Morbius (The Vengeance of Morbius)

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Morbius of House Dvora was a notorious and malevolent renegade Time Lord. His career was the first in millennia to dramatically alter Gallifrey's relations with the wider universe. He briefly broke Gallifrey's non-interference policy in favour of a brutal restructuring of the universe to suit Gallifrey's interests. (DW: The Brain of Morbius, The Book of the War)


The Imperator Crisis

Morbius's ambition led him to become the head of the High Council of Time Lords. His warlike nature led him to urge the Time Lords toward a policy of conquest (DW: The Brain of Morbius) and demanded that the Laws of Time and the Spiral Politic be redrawn to better suit Gallifrey's needs. ( The Book of the War)

While based on Gallifrey, Morbius formed a personal army of dedicated followers and mercenaries of other species called the Cult of Morbius. He promised his followers the secrets of time travel and immortality, (DW: The Brain of Morbius) but withheld from them admission into his House. ( The Book of the War)

In his search for immortality he used the time scoop and the Death Zone. He drew seven incarnations of Iris Wildthyme to play the Games of Rassilon in an effort to gain Rassilon's gift of immortality. This attempt was ultimately thwarted. (EDA: The Scarlet Empress)

When the Time Lords, spurred by the Order of the Weal, ( The Book of the War) finally denounced him, he and his followers abandoned Gallifrey and attacked the cultures of the outside universe. (DW: The Brain of Morbius) Gallifreyan society struggled to understand these inconceivable events. The long-term cultural changes brought about included the increased influence of the Celestial Intervention Agency and the founding of House Paradox, later known as Faction Paradox. ( The Book of the War)

War with The Alliance

The Fourth Doctor sits next to a clay bust of Morbius. (DW: The Brain of Morbius)

Unsure how to respond to the physical campaign of conquest Morbius was waging against the universe, ( The Book of the War) the Time Lord High Council eventually chose to fight the war by proxy.

The Fifth Doctor, who had travelled into Gallifrey's past, was appointed 'Supreme Coordinator of the Alliance Battle Fleet' and directed an unlikely army of humans, Draconians, Cybermen, Ogrons, Ice Warriors and Sontarans against Morbius. Planets involved in the conflict included Fangoria, Romark, Darkeen, Martak and Freedonia which provided troops for Morbius, and Sylvana, Zandir, Tanith and Electra which fell to him. (PDA: Warmonger)

With the help of the the Sisterhood, (PDA: Warmonger) who had originated on Gallifrey itself, (NA: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible) the Alliance at long last defeated Morbius on the Sisterhood's planet Karn. Although the verdict had been decided in advance, the Sisterhood still put Morbius on trial. (PDA: Warmonger) The sentence of death by public and ceremonial disintegration was in part a panicked attempt by the Time Lords to caution the universe at large against ever opposing them. ( The Book of the War) The Sisterhood's leader Maren attended the execution. (DW: The Brain of Morbius)

This account of Morbius's downfall could be inferred to be part of the Great Houses' propaganda series The Houseworld Chronicles. ( Newtons Sleep)

Morbius escaped death when one of his followers, the human surgeon Mehendri Solon, secretly removed Morbius' brain prior to his disintegration. Solon went into hiding on Karn, where he began planning to build a new body for Morbius. The Sisterhood's means of defending the Elixir of Life was to cause nearby spacecraft to crash. These space travellers provided a regular supply of corpses from which Solon scavenged body parts for his project. (DW: The Brain of Morbius)

Morbius' Brain

The cobbled-together monstrous body built to house the disembodied brain of Morbius. (DW: The Brain of Morbius)

Over the years, Solon acquired a great many body parts, which he used to create Morbius's new body. These included lungs from a Birastrop, a left hand from Solon's unknowing assistant Condo, and a giant lobster-like right hand. This plan to create a new body for Morbius was nearing completion, when the the Fourth Doctor and his companion Sarah Jane arrived at his castle upon the planet Karn.

The haphazardly-assembled body lacked a head to hold the brain of Morbius. After Morbius's brain was damaged during a fall, Solon was forced to use a plastic brain case. Morbius was unable to speak for some time due to the damage sustained. Eventually Solon was able to repair this, but was killed soon afterward when the Doctor poisoned him with cyanide gas. Morbius then staged a mind-bending contest against the Doctor.

Morbius falls from a cliff. (DW: The Brain of Morbius)

After the duel, Morbius was in a dazed, animalistic state. He did not speak again, only groaning in agony. Upon leaving Solon's castle, he was chased by the Sisterhood of Karn, surrounded and forced over a cliff, apparently falling to his death. (DW: The Brain of Morbius)


Cristophe Zarodnix later became the leader of the Cult of Morbius and bought the planet Karn, forcing the Sisterhood off-world. On Karn, he found a fragment of Morbius' brain and began to look for a Time Lord, so he could extract DNA to fuse with what was left of Morbius, in order to effect his resurrection. (BFA: The Vengeance of Morbius)

Behind the scenes

Morbius was named after a character from the 1956 film Forbidden Planet.[source needed]

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