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Mags was a werewolf from the planet Vulpana, for some time the leader of the Psychic Circus and a companion of the Seventh Doctor.


Early life

Mags had a mother and also a sister called Adele. Her childhood sweetheart was called Loz.

She was taken from her family when Captain Cook, an egotistical explorer arrived on Vulpana. Mags was hunted alongside her sister and Loz, by Cook. Adele and Loz escaped and when Mags did not return, they believed her to be dead. (COMIC: Hill of Beans)

The Psychic Circus

Mags travelled to the planet Segonax with Captain Cook, Cook related that he had saved Mags when she was about to get shot with a silver bullet.

The Seventh Doctor and Ace befriended her while looking into the Psychic Circus. Mags was later revealed to be a werewolf, her transformation triggered by moonlight. Mags feared her transformations, as well as the image of the moon itself. Cook managed to trigger her metamorphosis using artificial moonlight recreated by circus lights in an attempt to kill the Doctor for the amusement of the Gods of Ragnarok. The Doctor convinced her that she could control her feral instincts, but not before Mags ended up killing Cook himself.

After the Doctor had defeated the Gods of Ragnarok, she decided to stay behind on Segonax with Kingpin to re-start the Psychic Circus, despite her fears that her transformations might once again get out of control. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)

Mags brought the circus to the Moon of Domusalba, which orbited her homeworld Vulpana, for its millionth performance. There she encountered her sister Adele, and her childhood sweetheart, Loz who were leading a werewolf rights campaign. The President of Vulpana had forced the werewolf population of Vulpana into camps and made them wear armbands in order to mark them out as werewolves. Some refugees escaped to Domusalba, but then Vulpanian forces followed them and annexed the moon.

The Doctor and Ace arrived on Domusalba and while they set a plan in motion, Mags met with Commander Denari who attempted to have the pyschic circus shut down. After discovering that Adele and Loz have been imprisoned, the Doctor and Mags pay a visit to the Vulpana Bureau of Intolerance where they discover President Carde's plan to take over the psychic circus.

Upon their return to the circus, the Doctor and Mags are met by President Carde who has a group of werewolves imprisoned, including Adele and Loz. With help from Ace, the Doctor and Mags release the prisoners and Carde is killed by a werewolf in the struggle. It is revealed that the Doctor had been using a perfume that drove the people of Domusalba to rebellion. Mags makes peace with her sister and gives her and Loz her blessing. She is then invited to travel in the TARDIS with the Doctor and Ace, but is unsure of whether to accept due to her responsibilities to the psychic circus. (COMIC: Hill of Beans)

Travels with the Doctor

Mags eventually left the psychic circus as her transformations were becoming more and more difficult to control. She travelled from planet to planet searching for a new home, until she arrived on Gokroth where she sought the help of Dr Maleeva to remove her wolf side. She reunited with the Doctor, who had been following her for some time and he offered to take her with him on his travels. (AUDIO: The Monsters of Gokroth)


Mags was often quiet and docile, resigning herself to following the orders of Captain Cook, who had taken her from Vulpana and made her his companion. She struggled deeply to control her werewolf side and would worry about letting it manifest. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy) She was disturbed by her transformations to the extent that she travelled to the planet Gokroth in order to seek the help of Dr Maleeva to cure her lycanthropy in The hope of living a normal life. (AUDIO: The Monsters of Gokroth)

She was selfless and noble, putting her life on the line to protect werewolf rights and the psychic circus from President Carde. She also blessed the relationship between her sister and the man she referred to as the love of her life, citing that "the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of Beans in [this] crazy galaxy". (COMIC: Hill of Beans)

Skills and Abilities

To Be Added

Behind the Scenes
