Time War timeline

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"Time War timeline" is a title based upon conjecture.

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In an event contained within the time lock, the Doctor prepares to use the Moment to end the Time War on Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

Following the fall of Gallifrey, the events of the Last Great Time War were time locked and thus isolated in its own "specific timeline". This time lock was intended to ensure that no entity or faction could use time travel technology to revisit the war to alter or otherwise engage with any of the events that had occurred. Such interference was deemed too dangerous, likely to place the integrity of the Time Vortex itself at risk. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

According to some historians, before properly beginning the conflict, the Dalek Emperor led the Dalek Empire out of space and time, going into the Time Vortex to prepare for the War, (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) but another account held that the Daleks only deployed their "awesome fleet" into the Time Vortex when the War finally began. (PROSE: Meet the Doctor) No matter the true circumstances, from the perspective of humanity, the Daleks suddenly disappeared "thousands of years" prior to the Battle of the Game Station in 200,100. As recalled by Jack Harkness, a former Time Agent from the 51st century, the Daleks vanished from time and space at point when they were the "greatest threat in the universe", (TV: The Parting of the Ways) thus ending the Tenth Dalek Occupation. (PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords) The Doctor would later state that the Daleks had "gone off to fight a bigger war", that being the Time War. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)

Dalek Caan, the last survivor of the Cult of Skaro, was able to enter the Time War after initiating an emergency temporal shift, proceeding to rescue Davros from death at the hands of the Nightmare Child. Together, they emerged in the post-Time War universe with Caan being greatly affected both physically and mentally by the ordeal, appearing to have gone insane to observers. Knowing that the "entire war" was time locked, the Tenth Doctor proclaimed Caan's feat to be "impossible" whilst Davros himself deemed it "remarkable" that a "single, simple Dalek" had succeeded where Emperors and Time Lords had failed. (TV: The Stolen Earth)

On the last day of the Time War, Lord President Rassilon and his High Council understood that they were trapped inside the time lock. By transmitting a signal back through time and implanting it within the mind of the Master, who was fated to escape the Time War, the Time Lords had a link to the Saxon Master's location in the post-Time War universe, on Earth on 25 December 2009. By throwing a White-Point Star to Earth, Rassilon made the contact physical, resulting in Gallifrey briefly appearing in the sky above Earth, while Rassilon and a number of Time Lords appeared within the residence of Joshua Naismith. The Tenth Doctor warned that, with the time lock broken, it would enable the "hell" of the Time War to descend into the universe including not only the Daleks but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, Could've Been King with his Army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres. Ultimately, the Tenth Doctor destroyed the star using Wilfred Mott's gun, forcing Rassilon and Gallifrey back into the war. Attacking Rassilon in retaliation for the impact the signal had on his mind throughout his life, the Master too joined the Time Lords in the war. (TV: The End of Time)

Just prior to the fall of Gallifrey, the War Doctor was preparing to use the Moment to end the war when the sentient weapon enabled him to make contact with his future incarnations, the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors in the post-Time War universe. The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, along with Clara Oswald, were allowed to accompany the War Doctor back to the barn on Gallifrey. Knowing that the events were time locked, the Tenth Doctor acknowledged that they should not have been allowed to enter them, with the Eleventh Doctor understanding that they had been let through the time lock. It was after this that the Doctors and Clara decided to change the outcome of the war that they remembered, leading to "all thirteen" incarnations of the Doctor piloting their respective iterations of the TARDIS into Gallifrey's atmosphere as they relocated the planet into a pocket universe. After returning to the National Gallery with his future selves and Clara, the War Doctor took his leave in the TARDIS before regenerating into the Ninth Doctor, losing his memory of saving Gallifrey and so believing that it had been destroyed. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

As the vast majority of the Daleks were destroyed in the fall of Gallifrey, the species was observed to be effectively extinct, with any that remained no longer able to plunder their own past or escape from within the timeline of the war itself. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) However, pockets of Dalek survivors did in fact manage to emerge in the post-Time War universe. The Metaltron, a Dalek veteran of the fall of Arcadia, (PROSE: Dalek) was found by the Ninth Doctor, who surmised that it had fallen through time. (TV: Dalek) The Dalek Emperor, who had survived aboard his ship, recalled he had fallen through time before emerging in the time of the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. (TV: The Parting of the Ways) Elsewhere, the Cult of Skaro had escaped the Time War in a Void Ship known as the Sphere, which was discovered by Torchwood London before opening in 2007. The Tenth Doctor understood that, within the Sphere, one could potentially sit out the end of the universe and the beginning of the next. (TV: Army of Ghosts/Doomsday) Following the fall of the Cruciform, the War Master escaped to the far future, just prior to the end of the universe, where he disguised himself as a human so that he would not be found. (TV: The Sound of Drums) Another Renegade Time Lord, the Monk, fled the Time War and was found by Missy in 16th century England. (AUDIO: Divorced, Beheaded, Regenerated)