Anne Droid

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The Anne Droid was a robot who hosted a deadly version of the game show The Weakest Link in 200,100. It was equipped with an energy beam in its mouth that was commonly believed to be a weapon that disintegrated the losers. In reality it was a transmat beam used to transfer losers to the Dalek Fleet. (TV: Bad Wolf)

Biography[[edit] | edit source]

In the last known edition of The Weakest Link, Rose Tyler was among the contestants, having been taken out of the TARDIS by the Game Station's Controller. Being from the 21st century, Rose was bewildered to be faced with the Anne Droid. Over the course of the game, the Anne Droid eliminated Fitch, Broff (who was not voted but made an attempt to escape during an ad break), Colleen, Agorax, and lastly Rose, with the Ninth Doctor and Jack Harkness arriving too late to save the latter. Rodrick emerged as the winner, and was to be transported home with a reward of 1600 credits, only to be killed by the Daleks during the Battle of the Game Station. Rose was rescued from the Dalek Flagship by the Doctor and Jack. (TV: Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways)

When the Daleks invaded the Game Station, Jack Harkness reprogrammed the Anne Droid to fight the Daleks. Jack liked the fact that she could provide a nice defence on Floor 495, though the droid did not hold back the Dalek fleet for long. She transmatted three Daleks who had asked her to identify herself back to the mothership, but before she could transmat a fourth, the Dalek used its gunstick to destroy her head, taking advantage of the fact that she needed to say, "You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye", before firing. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)

Just prior to his regeneration into the Tenth Doctor, the Doctor remembered the Anne Droid amongst many others as he looked back over his latest incarnation. (PROSE: Shortness of Breath)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]

Anne Robinson takes over from her robotic counterpart.
  • The real Anne Robinson, the host of the game show in real life, provided the voice for the Anne Droid.
  • The Anne Droid made a cameo appearance on the special The Weakest Link: Doctor Who Special, where actors from the show played for charity. She appeared centre stage introducing the show, before the real Anne Robinson came out, unplugged her and took over the MC position.