The Gunpowder Plot is the first episode of the second series of the Adventure Games. It sees the introduction of Rory Williams into the series, and the appearance of the Sontarans, Rutans and the Silents.
The TARDIS lands in 1605, encountering a group of men who are plotting to assassinate the head of state. But the Doctor isn't the only alien in town...
To be added
- The Doctor - Matt Smith
- Amy Pond - Karen Gillan
- Rory Williams - Arthur Darvill
- Lady Winters - Emilia Fox
- Guy Fawkes - Ralf Little
- Geoffrey Plum - Phil Daniels
- Robert Catesby - Alexander Vlahos
- Field Major Kaarsh - Dan Starkey
- Black Rod - Miles Richardson
- Thomas Percy - David Ames
- Alice Flowers - Lizzie Hopley
- Charlie - Jamie Oram
- Barnaby - Chris Johnson
- Margaret - Amelda Brown
- The Silence - Barnaby Edwards
Story notes
- Emilia Fox (Lady Winters) previously played Berenice in BFA: Nevermore.
- The Gunpowder Plot is the first psuedo-historical Adventure Game.
- This is also the first Adventure Game to feature Rory Williams as a playable character.
Production errors
If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
- The Sonic Screwdriver is clearly seen within the TARDIS in the cutescene when The Doctor asks Rory to retrieve it through a portal.
- Rory is able to pass through one of the walls within the Clock Tower.
- When Rory is asked to repair the EMF, he is able to skip it by walking into the bookcase and into the corridor on the other side.
- When the Doctor and Amy first encounter a Rutan, the Rutan is able to shoot through the boxes you're supposed to be able to hide behind for safety.
- Amy returns to the TARDIS Drawing Room (VG: TARDIS) New objects include:
- The Doctor's cot (DW: A Good Man Goes to War)
- A Cyberman's head, either from the Pete's World Cybermen, the Arctic Cybermen, or the Cyber-Legions Mondasian Cybermen.
- The Spy Glass from Apalapucia (DW: The Girl Who Waited)
- A Hypercube (DW: The Doctor's Wife)
- A Silent can appear at any time during the Game, in the parts where the player can free-roam. (DW: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, Closing Time/The Wedding of River Song)
- Sontarans and Rutans return.
- Amy and Rory recognise the Sontarans, having seen one in A Good Man Goes to War. However, Rory fully understands the danger they represent despite not encountering them in full force as enemies before. It is possible he encountered them in a larger force in between these two stories.
- Amy calls Rory "stupid face." (DW : Day of the Moon)
- The Gunpowder Plot occurs after DW: The Girl Who Waited.
- The Gunpowder Plot occurs before DW: The God Complex.