Tenth Doctor

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The Tenth Doctor is the latest known incarnation of the Time Lord known as the Doctor.


When the Doctor absorbed the Time Vortex from his companion, Rose Tyler, it began to destroy every cell in his body, causing him to regenerate to save his life. (DW: The Parting of the Ways) He piloted his TARDIS back to Powell Estate on Christmas Eve and, as he had after some of his other regenerations, fell into a coma, watched over by Rose and her mother, Jackie. He sprang into action again to save Rose from the robotic Christmas Tree before lapsing into the coma again and next awoke on board the Sycorax ship where he defeated their leader and deposed the regime of Harriet Jones, his former ally. He then spent Christmas Day with Mickey Smith and the Tylers. (DW: The Christmas Invasion)

The Doctor and Rose travelled to New Earth where they found a hospital run by cat nuns and found out that they were experimenting on humans. The Doctor met the Face of Boe, who predicted they would meet one last time. (DW: New Earth)

Back in time and space again with Rose, in 1879 Scotland, he and Rose met Queen Victoria and inadvertently inspired the Queen to create the Torchwood Institute, an organisation unfriendly to the Doctor. (DW: Tooth and Claw)

Under cover as John Smith, a physics teacher at a high school which the Krillitanes had infiltrated, the Doctor re-united with his old friends Sarah Jane Smith and K-9. He also took on Mickey Smith as his companion. (DW: School Reunion)

He met Reinette, also known as Madame de Pompadour, a beautiful noblewoman in 18th century Versailles and saved her from the Clockwork Droids. (DW: The Girl in the Fireplace)

On a parallel Earth, he witnessed the birth of that universe's Cybermen and saw off Mickey, who decided to stay on the other world. (DW: Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)

He visited 1953 England, at the time of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation. There, he stopped The Wire from sucking all off England's faces. (DW: The Idiot's Lantern).

After that, he went to Krop Tor in orbit of a black hole. There, he encountered The Beast, stopped an army of possessed Ood, and saved the crew of Sanctuary Base 6 from the black hole (but he couldnt' save the Ood, as Krop Tor was sucked in). (DW: The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)

The Doctor had killed an Elemental Shade, where Elton Pope first witnessed him. After that, he hunted the Doctor under the orders of Victor Kennedy. It was revealed he was being used by the Abzorbaloff who wanted to absorb the Doctor. The limitation field of the Abzorbaloff was destroyed, melting it. (DW: Love & Monsters)

He also witnessed the 2012 Olympics, and carried the Olympic torch himself. On the same day he had stopped the Isolus. (DW: Fear Her)

After that, he travelled back to the present, to find artificial ghosts on the streets. It was revealed that these so-called ghosts were really Cybermen coming through from Pete's World. At the same time, the Torchwood Institute had captured a Void ship, which contained the Cult of Skaro and a Genesis Ark. The Cult had released the Ark, which was a prison ship for millions of Daleks. The Battle of Canary Wharf had occured, but the Daleks and Cybermen were sucked back into the Void by the Doctor. But he lost Rose to the parallel universe, with her family. The breach was sealed, and he could never see Rose again. (DW: Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday)

After grieving over Rose, a bride named Donna Noble had mysteriously appeared aboard the TARDIS. The Doctor was as shocked as she was, and tried to take her back to her wedding. But she was used in a plot to destroy the Earth and revive the Racnoss. The Doctor had used the water from the River Thames to flood the Racnoss and drown them. (DW: The Runaway Bride)

He then met Martha Jones, a medical student who was working at the Royal Hope Hospital which the Judoon transported to the moon. He managed to assist the Judoon in eliminating the Plasmavore. Martha began to travel with him. (DW: Smith and Jones)

The Doctor first took Martha to the time of Shakespeare where he worked with the Doctor and Martha to banish the Carrionites. The Doctor was also chased by Queen Elizabeth I who claimed he was her greatest enemy, but had not met her yet. (DW: The Shakespeare Code)

Then the Doctor took Martha back to New Earth where he encountered a colony of Macra hiding under the Motorway along with Novice Hame and the Face of Boe. After rescuing Martha from the motorway and reopening it and the abandoned city of New New York he discovered the Face of Boe's final secret: You are not alone. (DW: Gridlock)

Next the Doctor and Martha visited New York in the 1930s where he encountered the Cult of Skaro who had emergency temporal shifted from the Battle of Canary Wharf. They performed an experiment creating a Human-Dalek hybrid. The pure Daleks rebelled but were stopped by the Doctor. The last surviving Dalek; Dalek Caan, emergency temporal shifted once again. (DW: Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks)

The Doctor then returned Martha to her home but encountered Professor Richard Lazarus and his technology to make himself younger. This invention also mutated him into a skeletal scorpion like creature. The Doctor defeated him, met Martha's family and then offered Martha the chance to be a permanent companion which she gladly accepted. (DW: The Lazarus Experiment)

File:Sad Doc.jpg
The Doctor is sad

The Doctor and Martha then went to the 42nd century and saved the S.S. Pentallian from crashing into a sun. The Doctor became posessed by the Torajii sun system but recovered. (DW: 42)

The Doctor and Martha Jones were temporarily trapped in 1969. It's not known how long they were there but Martha had to work in a shop to support him, indicating they were there for at least many days. (DW: Blink)

After a long time of thinking he was the last Time Lord, he met the Master, who became a Human via Chameleon Arch and was hiding at the temporal end of the universe. The Master escaped in the Doctor's TARDIS but the Doctor had tampered with it so the machine can only go to the place it last visited. The Master infiltrated the political systems of Earth as "Harold Saxon" and then used his army to take over the world.. The Master artificially aged the Doctor 900 years, turning him into a small creature. The Master was later defeated by manipulation of the Archangel Network to the Doctor's own advantage and so commited suicide, making the Doctor the last of the Time Lords. (DW: Utopia / The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords)



Like his predecessor, this Doctor was capable of boundless enthusiasm, though in his case often at inappropriate times. While many Doctors have intentionally flouted social conventions, the Tenth seems to be genuinely surprised when he is rude or uncouth. Charismatic and manic and with boundless energy, he retained and even exceeded his last incarnation's capacity for righteous anger, especially when Rose was threatened, as when the Wire stole her face. (DW: The Idiot's Lantern). When driven by anger or righteousness, he would act without hesitation to strike down those who oppose him, for example in toppling the regime of Harriet Jones with just six well-chosen words after she committed what the Doctor considered mass murder. (DW: The Christmas Invasion). While he had resolved much of the survivor's guilt felt previously, he is beginning to feel his age and, behind the outward playfulness, he feels a deep loneliness. His keen sense of loss leads him to empathise with those who have also suffered.

But there was an undeniable shadow cast over the jollity of the Doctor. He had a ruthlessness, bordering on arrogance, that was almost eerie to behold. Beneath his youthful veneer, the Doctor is a very old man who has seen many terrible things; and in some matters, his patience has worn out. His usual jolly demeanor has somewhat disappeared since the departure of Rose. He was a little angrier, darker, and not as friendly towards Donna or Martha. This suggests that he never really got over Rose's leave-taking.

Habits and Quirks

The Doctor made frequent reference to twentieth century pop culture, from the Ghostbusters theme (DW: Army of Ghosts) to the song, "The Circle of Life" from The Lion King (DW: The Christmas Invasion). He had also read the Harry Potter books, saying that he cried after reading the seventh book (DW: The Shakespeare Code). He's fond of rock and roll, trying to take Rose to see concerts by both Elvis Presley (DW: The Idiot's Lantern) and Ian Drury (DW: Tooth and Claw), and dresses in the manner of an indie Brit-pop musician. He wore trainers and faux reading glasses — both deliberate homages to his fifth incarnation. (DW: Time Crash) He often remarked that exotic technology or life is "beautiful" and is genuinely enthralled by such discoveries, sometimes to the extent that he places himself or his companions in danger.

Until they left his life, he continued his previous incarnation's habit of mildy abusing both Mickey and Jackie, though generally in a more obviously playful fashion.

Key Life Events

  • Still in the first 15 hours of his new regeneration, he defeated the Sycorax Leader and lost his hand in the process, quickly growing another. (DW: The Christmas Invasion)
  • Was partially responsible for the creation of a new sub species of human. (DW: New Earth)
  • Separated from Rose when he sent the Cybermen and Daleks into the void. (DW: Doomsday)
  • After a long time of thinking he was the last Time Lord, he met The Master, who became a human and was hiding at the end of the universe, near to the end of time. The Master escaped with the TARDIS, but the Doctor had tampered with it so the machine can only go where it last visited. (DW: Utopia)

Other Media

  • Is depicted walking down a London street with Rose Tyler, in a single panel of Dark Horse's Buffy The Vampire Slayer #6. A red phonebox is seen behind them, most likely a reference to the TARDIS.