George Floyd was a African American black man who was killed by police Derek Chauvin in 2020. A video of his death showed him pleading to breathe and for his mother showing him last moments before losing Consciousness.
. This video spread on social media and, despite the COVID-19 lockdown, it sparked protests in the United States and the United Kingdom; this included people tearing down statues, including one of Edward Colston in Bristol.
Lucy Wilson's parents didn't want her to watch the video, but she felt it was an important thing to see. It drove her to tears and it changed her outlook on racism. Lucy made a Black Lives Matter poster and attended a peaceful protest in Ogmore-by-Sea with Hobo Kostinen. Hobo's mother told him to stay away from the protests due to the presence of dangerous elements. (PROSE: 8.46)
During her return to St Luke's University in Bristol, Bill Potts also attended a march while social distancing, saying "not all Cybermen have got handles on their heads" to explain what had happened to Nardole. (WC: The Best of Days)