Eleventh Doctor

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All of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was! Where do you want to start?The Doctor


The Eleventh Doctor was the eleventh incarnation of the Time Lord known as the Doctor.



The Eleventh Doctor moments after his regeneration. (DW: The End of Time)

The Doctor's tenth incarnation regenerated after absorbing a vast amount of radiation. Due to this, he released a massive amount of energy during regeneration and this caused severe damage to his TARDIS.

Despite the destruction going on around him inside the TARDIS, the new incarnation's first priority was to do a personal inventory of his body to make sure all the proper parts were in place; in fact, his first words were "Legs! I've still got legs! Good!" after which he kissed one of his knees in relief. He next counted his fingers. The new incarnation was momentarily worried that he had regenerated as female due to having longer hair, until he confirmed the presence of an Adam's apple. He then mentioned "I've had worse" when it came to his nose, seemed unsettled by his chin, and again bemoaned the fact that he was still not ginger something his previous incarnation had also wanted to be. (DW: The Christmas Invasion)

Slightly addled by the regeneration, the new Doctor did not immediately realize the TARDIS was on fire and about to crash. Once he did, he actually seemed to enjoy the thrill of the moment, calling out "Geronimo!" as his TARDIS plummeted to Earth. (DW: The End of Time)


The Eleventh Doctor.

The Doctor's primary outfit consisted of a tweed jacket with elbow patches, a dress shirt, a bow tie, rolled up trousers and boots. He was known to vary the color of his shirt, tie and suspenders.


Consequent to the damage caused by his tenth regeneration, the Doctor's TARDIS underwent a metamorphosis. While its interior radically changed, the exterior also was affected somewhat. Perhaps most noticably, the right exterior door was again emblazoned with a St. John's Ambulance symbol, as it had been on his initial incarnation's TARDIS.

Key Life Events

Behind the Scenes

  • After months of speculation, David Tennant, the actor cast as the Tenth Doctor in 2005, announced in October 2008 that he would be leaving the role as of the final gap year special scheduled for broadcast in early 2010. This precipitated several months of intense media speculation as to the identity of the actor to be chosen to play the Eleventh Doctor. English actor Matt Smith who, at 26, will become the youngest actor to date to play the Doctor (succeeding previous record-holder Peter Davison), was officially confirmed by the BBC as the new Doctor on 3rd January 2009. Mofatt had attempted to find an older actor to play the role, but he felt that Smith was the right man. [1]
  • Smith was seen filming in Cardiff in October, it is thought that he is portraying an old and wise doctor with a young body. However, some leaked dialogue suggests that this younger looking Doctor will have trouble being taken seriously, to the point of his frustration. [source needed]
  • His first companion Amy Pond will be played by Karen Gillan, who portrayed the Soothsayer in DW: The Fires of Pompeii. [2]
  • The comic strip The Crimson Hand, being published in Doctor Who Magazine from issue 416 in December 2009, has been announced by DWM as the last strip to feature the Tenth Doctor. Presumably this means DWM will begin strips featuring the Eleventh Doctor in the early months of 2010 depending on how many issues the Crimson Hand arc covers. Similarly, the American comic book publisher, IDW Publishing, announced at the New York Comic Con in February 2009 that it will begin publishing original comic book adventures featuring the Eleventh Doctor as of issue 18 of Doctor Who Ongoing, scheduled for publication in December 2010.
  • BBC Books has announced that the first novels featuring the Eleventh Doctor in the New Series Adventures line are scheduled for release in April 2010. That month will also see the first BBC Audio adventure for the Eleventh Doctor.
  • During his debut scene, the Eleventh Doctor utters the phrase "Geronimo!" This is later repeated in a scene from a future episode in the official BBC trailer, making it likely that "Geronimo!" will be the new Doctor's equivalent to the Ninth Doctor's "Fantastic!" and the Tenth's "Allon-sy!"
  • In Issue 418 of the Doctor Who Magazine, Steven Moffat revealed that the Eleventh Doctor had an entirely different costume lined up before filming for the new series started. The original look had a piratical feel which Benjamin Cook described as "a little like something Captain Jack Sparrow wears in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies". However, Matt Smith was unhappy with the costume, as he felt it reflected how someone else would dress the Doctor, rather than how the Doctor would dress himself. The eventual costume, particulary the bow-tie, was influenced by the attire Patrick Troughton wore as the Second Doctor, after Matt Smith watched Tomb of the Cybermen.
  • The BBC's initial trailer issued in January 2010 includes brief scenes showing future adventures. These include - though the context of these scenes remains at present unknown:
    • Punching a man in the jaw, somewhat clumsily.
    • Exchanging a kiss with Amy.
    • Falling to the floor in a (non-romantic) embrace with River Song.
    • Firing either a pistol or a flare gun.
    • Two Silurians shooting another Silurian.
    • Standing in front of the TARDIS, talking to it ("Okay, what have you got for me this time?").
    • Wearing sunglasses.
    • Hitting a Dalek with its own plunger.
    • Storming into a building, and running across a park, dressed in tattered remnants of the Tenth Doctor's outfit.
    • Telling a woman (possibly Amy), "Trust me - I'm the Doctor."
