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The TARDIS Key wass the key to the exterior door of a TARDIS. They could be found in a variety of shapes and designs. Whatever the key's shape and size, and whatever form the TARDIS' outer plasmic shell, the key would fit a lock somewhere in the structure.


The key worked like a normal key would, and was not limited by the reconfigurable shape of either the keys itself or the outer plasmic shell of the TARDIS. Different TARDIS shells had different locks, whether obvious or hidden, and a TARDIS lock would accept its key even if it was larger than the keyhole.

The Chancellery Guard on Gallifrey had "cipher indent keys," master keys of varying shapes. Some keys worked by being inserted into the keyhole, some worked by simply being held near the lock. (DW: The Deadly Assassin)


The key to The Doctor's TARDIS has been seen in several forms.

Yale-type TARDIS key

The First and Second Doctors used a key which resembled a plain Earth Yale lock, such as might be used with a genuine police box. The Third Doctor started out with the same key (DW: Spearhead from Space)

At some point in his third life, the Doctor began experimenting with new designs for his key, coming up with several alternative designs, settling on a spade-shaped silver key. After his regeneration, the Fourth Doctor experimented with even more radical designs, which included a double-helix apparently made of plastic, before eventually going back to the spade and Yale styles. (EDA: Interference - Book Two) The yale key was also used by the Fifth Doctor.

The Sixth and Seventh Doctors used yet another design, incorporating the Seal of Rassilon with a fan-shaped motif.

Spade type key

The Seventh Doctor eventually went back to the spade key, which after regenerating the Eighth Doctor continued to use. (DW: Doctor Who)

The Ninth and Tenth Doctors reverted to the Yale key.

Properties of keys to TARDISes other than the Doctor's remain unknown.


Beyond simply unlocking the TARDIS doors, the TARDIS key has often displayed other uses and characteristics.

  • The Doctor's TARDIS key can be used to open TARDISes other than his own. (DW: The Mark of the Rani)
  • The TARDIS key glowes and warmed when the TARDIS was about to materialise nearby. (DW: Aliens of London)
  • When the TARDIS fell through a wound in time, the Doctor realised he could use the key - still warm and in contact with the ship - to bring it back. (DW: Father's Day)
  • If modified properly, TARDIS keys can retain perception filter properties of the ship. (DW: The Sound of Drums)
  • The key could also be used to "remotely" lock the TARDIS from a distance, similar to a car alarm. (DW: The End of Time)

Copies of the Doctor's TARDIS Key

Behind the Scenes

  • The spade-type TARDIS key was designed by Jon Pertwee. [1]
  • The Rassilon-style key was designed by Mike Tucker. [2]
  • The prop used for the TV movie was a BBC-licenced replica sold at the time by now-defunct American memorabilia catalog 800-TREKKER. [3]


  1. "How Who are You?" - KTEH TV
  2. "Ace! - the Inside Story of the End of an Era" Sophie Aldred and Mike Tucker
  3. dw_cosplay Eight Breakdown