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Timeline for 2012
21st century | 2010s

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Publicly, the year 2012 was notable for being the year that the Summer Olympics were held London, and the year that the United States held a presidential election. Secretly, however, in an underground bunker in Utah, 2012 was the year that the Doctor first learned he was not the only survivor of the Last Great Time War.


  • The 2012 Summer Olympics opened in London, during a period of unseasonably cold weather in the city, caused by an Isolus pod draining all the nearby heat. The Tenth Doctor, his TARDIS and people inside the Olympic Stadium were all placed inside drawings made by Chloe Webber, aided by an Isolus to give the stranded Isolus a family. Digging up the pod, Rose threw it into the Olympic Flame to heat it up, with the Isolus releasing the kidnapped as a result. Due to a mishap along the torch relay route, the Olympic Flame was lit at the opening ceremonies by the Doctor, who appeared on international television, the morale of the Games allowing the Isolus to fly home. Afterward, the Doctor and Rose attended a neighbourhood celebration in London. By this time, the Torchwood Institute would appear to have been relatively well-known, enough that the Battle of Canary Wharf of several years earlier was now known as the "Battle of Torchwood". (DW: Fear Her).


  • The United States held its presidential election. Earlier in the year, Diana Goddard expressed hope that the Democratic Party would win, as she found them "funny". (DW: Dalek)

Unknown dates

  • In Utah, in an underground facility called The Vault, the "last Dalek", using the DNA of a time traveller, who happened to be Rose Tyler, recovered itself, causing a power surge that blacked out much of the western United States to fully heal. Not having any orders from above, it killed most of the base, but began hesistating once it approached Rose. Believing the humanity Rose had given it was "sickness", it allowed itself to be destroyed. Afterward, Adam Mitchell accepted an invitation to join the Ninth Doctor and Rose on their travels. Henry van Statten, the powerful billionaire that acquired the Dalek and who claimed have to owned the Internet at this time, was stripped of his position in the aftermath and was ordered to have his memory erased. (DW: Dalek)
As the 2012 US election is referenced as having not happened yet, this means these events occurred prior to November.
  • The Ninth Doctor returned Adam Mitchell to his own time zone after being expelled from the TARDIS for sending information about future technology to his home era; Adam immediately caused a panic in his household when an advanced biochip implant from the year 200,000 was revealed in his forehead. (DW: The Long Game)
  • Alistair Gryffen was born. (K9TV: Taphony and the Time Loop)
  • The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble arrived in Hollywood and discovered alien entity Miss Hubble, who spent months draining the lifeforce out of everyone in Hollywood. The Doctor defeated Miss Hubble and made sure that Hollywood returned to its normal timelines. (DWA: Nightmare on the Boulevard)

Alternative timelines

Behind the scenes

NOTE: This section includes announced and surmised events in the future; dates, events, and titles are subject to change.





  • 25 - 50th anniversary of the day Donald Wilson received the programming report that ultimately led to the creation of Doctor Who.


  • 27 - Scheduled launch of the 2012 London Olympic Summer Games, which had been featured years earlier in DW: Fear Her.


Unknown dates