Luna University

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You may be looking for Lunar University.

Luna University was a university located on Earth's Moon.


Luna University existed by 2643. (PROSE: Continuity Errors)

The University was infiltrated by two Kovarian, two Silents and two members of the Kovarian Chapter to re-kidnap River Song and use her in their scheme to kill the Eleventh Doctor. (TV: Closing Time)

The Luna University once attempted to recuperate River's student loan. River was the only survivor of the attempt, killing all of the bailiffs that came after her. (AUDIO: Time in a Bottle)



A number of clones (PROSE: Big Bang Generation) of Professor Arthur Candy taught at the University over several centuries. (PROSE: Continuity Errors, AUDIO: Oh No It Isn't!, TV: Let's Kill Hitler) Professor Bernice Summerfield taught archaeology there in the 52nd century. (AUDIO: Lies in Ruins)

Whilst exploring the seas of Titan, the Ninth Doctor provided fake identification, which showed him to be a professor from the Luna University. (AUDIO: The Seas of Titan)


River Song studied archaeology in the 52nd century, in search of the Eleventh Doctor. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler, etc.) To that end, she took Professor Summerfield's classes. (AUDIO: Lies in Ruins) Her peers included Jemima Still, who became a lecturer at the University, and Melak, her future husband. (AUDIO: Time in a Bottle)

In the pre-Last Great Time War timeline, Bliss studied robotics at the University. In the timeline created by Deepa during the Last Great Time War, (AUDIO: State of Bliss, Companion Piece) she studied quantum engineering there instead. (AUDIO: Echoes of War)

Behind the scenes

Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart was a student on a university placed on the moon in the 22nd century, although it is unknown if these two universities are the same. (PROSE: Transit)