Doctor Who logo

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The logo used for the main titles of Doctor Who has changed from season to season (though a common idea is that it changed by Doctor, this has not always been the case).

When Doctor Who was revived in 2005 a new logo was designed, radically different from previous logos.

Logo One

Used from 1963 to 1966, Season 1 to Season 4

This logo was a simple white text on a black background, it was used to great effect to create the title sequence. It is associated with William Hartnell's tenure as the First Doctor. It remained in use for Patrick Troughton's first few stories up through The Moonbase.

Logo Two

Troughton's Face on the logo

Used from 1966–1969, Season 4 - Season 6

This logo made it's first appearance with The Macra Terror. The font was altered to 'Times New Roman', a completely new howl pattern was created and Patrick Troughton's face was added for the first time. Initially it used the same music as the previous Logo, but starting from Episode 2 of The Faceless Ones, a new arrangment of the theme replaced the old one.

Logo Three

Pertwee's face on the logo

Used from 1970–1974, Season 7 - Season 10
Primarily associated with Jon Pertwee's time as the Third Doctor, this logo was reused in 1996 for Doctor Who: The TV Movie. While the title sequence was shown in colour in order to achieve the affect similar to previous sequence it was originally designed in black and white.

Logo Four

Tom Baker's face on the logo

Used from 1974–1981, Season 11 - Season 17
Known colloquillay as the 'diamond logo' and commonly associated with Tom Baker's tenure as the Fourth Doctor was actually introduced during Jon Pertwee's time as the Third Doctor for his final season.

Logo Five

Davison's face on the logo

used from 1981–1984, Season 18 - Season 21
Introduced in the final season of Tom Baker's era (Season 18), this revamp of the logo complimented the new title sequence of a 'star field', it was then used throughout Peter Davison's tenure as the Fifth Doctor.

Logo Six

Logo Six
Colin Baker's face on the logo

Used from 1984–1986, Season 22 - Season 23
Introduced as Colin Baker took the role of the Sixth Doctor, this was similar to the previous logo, but tinted purple along with the rest of the title sequence giving it a more 'colourful' hue. It also takes on a slightly curved appearance along the bottom.

Logo Seven

McCoy's face on the logo

Used from 1987–1989, Season 24 - Season 26
For Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor the title sequence was produced via computer generated imagery, this included a new logo being an interactive part of the title sequence. Following the TV series' end in 1989 this logo would continue to be used for the Virgin New Adventures novels.

Logo Eight

Used in 1996, Doctor Who: The TV Movie
This logo was used for Doctor Who: The TV Movie, with Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor and is in fact a re-use of the logo used in Season 7 - Season 10, however changed to blue.

Following the TV movie it was used as part of BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures, from The Eight Doctors to Autumn Mist it was silver in colour, then from Interference: Book One onwards was blue in colour. It was also used for the BBC Past Doctor Adventures novels (again starting off silver and then changing to blue).

Logo Nine

Used from 2005-2006, Series 1 - Series 2
Introduced when Doctor Who was 'revived' for production by BBC Wales this newly designed logo like the two previous logos is interactive within the title sequence. This logo was used for Christopher Eccleston's tenure as the Ninth Doctor and the first series with David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor.

Logo Ten

Used from 2007 -, Series 3 -
This logo was a more 'clean' version of the Doctor Who logo originally designed in 2005 and featured in the 'Coming Soon' trailer, this logo is also interactive within the title sequence. Introduced in The Runaway Bride as the new logo within the title sequence, this has become the logo for David Tennant's tenure as the Tenth Doctor.


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