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An empire was a state which controlled more than one culturally distinct population groups. These were often different planets and/or species. Empires were usually led by an emperor, who could be elected or hereditary.
There were many empires through time and space:
- A32K, a cold empire of logic, ruled for ten thousand years by the Logistomancer. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
- The British Empire, the empire of the United Kingdom which spread across the Earth.
- The Chelonian Empire, the empire of the Chelonian race of Chelonia.
- The Cyber-Force, the overarching collaboration of forces of the Cybermen.
- The Cyrrhenic Empire, a group of aligned planets which included Levithia. (TV: The Ribos Operation)
- The Dalek Empire, a time- and space-spanning empire created by the Daleks.
- The Dark Empire, ruled by the immortal alien tyrant known as Horath. (TV: Enemy of the Bane)
- The Draconian Empire, the interstellar empire of the Draconians which clashed with Earth at one point. (TV: Frontier in Space)
- The Earth Empire, formed sometime between 2480 and 2520 and fell sometime between 2980 and 3020.
- The Eleven-Day Empire, created by the Faction Paradox from the lost eleven days — 2 September through 14 September 1752. (PROSE: Interference - Book One)
- The Fledgling Empires, some of the earliest interstellar empires in this universe during the Dark Times. (TV: The Runaway Bride)
- The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire, manipulated by the Daleks.
- The Gubbage Cone Empire, the empire of the Gubbage Cones.
- The Manussan Empire. the original empire which controlled the planet Manussa. (PROSE: Snakedance)
- The Morok Empire, the empire of the Morok race. (TV: The Space Museum)
- The New Earth Empire, the governing body of humans around the year 5000000000. (COMIC: Agent Provocateur)
- The New Dalek Empire, created by Davros in the aftermath of the Last Great Time War. (TV: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End)
- The New Roman Empire, a civilisation that flourished around the year 12005. (TV: The End of the World)
- The New Time Lord Empire, an empire created by the Saxon Master and the Toclafane during the Year That Never Was. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)
- The Roman Empire, centred in the city of Rome in early Earth history.
- The Rutan Empire, the hive minded empire of the Rutan Host, ruled by the Rutan Queen.
- The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire, which had influence in the Tri-Galactic in 42nd century. (TV: Planet of the Ood)
- The Selachian Empire, the empire of the Selachians. (PROSE: The Final Sanction)
- The Shagrock Empire, a major force in Mutter's Spiral. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-A-Boom!)
- The Skonnan Empire, the governing body of the Skonnans which controlled hundreds of planets. (TV: The Horns of Nimon)
- The Slow Empire, an empire established millions of years ago by a humanoid race of unknown origin. (PROSE: The Slow Empire)
- The Sontaran Empire, the empire of the Sontarans.
- The Sumaran Empire, created by the Mara. (PROSE: Snakedance)
- The Ten Galaxies, ruled by the Dominators and their Quark servants. (TV: The Dominators)
- The Third Great and Bountiful Human Empire, described the Eleventh Doctor as "neither great, nor bountiful, nor overwhelmingly human". (COMIC: A Fairytale Life)
- The Threllip Empire, the governing body of the Threllips. (AUDIO: Living Legend)
- The Tragellan Empire, the governing body of the Tragellans. (COMIC: Beneath the Skin)
- The Traken Union, a group of five or six allied planets centred on the star system of Mettula Orionsis. (PROSE: Divided Loyalties)
- The Tymerian Empire, the empire of the Tymerian race, ruled by her Royal Tectrope. (PROSE: Forever Autumn)
- The Ulian Empire, the governing body of the Ulians. (WC: The Doctor on My Shoulder)
- The Velyshaan Empire, a galactic empire ruled by the Knights of Velyshaa from Velyshaa. (AUDIO: The Sirens of Time)
- The Wurm Empire, the interstellar empire of the Wurms. (PROSE: The Art of Destruction)
Behind the scenes
- According to non-narrative info in DWBIT 47, the Daleks had a Second Dalek Empire.