Lewisham was a London borough.
Lewisham shared its western and north-western borders with Southwark, its eastern border with Greenwich and its southern border with Bromley. A small section of its north-eastern border was the River Thames, across which was Tower Hamlets. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen [+]Loading...["Revenge of the Slitheen (TV story)"])
History[[edit] | [edit source]]
In 1977, the Seventh Doctor briefly visited Lewisham as he hunted the Timewyrm. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation [+]Loading...["Timewyrm: Revelation (novel)"])
In the 2000s, Coldfire Construction put up a new technology block in three of the schools in Lewisham. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen [+]Loading...["Revenge of the Slitheen (TV story)"])