Dalek command saucer
Dalek command saucer was a classification of Dalek command ship, (PROSE: The Jeopardy of Solar Proximity) distinguished from those which were not saucer-shaped. (COMIC: Star Tigers)
Operated by Grey Daleks led by a Gold Dalek, command saucers were composed of at least 17 levels and sported a dirty-bronzed golden colour with a central, rounded hump on the upper surfaces and several similar dome-shaped bulges on the undersides. Around their edges were lines of elongated lights that rotated as the ships moved. Technology included engines for travel, battle computers, gyroscopic dampeners and external weapons arrays, power nodes, communications relays and air locks. It also had temporal technology in the form of a time transmitter.
The upper surface dome contained the bridge deck, composed of a raised platform for the Gold Dalek, computer banks, bulkheads and control stations. A rounded door leaded from the bridge. To the left was a smaller, sealed door leading to a bright lift underneath, the time transmitter. Beside the door was keypad controls for the transmitter.
where the Gold Dalek was fed streams of information by the second while its subordinates worked on tasks including adjustments and maintaining the engines and weapons arrays. From the bridge, the Gold Dalek could make and receive communications with its subordinates beyond. The bridge's deck contained computer banks and bulkheads. The bridge contained a master control mechanism for maximising Dalekanium power feeds.
Directly beneath the bridge was the core section. The underside bulges were used to transmit cyber-attack beams; faint and greenish-white, they appeared like searchlights. The saucer also held a complement of Dalek patrol ships and hoverbout units. (PROSE: The Jeopardy of Solar Proximity)
Human historians in the post-Time War universe believed that, at the end of the 2150s Dalek invasion of Earth, the Dalek Earthforce's command saucer had been destroyed by the volcanic eruption caused when Project Degravitate was thwarted. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) By another account, the Black Dalek's ship was the sole survivor of the fleet of twelve saucers. Badly crippled, the saucer was forced to make a slow return to Skaro, with the Black Dalek reporting the failure to the Dalek Prime. (PROSE: The History of the Daleks)
A bronze Dalek command saucer fought with Councillor-class assault craft against the Nix-Thassis, a Martian fleet. (PROSE: The Jeopardy of Solar Proximity)
A black Dalek Fleet Commander led the attack on Helatrine aboard a Command Saucer. (PROSE: Infection of the Daleks)