Cyber-Controller (Supremacy of the Cybermen)

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At the end of the universe, a Cyber-Controller ruled an asteroid colony of Cybermen. In an alternate timeline, Rassilon approached the Cybermen to propose an alliance, but the Cyber-Controller it kept its existence hidden from Rassilon, allowing him to believe he commanded the Cybermen in their alliance to conquer Gallifrey. Eventually, it revealed itself to the Twelfth Doctor after the Cybermen attempted to harvest the Time Lords' regenerative energy, and revealed its plans to rebirth N-Space as the "Age of the Cyberiad". (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)


This Cyber-Controller ruled a remnant force of Cybermen that existed at the end of the universe. When Rassilon, sometime after being exiled from Gallifrey by the Twelfth Doctor, landed his bowship at the Cybermen's asteroid colony, the Cyber-Controller kept its presence unknown to Rassilon as he consulted the Cyber-Leader over his plan to make the Cybermen the dominant species across all of time and space. After Rassilon was converted into the Cyber-President, he assisted the Cybermen in forging the Gallifreyan Cyber Fleet to invade Gallifrey, with a particular focus on the Capitol. While the Cybermen made use of Time Lord technology to gain complete dominance over the past, the Cyber-Controller allowed Rassilon to believe he was in charge until the final stages of the Cybermen's plan were ready to be enacted.

After Rassilon, the Twelfth Doctor and the General arrived at the chamber of the Eye of Harmony, the Cybermen eventually forced all three Time Lords into looms to harvest their regenerative energy. However, the Cyber-Controller then intervened with a new strategy, explaining to the Doctor that the Cybermen intended to ignite the regenerative energy inside the Eye of Harmony at the exact moment the universe would end, rebirthing N-Space as the "Age of the Cyberiad", a reality which would be dominated by an ultimate evolution of Cybermen from its very beginning. Noting that Rassilon's regenerative energy readings were too unstable to complete the Cybermen's plan, the Cyber-Controller ordered the Doctor plugged in as a substitute, the two Time Lords eventually being upgraded.

The Cyber-Controller is destroyed. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)

As the universe began to rapidly collapse, the Cyber-Controller ordered the activation of the Eye of Harmony to create the Cybermen's ultimate reality. However, the stored regenerative energy began flowing backwards. It was then that the Doctor and Rassilon revealed that, despite their conversions, they had retained their consciousnesses and had altered the Eye of Harmony's protocols from within the Cyberiad. With regenerative energy flowing throughout the Cyberiad - which now spanned the whole of history - the Cybermen's conquest of time and space was reversed. The Cyber-Controller, who was directly exposed to the Eye of Harmony, was engulfed in regenerative energy as it screamed in despair, shortly before the timeline reset. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)


The Controller regards Rassilon the "puppet". (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)

Unlike its subordinate Cybermen, this Cyber-Controller did not resemble the Cybermen that evolved from the Cyber Legions and formed the Cyberiad, (PROSE: Ghost in the Machine, TV: Nightmare in Silver) although, like most Cyber-Controllers, its brain was visible through a glass covering on its helmet. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen) The Cyber-Controller, in a similar vein to the Cyber-Controller on Telos in the 25th century of the original timeline, (TV: The Tomb of the Cybermen) lacked side handles on its helmet (possessing a pair of large blank, metal panels where a human's ears would normally be), a chest unit, or any other kind of external bodily components or mechanisms, aside from a thin, vertical oval-shaped electric white light on its chest. Its body was also significantly more muscular than most Cybermen, although not as much as the Cybermen of the Cyber-Earth in this timeline. The Cyber-Controller's face featured bright, white eyes with blue highlights, and lacked the "tear-drop" on the corners that were commonly seen on other Cybermen. Its face also featured a mouth slit.

Notably, this Cyber-Controller's appearance was nearly identical to the ultimate evolution that it envisioned the Cybermen achieving upon creating the "Age of the Cyberiad". However, this Cyberman design lacked the Cyber-Controller's chest light, brain case, or even a traditional Cyber-helmet with side handles; its face also lacked any kind of traditional Cyberman equivalent to a mouth. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)


The Controller anticipates the Age of the Cyberiad. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)

This Cyber-Controller, in similar regards to one Cyber-Controller of the Cyber-Mainframe, (AUDIO: Code Silver, Master of Worlds) was highly arrogant. In particular, it regarded Rassilon, one of the Founding Fathers of Gallifrey and the Lord President of the Time Lords for eons, as "the puppet" in the Cybermen's plans, despite his integral role in the Cybermen's ultimate conquest of time and space. The Cyber-Controller also viewed Rassilon as weak, arguing that the Time Lord was unable to see beyond his ambitions of godhood in the next universe; when Rassilon's regenerative energy readings fluctuated, the Cyber-Controller did not consider him necessary, noting that the Twelfth Doctor was a far more effective substitute in the completion of the Cybermen's plans. In a similar vein to the Neomorph and Isomorph Cyber-Leaders, it proclaimed the word "EXCELLENT" when the Doctor and Rassilon were upgraded.

However, this arrogance proved to be the undoing of the Cybermen's plans for ultimate universal domination. When the Cybermen activated the Eye of Harmony, the Cyber-Controller proudly proclaimed "IT BEGINS!" while standing in a victorious posture; mere seconds later, it screamed in frustration and despair as the Doctor and Rassilon, whose consciousnesses had persisted in a secretive area of the Cyberiad despite their conversions, used the regenerative energy stored in the Eye of Harmony to restore N-Space back to its form prior to Rassilon's post-exile encounter with the Cybermen. As reality was rewritten, the Cyber-Controller strained against the regenerative energy as it incinerated its Cyber-body. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)