Helana was a young woman who lived with her father on the edge of a "fareaway" town.
When her father was imprisoned within the house of a mysterious beast, she offered herself to the creature, within whom she saw a glimmer of kindness, for companionship in exchange for her father's freedom.
As she lived with the beast in his grand home and grew closer to him, she discovered a large library deep in the house, where she met the Twelfth Doctor, who introduced himself to her as "the librarian". She learned from the Doctor that the beast was once caught within an unstable time field that warped his DNA into the creature she knew him as. After Helana gave the beast the temporal antidote that the Doctor had successfully concocted, the beast returned to his human form. As he tried to thank her for saving him, Helana informed that it was the Doctor he had to thank, only to realise that he had vanished. (PROSE: Helana and the Beast)
Behind the scenes
Helana is based on the titular heroin of the fairtyale Beauty and the Beast.