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A closeup of an Auton hand weapon.

The Autons were metamorphic android robots, artificial life forms that were essentially life sized plastic dummies, animated by the Nestene Consciousness. Though they are not the only creations of the Nestene Consciousness, they were the most common and the most easily identifiable. The name came from "Auto Plastics", the company that was infiltrated by the Nestenes and subsequently manufactured their Auton shells. (DW: Spearhead from Space)

Autons conceal deadly weapons within their hands, which can kill or vaporize their targets using psychic projections. (PDA: Synthespians™)

The typical Auton did not look particularly realistic, resembling a mannequin, being robotic in its movements and mute, although an Auton leader could speak in a robotic voice. (DW: Terror of the Autons) Despite their solid appearance, Autons can change the shape of their features and limbs. (DW: Rose) More sophisticated Autons could be created, which looked and acted Human except for a slight sheen to the skin and a flat sounding voice. Autons could also copy specific individuals, though these copies were imperfect. When duplicated, the originals were kept alive to maintain the copy. Notable copies included Channing, who maintained the Nestenes' affair during their first attempted invasion of Earth. (DW: Spearhead from Space) Mickey Smith was also copied by the Nestene to act as an information gather on the affairs of the Doctor. (DW: Rose) The Autons aren't actually called Autons until the credits of this episode. They are always referred to as "Living Plastic Creatures".

Autons were excellent trackers, as they could follow other creatures by their brain-wave patterns. (PDA: Synthespians™)

The Autons feature in the Big Finish Audio Brave New Town

An Auton. (DW: Rose)