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Journey's End (TV story)

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The ending approaches... People and planets and stars will become dust. And the dust will become atoms, and the atoms will become... nothing. This is my ultimate victory! The destruction of reality itself!!Davros

This is the 13th and final episode of Series 4 and featured 6 companions of the Doctor. It is a continued on a cliffhanger from Episode 12.


The entire universe is in danger as the Daleks activate their master plan, and enslave 21st century Earth. The Doctor is helpless, and even the TARDIS faces destruction. The only hope lies with the Doctor's secret army of companions– but as they join forces to battle Davros himself, the prophecy declares that one of them will die.


Following on immediately from the end of "The Stolen Earth", The Doctor is regenerating inside the TARDIS while Donna Noble, Captain Jack Harkness and Rose Tyler watch in horror. However, the Doctor transfers his regenerative energy into the container which carries his severed hand. He has healed himself, but chosen not to change his appearance. The TARDIS is transported by the Daleks to the Crucible and rendered powerless. The Doctor, Jack, and Rose leave it, but Donna is distracted because she is hearing the sound of a heartbeat and while looking back, the TARDIS door slams closed. Before the Doctor can free her, the Daleks dump the TARDIS into a waste shoot where it will be destroyed in the centre-core of the Crucible. As the TARDIS interior explodes around her, Donna collapses near the severed hand, she hears the heartbeat again and while touching the container energy flows between it and her. The hand bursts out of the container, and forms as a new Doctor, although this Doctor has only one heart and has picked up some of Donna's mannerisms. With his help, the TARDIS escapes destruction and gives the new Doctor and Donna time to come with a plan.

In Torchwood Three, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones find themselves safely in a time lock created by Toshiko Sato, preventing the Dalek from entering but also preventing them leaving. Sarah Jane Smith is saved from two Daleks by Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler, but in order to follow the Doctor, lay down their guns and allow themselves to be captured, taken to the Crucible. Martha Jones says her goodbyes to her mother and makes for an abandoned castle in Germany where one of five Osterhagen stations is hidden, and waits for contact from the other bases.

Aboard the Crucible, Jack creates a distraction by shooting the Supreme Dalek (Red Dalek) with his revolver, but is shot by the Daleks; as the Doctor and Rose are taken to the Vault where Davros is held, Jack's immortality allows him to escape. With the Doctor and Rose contained, Davros explains that the 27 planets form an energy pattern that is then amplified into a "reality bomb", able to break apart the forces holding everything together. Mickey, Jackie, and Sarah Jane escape a test chamber where this effect is shown to the Doctor just in time. Jack finds his way to the three, and with a locket from Sarah Jane, creates a device that will implode the Crucible. Meanwhile, Martha makes contact with two other bases in China and Liberia. The Chinese counterpart wants to get it over and done with, but Martha, knowing the Doctor, first broadcasts a signal to the Crucible to give them (probably both Earth and the Daleks) a second chance, promising to use the Ostenhagen key to detonate 25 nuclear warheads under the Earth's crust to destroy it and disable the reality bomb. However, the Daleks manage to lock onto their positions and beam Martha, Jack, Mickey, Jackie, and Sarah Jane, with the Transmat to the Vault where the Doctor and Rose are too being held captive.

File:Tardis 5.PNG
the TARDIS pulling the Earth through space

The Daleks prepare to activate the reality bomb that will wipe out all matter in this and every parallel universe through the rifts in the Medusa Cascade, but the new Doctor and Donna arrive in the TARDIS. Both, however, are stunned by shots from Davros. The reality bomb countdown reaches zero, but nothing happens; Donna has manipulated the controls to disable it. The Doctor recognises that the creation of the new Doctor has had an unintended side effect: Donna is now half Time Lord herself, sharing the Doctor's intellect. Donna and the new Doctor free the others, and with the help of the original Doctor, disable the Daleks and start to send the planets back to their proper time and space. Before Earth can be sent, the machinery is destroyed, and the original Doctor races into the TARDIS to replace the functionality of the broken machine. Realising that Dalek Caan has seen the end of the Dalek race and has been manipulating time to achieve this, the new Doctor (probably not kept back by guilt due to the influence of Donna's personality) uses the remaining machinery to destroy all of the Daleks and their fleet. The rest of the companions flee to the TARDIS, and while the Doctor offers to save Davros, but he refuses, calling the Doctor the "Destroyer of Worlds". The Crucible is destroyed.

The Doctor enlists the help of the other companions, making contact with the base Torchwood and with Luke Smith, Mr. Smith and K-9, to help use the TARDIS return the Earth to its proper place. Sarah Jane says her goodbyes, as well as Jack, Martha, and Mickey, who has decided to stay in this universe. Using a retroactively closing rift, the Doctor returns Rose and Jackie to the alternate dimension and leaves the new Doctor with her, as he will now grow old with Rose, no longer able to regenerate due to the human influence, the human doctor, having the same memories and feeling as the proper Doctor tells Rose he loves her and they kiss.

Returning to their universe, Donna finds she begins to have trouble thinking; the Doctor explains that the human mind cannot take in the Time Lord mental abilities. To save her, he wipes her mind of all her encounters with the Doctor, returning her home and explaining to her family, Sylvia Noble and Wilfred Mott, that she must never be reminded of her time with the Doctor or else she will die. As Donna recovers consciousness, she shows no interest in the Doctor; he leaves, though Wilfred promises that he will remember the Doctor whenever he looks into the sky.


Production crew




  • This is the first episode where the TARDIS is fully-staffed with six pilots, and the first time it is noted definitively that it was designed for six, after various mentions about it being made for more than a single Time Lord.


Story notes

  • According to Doctor Who Magazine this is the biggest finale of Doctor Who ever.
  • Blue Peter presenter Gethin Jones operates a Dalek in this episode, returning to Doctor Who since his brief appearance as a Cybus Cyberman in The Age of Steel.
  • This was be the longest series finale at 65 minutes long, longer even than most of the Christmas specials, except for Voyage of the Damned, which was 71 minutes.
  • Dalek Caan refers to the Doctor as a 'threefold man'. The meaning becomes clear in this episode with both the copy of the Doctor and 'Doctor-Donna'.
  • This episode marks the first series finale to show a preview of the upcoming Christmas Special (2008). After the credits the Cybermen are said to return in the episode.
  • This episode tells us that Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister, actually died in the previous episode.
  • Davros named the Doctor 'The Destroyer of Worlds' and maybe a reference to Fires of Pompei when it was said the Doctors name was sealed in the Cascade of Medusa herself or to the Doctor being the Ka Faraq Gatri.
  • The Osterhagen key would destroy the Earth, Osterhagen just happens to be an anagram of Earth's gone
  • This episode introduces an alternative to regeneration for Time Lords called Meta-Crisis.
  • When the newly created Doctor discovers he's "part Time Lord, part human" he is shocked and refuses to admit it. This is likely a reference to the 1996 movie and fan outrage at it. - This also suggets that the Doctor was never half-human
  • The scene where the Daleks are speaking German is possibly a tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact that Terry Nation based the Daleks on the Nazis.
  • In the original script, the Doctor gave Rose's Doctor a small piece of 'coral' from the TARDIS so that he could create his own Time/Space machine from it.
  • The Daleks tried to move the Earth before, during the events of The Dalek Invasion Of Earth. Perhaps this was why.


to be added

Myths and rumours

  • The week between the cliffhanger ending of The Stolen Earth and the broadcast of Journey's End included some of the most intense fan speculation and media attention in franchise history. The significance of the cliffhanger, which appeared to show the Doctor regenerating, along with previously reported speculation regarding Donna and other characters led to many speculations being circulated on fan discussion boards and the media. Among some of the most notable:
  • That David Tennant was in fact leaving the series, and that leaked photos and other information regarding him being in the 2008 Christmas special (as well as media reports the preceding week that he was negotiating to return in 2010) were either a "red herring" or that the Christmas special was to include a flashback.
  • The true nature of Donna was the subject of much speculation, with some fans suggesting her to actually be The Rani or Romana living under the influence of a Chameleon Arch, or a manifestation of the Master.
  • And the prediction that a companion would die led some to believe Donna, Martha or Rose would be the ones destined to die (since it had already been reported that John Barrowman would be returning to Torchwood and Elisabeth Sladen to The Sarah Jane Adventures, ruling out their characters' demise.
  • The appearance of K-9 was a surprise to many as it had been previously reported that the character would not be appearing in the episode, given the fact the rights to the character are currently held by another party for the planned K-9 television series.
  • Russell T Davies stated in an interview in Doctor Who Magazine that the characters of Gwyneth and Gwen Cooper were unrelated, but in this episode, the Doctor corrected this statement.

Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors

  • If the TARDIS's power had gone how does the monitor screen work? The heart of the TARDIS was still beating, which could have supplied some power.
  • When Martha teleports and hears the German Daleks why does the TARDIS not translate the German? She understood German, so it wouldn't have needed to be translated.
  • The Daleks were maintaining the atmosphere around the Earth - probably from the Crucible. However, when the Crucible was destroyed and the TARDIS pulled the Earth back to where it should be, shouldn't the atmosphere have disappeared, killing everyone on Earth? The Doctor takes over and maintains the atmosphere from the TARDIS. He says this when he tows the Earth back.
  • When the Doctor wiped Donna's mind, it looked like he only wiped the memories of the her time with the Doctor. Couldn't he have just wiped the Time Lord stuff that was overloading her brain? No, as if she remembers the Time Lord stuff she will burn up, and it would be easy to remember if you're traveling around with one
  • Wouldn't the Nuclear Warheads placed under the crust have melted? Well, UNIT most likely would have thought about this, and provided some sort of way to protect them.
  • When we see Martha saying goodbye to her Mother, the laptop in the background cycling through number continuously, but when we have the close-up of Martha, the numbers have frozen but we can still hear them. Actually only the first line is frozen. The second was still shifting.
  • If Donna, a human, can't live with a Time Lord's mind, doesn't that mean neither can the human Doctor? The human Doctor was half Time Lord, the mental half Time Lord, such as mind, but the physical part human (like Jenny), such as aging.
  • Why did Martha have to travel to Germany to activate the Osterhagen key when the other soldiers were in pods in their home countries? The main pod was in Germany - Martha states that she is in Osterhagen 1
  • The moon remained in position when the Earth had moved. The moon should have locked onto the strongest gravitational force (the Sun) and been pulled towards it. If left alone the moon's orbit would adjust to the change in mass eventually. But this process would take decades if not centuries. No indication the earth was gone that long.
  • The Earth was never brought back in time the one second that Davros had rushed it forward to keep it out of sync with the rest of the universe. Therefore it shouldn't be moved back with the moon or the solar system, as the Earth is still ahead in time. History would also be changed as humans from Earth would never be able to react with any other alien species.Seeing as this problem would also occur for the other 26 planets, one can assume that the Doctor put every planet back into sync with their original time periods when he removed them from the Medusa Cascade.
  • If the act of temporal shifting back to the Time War showed Dalek Caan the entire history of the Dalek race and led him to conclude the Daleks should be destroyed, why didn't he just let Davros die in the war and then kill himself? Caan was driven insane after saving Davros, therefore he had only seen the whole of time after Davros was already safe. He then began setting the course of events that would lead to the fall of the New Dalek Empire.
  • You don't find out how the Davros built the Daleks Casing and the Crucible, he didn't have any supplies and the Daleks have no hands to build them. It is possible, that, due to Davros being the creator of the Daleks, he had some supplies to create Daleks on his ship.
  • If any mention of the Doctor or the TARDIS would cause the Time Lord consciousness within Donna to reawaken and burn up her mind isn't the Doctor taking a tremendous risk by letting Donna see him in the Noble's house? The Doctor wishes to test the effectiveness of the memory wipe and also determine whether there are any negative effects on her. The real risk to Donna is if she starts to remember when the Doctor is absent and unable to intervene before she suffers a complete neurological collapse.
  • Why would the Daleks place the mother of all control panels capable of destroying the Daleks in the dungeon of Davros, knowing full well he's betrayed them before and that the Doctor is likely to be locked up in there. Perhaps it was just a normal control panel - even one with limited or no access to the rest of the ship - and Donna was able to hack her way into the main system.
  • Why didn't the Daleks activate an Emergency Temporal Shift to escape the control of Donna and why did the Dalek Supreme manage to avoid being controlled? The Emergency Temporal Shift may have been an innovation of the Cult of Skaro, the secret of which Caan did not share with Davros or the new Daleks.
  • The second humanoid woman aboard the Shadow Proclamation ship/station told Donna there was "something on your back", repeating the prediction of Lucius in The Fires of Pompeii. We know the Time Beetle is gone, but there was no explanation concerning the cryptic phrase by the climax of Journey's End. The albino woman spoke in the past tense saying there "was something on your back", the other temporal aberration she noticed was the time fields converging on Donna, the same phenomenon Rose spoke of, which we learn was a product of Dalek Caan's secret temporal manipulations which he implemented in order to hasten the destruction of the Daleks.
  • If Mickey Smith was allowed to stay on the normal Earth, why did Rose and Jackie have to go back? After all, the Doctor could have brought Pete back as well, and their child. Pete would have probably been reluctant to leave his own universe, as he runs a successful business. Also, the Doctor states that his hybrid clone is a liability after committing mass genocide on board the Crucible, and gives him to Rose. He probably doesn't want to be in the same universe with him. It seems that the Doctor was only able to get to Bad Wolfs Bay and stay there for a few minutes, so there was no chance of getting somebody else back to the normal Earth.
  • If the New Dalek Empire was grown from cells taken from Davros, how would the new Daleks know that Davros shouldn't be trusted and so decide to lock him him? It's not that he wasn't trusted, Davros was just not in control. It was most likely the Daleks took over authority naturally, and decided to keep Davros imprisoned so he would not compromise it.
  • When the Doctor sees Gwen Cooper for the first time, he asks if she came from long line of family from Cardiff. She replies yes, but this cannot be true as in (TW: Something Borrowed) Gwen's parents are from Swansea. They could have moved there from Cardiff?)
  • When Davros brings up the screen to view the testing, the image shows the human test subjects just entering. On TV, not all events are straight after each other. Most events are at the same time as another, but for obvious reasons, they are placed next to each other.
  • When The Doctors send every planet back to when and where it was taken, doesn't this negate Partners in Crime,Fires of Pompeii, and the conversation about Poosh in Midnight since those events were caused by lost planets?


  • When the Doctor sees Gwen Cooper for the first time, he asks if she came from long line of family from Cardiff. This is because the similarity between Gwen and Gwyneth (DW: The Unquiet Dead), both who are played by Eve Myles. The Doctor and Rose both recognise the uncanny family resemblance.
  • This is the first occurrence of the Doctor's TARDIS being piloted by six people, the number first being specified in NA: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible.
  • This episode marks the last appearance of the Tenth Doctor's severed hand which first appeared in DW: The Christmas Invasion.
  • Davros mentions meeting Sarah at the birth of his creations, they did so in DW: Genesis of the Daleks.
  • Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler last appeared in DW: Doomsday.

DVD and Other releases

See also

to be added

External links

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