!

(He starts up the TARDIS again and it begins to dematerialize.)

  • End of the universe! Have fun! Bye-bye!


Story Notes

  • Derek Jacobi and John Simm are the Fifth and Sixth Masters (respectively seen on screen), however there have been seven actors to previously play the Master.
  • In Doctor Who Adventures (Magazine) issue 22 it mentions the Doctor and Martha "discovering" Utopia, meaning it is a place.
  • John Bell (who plays Creet) is a Blue Peter winner who won a role on Doctor Who.
  • This is the second standing regeneration scene.
  • The words heard from the watch were spoken by Roger Delgado and the chuckle heard is from Anthony Ainley.
  • This is the first Doctor Who story to feature John Barrowman's name in the opening credits (through the vortex).
  • This is the first 3 parter story since Survival (incidentally Survival was the last original series TV story, and the last solely BBC produced story to feature the Master).
  • The last (and only other) televised 3 episode (45 minutes long) story was The Two Doctors
  • This is sixth Doctor Who story to feature a regeneration in the Doctor's TARDIS (The Tenth Planet, The Caves of Androzani, Time and the Rani, The Parting of the Ways, Destiny of the Daleks, Utopia).


  • 7.3 million viewers - Overnight
  • 0.82 million viewers - BBC Three Sunday repeat
  • 7.84 million viewers - Final BARB ratings


to be added

Location Filming

to be added

Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors

  • The regeneration shown is the sixteenth Master regenerating into the seventeenth, where Time Lords have only 12 regenerations. '(This is however explained in The Sound of Drums.)
  • At the end of Last Of The Time Lords, Jack says that he can't die but he still keeps getting older. In this episode, he claims that his vortex manipulator went wrong and he was forced to live through the nineteenth and twentieth century. How come he has not aged? At the beginning of Utopia, the Doctor says that Jack has 'had work done', suggesting that he had indeed aged. The rate at which Jack ages may be much, much slower than normal human aging.


DVD and Other Releases

See Also

to be added

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