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Leela slaps Adelaide


After Rose Tyler returned to Earth in 2006 from a 12-month absence with the Ninth Doctor, the Doctor was slapped in the face by her mother, Jackie Tyler. The Ninth Doctor admitted that the slap caused pain and claimed that in "nine hundred years of time and space" he had never been slapped by someone's mother. (TV: Aliens of London)

After Francine Jones was told the things the Tenth Doctor had done by a mysterious man, she walked up to him and slapped him in the face, telling him to stay away from her daughter, Martha. (TV: The Lazarus Experiment)

Iris Wildthyme slapped a fan when he said she didn't look like Iris. (AUDIO: Wildthyme at Large)

After witnessing her past self shoot the Teselecta fashioned in the likeness of the Eleventh Doctor, River Song slapped a 909 year old version of the Doctor, the Time Lord waving this off as a result of something he'd yet to do. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

When the Eleventh Doctor fought with Mr Clever for control of his body, Clara Oswald would slap him to create a synaptic burst necessary for him to resume control. (TV: Nightmare in Silver) When the Twelfth Doctor later expressed jubilation that Rusty was as evil as any Dalek, she slapped him harder than she'd ever slapped him, to the point that audibly moaned in pain. (TV: Into the Dalek) After their trip to the Moon in 2049, Clara threatened to slap the Doctor so hard that he'd regenerate for withholding the truth about the Moon creature. (TV: Kill the Moon) When the two were enthralled by the dream crabs, she slapped him after he'd badmouthed the late Danny Pink in an attempt to flood her mind with emotion. (TV: Last Christmas)

After Jenny Flint had helped cure him from the effects of Mr. Sweet's toxin, the Eleventh Doctor kissed her who slapped him in response, the Doctor saying it felt good after the toxin's effects. (TV: The Crimson Horror) During the Siege of Trenzalore, when Tasha Lem had been converted into a Dalek puppet, she slapped the Eleventh Doctor for his insulting comments that had generated the anger necessary to break free of the Dalek programming. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Following River Song revealing to Dibbsworth that they were in a miniscope, she slapped him to break his shock. She questioned though if a slap actually did break shock or just something that people did. (AUDIO: Peepshow)