Dorium Maldovar

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Dorium Maldovar was a black marketeer in the 52nd century.


Dorium meets with River Song. (DW: The Pandorica Opens)

In 5145, After hearing that she was in search of time travel, Dorium met with River Song in the Maldovarium bar to offer her a Vortex manipulator that was "fresh off the wrist of a handsome Time Agent". As payment, Song offered him a Callisto Pulse which could disarm Micro-explosives from up to twenty feet. When he enquired as to what kind of micro-explosives the pulse could disarm, she responded by saying the kind that she had just put in his wine. He was forced to give her the Vortex Manipulator. (DW: The Pandorica Opens)

Dorium sold a Judoon's brain that contained a security protocol to a trio of Headless Monks, receiving a bag of sentient money. As his customers left, he questioned their motives for kidnapping "the child" and told them not to provoke the the Doctor's anger and rage. (WC: Prequel (A Good Man Goes to War))

Dorium was one of many people who owed the Doctor a debt and was summoned by him to help rescue Amy and her baby at Demons Run. He did not serve in a combat role, but went into the station's computer and discovered that Melody Pond had 'Human plus Time Lord' DNA.

Dorium made a fatal mistake when he and the others were surrounded by the Headless Monks. He believed they were his friends and would not harm him. He approached them with open arms, but they swiftly decapitated Dorium and added him to their ranks. His headless body was subsequently killed by the Doctor's remaining allies in their defence against the monks. (DW: A Good Man Goes to War)

The Doctor was told by the alien Gantok that Dorium had information about the the Silence. The two went to theSeventh Transept , where all of the heads of those who the monks had beheaded were stored. In a box they found the decapitated head of Dorium. Dorium told the Doctor that on the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, a question would be asked, a question that must never be answered. The Doctor took him aboard the TARDIS. Dorium tried to explain to the Doctor that he must die at some point, A phone call to a nursing home told him that his old friend, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, had passed away in his sleep. The Doctor decided sadly to go to his death.

Later, a Headless Monk was seen walking with Dorium's head back to the Cave of Skulls. It was the Doctor, who had escaped his death though it had apparently still happened. As the Doctor left, Dorium warned him that Trenzalore and the Fall of the Eleventh were still waiting for him, and called after the Doctor the final question; "Doctor Who?" (DW: The Wedding of River Song)