The Crimson Hand (comic story)

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The Crimson Hand was the final Tenth Doctor comic strip to appear in the pages of Doctor Who Magazine. It was also the last to feature companion Majenta Pryce as a regular part of the DWM stable of characters. The publication of its final part in DWM occurred two days prior to the premiere of the Eleventh Doctor's first series on BBC One.


Intersol have searched the galaxy high and low for Majenta Pryce. They have finally found her, but what has she done wrong? Will her past threaten to distroy the whole universe and what will be her fate?


Part 1

Intersol is chasing the it hits it, Justice (a telepathic computer) tells the Doctor and Majenta to surrender now or be destroyed!

The Doctor and Majenta are in the TARDIS, the Doctor gets a message in the TARDIS from himself, it says that the TARDIS cannot leave the Time Zone. Suddenly a man appears as a hologram. he is called Finn Dargo, Chief Marshall and Supreme Commander of the Intersol Fleet. He tells them that the TARDIS is now the property of Intersol. He places them both under arrest and shoots a beam at the Doctor. The Doctor is hit, Majenta thinks he is dead, but Finn says he is stunned. Majenta escapes before he can knock her out.

On the ship, Finn says to Justice that Majenta made it out of the TARDIS. Justice says that she will prepare an execution cube for the Doctor but Finn stops her saying is is going to interrogate him. Meanwhile Majenta disguises herself as one of the guards.

Finn begins his interrogation of the Doctor, when the Doctor wonders what Intersol want with Majenta, he begins to show the Doctor clips of her past life. He says she has affiliated the most dangerous criminal organision in the universe. Intersol thought they had caught her at ThinkTwice prison but Majenta had escaped with the Doctor. He then tracked her down to the Proxima system, to Stormlight House, but they found nothing there. The Doctor speaks up for Majenta but gets tortured. A woman under a mask says "Is torture the right answer?"

Majenta boards a ship to try and escape and leave the Doctor but she is attacked by the masked woman. They fight but Majenta is on the floor quickly. The womans takes of her mask to reveal Zed, Majenta's cell mate in ThinkTwice Prison. Majenta asks Zed if it is her to which Zed replies "No, Majenta, it isn't..." and fires.

Part 2

Majenta wakes up inside the Justice computer banks/cells. She is sentenced to maximum interrogation. Zephyr goes to the Doctor's cell, and he realises that the TARDIS allowed Justice to hack into it because there is something dangerous stored in Majenta's mind. The Chief Marshal watches some of Majenta's recent memories through a neuroscopic probe, then manages to find one from before the Hotel Historia event, where Majenta joins the Crimson Hand. The Marshal finds a hidden room inside Majenta's memories, and then Justice detects four inbound energy signatures. It is the Crimson Hand.

Part 3

The four remaining members of the Crimson Hand walk through the portal. They start to fly through the memory banks of Justice's system and then destroy her. The Doctor probes Majenta's minds and finds that she once led the Crimson Hand and how she had to prove herself worthy, she met Wesley Sparks, seduced him and abondoned him on the night before his wedding. Majenta explains to the doctor that the Crimson Hand found the Manus Maleficus, a device that could destroy planets. A flashback reveals that the five members of the inner sanctum of the Crimson Hand used it to destroy the home planet of the Skith. A race she and the Doctor had encountered before. Majenta revealed that she got scared and ran, but without her the Manus Maleficus would not work as it needed five so Fanson found her and wiped her memory so she would be sealed away from the hand. The Crimson Hand start to destroy Intersol killing most of the crew on the ship, but robots disracted them allowing several members of the crew to escape. Finn is then killed by Pi by getting absorbed into his system. Pi tries to attack the Doctor, Majenta and Zed, but Zed fires at him missing but scaring him off. The Doctor tries to get into the Tardis but finds the lock is gone. He looks up to see Majenta with the lock in front of her floating in air. She then destroys it and her voice changes. She says she is sorry to the Doctor and then turns him into ashes, as Zed looks on.

Part 4

The Crimson hand members, using their power, swept away galaxies, rebuilt solar systems and erased a countless number of races from causality. In their place was new race, better worlds. This was an age of peace and prosperity for every living being in the universe. Majenta's home planet, Vessica was also changed into a happy planet, and it remained that way...for a while. Majenta does not understand why there are attacks after she gave the people of Vessica everything they could have, Zed, now working as Majent's servant informs her that there is a rift in time and space above them. The Crimson hand members realise they have made a mistake about Majenta, and she is to be no longer trusted. As the presure on Majenta grows and grows, she eventually shouts 'Doctor, I need you!', the TARDIS then appears through the rift and Majenta and Zed are warped inside. Zed is puzzled when she sees The Doctor, and Majenta repiles that she didn't kill him, instead Majenta just sent The Doctor away. The Doctor tells Majenta that Zed and her have to return to Vessica and protect Majenta's race, because if The Doctor does not succed in defeating the Crimson hand, the people of Vessica will fall to the hand first. However, Majenta is not going to give up, she tells The Doctor to set the coordinates for the citadel of the Crimson Hand and ends her sentence with the words 'It's time to finish this.'.

Part 5

Majenta gives the Doctor a little bit of her power, so that he can destroy the Manus Maleficus. Then she teleports out of the TARDIS, and rejoins the Crimson Hand as Lady Scaph. Majenta tells them that the Doctor is still alive, and they demand to know where he is now. Meanwhile, the TARDIS materialises by the Manus Maleficus. The Doctor sees its raw power, and realises he could do anything with it: bring back Rose, resurrect the Time Lords, stop Donna losing her memory... but he knows it has to go. He is not strong enough, though. The Crimson Hand, complete with Majenta, appear, floating in the air. Majenta says she is sorry to the Doctor, and that she knew he would not be able to destroy the machine. The Crimson Hand are anxious to start killing the Doctor in order to see how many times they can kill him. With the Hand distracted now, Majenta takes her chance to enter the Manus Maleficus. Now she can destroy the Hand, but they tell her that without them, she would be nothing again. Majenta agrees with them, and her Lady Scaph uniform dissolves away. With that, she destroys the Crimson Hand. But Pi swears that "this isssn't over, pryce... the crimson hand will returrrrrnnn..." Majenta is now extremley weak, and dying. The last thing she says to the Doctor is "I'm going to die in a minute, Doctor... but before I do... I just want to say... you've ruined my life." Then Majenta Pryce dies. Zed demands that the Doctor do something, but he can't. Then the Manus Malificus returns to it's old dimension. The Doctor jumps into it, and falls into the gap in time and space (The Morass) where the Reapers and Chronovores dwell. The Doctor reaches out with his hands, closes his eyes, and when he opens them... he is in the lush green paradise that is British countryside (As seen in The Deep Hereafter), with the TARDIS, Zed, and Majenta. The Doctor tells Majenta that the Manus Maleficus brought her back to life. The only way it could do that, though, is by using the Doctor's brain, so Majenta is being kept alive due to the Doctor thinking about her. Then the Doctor leaves in his TARDIS, and Majenta and Zed start a new life in Redemption. Zed wonders if the Doctor will return to see them, and Majenta says "You never know, Zed... you never know."




  • This was the final Doctor Who Magazine comic story to feature the Tenth Doctor. The Tenth Doctor's illustrated adventures continued in comics produced by IDW Publishing until the end of 2010. Additionally, it concluded the story of Majenta Pryce.
  • The story overlapped DWM's change of format associated with the Eleventh Doctor. This previously occurred when DWM published a Seventh Doctor strip following the introduction of the Eighth Doctor.



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