Shock troops

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Shock troops
Sontaran shock troops. (TV: The Invasion of Time)

The Fourth Doctor identified Sontarans of the Sontaran Special Space Service who participated in the Sontaran invasion of Gallifrey as shock troops. (TV: The Invasion of Time)

According to the Dalek Survival Guide, the Daleks started using Ogrons as shock troops following the failure of the 2150s Dalek invasion of Earth; the guide suggested that the Ogrons' natural stupidity made them easier to control than humans and so eliminated the need for the time-consuming robotisation process. (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide)

Ashla shock-troops were posthuman cyborg soldiers created and designed by the Silversmiths' Coterie for the Blood Coteries. (PROSE: "Siloportem" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedpart":"Siloportem","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"}) Soldiers resembling the Ashla shock-troops invaded the Homeworld in the vision of the start of the War in Heaven in the Rivera Manuscript. (PROSE: "Notes on the Rivera Manuscript" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedpart":"Notes on the Rivera Manuscript","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"})

Gallifreyan shock troops served in the Last Great Time War. (AUDIO: The Rulers of the Universe) The Dalek Empire meanwhile harvested alternative versions of themselves, known through the conflict as the Skaro Degradations, to act as their shock troops. (PROSE: Engines of War)

As observed by the Eleventh Doctor in an alternate timeline, the cyber-converted Judoon served as the Cybermen's shock troopers, mindlessly destroying everything in their path. (COMIC: Assimilation²)