All-Consuming Fire was the eighth story in Big Finish Productions' Doctor Who Novel Adaptations range. It was an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Andy Lane. It is notable for incorporating the versions of Holmes and Watson from the Big Finish audio series, as portrayed by Nicholas Briggs and Richard Earl, into a Doctor Who story.
Publisher's summary
The Library of St. John the Beheaded contains the most dangerous books in all creation so when some of them are stolen who else should the Vatican call but Sherlock Holmes?
Immediately, one of the possible suspects seems more suspicious than others. He has no traceable background, refuses to give straight answers and hides behind a pseudonym. However, Holmes and his loyal friend Watson soon realise this suspect is also their greatest hope: war is brewing and an Old God is rising, to save humanity they need the Doctor as much as he needs them.
to be added
- The Doctor - Sylvester McCoy
- Ace - Sophie Aldred
- Bernice Summerfield - Lisa Bowerman
- Sherlock Holmes - Nicholas Briggs
- Doctor John Watson - Richard Earl
- Sherringford Holmes - Hugh Fraser
- Baron Maupertuis - Anthony May
- Tir Ram - Aaron Neil
- Mrs Prendersly, Azazoth - Samantha Béart
- Ambrose - Michael Griffiths
- K'Tcar'ch - Guy Adams
The Doctor
- The Doctor visited the Library of St. John the Beheaded 500 years ago.
- The Doctor is lodging in Hampstead with Professor George Litefoot. Watson is familiar with him as an eminent pathologist.
- The Doctor compares the spontaneous combustion to Bleak House by Charles Dickens, where Krook is found burnt to death in his room. He cites supposed real-world examples including Grace Pett in 1744 and James Hamilton in 1835, but says they are unsolved mysteries rather than proving spontaneous combustion.
- The Doctor remembers meeting Siger Holmes whilst touring India with his granddaughter 45 years ago.
- Bernice recalls the Doctor once bought her and Ace a round of drinks on Briff.
- The Doctor invites Holmes to travel with him.
Bernice Summerfield
- Bernice disguises herself in a male form under the name of "Bernard Summerfield" in order to appear inconspicuous in Victorian India.
- Bernice is attracted to Watson and goes on a date with him.
- Watson is taken aback by Ace's rubber jumpsuit.
- Ace quotes "top of the world, ma" from Jimmy Cagney. Watson does not understand the reference.
Holmes and Watson
- Mrs Hudson is visiting her sister in Carlisle. Holmes refers to her as his landlady.
- Holmes and Watson are contacted by the Pope.
- Watson remembers serving time in Afghanistan.
- Watson has worked with Holmes for several years. He wonders if he has spent too much time with him.
- Holmes mentions his brother Mycroft and the Diogenes Club.
- Watson says that Holmes throws things when he is grumpy.
- The Doctor refers to A Tale of the Ragged Mountains by Edgar Allan Poe.
- The Doctor refers to Shakespeare.
- Nicholas Briggs and Richard Earl have previously portrayed their roles as Holmes and Watson on stage and in a series of Big Finish audio plays. In keeping with this, the first episode opens with the Sherlock Holmes theme tune, but uses the Doctor Who theme tune following a short prologue with Holmes and Watson.
- Holmes and Watson previously appeared in a Big Finish story that also featured characters that exist within the same universe as Doctor Who, such as Bernice Summerfield and Iris Wildthyme, The Worlds of Big Finish.
- The Doctor recalls studying a medical degree at the University of Edinburgh in 1870. Watson remembers studying a BA and Baccalaureate at the university from 1870 onwards, but the Doctor says he looked different then. (PROSE: The Juror's Story, TV: Tooth and Claw) Arthur Conan Doyle was also a student at the university. (AUDIO: The Monstrous Menagerie)
- The Doctor says he is a doctor of practically everything. (TV: Spearhead from Space, AUDIO: The Rulers of the Universe)
- The Doctor has mud on his trouser cuffs from Menaxus. (AUDIO: Theatre of War)
- The Doctor says he likes cats. (PROSE: Prelude Human Nature et al., COMIC: A Rose by Any Other Name)
- The Doctor says Susan could talk him round, almost always. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth)
- The Doctor says the Krakatoa eruption is not somewhere they could escape from. However, he did so in his ninth incarnation. (TV: Rose)
Deviations from the original novel
- The audio version does not have a framing story with an Arthur Conan Doyle novel within a novel, however sections of the story are narrated as a first-person monologue from Watson's perspective. This narrative device was used in both the original novel and Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes stories. Other sections of the story are narrated by Holmes (part two) and Bernice (part three). Generally, Big Finish only usually use this device in their Companion Chronicles series.
- The name Azathoth was changed to Azazoth.
- Whilst the First Doctor and Susan do not appear in this adaptation of the story, they are referred to.
External links
- Official All-Consuming Fire page at