Ellen Hunt claimed that the Spanish flu of 1918 killed "something like" five percent of the human race. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Four)
The Ninth Doctor told Charles Dickens in 1869 that he was "one hundred percent brilliant". (TV: The Unquiet Dead)
People over 65 years of age got a 10% discount on certain days in B&Q by 2005. The Ninth Doctor asked an assistant for the discount, but upon being asked for his age, he deicded against revealing it. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man?)
After March 2007, Harold Saxon was reported by The Daily Telegraph newspaper as leading polls with 64% during a state of "government paralysis". (TV: Love & Monsters)
The Master assured Lucy Saxon that the sonic wave of his Archangel Network was 100% effective at influencing human minds. However, it became apparent that some, such as Vivien Rook, were not convinced, leading the Master to amend his claim to "99, 98...". (PROSE: Speech Day, TV: The Sound of Drums)
In 2009 Miss Foster promoted the Adipose pill as "one hundred percent legal, one hundred percent effective." (TV: Partners in Crime)
In September 2009, the 456 came to Earth and demanded ten percent of the children of humanity. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three) This was expressed in relation to the children in the United States as 2340000. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three [+]Loading...["Children of Earth: Day Three (TV story)"])
A Vault Dalek reported that the Crucible was at 90% efficiency as the 2009 21st century Dalek invasion commenced. (TV: The Stolen Earth)
Whilst posing as press reporters in 2020, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin Khan scanned Daniel Barton with a bioscanner that was disguised as an audio recorder. The resulting DNA profile told Yasmin that Barton was "only ninety-three percent human". (TV: Spyfall - Part One)
According to the Fifth Doctor, the Earth's Sun was made up of seventy-four percent hydrogen and twenty-four percent helium. (AUDIO: Feast of Fear)
Gallifreyan genes constituted only 7% of Alex Campbell's genome. (AUDIO: Relative Dimensions)