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part of the 21st century
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The 2010s was the second decade of the 21st century when alien encounters and other unusual events continued on Earth, which had been common since the previous decade.

Major events

In 2011, Miracle Day happened, halting death in all humans, at least barring extreme measures, drastically changing and challenging the social and cultural conventions on Earth during the period of the "miracle". (TV: The New World, The Categories of Life)

On one day, trees mysteriously grew across all the land on Earth. As the Twelfth Doctor discovered, it was a defence mechanism to protect the planet from the threat of a solar flare with excess oxygen. Once the solar flare struck and the worldwide forest's work of preservation succeeded, it promptly regressed to its former state. (TV: In the Forest of the Night)

In 2016, the K1 robot was rebuilt by UNIT. It went on a rampage in downtown London, destroying the London Eye. The Twelfth Doctor was able to stop it with his sonic screwdriver. (COMIC: Robo Rampage)

Notable Alien incursions on Earth

One Dalek that survived the Last Great Time War was passed from collector to collector and was eventually imprisoned in the Vault near Salt Lake City by 2012. Nicknamed the Metaltron by Henry van Statten, it was accidentally released and began murdering everyone inside the Vault. As its genetic make-up began changing, it was overwhelmed from the emotions it had taken from Rose Tyler and was forced to commit suicide. (TV: Dalek)

Along with several children on Dame Kelly Holmes Close, the crowd at the 2012 London Olympic Games stadium were abducted by an Isolus to keep it from being lonely. The Isolus returned them when Rose Tyler used the heat and love the Olympic Torch represented to recharge the Isolus pod. (TV: Fear Her)

A make-up artist and a bus driver were converted by the Daleks into puppets in order to respectively take Amy Pond and Rory Williams to the Parliament of the Daleks. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

In 2013, the robot Spoonheads captured human "souls" via Wi-Fi to feed to the Great Intelligence in an operation spearheaded by Miss Kizlet from the Shard. The Eleventh Doctor stumbled upon this and put a stop to it as well as forcing Kizlet to release all the trapped minds from the datacloud. It was here where Clara Oswald met the Doctor and joined him as his companion. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)

After figures from the Under-Gallery's stasis cube paintings had disappeared along with the glass of the paintings being smashed outwards, UNIT summoned the Eleventh Doctor under the instructions of Queen Elizabeth I from the 16th century. The figures in the paintings were actually Zygons who hid themselves inside in 1562 while waiting for the Earth to become more suitable for invasion. UNIT had accidentally airlifted the TARDIS to the National Gallery not knowing the Doctor was still inside. The Zygons later took on the biological forms of Kate and UNIT scientists McGillop and Osgood and tried taking over the Black Archive. Trying to stop them, Kate set off the countdown for a nuclear warhead, which her duplicate was unable to cancel, but the Tenth, Eleventh and War Doctors broke into the Black Archive, erasing the minds of the Zygons and the real Kate, McGillop and Osgood and making them forget which was "real" and allowing both Kates to agree to cancel the detonation. The Doctors refused to return the memories of the two parties until they agreed to a peace treaty. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

In 2014 (COMIC: The Fractures), a lone Skovox Blitzer was lost on Earth, attracted to the area around Coal Hill School by the high number of artron energy emissions. It was detected by the Twelfth Doctor, who trapped it and projected it into the Time Vortex using chronodyne generators. Danny Pink had inadvertently turned off some of the generators and the Blitzer was not projected as far into the future as the Doctor had planned. Before it reappeared, he developed a device that would make his orders sound as though they were coming from one of the robot's superiors. With the assistance of Clara and Danny, he again trapped it, and ordered it to deactivate. He then left it drifting in space and told it to enjoy its war. (TV: The Caretaker)

The organisation 3W, ostensibly formed by Dr Skarosa to create a place to house the consciousness of the deceased, was discovered by the Twelfth Doctor and Clara, (TV: Dark Water) as well as being investigated by UNIT after an anonymous tip. (TV: Death in Heaven) It was discovered the the organisation was an elaborate deception orchestrated by Missy, who used a Matrix data slice to create the Nethersphere, where the minds of the recently deceased would be uploaded and converted into an army of Cybermen. This army emerged from 3W's base in St Paul's Cathedral (TV: Dark Water) with UNIT soon arriving on the scene led by Kate Stewart. Capturing both the Doctor and Missy, UNIT brought them both aboard their presidential aircraft, Boat One, where the Doctor was inaugurated as an emergency President of Earth. At this time, clouds appeared over the world's major cities, raining cyber-pollen on the graveyards to convert the dead into Cybermen. These Cybermen, now possessing the ability to fly, attacked Boat One resulting in its destruction. Offered control of the Cybermen army by Missy, the Doctor refused to submit to her claim that he was like her, he handed it over to the converted Danny Pink, who rallied all the Cybermen to self-destruct, taking the pollen clouds with them. The Doctor was saved the obligation of killing Missy by one remaining Cyberman, a converted Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. (TV: Death in Heaven)

In 2015, Missy used a time stop to freeze all planes airborne across the globe, amounting to 4165, in order to gain the attention of Clara and UNIT so they could help her find the Doctor. This brief worldwide phenomenon ended when Missy released the planes at Clara's request in return for her co-operation. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice)

That September, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Daniel Claremont, was revealed on live television to be a Sea Devil. His race began an attack on Scotland, but were quickly stopped by the Twelfth Doctor; who destroyed their base on Raven's Isle. (COMIC: Clara Oswald and the School of Death)

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