Third Doctor

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Now, there was a worthy foe; such cunning, such ingenuity, all wasted through that stubborn streak of goodness!The Master (Destiny of the Doctors)



The Third Doctor was the result of a forced second regeneration imposed upon the Second Doctor by the Time Lords. (DW: The War Games) This Doctor was exiled to 20th century Earth and his memory blocked so he could not use his TARDIS to escape. He struck up an arrangement with old friend Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart wherein he would serve as UNIT's "scientific advisor", and in return could use UNIT's technical and scientific facilities to attempt to make the TARDIS operational again. (DW: Spearhead from Space)

Enter the Master

After the arrival of The Master on Earth, the Time Lords began to allow the Doctor limited use of his TARDIS, but always compelling it to return him to 20th century Earth when his missions were completed, essentially turning him into "some sort of a galactic yo-yo". (DW: The Claws of Axos)


When the first three Doctors successfully stopped Omega in his quest to destroy the Time Lords, they rewarded the Third Doctor by restoring his knowledge of the TARDIS codes and lifting his exile. (DW: The Three Doctors)

Guilt and redemption

The Third Doctor continued to assist UNIT, though his presence on Earth was now much more intermittent. Finally, to defeat the Spiders of Metebelis III, he sacrificed his own life by exposing himself to lethal levels of radiation. With the assistance of his old mentor K'anpo Rimpoche, he was able to regenerate into his fourth incarnation. (DW: Planet of the Spiders)


The Third Doctor often had problems with the Brigadier's tendency to think of situations in military terms and with petty officials generally. The Third Doctor had a continuing series of contests and challenges with the Master, and was the first known incarnation to encounter the Silurians and Sea Devils as well as the Ogrons, and the Autons. (DW: Doctor Who and the Silurians, The Sea Devils, Spearhead from Space, Terror of the Autons and Day of the Daleks)

Psychological profile


The Third Doctor was a man of action, aggressively joining the fray whenever he could, unlike the first two Doctors who generally insinuated themselves into events discreetly. This was a Doctor that was unafraid to pitch in with his physical skills, often bringing his mastery of Venusian aikido into play when the situation called for it.

But much like his predecessors, his keen mind was still his primary asset, and this was a Doctor who particularly loved to create and play with gadgets of all sorts. This passion displayed itself both in terms of the Third Doctor's scientific bent and in his love of vehicles, such as his yellow roadster Bessie and his car which he specially built.

Staunchly moral, often to the point of being preachy, the Third Doctor was every bit the gentleman, a hero of the Victorian mold.

Habits and Quirks

The Third Doctor was known for his love of gadgets and a passion for his vintage car Bessie and later his futuristic Whomobile. He could at times by very tetchy and argumentative an attitude that he demonstrated repeatedly with bureaucrats and other authority figures. Being a man of action, he used a wide variety of martial arts including Venusian Aikido. He was also the first Doctor who would consume alcohol.

Mysteries and Discrepancies

  • The Doctor sported a tattoo on one arm, which seems impossible given he has just regenerated. (DW: Spearhead from Space)
This was most likely not a conventional tattoo, but the mark of an exiled or criminal Time Lord. And Jon Pertwee did have a tatoo. (NA: Christmas on a Rational Planet)
  • The Doctor describes himself as thousands of years old (DW: Doctor Who and the Silurians), which seems inconsistent with figures of his age given in later incarnations.

He repeats that age later to Jo Grant. Previous incarnations of the Doctor gave his age to "some hundred years" (The first Doctor gives even a distinct number in the range of 700-800y). Although he could just be meaning how long ago he was born (The date of his birth compared to the date he meets the Silurians, not his actual age).

Unrecorded adventures

As the Fifth Doctor was going through a rather unstable regeneration at that point however, the claim of having had an adventure with the Brigadier and chasing the Ice Warriors may not be entirely factual.

Key Life Events

The above episode also saw the introduction of the Sontarans, however a later serial, The Two Doctors, established that the Second Doctor had previously met the creatures, making this no longer a first encounter. This serial is also the first time the name of Gallifrey is mentioned on screen.

Behind the Scenes He wil appear in cameo form in The Next Doctor.