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Bears[1] were mammals native to the planet Earth.

Terrestrial bears

The Doctor, his companions and acquaintances encountered bears on several occasions.

Prior to his fifth incarnation, the Doctor had a bear but he had to release it when it started eating his bedroom furniture. (AUDIO: Cuddlesome)

About 120 AD, the Tenth Doctor found himself opposing lions, tigers and bears in the Flavian Amphitheatre. When the bear approached, the Doctor quickly climbed a tree, losing his sonic screwdriver in his haste. He dropped on the back of the bear, scooped up his screwdriver and gave the beast a burst at the right frequency. The bear meandered away. (PROSE: The Stone Rose)

In November 1988, Richard Maynarde thought he heard a bear. Lady Peinforte reassured him that it would not follow them because such things happened only in the theatre. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

In the year 5000, Jamie and Elric Penley were attacked by a bear. Penley tranquillised it, but was clawed while doing so. (TV: The Ice Warriors)

Lynda Moss told the Ninth Doctor about a popular television series called Bear With Me, a show about three people living with a bear. (TV: Bad Wolf)

These incidents combined, ranging from the 2nd century AD to the year 200,100 indicated that bears, in general, were a hardy species, not threatened by extinction across many millennia.


On Earth several specific breeds of bear were known, including the cave bear, giant panda and the polar bear.

Animals similar to bears

The Yeti species Yeti Traversii were more bear-like compared to fellow Yeti Mih-teh and Dzu-teh, who were closely related to apes. (PROSE: Downtime)

The skeleton of a Heavenite was identified by Benny as "probably something like a bear with an opposable thumb". (PROSE: Love and War, AUDIO: Love and War)

Products related to bears

The First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan encountered evidence of bears in about 100,000 BC. There, they saw that the Tribe of Gum hunted bears for their warm skins. (TV: An Unearthly Child)

Bears were often taxidermal subjects. Hex once came across a seven-foot stuffed bear. The Seventh Doctor said it was used by a university for anatomical demonstration. (AUDIO: Night Thoughts)

Toy stuffed bears — in the form of anatomically incorrect teddy bears — were also popular on Earth, from around the late 19th century. (TV: The Snowmen and others)

Extraterrestrial bears

Horned bears were among the native lifeforms of Tiermann's World. (PROSE: Sick Building)

The Doctor once said he had a bear when he was young, but he had to release it when it started eating the furniture. (AUDIO: Cuddlesome)

On Hyspero, Angela ruled over the bears of Kestheven, who shaved their golden fur and went about hairless. (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress)


  1. This article generally concerns itself with bears whose exact breed was not known. You may be looking for information about more specific sub-species