The Dr Who Annual 1966 was the first Doctor Who annual published by World Distributors. It was released in September 1965.
- Release Number 1
- Publisher World Distributors
- Released in September 1965
- Priced 9s 6d
- Format Hardback 96 pages
- Featured Doctor: The first Dr Who
- Featured Companions:
- Featured Enemies: Zarbi, Voord, Sensorites
Short stories
- The Lair of Zarbi Supremo
- Who is Dr Who?
- The Sons of the Crab
- The Lost Ones
- The Equations of Dr Who
- The Monsters from Earth
- Peril in Mechanistria
- The Fishmen of Kandalinga
Additional notes
- The Doctor is referred to throughout as "Dr Who", and several times he is referred to as a human or an "Earthman".
- The cover and internal illustrations were by Walter Howarth.
- A PDF of the entire Doctor Who Annual 1966 was included on the DVD for The Web Planet.
- The cover for this first issue was imitated in the documentary drama An Adventure in Space and Time, with actor David Bradley's likeness in place of William Hartnell.